Add condition coverage profiling

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State New
Series Add condition coverage profiling |

Commit Message

Jørgen Kvalsvik March 28, 2022, 2:40 p.m. UTC
  On 28/03/2022 15:52, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
> Hello,
> I have made some changes based on the review feedback, please have a look. In
> summary:
> * Support for -profile=atomic
> * gcc -fprofile-conditions does not ICE without -fprofile-arcs
> * Indentation and formatting complies with contrib/GNU_style_check
> * Some small adjustment to documentation, phrasing
> As mentioned in the previous message, I think it should only be necessary to do
> atomic fetch/store on the global accumulators, not the locals (as they are
> specific to the activation record). If is wrong then I have no problems
> extending the atomics to the function-local accumulators too, please let me
> know. I added a simple test case for -profile=update, gcov-20.c.
> I've added checks for profile_condition_flag everywhere the profile_arc_flag is
> checked, as they share the same code paths and infrastructure. I also made it so
> that -fprofile-conditions is sufficient for linking gcov.
> gcc will no longer crash on -fprofile-conditions -fprofile-generate by
> explicitly checking coverage_begin_*. I'm not too happy with how it turned out,
> but the condition coverage needs a lot more analysis before it can write out its
> gcov structure, which doesn't fit with the flow of branch_prob ().
> Thanks,
> Jørgen
> On 25/03/2022 20:44, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
>> Hello, and thanks for the review!
>>> 1) Do I correctly understand that __conditions_accu_true/false track
>>> every short-circuit sub-expression of a condition and record
>>> if a given sub-expr is seen to be true or false?
>> Sort-of. It is not really aware of sub-expressions at all, but tracks every
>> boolean condition/term in the full expression, mapped to a bitvector. I usually
>> find it easier to understand visually:
>> if (a || (b && c) || d)
>> terms | a b c d
>> ------|--------
>> true  | 0 0 0 0
>> false | 0 0 0 0
>> Whenever a = true, true becomes 1000 and false remains 0000. a = true would
>> short-circuit, (implemented as a normal edge to the "exit" node of the
>> expression) leaving bcd unevaluated. Coverage is then determined as the number
>> of unset bits in this vector. The accumulators are zero'd on every function
>> entry, and |= into the global "counter" on function exit.
>>> 2) As mentioned these are bit sets, can you please explain why you (&
>>> -value) from these sets?
>> Yes, excellent question. This should answer 3) too, and is the most surprsing
>> thing when unfamiliar with MC/DC.
>> For modified condition/decision coverage we need to prove that a condition's
>> value independently affects the outcome/decision. In other words, would
>> flipping a condition change the outcome?
>> Let's take your if (a || b) check, which says that 1/4 conditions are covered
>> on (0, 1). If a = 1, the expression is always true, and b is never evaluated.
>> In fact, the value of b does not change the outcome at all, so intuitively only
>> 1/4 of the conditions are covered.
>> On (0, 1) b gets evaluated, so in a way we know that a = 0. However, the value
>> of a will no longer affect the outcome because (* || 1) is always true. In a
>> way, you can think of it as reverse short-circuiting, the same thing would
>> happen on (* && 0). This is what Wahlen, Heimdahl, and De Silva calls masking.
>> What I do is figure out when masking must happen by analyzing the CFG and zero
>> out the bits that are masked (i.e. no longer affect the outcome). This is in
>> practice what happens to the bits when regular short circuiting happen.
>> So while (0, 1) "sees" the condition a = false, it cannot prove that it
>> mattered based on your inputs. In general, you need N+1 test cases to cover N
>> conditionals with MC/DC. As a consequence, the only way of covering a = false
>> is (0, 0), which alone would be 2/4 cases covered.
>> I hope this made it clearer, if not I can write a more elaborate explanation
>> with more examples.
>>> 4) I noticed various CFG patterns in which are handled. Can
>>> you please explain how the algorithm works even without knowing the original
>>> paper?
>> My paper is not written yet, but I will describe the high-level algorithm (+
>> extracts from source comments) at the end of this email, as it is a bit long.
>>> 5) I noticed the following ICE:
>> Yes, this is an unfortunate flaw - I piggyback on the setup done by branch
>> coverage, which means I silently assume --coverage is used. I was unsure what
>> to do (and meant to ask, sorry!) as it is a larger decision - should
>> condition-coverage also imply branch coverage? Should condition coverage work
>> on its own? Other options?
>> I'm happy to implement either strategy - please advise on what you would
>> prefer.
>>> 6) Please follow the GNU coding style, most notable we replace 8 spaces with 
>>> a tab. And we break line before {, (, ... Remove noexcept specifiers for 
>>> functions and I think most of the newly added functions can be static. And 
>>> each newly added function should have a comment.
>> Sure thing, I'll add some tabs. All the helper functions are already static (in
>> an unnamed namespace), but I can remove the namespace and/or add static.
>>> 7) Please consider supporting of -profile-update=atomic where you'll need to
>>> utilize an atomic builts (see how other instrumentation looks like with
>>> it).
>> Will do! I always intended to support the atomics, not having them there is an
>> oversight. To confirm, I will only need to use atomics for the global counters,
>> right? The per-call accumulators are local to each activation record and should
>> not need the atomics, or am I missing something?
>> Phase 1: expression isolation from CFG analysis
>> Break the CFG into smaller pieces ("sections") by splitting it on dominators.
>> No expression can cross a dominator, so becomes a natural way of terminating
>> expression searches.
>> For each section, do a BFS from the root node and collect all reachable nodes
>> following edges that point to "conditional" nodes, i.e. nodes with outgoing
>> true&false edges. Series of single-parent single-exit nodes are contracted.
>> This gives a good estimate for an expression, but might include conditions in
>> the if/else blocks.
>> The algorithm then collects the immediate neighborhood, i.e. all nodes adjacent
>> to the collected set, dropping everything in the set itself. Then, a new BFS is
>> performed, but now "upwards" (i.e. following predecessors), skipping any
>> neighbor not dominated by the root (this eliminates loops and other expressions
>> with the same "exit" block, see BFS-up). The intersection of all the paths
>> found with this BFS is the isolated expression.
>> If the root is not a conditional, it is skipped and it's successor
>> becomes the new root. If an expression is found it has a pair of "expression
>> sucessors", and the algorithm recurses into both, evaluating this sub-section
>> in isolation, i.e.
>> if (a || b) {
>> root:
>>     if (c && d) {
>>         ...
>>     }
>>     ...
>> sink:
>> }
>> The sections between the root and sink labels are evaulated as if the outer
>> expression did not exist.
>> From the comments:
>>     1. Collect all nodes reachable from the root node through (contracted) paths
>>        of true/false edges.
>>     2. Collect the neighbors of the reachable node (set).
>>     3. From every node in the neighborhood, walk the up the CFG and mark every
>>        reachable node. Only the nodes reachable from *every* node in the
>>        neighborhood are a part of the first expression.
>>     4. Record the expression plus the two successors of the last (highest-index)
>>        node in the expression, i.e. the last term.
>>     5. Repeat using the two successors as new root nodes.
>>     It is not guaranteed to find nodes in the order of the expression, i.e. it
>>     might find (a || b) && c as [a c b], so the output is sorted by
>>     basic_block->index.
>>     Steps 2 and 3 are necessary to distinguish chained conditionals from
>>     multi-term conditionals, e.g. to separate
>>         if (a)
>>         {
>>             if (b)
>>                 work ();
>>         }
>>         if (a && b)
>>             work ();
>> On BFS-up:
>>     Either block of a conditional could have more decisions and loops, so
>>     isolate the first decision by set-intersecting all paths from the
>>     post-dominator to the entry block.
>>     The function returns the number of blocks from n that make up the leading
>>     expression in prefix order (i.e. the order expected by the instrumenting
>>     code).  When this function returns 0 there are no decisions between pre and
>>     post, and this segment of the CFG can safely be skipped.
>>     The post nodes can have predecessors that do not belong to this subgraph,
>>     which are skipped.  This is expected, for example when there is a
>>     conditional in the else-block of a larger expression:
>>     if (A)
>>     {
>>        if (B) {}
>>     } else {
>>        if (C) {} else {}
>>     }
>>              A
>>           t / \ f
>>            /   \
>>           B     C
>>          /\    / \
>>         /  \  T   F
>>        T    \  \ /
>>         \   |   o
>>          \  |  /
>>           \ | /
>>            \|/
>>             E
>>     Processing [B, E) which looks like:
>>        B
>>       /|
>>      / |
>>     T  |
>>      \ /
>>       E ----> o // predecessor outside [B, e)
>> Phase 2: Masking vector and instrumentation
>> The input to this phase is the basic blocks that make up every expression, plus
>> its two exit nodes, i.e. the 3-term expression (a || b || c) yields the input
>> [a b c T F] to phase 2.
>> For every expression, allocate two local accumulators (bit-vectors), one for
>> the true-vector, one for the false-vector. These are zero'd on function entry
>> and flushed on function exit.
>> For each "conditional" block (a b c), unconditionally set the corresponding bit
>> when an edge in the CFG is taken. Rough pseudo-gimple illustration:
>> if (a) {
>>     accu_true |= 1 << 0
>>     goto done;
>> } else {
>>     accu_false |= 1 << 0
>>     if (b) {
>>         accu_true |= 1 << 1;
>>         goto done;
>>     } else {
>>         accu_false |= 1 << 1;
>>         ...
>>     }
>> }
>> global_true[expr_n]  |= accu_true
>> global_false[expr_n] |= accu_false
>> This alone would more-or-less be branch coverage, but would not prove that
>> terms would independently decide the outcome. To find masking, the expression
>> is walked in search of triangles. A || B as a decision diagram becomes
>>    A
>>   t|\f
>>    | \
>>    |  B
>>    |t/ \f
>>    |/   \
>>    T     F
>> and we search for triangles like ATB, that is nodes with 2 predecessors with
>> the same boolean value, where the two predecessors are connected with the
>> opposite value. This marks a candidate for masking, and the terms masked are
>> determined by chasing predecessors starting at the top of the triangle for as
>> long as the chain of predecessors have the same truth value as the "exit"
>> edges. This set is often empty.
>> The edge that triggers masking is then instrumented with a accu &= mask which
>> wipes out anything that does not independently affect the outcome. Note that
>> nothing is ever wiped from the global accumulator, only the local. The (a || b)
>> example had a false vector of [1, 0] at some point, but it was wiped by the
>> masking operation (b = 1 is the only masking value for a || b).
>> From the comments:
>>     Scan the blocks that make up an expression and look for conditions that
>>     would mask other conditions.  For a deeper discussion on masking, see
>>     Whalen, Heimdahl, De Silva "Efficient Test Coverage Measurement for MC/DC".
>>     Masking is best illustrated with an example:
>>     A || B.  If B is true then A will does not independently affect the
>>     decision.  In a way, this is "reverse" short circuiting, and always work on
>>     the right-hand side of expressions.  * || true is always true and * &&
>>     false is always false - the left-hand-side does not affect the outcome, and
>>     their values should not contribute to modified condition/decision coverage.
>>     A || B interpreted as a decision diagram becomes:
>>      A
>>     t|\f
>>      | \
>>      |  B
>>      |t/ \f
>>      |/   \
>>      T     F
>>     The algorithm looks for triangles like ATB.  Masking right-hand sides happen
>>     when a block has a pair of incoming edges of the same boolean value, and
>>     there is an edge connecting the two predecessors with the *opposite* boolean
>>     value.  The masking block is B, and the masked block is A.  In this
>>     particular example:
>>     Masking can affect "outside" its own subexpression; in A || (B && C) if C is
>>     false, B is masked.  However, if (B && C) is true, A gets masked.  B && C
>>     can be determined from evaluating C since !B would short-circuit, so a true
>>     C would mask A.
>>      A
>>     t|\f
>>      | \
>>      |  \
>>      |   \
>>      |    B
>>      |  t/ \f
>>      |  C   |
>>      |t/ \f |
>>      |/   \ |
>>      T     F
>>     Notice how BFC forms a triangle.  Expressions masked by an edge are
>>     determined by:
>>     * Go to the predecessor with truth value b (if it exists).
>>     * Follow the path of ancestors with taking only !b edges, recording every
>>       node from here on.
>>     For the case where C can mask A, the path goes C [true]-> B -> [false] A, so
>>     C [true] masks A.
>>     The mask is output as a bit-set stored in a gcov_type_unsigned.  The
>>     bit-sets are output in pairs, one for each decision (the outcome of the
>>     boolean expression, or which arc to take in the CFG).
>> Phase 3: reading the report
>> This is pretty standard gcov stuff, except the "counters" are interpreted as
>> bitsets, and the number of terms in the expressions is stored. Coverage then
>> becomes popcount / expected.
>> Final remarks:
>> Granted, this is a bit dense, but I think the overall approach is easy to grasp
>> when supported by a lot of example graphs and stepping. I will try to type up a
>> bunch with the paper and publish, but for now all I have is the code (which I
>> hope for the most part is easy to follow). I'll update this with style updates
>> and atomics support, but I would prefer a maintainer to make the call if this
>> condition coverage should imply branch coverage, or if it should work without it.
>> Thanks,
>> Jørgen
>> On 24/03/2022 17:08, Martin Liška via Gcc-patches wrote:
>>> On 3/21/22 12:55, Jørgen Kvalsvik via Gcc-patches wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Thanks for very interesting extension of the existing GCOV profiling.
>>> I briefly read the patch and investigated what happens and I've got various
>>> questions/comments about it:
>>> 1) Do I correctly understand that __conditions_accu_true/false track
>>> every short-circuit sub-expression of a condition and record
>>> if a given sub-expr is seen to be true or false?
>>> 2) As mentioned these are bit sets, can you please explain why you (& -value)
>>> from these sets?
>>> 3) I noticed a false report for a simple test-case:
>>> $ cat cond.c
>>> int x;
>>> void foo (int a, int b)
>>> {
>>>      if (a || b)
>>>        x = 1;
>>>      else
>>>        x = 2;
>>> }
>>> int main()
>>> {
>>>    foo (0, 1);
>>>    return 0;
>>> }
>>> $ rm *gcda ; gcc --coverage cond.c -fprofile-conditions && ./a.out && gcov -g -t a-cond.c
>>>          -:    0:Source:cond.c
>>>          -:    0:Graph:a-cond.gcno
>>>          -:    0:Data:a-cond.gcda
>>>          -:    0:Runs:1
>>>          -:    1:int x;
>>>          -:    2:
>>>          1:    3:void foo (int a, int b)
>>>          -:    4:{
>>>          1:    5:    if (a || b)
>>> conditions covered 1/4
>>> condition  0 not covered (true)
>>> condition  0 not covered (false) <-- this was executed if I'm correct
>>> condition  1 not covered (false)
>>>          1:    6:      x = 1;
>>>          -:    7:    else
>>>      #####:    8:      x = 2;
>>>          1:    9:}
>>>          -:   10:
>>>          1:   11:int main()
>>>          -:   12:{
>>>          1:   13:  foo (0, 1);
>>>          1:   14:  return 0;
>>>          -:   15:}
>>> 4) I noticed various CFG patterns in which are handled. Can you please
>>> explain how the algorithm works even without knowing the original paper?
>>> 5) I noticed the following ICE:
>>> $ gcc cond.c -fprofile-conditions -fprofile-generate
>>> during IPA pass: profile
>>> cond.c: In function ?foo?:
>>> cond.c:15:1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
>>>     15 | }
>>>        | ^
>>> 0xf4d64a crash_signal
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> 0x7ffff78b93cf ???
>>> 	/usr/src/debug/glibc-2.35-2.1.x86_64/signal/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/libc_sigaction.c:0
>>> 0x7ffff78f29ed __GI__IO_ftell
>>> 	/usr/src/debug/glibc-2.35-2.1.x86_64/libio/ioftell.c:37
>>> 0xa9dfda gcov_position
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> 0xa9dfda gcov_write_tag(unsigned int)
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> 0xe9734a branch_prob(bool)
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> 0x1032e08 tree_profiling
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> 0x1032e08 execute
>>> 	/home/marxin/Programming/gcc/gcc/
>>> Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source (by using -freport-bug).
>>> Please include the complete backtrace with any bug report.
>>> See <> for instructions.
>>> 6) Please follow the GNU coding style, most notable we replace 8 spaces with a tab.
>>> And we break line before {, (, ... Remove noexcept specifiers for functions and I think
>>> most of the newly added functions can be static. And each newly added function should
>>> have a comment.
>>> 7) Please consider supporting of -profile-update=atomic where you'll need to utilize
>>> an atomic builts (see how other instrumentation looks like with it).
>>> That's the very first round of the review. Hope it's helpful.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>>>> This patch adds support in gcc+gcov for modified condition/decision
>>>> coverage (MC/DC) with the -fprofile-conditions flag. MC/DC is a type of
>>>> test/code coverage, and it is particularly important in the avation and
>>>> automotive industries for safety-critical applications. In particular,
>>>> it is required or recommended by:
>>>>      * DO-178C for the most critical software (Level A) in avionics
>>>>      * IEC 61508 for SIL 4
>>>>      * ISO 26262-6 for ASIL D
>>>>  From the SQLite webpage:
>>>>      Two methods of measuring test coverage were described above:
>>>>      "statement" and "branch" coverage. There are many other test
>>>>      coverage metrics besides these two. Another popular metric is
>>>>      "Modified Condition/Decision Coverage" or MC/DC. Wikipedia defines
>>>>      MC/DC as follows:
>>>>          * Each decision tries every possible outcome.
>>>>          * Each condition in a decision takes on every possible outcome.
>>>>          * Each entry and exit point is invoked.
>>>>          * Each condition in a decision is shown to independently affect
>>>>            the outcome of the decision.
>>>>      In the C programming language where && and || are "short-circuit"
>>>>      operators, MC/DC and branch coverage are very nearly the same thing.
>>>>      The primary difference is in boolean vector tests. One can test for
>>>>      any of several bits in bit-vector and still obtain 100% branch test
>>>>      coverage even though the second element of MC/DC - the requirement
>>>>      that each condition in a decision take on every possible outcome -
>>>>      might not be satisfied.
>>>> Wahlen, Heimdahl, and De Silva "Efficient Test Coverage Measurement for
>>>> MC/DC" describes an algorithm for adding instrumentation by carrying
>>>> over information from the AST, but my algorithm does analysis on the
>>>> control flow graph. This should make it work for any language gcc
>>>> supports, although I have only tested it on constructs in C and C++, see
>>>> testsuite/gcc.misc-tests and testsuite/g++.dg.
>>>> Like Wahlen et al this implementation uses bitsets to store conditions,
>>>> which gcov later interprets. This is very fast, but introduces an max
>>>> limit for the number of terms in a single boolean expression. This limit
>>>> is the number of bits in a gcov_unsigned_type (which is typedef'd to
>>>> uint64_t), so for most practical purposes this would be acceptable.
>>>> limitation can be relaxed with a more sophisticated way of storing and
>>>> updating bitsets (for example length-encoding).
>>>> In action it looks pretty similar to the branch coverage. The -g short
>>>> opt carries no significance, but was chosen because it was an available
>>>> option with the upper-case free too.
>>>> gcov --conditions:
>>>>          3:   17:void fn (int a, int b, int c, int d) {
>>>>          3:   18:    if ((a && (b || c)) && d)
>>>> conditions covered 5/8
>>>> condition  1 not covered (false)
>>>> condition  2 not covered (true)
>>>> condition  2 not covered (false)
>>>>          1:   19:        x = 1;
>>>>          -:   20:    else
>>>>          2:   21:        x = 2;
>>>>          3:   22:}
>>>> gcov --conditions --json-format:
>>>>      "conditions": [
>>>>          {
>>>>              "not_covered_false": [
>>>>                  1,
>>>>                  2
>>>>              ],
>>>>              "count": 8,
>>>>              "covered": 5,
>>>>              "not_covered_true": [
>>>>                  2
>>>>              ]
>>>>          }
>>>>      ],
>>>> C++ destructors will add extra conditionals that are not explicitly
>>>> present in source code. These are present in the CFG, which means the
>>>> condition coverage will show them.
>>>> gcov --conditions
>>>>          -:    5:struct A {
>>>>          1:    6:    explicit A (int x) : v (x) {}
>>>>          1:    7:    operator bool () const { return bool(v); }
>>>>          1:    8:    ~A() {}
>>>>          -:    9:
>>>>          -:   10:    int v;
>>>>          -:   11:};
>>>>          -:   12:
>>>>          2:   13:void fn (int a, int b) {
>>>>         2*:   14:    x = a && A(b);
>>>> conditions covered 2/4
>>>> condition  0 not covered (true)
>>>> condition  1 not covered (true)
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>> They are also reported by the branch coverage.
>>>> gcov -bc
>>>>         2*:   14:    x = a && A(b);
>>>> branch  0 taken 1 (fallthrough)
>>>> branch  1 taken 1
>>>> call    2 returned 1
>>>> call    3 returned 1
>>>> branch  4 taken 0 (fallthrough)
>>>> branch  5 taken 1
>>>> branch  6 taken 1 (fallthrough)
>>>> branch  7 taken 1
>>>> The algorithm struggles in a particular case where gcc would generate
>>>> identical CFGs for different expressions:
>>>> and.c:
>>>>      if (a && b && c)
>>>>          x = 1;
>>>> ifs.c:
>>>>      if (a)
>>>>          if (b)
>>>>              if (c)
>>>>                  x = 1;
>>>>      if (a && b && c)
>>>>          x = 1;
>>>> and.c.gcov:
>>>>              #####:    2:    if (a && b && c)
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>>      #####:    3:        x = 1;
>>>> ifs.c.gcov:
>>>>      #####:    2:    if (a)
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>>      #####:    3:   2    if (b)
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>>      #####:    4:   2        if (c)
>>>> conditions covered 2/2
>>>>      #####:    5:                x = 1;
>>>> These programs are semantically equivalent, and are interpreted as 3
>>>> separate conditional expressions. It does not matter w.r.t. coverage,
>>>> but is not ideal. Adding an else to and.c fixes the issue:
>>>>      #####:    2:    if (a && b && c)
>>>> conditions covered 6/6
>>>>      #####:    3:        x = 1;
>>>>      #####:    4:    else x = x;
>>>> In the (a && b && c) case the else block must be shared between all
>>>> three conditionals, and for if (a) if (b) if (c) there would be three
>>>> *separate* else blocks.
>>>> Since the algorithm works on CFGs, it cannot detect conditionals (from
>>>> ternaries) that don't get an entry in the cfg. For example,
>>>> int x = a ? 0 : 1 in gimple becomes _x = (_a == 0). From source you
>>>> would expect coverage, but it gets neither branch nor condition
>>>> coverage. For completeness, it could be achieved by scanning all gimple
>>>> statements for comparisons, and insert an extra instruction for
>>>> recording the outcome.
>>>> The test suite consists of all different CFG kinds and control flow
>>>> structures I could find, but there is certainly room for many more.
>>>> Alternative email: Jørgen Kvalsvik <>
>>>> --
>>>> Some final remarks (not a part of the commit message), this is written in a C++ style that I felt meshed well with what was already there, but if the maintainers would prefer a different approach then I'm happy to to make adjustments. I plan to write a more thorough description of the algorithm, as well as adding the same feature to clang as it is very useful for us at Woven Planet.
>>>> I tried to pick flag names and options that were comfortable and descriptive, but if you have better names or different ideas for flags then I am happy to change them. The --coverage flag was not changed to imply -fprofile-conditions, but it is possibly something to consider.
>>>> gcc/ChangeLog:
>>>> 	* common.opt: Add new options -fprofile-conditions and
>>>> 	-Wcoverage-too-many-conditions.
>>>> 	* doc/gcov.texi: Add --conditions documentation.
>>>> 	* doc/invoke.texi: Add -fprofile-conditions documentation.
>>>> 	* gcov-counter.def (GCOV_COUNTER_CONDS): New.
>>>> 	* gcov-io.h (GCOV_TAG_CONDS): New.
>>>> 	(GCOV_TAG_CONDS_LENGTH): Likewise.
>>>> 	(GCOV_TAG_CONDS_NUM): Likewise.
>>>> 	* (class condition_info): New.
>>>> 	(condition_info::condition_info): New.
>>>> 	(condition_info::popcount): New.
>>>> 	(struct coverage_info): New.
>>>> 	(add_condition_counts): New.
>>>> 	(output_conditions): New.
>>>> 	(print_usage): Add -g, --conditions.
>>>> 	(process_args): Likewise.
>>>> 	(output_intermediate_json_line): Output conditions.
>>>> 	(read_graph_file): Read conditions counters.
>>>> 	(read_count_file): Read conditions counters.
>>>> 	(file_summary): Print conditions.
>>>> 	(accumulate_line_info): Accumulate conditions.
>>>> 	(output_line_details): Print conditions.
>>>> 	* (find_conditions): New declaration.
>>>> 	(instrument_decisions): New declaration.
>>>> 	(branch_prob): Call find_conditions, instrument_decisions.
>>>> 	(init_branch_prob): Add total_num_conds.
>>>> 	(end_branch_prob): Likewise.
>>>> 	* (INCLUDE_ALGORITHM): Define.
>>>> 	(struct conds_ctx): New.
>>>> 	(index_of): New.
>>>> 	(index_lt): New.
>>>> 	(single): New.
>>>> 	(single_edge): New.
>>>> 	(contract_edge): New.
>>>> 	(contract_edge_up): New.
>>>> 	(is_conditional_p): New.
>>>> 	(collect_neighbors): New.
>>>> 	(find_first_conditional): New.
>>>> 	(emit_bitwise_op): New.
>>>> 	(collect_conditions): New.
>>>> 	(find_conditions): New.
>>>> 	(instrument_decisions): New.
>>>> gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog:
>>>> 	* lib/gcov.exp:
>>>> 	* g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C: New test.
>>>> 	* gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c: New test.
>>>> ---
>>>>   gcc/common.opt                         |   8 +
>>>>   gcc/doc/gcov.texi                      |  36 ++
>>>>   gcc/doc/invoke.texi                    |  19 +
>>>>   gcc/gcov-counter.def                   |   3 +
>>>>   gcc/gcov-io.h                          |   3 +
>>>>   gcc/                            | 177 +++++-
>>>>   gcc/                         |  51 +-
>>>>   gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C    | 209 ++++++
>>>>   gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c | 726 +++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>   gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp             | 187 +++++-
>>>>   gcc/                    | 838 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>   11 files changed, 2248 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
>>>>   create mode 100644 gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C
>>>>   create mode 100644 gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c

... And with another tiny change that fixes Martin's while (1); case.
From 6d87b1bede67ef1973fd65f357e244429bd1a38a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B8rgen=20Kvalsvik?=
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:49:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add condition coverage profiling
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

This patch adds support in gcc+gcov for modified condition/decision
coverage (MC/DC) with the -fprofile-conditions flag. MC/DC is a type of
test/code coverage, and it is particularly important in the avation and
automotive industries for safety-critical applications. In particular,
it is required or recommended by:

    * DO-178C for the most critical software (Level A) in avionics
    * IEC 61508 for SIL 4
    * ISO 26262-6 for ASIL D

From the SQLite webpage:

    Two methods of measuring test coverage were described above:
    "statement" and "branch" coverage. There are many other test
    coverage metrics besides these two. Another popular metric is
    "Modified Condition/Decision Coverage" or MC/DC. Wikipedia defines
    MC/DC as follows:

        * Each decision tries every possible outcome.
        * Each condition in a decision takes on every possible outcome.
        * Each entry and exit point is invoked.
        * Each condition in a decision is shown to independently affect
          the outcome of the decision.

    In the C programming language where && and || are "short-circuit"
    operators, MC/DC and branch coverage are very nearly the same thing.
    The primary difference is in boolean vector tests. One can test for
    any of several bits in bit-vector and still obtain 100% branch test
    coverage even though the second element of MC/DC - the requirement
    that each condition in a decision take on every possible outcome -
    might not be satisfied.

Wahlen, Heimdahl, and De Silva "Efficient Test Coverage Measurement for
MC/DC" describes an algorithm for adding instrumentation by carrying
over information from the AST, but my algorithm does analysis on the
control flow graph. This should make it work for any language gcc
supports, although I have only tested it on constructs in C and C++, see
testsuite/gcc.misc-tests and testsuite/g++.dg.

Like Wahlen et al this implementation uses bitsets to store conditions,
which gcov later interprets. This is very fast, but introduces an max
limit for the number of terms in a single boolean expression. This limit
is the number of bits in a gcov_unsigned_type (which is typedef'd to
uint64_t), so for most practical purposes this would be acceptable.
limitation can be relaxed with a more sophisticated way of storing and
updating bitsets (for example length-encoding).

In action it looks pretty similar to the branch coverage. The -g short
opt carries no significance, but was chosen because it was an available
option with the upper-case free too.

gcov --conditions:

        3:   17:void fn (int a, int b, int c, int d) {
        3:   18:    if ((a && (b || c)) && d)
conditions covered 5/8
condition  1 not covered (false)
condition  2 not covered (true)
condition  2 not covered (false)
        1:   19:        x = 1;
        -:   20:    else
        2:   21:        x = 2;
        3:   22:}

gcov --conditions --json-format:

    "conditions": [
            "not_covered_false": [
            "count": 8,
            "covered": 5,
            "not_covered_true": [

C++ destructors will add extra conditionals that are not explicitly
present in source code. These are present in the CFG, which means the
condition coverage will show them.

gcov --conditions

        -:    5:struct A {
        1:    6:    explicit A (int x) : v (x) {}
        1:    7:    operator bool () const { return bool(v); }
        1:    8:    ~A() {}
        -:    9:
        -:   10:    int v;
        -:   11:};
        -:   12:
        2:   13:void fn (int a, int b) {
       2*:   14:    x = a && A(b);
conditions covered 2/4
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  1 not covered (true)
conditions covered 2/2

They are also reported by the branch coverage.

gcov -bc

       2*:   14:    x = a && A(b);
branch  0 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch  1 taken 1
call    2 returned 1
call    3 returned 1
branch  4 taken 0 (fallthrough)
branch  5 taken 1
branch  6 taken 1 (fallthrough)
branch  7 taken 1

The algorithm struggles in a particular case where gcc would generate
identical CFGs for different expressions:


    if (a && b && c)
        x = 1;


    if (a)
        if (b)
            if (c)
                x = 1;

    if (a && b && c)
        x = 1;


            #####:    2:    if (a && b && c)
conditions covered 2/2
conditions covered 2/2
conditions covered 2/2
    #####:    3:        x = 1;

    #####:    2:    if (a)
conditions covered 2/2
    #####:    3:   2    if (b)
conditions covered 2/2
    #####:    4:   2        if (c)
conditions covered 2/2
    #####:    5:                x = 1;

These programs are semantically equivalent, and are interpreted as 3
separate conditional expressions. It does not matter w.r.t. coverage,
but is not ideal. Adding an else to and.c fixes the issue:

    #####:    2:    if (a && b && c)
conditions covered 6/6
    #####:    3:        x = 1;
    #####:    4:    else x = x;

In the (a && b && c) case the else block must be shared between all
three conditionals, and for if (a) if (b) if (c) there would be three
*separate* else blocks.

Since the algorithm works on CFGs, it cannot detect conditionals (from
ternaries) that don't get an entry in the cfg. For example,
int x = a ? 0 : 1 in gimple becomes _x = (_a == 0). From source you
would expect coverage, but it gets neither branch nor condition
coverage. For completeness, it could be achieved by scanning all gimple
statements for comparisons, and insert an extra instruction for
recording the outcome.

The test suite consists of all different CFG kinds and control flow
structures I could find, but there is certainly room for many more.

Alternative email: Jørgen Kvalsvik <>


	* (expand_builtin_fork_or_exec): Check
	* common.opt: Add new options -fprofile-conditions and
	* doc/gcov.texi: Add --conditions documentation.
	* doc/invoke.texi: Add -fprofile-conditions documentation.
	* Link gcov on -fprofile-conditions.
	* gcov-counter.def (GCOV_COUNTER_CONDS): New.
	* gcov-io.h (GCOV_TAG_CONDS): New.
	(GCOV_TAG_CONDS_NUM): Likewise.
	* (class condition_info): New.
	(condition_info::condition_info): New.
	(condition_info::popcount): New.
	(struct coverage_info): New.
	(add_condition_counts): New.
	(output_conditions): New.
	(print_usage): Add -g, --conditions.
	(process_args): Likewise.
	(output_intermediate_json_line): Output conditions.
	(read_graph_file): Read conditions counters.
	(read_count_file): Read conditions counters.
	(file_summary): Print conditions.
	(accumulate_line_info): Accumulate conditions.
	(output_line_details): Print conditions.
	* (can_early_inline_edge_p): Check
	* (pass_split_functions::gate): Likewise.
	* (finish_optimization_passes): Likewise.
	* (find_conditions): New declaration.
	(instrument_decisions): New declaration.
	(branch_prob): Call find_conditions, instrument_decisions.
	(init_branch_prob): Add total_num_conds.
	(end_branch_prob): Likewise.
	(struct conds_ctx): New.
	(index_of): New.
	(index_lt): New.
	(single): New.
	(single_edge): New.
	(contract_edge): New.
	(contract_edge_up): New.
	(is_conditional_p): New.
	(collect_neighbors): New.
	(find_first_conditional): New.
	(emit_bitwise_op): New.
	(collect_conditions): New.
	(find_conditions): New.
	(instrument_decisions): New.
	(pass_ipa_tree_profile::gate): Check profile_condition_flag.


	* lib/gcov.exp: Add condition coverage test function.
	* g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C: New test.
	* gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c: New test.
	* gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c: New test.
 gcc/                        |   2 +-
 gcc/common.opt                         |   8 +
 gcc/doc/gcov.texi                      |  36 +
 gcc/doc/invoke.texi                    |  19 +
 gcc/                             |   2 +-
 gcc/gcov-counter.def                   |   3 +
 gcc/gcov-io.h                          |   3 +
 gcc/                            | 193 +++++-
 gcc/                      |   2 +-
 gcc/                       |   3 +-
 gcc/                          |   3 +-
 gcc/                         |  72 +-
 gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C    | 227 +++++++
 gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c | 735 +++++++++++++++++++++
 gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c |  21 +
 gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp             | 187 +++++-
 gcc/                    | 882 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 17 files changed, 2373 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C
 create mode 100644 gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c
 create mode 100644 gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c


Martin Liška April 7, 2022, 12:04 p.m. UTC | #1
On 3/28/22 16:40, Jørgen Kvalsvik via Gcc-patches wrote:
> ... And with another tiny change that fixes Martin's while (1); case.


Back to this ;) Thank you for the updated version of the patch. I have a couple of comments/requests:

1) I noticed the following cannot be linked:

$ cat errors.C
char trim_filename_name;
int r;

void trim_filename() {
   if (trim_filename_name)
     r = 123;
   while (trim_filename_name)

main() {}

$ g++ errors.C -fprofile-conditions -O2
mold: error: undefined symbol: /tmp/ccmZANB5.o: __gcov8._Z13trim_filenamev
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Btw. how much have you tested the patch set so far? Have you tried building something bigger
with -fprofile-conditions enabled?

2) As noticed by Sebastian, please support the new tag in gcov-dump:

$ gcov-dump -l a.gcno
a.gcno:    01450000:  28:LINES
a.gcno:                  block 7:`a.c':11
a.gcno:    01470000:   8:UNKNOWN

3) Then I have some top-level formatting comments:

a) please re-run, I still see:
=== ERROR type #1: blocks of 8 spaces should be replaced with tabs (35 error(s)) ===

b) write comments for each newly added function (and separate it by one empty line from
the function definition)

c) do not create visual alignment, we don't use it:

+       cond->set ("count",   new json::integer_number (count));
+       cond->set ("covered", new json::integer_number (covered));

and similar examples

d) finish multiple comments after a dot on the same line:

+    /* Number of expressions found - this value is the number of entries in the
+       gcov output and the parameter to gcov_counter_alloc ().
+       */

should be ... gcov_counter_alloc ().  */

e) for long lines with a function call like:

+           const int n = find_conditions_masked_by
+               (block, expr, flags + k, path, CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS);

do rather
const int n
   = find_conditions_masked_by (block, expr,
                                next_arg, ...);

f) for function params:

+collect_reachable_conditionals (
+    basic_block pre,
+    basic_block post,
+    basic_block *out,
+    int maxsize,
+    sbitmap expr)

use rather:

collect_reachable_conditionals (basic_block pre,

In the next round, I'm going to take a look at the CFG algorithm that identifies
and instruments the sub-expressions.


Sebastian Huber April 7, 2022, 4:53 p.m. UTC | #2
Hello Jørgen,

there could be an issue with conditions in for loops:

         3:  189:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
branch  0 taken 2
branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 0/2
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  0 not covered (false)
Jørgen Kvalsvik April 8, 2022, 7:28 a.m. UTC | #3
On 07/04/2022 18:53, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Hello Jørgen,
> there could be an issue with conditions in for loops:
>         3:  189:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
> branch  0 taken 2
> branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
> conditions covered 0/2
> condition  0 not covered (true)
> condition  0 not covered (false)


Thanks, I'll have a look at it. There should be a for loop in the test suite,
but I'll add this exact example and see if I can reproduce it. This should
obviously be 100% covered.
Jørgen Kvalsvik April 8, 2022, 7:33 a.m. UTC | #4
On 08/04/2022 09:28, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
> On 07/04/2022 18:53, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> Hello Jørgen,
>> there could be an issue with conditions in for loops:
>>         3:  189:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
>> branch  0 taken 2
>> branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
>> conditions covered 0/2
>> condition  0 not covered (true)
>> condition  0 not covered (false)
> Hello,
> Thanks, I'll have a look at it. There should be a for loop in the test suite,
> but I'll add this exact example and see if I can reproduce it. This should
> obviously be 100% covered.


I added this exact example to the test suite, but it reports 2/2 for me (linux
amd64). Do you have a very different system, and what flags did you use?

Sebastian Huber April 8, 2022, 8:50 a.m. UTC | #5
On 08/04/2022 09:33, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
> On 08/04/2022 09:28, Jørgen Kvalsvik wrote:
>> On 07/04/2022 18:53, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>> Hello Jørgen,
>>> there could be an issue with conditions in for loops:
>>>          3:  189:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
>>> branch  0 taken 2
>>> branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
>>> conditions covered 0/2
>>> condition  0 not covered (true)
>>> condition  0 not covered (false)
>> Hello,
>> Thanks, I'll have a look at it. There should be a for loop in the test suite,
>> but I'll add this exact example and see if I can reproduce it. This should
>> obviously be 100% covered.
> Sebastian,
> I added this exact example to the test suite, but it reports 2/2 for me (linux
> amd64). Do you have a very different system, and what flags did you use?

Thanks for having a look at this. My setup is a bit more complicated. I 
use an arm cross compiler and run an application on a simulator (Qemu). 
The *.gcda files are created by gcov-tool. It is probably an issue with 
my setup, so maybe we should ignore this issue at the moment.

When I move the code to a separate translation unit:

#include <stdio.h>

static __attribute__((__noinline__)) int f(int a, int b, int c, int d)
   if (a || (b && c) || d) {
     return 1;
   } else {
     return 2;

void test(void)
   for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
     for (int b = 0; b <= 1; ++b) {
       for (int c = 0; c <= 1; ++c) {
         for (int d = 0; d <= 1; ++d) {
           printf("%i\n", f(a, b, c, d));

I get the right report:

         -:    0:Source:conds.c
         -:    0:Graph:b-xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu/conds.gcno
         -:    0:Data:b-xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu/conds.gcda
         -:    0:Runs:0
         -:    1:#include <stdio.h>
         -:    2:
function f called 16 returned 100% blocks executed 100%
        16:    3:static __attribute__((__noinline__)) int f(int a, int 
b, int c, int d)
         -:    4:{
        16:    5:  if (a || (b && c) || d) {
branch  0 taken 8 (fallthrough)
branch  1 taken 8
branch  2 taken 4 (fallthrough)
branch  3 taken 4
branch  4 taken 2 (fallthrough)
branch  5 taken 2
branch  6 taken 3 (fallthrough)
branch  7 taken 3
conditions covered 8/8
        13:    6:    return 1;
         -:    7:  } else {
         3:    8:    return 2;
         -:    9:  }
         -:   10:}
         -:   11:
function test called 1 returned 100% blocks executed 100%
         1:   12:void test(void)
         -:   13:{
         3:   14:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
branch  0 taken 2
branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 2/2
         6:   15:    for (int b = 0; b <= 1; ++b) {
branch  0 taken 4
branch  1 taken 2 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 2/2
        12:   16:      for (int c = 0; c <= 1; ++c) {
branch  0 taken 8
branch  1 taken 4 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 2/2
        24:   17:        for (int d = 0; d <= 1; ++d) {
branch  0 taken 16
branch  1 taken 8 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 2/2
        16:   18:          printf("%i\n", f(a, b, c, d));
call    0 returned 16
call    1 returned 16
         -:   19:        }
         -:   20:      }
         -:   21:    }
         -:   22:  }
         1:   23:}

For exactly the same code in another translation unit with more other 
code I get this report:

function f called 16 returned 100% blocks executed 100%
        16:  172:static __attribute__((__noinline__)) int f(int a, int 
b, int c, int d)
         -:  173:{
        16:  174:  if (a || (b && c) || d) {
branch  0 taken 8 (fallthrough)
branch  1 taken 8
branch  2 taken 4 (fallthrough)
branch  3 taken 4
branch  4 taken 2 (fallthrough)
branch  5 taken 2
branch  6 taken 3 (fallthrough)
branch  7 taken 3
conditions covered 8/8
        13:  175:    return 1;
         -:  176:  } else {
         3:  177:    return 2;
         -:  178:  }
         -:  179:}
         -:  180:
function Init called 1 returned 0% blocks executed 93%
         1:  181:static void Init( rtems_task_argument arg )
         -:  182:{
         -:  183:  struct ethernetif ethif;
         -:  184:  struct netif *netif;
         -:  185:
         -:  186:  (void) arg;
         1:  187:  netif = &ethif.netif;
         -:  188:
         3:  189:  for (int a = 0; a <= 1; ++a) {
branch  0 taken 2
branch  1 taken 1 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 0/2
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  0 not covered (false)
         6:  190:    for (int b = 0; b <= 1; ++b) {
branch  0 taken 4
branch  1 taken 2 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 0/2
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  0 not covered (false)
        12:  191:      for (int c = 0; c <= 1; ++c) {
branch  0 taken 8
branch  1 taken 4 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 0/2
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  0 not covered (false)
        24:  192:        for (int d = 0; d <= 1; ++d) {
branch  0 taken 16
branch  1 taken 8 (fallthrough)
conditions covered 0/2
condition  0 not covered (true)
condition  0 not covered (false)
        16:  193:          printf("%i\n", f(a, b, c, d));
call    0 returned 16
call    1 returned 16
         -:  194:        }
         -:  195:      }
         -:  196:    }
         -:  197:  }
         1:  198:  test();
call    0 returned 1
Jørgen Kvalsvik April 19, 2022, 2:22 p.m. UTC | #6
On 07/04/2022 14:04, Martin Liška wrote:
> On 3/28/22 16:40, Jørgen Kvalsvik via Gcc-patches wrote:
>> ... And with another tiny change that fixes Martin's while (1); case.
> Hello.
> Back to this ;) Thank you for the updated version of the patch. I have a couple
> of comments/requests:

Sorry for the late response, this email was eaten by spam filtering for some reason.

> 1) I noticed the following cannot be linked:
> $ cat errors.C
> char trim_filename_name;
> int r;
> void trim_filename() {
>   if (trim_filename_name)
>     r = 123;
>   while (trim_filename_name)
>     ;
> }
> int
> main() {}
> $ g++ errors.C -fprofile-conditions -O2
> mold: error: undefined symbol: /tmp/ccmZANB5.o: __gcov8._Z13trim_filenamev
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I was able to reproduce this, and I think I have it fixed (that is, I cannot
reproduce it anymore). I looks like the counters were allocated, but never used
in the absence of an output file. I changed it so that the writes are guarded
behind an output check and the counter instrumentation is unconditional which
makes it go away.

The coverage data dependencies are more interleaved (at least currently) than
all the other counters, which makes the flow awkward. I am not convinced a
proper fix is actually worth it, or if anything it would be an separate next step.

> Btw. how much have you tested the patch set so far? Have you tried building
> something bigger
> with -fprofile-conditions enabled?

My own test suite plus zlib, and it looks like linux is compiling fine. I
haven't rigorously studied the _output_ in these projects yet, and it is very
time consuming without a benchmark.

> 2) As noticed by Sebastian, please support the new tag in gcov-dump:
> $ gcov-dump -l a.gcno
> ...
> a.gcno:    01450000:  28:LINES
> a.gcno:                  block 7:`a.c':11
> a.gcno:    01470000:   8:UNKNOWN

Will do.

> 3) Then I have some top-level formatting comments:
> a) please re-run, I still see:
> === ERROR type #1: blocks of 8 spaces should be replaced with tabs (35 error(s))
> ===
> ...
> b) write comments for each newly added function (and separate it by one empty
> line from
> the function definition)
> c) do not create visual alignment, we don't use it:
> +       cond->set ("count",   new json::integer_number (count));
> +       cond->set ("covered", new json::integer_number (covered));
> and similar examples
> d) finish multiple comments after a dot on the same line:
> +    /* Number of expressions found - this value is the number of entries in the
> +       gcov output and the parameter to gcov_counter_alloc ().
> +       */
> should be ... gcov_counter_alloc ().  */
> e) for long lines with a function call like:
> +           const int n = find_conditions_masked_by
> +               (block, expr, flags + k, path, CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS);
> do rather
> const int n
>   = find_conditions_masked_by (block, expr,
>                                next_arg, ...);
> f) for function params:
> +int
> +collect_reachable_conditionals (
> +    basic_block pre,
> +    basic_block post,
> +    basic_block *out,
> +    int maxsize,
> +    sbitmap expr)
> use rather:
> int
> collect_reachable_conditionals (basic_block pre,
>                                 second_arg,...

Consider it done for the next revision.

> In the next round, I'm going to take a look at the CFG algorithm that identifies
> and instruments the sub-expressions.

Thank you.


diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 4c6c2939053..669936ef7b6 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -5569,7 +5569,7 @@  expand_builtin_fork_or_exec (tree fn, tree exp, rtx target, int ignore)
   tree call;
   /* If we are not profiling, just call the function.  */
-  if (!profile_arc_flag)
+  if (!profile_arc_flag && !profile_condition_flag)
     return NULL_RTX;
   /* Otherwise call the wrapper.  This should be equivalent for the rest of
diff --git a/gcc/common.opt b/gcc/common.opt
index 8b6513de47c..2afe4384d9d 100644
--- a/gcc/common.opt
+++ b/gcc/common.opt
@@ -861,6 +861,10 @@  Wcoverage-invalid-line-number
 Common Var(warn_coverage_invalid_linenum) Init(1) Warning
 Warn in case a function ends earlier than it begins due to an invalid linenum macros.
+Common Var(warn_too_many_conditions) Init(1) Warning
+Warn when a conditional has too many terms and coverage gives up.
 Common Var(warn_missing_profile) Init(1) Warning
 Warn in case profiles in -fprofile-use do not exist.
@@ -2290,6 +2294,10 @@  fprofile-arcs
 Common Var(profile_arc_flag)
 Insert arc-based program profiling code.
+Common Var(profile_condition_flag)
+Insert condition coverage profiling code.
 Common Joined RejectNegative Var(profile_data_prefix)
 Set the top-level directory for storing the profile data.
diff --git a/gcc/doc/gcov.texi b/gcc/doc/gcov.texi
index fc39da0f02d..a85b7f09769 100644
--- a/gcc/doc/gcov.texi
+++ b/gcc/doc/gcov.texi
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@  gcov [@option{-v}|@option{--version}] [@option{-h}|@option{--help}]
+     [@option{-g}|@option{--conditions}]
@@ -167,6 +168,13 @@  be shown, unless the @option{-u} option is given.
 Write branch frequencies as the number of branches taken, rather than
 the percentage of branches taken.
+@item -g
+@itemx --conditions
+Write condition coverage to the output file, and write condition summary info
+to the standard output.  This option allows you to see if the conditions in
+your program at least once had an independent effect on the outcome of the
+boolean expression (modified condition/decision coverage).
 @item -d
 @itemx --display-progress
 Display the progress on the standard output.
@@ -291,6 +299,7 @@  Each @var{line} has the following form:
   "branches": ["$branch"],
   "count": 2,
+  "conditions": ["$condition"],
   "line_number": 15,
   "unexecuted_block": false,
   "function_name": "foo",
@@ -339,6 +348,33 @@  Fields of the @var{branch} element have following semantics:
 @var{throw}: true when the branch is an exceptional branch
 @end itemize
+Each @var{condition} element have the following semantics:
+  "count": 4,
+  "covered": 2,
+  "not_covered_false": [],
+  "not_covered_true": [0, 1],
+@end smallexample
+Fields of the @var{condition} element have following semantics:
+@itemize @bullet
+@var{count}: number of conditions in this expression
+@var{covered}: number of covered conditions in this expression
+@var{not_covered_true}: terms, by index, not seen as true in this expression
+@var{not_covered_false}: terms, by index, not seen as false in this expression
+@end itemize
 @item -H
 @itemx --human-readable
 Write counts in human readable format (like 24.6k).
diff --git a/gcc/doc/invoke.texi b/gcc/doc/invoke.texi
index e3f2e82cde5..0e24e43ca42 100644
--- a/gcc/doc/invoke.texi
+++ b/gcc/doc/invoke.texi
@@ -594,6 +594,7 @@  Objective-C and Objective-C++ Dialects}.
 @item Program Instrumentation Options
 @xref{Instrumentation Options,,Program Instrumentation Options}.
 @gccoptlist{-p  -pg  -fprofile-arcs  --coverage  -ftest-coverage @gol
+-fprofile-conditions @gol
 -fprofile-abs-path @gol
 -fprofile-dir=@var{path}  -fprofile-generate  -fprofile-generate=@var{path} @gol
 -fprofile-info-section  -fprofile-info-section=@var{name} @gol
@@ -6020,6 +6021,13 @@  error.  @option{-Wno-coverage-invalid-line-number} can be used to disable the
 warning or @option{-Wno-error=coverage-invalid-line-number} can be used to
 disable the error.
+@item -Wno-coverage-too-many-conditions
+@opindex Wno-coverage-too-many-conditions
+@opindex Wcoverage-too-many-conditions
+Warn in case a condition have too many terms and GCC gives up coverage.
+Coverage is given up when there are more terms in the conditional than there
+are bits in a @code{gcov_type_unsigned}.  This warning is enabled by default.
 @item -Wno-cpp @r{(C, Objective-C, C++, Objective-C++ and Fortran only)}
 @opindex Wno-cpp
 @opindex Wcpp
@@ -15271,6 +15279,13 @@  E.g. @code{gcc a.c b.c -o binary} would generate @file{binary-a.gcda} and
+@item -fprofile-conditions
+@opindex fprofile-conditions
+Add code so that program conditions are instrumented.  During execution the
+program records what terms in a conditional contributes to a decision.  The
+data may be used to verify that all terms in a booleans are tested and have an
+effect on the outcome of a condition.
 @cindex @command{gcov}
 @item --coverage
 @opindex coverage
@@ -15331,6 +15346,10 @@  executed.  When an arc is the only exit or only entrance to a block, the
 instrumentation code can be added to the block; otherwise, a new basic
 block must be created to hold the instrumentation code.
+With @option{-fprofile-conditions}, for each conditional in your program GCC
+creates a bitset and records the boolean values that have an independent effect
+on the outcome of that expression.
 @need 2000
 @item -ftest-coverage
 @opindex ftest-coverage
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index a4d863ca457..5a25a47b7d0 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@  proper position among the other output files.  */
     %(mflib) " STACK_SPLIT_SPEC "\
-    %{fprofile-arcs|fprofile-generate*|coverage:-lgcov} " SANITIZER_SPEC " \
+    %{fprofile-arcs|fprofile-conditions|fprofile-generate*|coverage:-lgcov} " SANITIZER_SPEC " \
     %{!nostdlib:%{!r:%{!nodefaultlibs:%(link_ssp) %(link_gcc_c_sequence)}}}\
     %{!nostdlib:%{!r:%{!nostartfiles:%E}}} %{T*}  \n%(post_link) }}}}}}"
diff --git a/gcc/gcov-counter.def b/gcc/gcov-counter.def
index 6d2182bd3db..96563a59a45 100644
--- a/gcc/gcov-counter.def
+++ b/gcc/gcov-counter.def
@@ -49,3 +49,6 @@  DEF_GCOV_COUNTER(GCOV_COUNTER_IOR, "ior", _ior)
 /* Time profile collecting first run of a function */
 DEF_GCOV_COUNTER(GCOV_TIME_PROFILER, "time_profiler", _time_profile)
+/* Conditions.  The counter is interpreted as a bit-set.  */
diff --git a/gcc/gcov-io.h b/gcc/gcov-io.h
index 99ce7dbccc8..c84f58b99ac 100644
--- a/gcc/gcov-io.h
+++ b/gcc/gcov-io.h
@@ -253,6 +253,9 @@  typedef uint64_t gcov_type_unsigned;
 #define GCOV_TAG_ARCS		 ((gcov_unsigned_t)0x01430000)
+#define GCOV_TAG_CONDS             ((gcov_unsigned_t)0x01470000)
 #define GCOV_TAG_LINES		 ((gcov_unsigned_t)0x01450000)
 #define GCOV_TAG_COUNTER_BASE 	 ((gcov_unsigned_t)0x01a10000)
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 27be5ff0911..4db40c18ae7 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@  using namespace std;
 class function_info;
 class block_info;
 class source_info;
+class condition_info;
 /* Describes an arc between two basic blocks.  */
@@ -132,6 +133,28 @@  public:
   vector<unsigned> lines;
+class condition_info
+  condition_info ();
+  int popcount () const;
+  gcov_type_unsigned truev;
+  gcov_type_unsigned falsev;
+  unsigned n_terms;
+condition_info::condition_info (): truev (0), falsev (0), n_terms (0)
+int condition_info::popcount () const
+    return __builtin_popcountll (truev) + __builtin_popcountll (falsev);
 /* Describes a basic block. Contains lists of arcs to successor and
    predecessor blocks.  */
@@ -165,6 +188,8 @@  public:
   /* Block is a landing pad for longjmp or throw.  */
   unsigned is_nonlocal_return : 1;
+  condition_info conditions;
   vector<block_location_info> locations;
@@ -275,6 +300,8 @@  public:
   vector<block_info> blocks;
   unsigned blocks_executed;
+  vector<condition_info*> conditions;
   /* Raw arc coverage counts.  */
   vector<gcov_type> counts;
@@ -351,6 +378,9 @@  struct coverage_info
   int branches_executed;
   int branches_taken;
+  int conditions;
+  int conditions_covered;
   int calls;
   int calls_executed;
@@ -550,6 +580,10 @@  static int multiple_files = 0;
 static int flag_branches = 0;
+/* Output conditions (modified condition/decision coverage) */
+static int flag_conditions = 0;
 /* Show unconditional branches too.  */
 static int flag_unconditional = 0;
@@ -656,6 +690,7 @@  static int read_count_file (void);
 static void solve_flow_graph (function_info *);
 static void find_exception_blocks (function_info *);
 static void add_branch_counts (coverage_info *, const arc_info *);
+static void add_condition_counts (coverage_info *, const block_info *);
 static void add_line_counts (coverage_info *, function_info *);
 static void executed_summary (unsigned, unsigned);
 static void function_summary (const coverage_info *);
@@ -664,6 +699,7 @@  static const char *format_gcov (gcov_type, gcov_type, int);
 static void accumulate_line_counts (source_info *);
 static void output_gcov_file (const char *, source_info *);
 static int output_branch_count (FILE *, int, const arc_info *);
+static void output_conditions (FILE *, const block_info *);
 static void output_lines (FILE *, const source_info *);
 static string make_gcov_file_name (const char *, const char *);
 static char *mangle_name (const char *);
@@ -928,6 +964,7 @@  print_usage (int error_p)
   fnotice (file, "  -b, --branch-probabilities      Include branch probabilities in output\n");
   fnotice (file, "  -c, --branch-counts             Output counts of branches taken\n\
                                     rather than percentages\n");
+  fnotice (file, "  -g, --conditions                Include condition coverage in output (MC/DC)\n");
   fnotice (file, "  -d, --display-progress          Display progress information\n");
   fnotice (file, "  -D, --debug			    Display debugging dumps\n");
   fnotice (file, "  -f, --function-summaries        Output summaries for each function\n");
@@ -980,6 +1017,7 @@  static const struct option options[] =
   { "all-blocks",           no_argument,       NULL, 'a' },
   { "branch-probabilities", no_argument,       NULL, 'b' },
   { "branch-counts",        no_argument,       NULL, 'c' },
+  { "conditions",           no_argument,       NULL, 'g' },
   { "json-format",	    no_argument,       NULL, 'j' },
   { "human-readable",	    no_argument,       NULL, 'H' },
   { "no-output",            no_argument,       NULL, 'n' },
@@ -1008,7 +1046,7 @@  process_args (int argc, char **argv)
   int opt;
-  const char *opts = "abcdDfhHijklmno:pqrs:tuvwx";
+  const char *opts = "abcdDfghHijklmno:pqrs:tuvwx";
   while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, opts, options, NULL)) != -1)
       switch (opt)
@@ -1025,6 +1063,9 @@  process_args (int argc, char **argv)
 	case 'f':
 	  flag_function_summary = 1;
+	case 'g':
+	  flag_conditions = 1;
+	  break;
 	case 'h':
 	  print_usage (false);
 	  /* print_usage will exit.  */
@@ -1132,6 +1173,45 @@  output_intermediate_json_line (json::array *object,
+  json::array *conditions = new json::array ();
+  lineo->set ("conditions", conditions);
+  if (flag_conditions)
+  {
+    vector<block_info *>::const_iterator it;
+    for (it = line->blocks.begin (); it != line->blocks.end (); it++)
+      {
+	const condition_info& info = (*it)->conditions;
+	if (info.n_terms == 0)
+	    continue;
+	const int count = 2 * info.n_terms;
+	const int covered = info.popcount ();
+	json::object *cond = new json::object ();
+	cond->set ("count",   new json::integer_number (count));
+	cond->set ("covered", new json::integer_number (covered));
+	json::array *mtrue = new json::array ();
+	json::array *mfalse = new json::array ();
+	cond->set ("not_covered_true",  mtrue);
+	cond->set ("not_covered_false", mfalse);
+	if (count != covered)
+	  {
+	    for (unsigned i = 0; i < info.n_terms; i++)
+	      {
+		gcov_type_unsigned index = 1;
+		index <<= i;
+		if (!(index & info.truev))
+		    mtrue->append (new json::integer_number (i));
+		if (!(index & info.falsev))
+		    mfalse->append (new json::integer_number (i));
+	      }
+	  }
+	conditions->append (cond);
+      }
+  }
   object->append (lineo);
@@ -1956,6 +2036,28 @@  read_graph_file (void)
+      else if (fn && tag == GCOV_TAG_CONDS)
+	{
+	  unsigned num_dests = GCOV_TAG_CONDS_NUM (length);
+	  if (!fn->conditions.empty ())
+	    fnotice (stderr, "%s:already seen conditions for '%s'\n",
+		     bbg_file_name, fn->get_name ());
+	  else
+	    fn->conditions.resize (num_dests);
+	  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_dests; ++i)
+	    {
+	      unsigned idx = gcov_read_unsigned ();
+	      if (idx >= fn->blocks.size ())
+		goto corrupt;
+	      condition_info *info = &fn->blocks[idx].conditions;
+	      info->n_terms = gcov_read_unsigned ();
+	      fn->conditions[i] = info;
+	    }
+	}
       else if (fn && tag == GCOV_TAG_LINES)
 	  unsigned blockno = gcov_read_unsigned ();
@@ -2086,11 +2188,26 @@  read_count_file (void)
 	      goto cleanup;
-      else if (tag == GCOV_TAG_FOR_COUNTER (GCOV_COUNTER_ARCS) && fn)
+      else if (tag == GCOV_TAG_FOR_COUNTER (GCOV_COUNTER_CONDS) && fn)
+	  length = abs (read_length);
+	    if (length != GCOV_TAG_COUNTER_LENGTH (2 * fn->conditions.size ()))
+		goto mismatch;
+	    if (read_length > 0)
+	      {
+		for (ix = 0; ix != fn->conditions.size (); ix++)
+		{
+		    fn->conditions[ix]->truev  |= gcov_read_counter ();
+		    fn->conditions[ix]->falsev |= gcov_read_counter ();
+		}
+	      }
+	}
+      else if (tag == GCOV_TAG_FOR_COUNTER (GCOV_COUNTER_ARCS) && fn)
+      {
 	  length = abs (read_length);
 	  if (length != GCOV_TAG_COUNTER_LENGTH (fn->counts.size ()))
-	    goto mismatch;
+	      goto mismatch;
 	  if (read_length > 0)
 	    for (ix = 0; ix != fn->counts.size (); ix++)
@@ -2430,6 +2547,13 @@  add_branch_counts (coverage_info *coverage, const arc_info *arc)
+static void
+add_condition_counts (coverage_info *coverage, const block_info *block)
+  coverage->conditions += 2 * block->conditions.n_terms;
+  coverage->conditions_covered += block->conditions.popcount ();
 /* Format COUNT, if flag_human_readable_numbers is set, return it human
    readable format.  */
@@ -2533,7 +2657,14 @@  file_summary (const coverage_info *coverage)
 	fnotice (stdout, "No calls\n");
+  if (flag_conditions)
+      fnotice (stdout, "Conditions covered:%s of %d\n",
+	       format_gcov (coverage->conditions_covered,
+			    coverage->conditions, 2),
+	       coverage->conditions);
 /* Canonicalize the filename NAME by canonicalizing directory
@@ -2760,6 +2891,12 @@  static void accumulate_line_info (line_info *line, source_info *src,
 	 it != line->branches.end (); it++)
       add_branch_counts (&src->coverage, *it);
+  if (add_coverage)
+    for (vector<block_info *>::iterator it = line->blocks.begin ();
+	 it != line->blocks.end (); it++)
+      add_condition_counts (&src->coverage, *it);
   if (!line->blocks.empty ())
       /* The user expects the line count to be the number of times
@@ -2861,6 +2998,31 @@  accumulate_line_counts (source_info *src)
+static void
+output_conditions (FILE *gcov_file, const block_info *binfo)
+    const condition_info& info = binfo->conditions;
+    if (info.n_terms == 0)
+	return;
+    const int expected = 2 * info.n_terms;
+    const int got = info.popcount ();
+    fnotice (gcov_file, "conditions covered %d/%d\n", got, expected);
+    if (expected == got)
+	return;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < info.n_terms; i++)
+    {
+	gcov_type_unsigned index = 1;
+	index <<= i;
+	if (!(index & info.truev))
+	    fnotice (gcov_file, "condition %2u not covered (true)\n", i);
+	if (!(index & info.falsev))
+	    fnotice (gcov_file, "condition %2u not covered (false)\n", i);
+    }
 /* Output information about ARC number IX.  Returns nonzero if
    anything is output.  */
@@ -3071,16 +3233,29 @@  output_line_details (FILE *f, const line_info *line, unsigned line_num)
 	  if (flag_branches)
 	    for (arc = (*it)->succ; arc; arc = arc->succ_next)
 	      jx += output_branch_count (f, jx, arc);
+	  if (flag_conditions)
+	      output_conditions (f, *it);
-  else if (flag_branches)
+  else
-      int ix;
+      if (flag_branches)
+	{
+	  int ix;
+	  ix = 0;
+	  for (vector<arc_info *>::const_iterator it = line->branches.begin ();
+		  it != line->branches.end (); it++)
+	      ix += output_branch_count (f, ix, (*it));
+	}
-      ix = 0;
-      for (vector<arc_info *>::const_iterator it = line->branches.begin ();
-	   it != line->branches.end (); it++)
-	ix += output_branch_count (f, ix, (*it));
+      if (flag_conditions)
+	{
+	  for (vector<block_info *>::const_iterator it = line->blocks.begin ();
+	       it != line->blocks.end (); it++)
+	      output_conditions (f, *it);
+	}
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index f8bb072c422..b826dcd580c 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@  can_early_inline_edge_p (struct cgraph_edge *e)
 			 "  edge not inlinable: not in SSA form\n");
       return false;
-  else if (profile_arc_flag
+  else if ((profile_arc_flag || profile_condition_flag)
 	   && ((lookup_attribute ("no_profile_instrument_function",
 				 DECL_ATTRIBUTES (caller->decl)) == NULL_TREE)
 	       != (lookup_attribute ("no_profile_instrument_function",
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 60021bad13c..9890518e11f 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -1929,7 +1929,8 @@  pass_split_functions::gate (function *)
   /* When doing profile feedback, we want to execute the pass after profiling
      is read.  So disable one in early optimization.  */
   return (flag_partial_inlining
-	  && !profile_arc_flag && !flag_branch_probabilities);
+      && !profile_arc_flag && !flag_branch_probabilities
+      && !profile_condition_flag);
 } // anon namespace
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 36e5b4ac45f..ee099188844 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -352,7 +352,8 @@  finish_optimization_passes (void)
   gcc::dump_manager *dumps = m_ctxt->get_dumps ();
   timevar_push (TV_DUMP);
-  if (profile_arc_flag || flag_test_coverage || flag_branch_probabilities)
+  if (profile_arc_flag || profile_condition_flag || flag_test_coverage
+          || flag_branch_probabilities)
       dumps->dump_start (pass_profile_1->static_pass_number, NULL);
       end_branch_prob ();
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index a67cce5b199..b51fabbb59b 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@  along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
 #include "profile.h"
+int find_conditions (basic_block, basic_block, basic_block*, int*, int);
+int instrument_decisions (basic_block*, int, int);
 /* Map from BBs/edges to gcov counters.  */
 vec<gcov_type> bb_gcov_counts;
 hash_map<edge,gcov_type> *edge_gcov_counts;
@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@  static int total_num_passes;
 static int total_num_times_called;
 static int total_hist_br_prob[20];
 static int total_num_branches;
+static int total_num_conds;
 /* Forward declarations.  */
 static void find_spanning_tree (struct edge_list *);
@@ -1155,6 +1159,12 @@  read_thunk_profile (struct cgraph_node *node)
    the flow graph that are needed to reconstruct the dynamic behavior of the
    flow graph.  This data is written to the gcno file for gcov.
+   When FLAG_PROFILE_CONDITIONS is nonzero, this functions instruments the
+   edges in the control flow graph to track what conditions are evaluated to in
+   order to determine what conditions are covered and have an independent
+   effect on the outcome (modified condition/decision coverage).  This data is
+   written to the gcno file for gcov.
    When FLAG_BRANCH_PROBABILITIES is nonzero, this function reads auxiliary
    information from the gcda file containing edge count information from
    previous executions of the function being compiled.  In this case, the
@@ -1173,6 +1183,7 @@  branch_prob (bool thunk)
   struct edge_list *el;
   histogram_values values = histogram_values ();
   unsigned cfg_checksum, lineno_checksum;
+  bool output_to_file;
@@ -1381,7 +1392,7 @@  branch_prob (bool thunk)
   /* Compute two different checksums. Note that we want to compute
      the checksum in only once place, since it depends on the shape
-     of the control flow which can change during 
+     of the control flow which can change during
      various transformations.  */
   if (thunk)
@@ -1397,10 +1408,18 @@  branch_prob (bool thunk)
   /* Write the data from which gcov can reconstruct the basic block
      graph and function line numbers (the gcno file).  */
+  output_to_file = false;
   if (coverage_begin_function (lineno_checksum, cfg_checksum))
       gcov_position_t offset;
+      /* The condition coverage needs a deeper analysis to identify expressions
+       * of conditions, which means it is not yet ready to write to the gcno
+       * file.  It will write its entries later, but needs to know if it do it
+       * in the first place, which is controlled by the return value of
+       * coverage_begin_function. */
+      output_to_file = true;
       /* Basic block flags */
       offset = gcov_write_tag (GCOV_TAG_BLOCKS);
       gcov_write_unsigned (n_basic_blocks_for_fn (cfun));
@@ -1512,29 +1531,67 @@  branch_prob (bool thunk)
   remove_fake_edges ();
+  if (profile_condition_flag || profile_arc_flag)
+      gimple_init_gcov_profiler ();
+  if (profile_condition_flag)
+    {
+      basic_block entry = ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN (cfun)->next_bb;
+      basic_block exit  = EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN (cfun);
+      // find_conditions () expect memory up front, see that function for
+      // details
+      const int max_blocks = 5 * n_basic_blocks_for_fn (cfun);
+      auto_vec<basic_block> blocks (max_blocks);
+      blocks.quick_grow (max_blocks);
+      const int max_sizes = n_basic_blocks_for_fn (cfun) + 1;
+      auto_vec<int> sizes (max_sizes);
+      sizes.quick_grow (max_sizes);
+      int nconds = find_conditions
+	  (entry, exit, blocks.address (), sizes.address (), max_blocks);
+      total_num_conds += nconds;
+      if (nconds > 0
+	  && coverage_counter_alloc (GCOV_COUNTER_CONDS, 2 * nconds)
+	  && output_to_file)
+	{
+	  gcov_position_t offset = gcov_write_tag (GCOV_TAG_CONDS);
+	  for (int i = 0; i < nconds; ++i)
+	    {
+	      int idx = sizes[i];
+	      int len = sizes[i + 1] - idx;
+	      basic_block *itr = blocks.address () + idx;
+	      int terms = instrument_decisions (itr, len, i);
+	      gcov_write_unsigned (blocks[idx]->index);
+	      gcov_write_unsigned (terms);
+	    }
+	  gcov_write_length (offset);
+	}
+    }
   /* For each edge not on the spanning tree, add counting code.  */
   if (profile_arc_flag
       && coverage_counter_alloc (GCOV_COUNTER_ARCS, num_instrumented))
       unsigned n_instrumented;
-      gimple_init_gcov_profiler ();
       n_instrumented = instrument_edges (el);
       gcc_assert (n_instrumented == num_instrumented);
       if (flag_profile_values)
 	instrument_values (values);
-      /* Commit changes done by instrumentation.  */
-      gsi_commit_edge_inserts ();
   free_aux_for_edges ();
   values.release ();
   free_edge_list (el);
+  /* Commit changes done by instrumentation.  */
+  gsi_commit_edge_inserts ();
   coverage_end_function (lineno_checksum, cfg_checksum);
   if (flag_branch_probabilities
       && (profile_status_for_fn (cfun) == PROFILE_READ))
@@ -1664,6 +1721,7 @@  init_branch_prob (void)
   total_num_passes = 0;
   total_num_times_called = 0;
   total_num_branches = 0;
+  total_num_conds = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
     total_hist_br_prob[i] = 0;
@@ -1703,5 +1761,7 @@  end_branch_prob (void)
 		     (total_hist_br_prob[i] + total_hist_br_prob[19-i]) * 100
 		     / total_num_branches, 5*i, 5*i+5);
+      fprintf (dump_file, "Total number of conditions: %d\n",
+	       total_num_conds);
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C b/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ac14dfeff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/gcov/gcov-18.C
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ 
+/* { dg-options "--coverage -fprofile-conditions -std=c++11" } */
+/* { dg-do run { target native } } */
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdexcept>
+class nontrivial_destructor
+    explicit nontrivial_destructor (int v) : val (v) {}
+    ~nontrivial_destructor () {}
+    explicit operator bool() const { return bool(val); }
+    int val;
+int identity (int x) { return x; }
+int throws (int) { throw std::runtime_error("exception"); }
+int throw_if (int x)
+    if (x) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+        throw std::runtime_error("exception");
+    return x;
+/* used for side effects to insert nodes in conditional bodies etc. */
+int x = 0;
+/* conditionals work in the presence of non-trivial destructors */
+void mcdc001a (int a)
+    nontrivial_destructor v (a);
+    if (v.val > 0) /* conditions(2/2) */
+        x = v.val;
+    else
+        x = -v.val;
+/* non-trivial destructor in-loop temporary */
+mcdc002a (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+        nontrivial_destructor tmp (a);
+        if (tmp.val % b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+            return nontrivial_destructor (0);
+        x += i;
+    } /* conditions(suppress) */
+      /* conditions(end) */
+    return nontrivial_destructor (a * b);
+/* conditional in constructor */
+void mcdc003a (int a)
+    class C
+    {
+    public:
+        explicit C (int e) : v (e) {
+            if (e) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+                v = x - e;
+        }
+        int v;
+    };
+    C c (a);
+    if (c.v > 2) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+        x = c.v + a;
+/* conditional in destructor */
+void mcdc004a (int a)
+    class C
+    {
+    public:
+        explicit C (int e) : v (e) {}
+        ~C () {
+            if (v) /* conditions(2/2) */
+                x = 2 * v;
+        }
+        int v;
+    };
+    C c (a);
+    x = 1; // arbitrary action between ctor+dtor
+/* conditional in try */
+void mcdc005a (int a)
+    try
+    {
+        if (a) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+            x = 2 * identity (a);
+        else
+            x = 1;
+    }
+    catch (...)
+    {
+        x = 0;
+    }
+/* conditional in catch */
+void mcdc006a (int a) {
+    try
+    {
+        throws (a);
+    }
+    catch (std::exception&)
+    {
+        if (a) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+            x = identity (a);
+        else
+            x = 0;
+    }
+void mcdc006b (int a)
+    if (a) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+        throws (a);
+    else
+        x = 1;
+void mcdc006c (int a) try
+    throws (a);
+catch (...) {
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+        x = 5;
+/* temporary with destructor as term */
+void mcdc007a (int a, int b)
+    x = a && nontrivial_destructor (b); /* conditions(3/4) false(1) destructor() */
+void mcdc007b (int a, int b)
+    if (a || throw_if (b)) /* conditions(3/4) true(1) destructor() */
+        x = -1;
+    else
+        x = 1;
+void mcdc007c (int a, int b)
+    if (throw_if (a) || throw_if (b)) /* conditions(2/4) true(0 1) destructor() */
+        x = -1;
+    else
+        x = 1;
+/* destructor with delete */
+void mcdc008a (int a)
+    class C
+    {
+    public:
+        int size = 5;
+        int* ptr = nullptr;
+        explicit C (int v) : size(v + 5), ptr (new int[size]) /* conditions(suppress) */
+                                                              /* conditions(end) */
+        {
+            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+                ptr[i] = i + 1;
+        }
+        ~C()
+        {
+            if (ptr) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+                delete ptr; /* conditions(suppress) */
+                            /* conditions(end) */
+        }
+    };
+    C c (a);
+    if (c.ptr[a + 1]) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+        x = a;
+main (void)
+    mcdc001a (0);
+    mcdc001a (1);
+    mcdc002a (1, 1);
+    mcdc002a (1, 2);
+    mcdc003a (1);
+    mcdc004a (0);
+    mcdc004a (1);
+    mcdc005a (0);
+    mcdc006a (1);
+    mcdc006b (0);
+    mcdc006c (0);
+    mcdc006c (1);
+    mcdc007a (0, 0);
+    mcdc007a (1, 1);
+    mcdc007b (0, 0);
+    mcdc007b (1, 0);
+    mcdc007c (0, 0);
+    mcdc008a (1);
+/* { dg-final { run-gcov conditions { --conditions gcov-18.C } } } */
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1ea8acee7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-19.c
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ 
+/* { dg-options "-fprofile-conditions -ftest-coverage" } */
+/* { dg-do run { target native } } */
+/* some side effect to stop branches from being pruned */
+int x = 0;
+/* || works */
+void mcdc001a (int a, int b)
+    if (a || b) /* conditions(1/4) true(0) false(0 1) */
+		/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc001b (int a, int b)
+    if (a || b) /* conditions(3/4) true(0) false() */
+		/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc001c (int a, int b)
+    if (a || b) /* conditions(4/4) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc001d (int a, int b, int c)
+    if (a || b || c) /* conditions(3/6) false(1 2) true(2) */
+		     /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+/* && works */
+void mcdc002a (int a, int b)
+    if (a && b) /* conditions(1/4) true(0 1) false(0) */
+		/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc002b (int a, int b)
+    if (a && b) /* conditions(3/4) false(0) */
+		/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc002c (int a, int b)
+    if (a && b) /* conditions(4/4) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc002d (int a, int b, int c)
+    /*
+     * This is an odd case, and falls victim to trying to detect nested ifs.
+     *
+     * if (a) if (b) if (c) with no else is equivalent to if (a && b && c) and
+     * the CFGs are identical *unless* the else nodes are generated too. In the
+     * && expression, all false edges should go to the same else, but in the
+     * nested-if case they go to different elses.
+     *
+     * This can be surprising, and bad for MC/DC because non-independent
+     * conditionals masked by terms further-right can not be detected. If an
+     * else node is generated, this expression becomes a 3-term decision again.
+     */
+    if (a && b && c) /* conditions(suppress) conditions(4/6) false(0 2) */
+	/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+/* negation works */
+void mcdc003a (int a, int b)
+    if (!a || !b) /* conditions(2/4) false(0 1) */
+		  /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+/* single conditionals with and without else */
+void mcdc004a (int a)
+    if (a) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+	   /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc004b (int a)
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc004c (int a)
+    if (a) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+	   /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+void mcdc004d (int a, int b, int c) {
+    if (a)  /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (b || c) /* conditions(1/4) true(1) false(0 1) */
+	    x = a + b + c;
+    }
+/* mixing && and || works */
+void mcdc005a (int a, int b, int c)
+    if ((a && b) || c) /* conditions(1/6) true(0 1) false(0 1 2) */
+		       /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc005b (int a, int b, int c, int d)
+    if ((a && (b || c)) && d) /* conditions(4/8) true(1 2 3) false(0) */
+			      /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+/* nested conditionals */
+void mcdc006a (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (b && c) /* conditions(3/4) false(1) */
+		    /* conditions(end) */
+	    x = 1;
+	else
+	    x = 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	if (c || d) /* conditions(2/4) true(0 1) */
+		    /* conditions(end) */
+	    x = 3;
+	else
+	    x = 4;
+    }
+void mcdc006b (int a, int b, int c)
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (b) /*conditions(2/2) */
+	{
+	    if (c) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    {
+		x = a + b + c;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+/* else/if */
+void mcdc007a (int a, int b, int c, int d)
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (b) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+	       /* conditions(end) */
+	    x = 1;
+	else
+	    x = 2;
+    }
+    else if (c) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (d) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+	       /* conditions(end) */
+	    x = 3;
+    }
+void mcdc007b (int a, int b, int c)
+    /* similar to if (a || b || c) x = 1 */
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	goto then;
+    else if (b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	goto then;
+    else if (c) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+	/* conditions(end) */
+	goto then;
+    return;
+    x = 1;
+/* while loop */
+void mcdc008a (int a)
+    while (a < 10) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	x = a++;
+void mcdc008b (int a)
+    while (a > 10) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+		   /* conditions(end) */
+	x = a--;
+void mcdc008c (int a)
+    // should work, even with no body
+    while (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	break;
+void mcdc008d (int a, int b, int c, int d)
+    /* multi-term loop conditional */
+    while ((a && (b || c)) && d) /* conditions(8/8) */
+	a = b = c = d = 0;
+void mcdc009a (int a, int b)
+    while (a > 0 && b > 0) /* conditions(3/4) false(1) */
+			   /* conditions(end) */
+	x = a--;
+/* for loop */
+void mcdc010a(int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (a < b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    x = 1;
+	else
+	    x = a += 2;
+    }
+int always (int) { return 1; }
+/* no-condition infinite loops */
+void mcdc010b (int a)
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if (always(a)) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+		       /* conditions(end) */
+	{
+	    x = a;
+	    break;
+	}
+	x += a + 1;
+    }
+/* conditionals without control flow constructs work */
+void mcdc011a (int a, int b, int c)
+    x = (a && b) || c; /* conditions(5/6) false(1) */
+		       /* conditions(end) */
+/* sequential expressions are handled independently */
+void mcdc012a (int a, int b, int c) {
+    if (a || b) /* conditions(3/4) true(0) */
+	/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+    if (c) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	x = 1;
+ * cannot ever satisfy MC/DC, even with all input combinations, because not all
+ * variables independently affect the decision
+ */
+void mcdc013a (int a, int /* b */, int c)
+    /*
+     * Specification: (a && b) || c
+     *
+     * But the expression was implemented wrong. This has branch coverage, but
+     * not MC/DC
+     */
+    if ((a && !c) || c) /* conditions(5/6) false(1) */
+	/* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+    else
+	x = 2;
+void mcdc014a ()
+    int conds[64] = { 0 };
+    /* conditions(64/128) true(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63) */
+    x = conds[ 0] || conds[ 1] || conds[ 2] || conds[ 3] || conds[ 4] ||
+	conds[ 5] || conds[ 6] || conds[ 7] || conds[ 8] || conds[ 9] ||
+	conds[10] || conds[11] || conds[12] || conds[13] || conds[14] ||
+	conds[15] || conds[16] || conds[17] || conds[18] || conds[19] ||
+	conds[20] || conds[21] || conds[22] || conds[23] || conds[24] ||
+	conds[25] || conds[26] || conds[27] || conds[28] || conds[29] ||
+	conds[30] || conds[31] || conds[32] || conds[33] || conds[34] ||
+	conds[35] || conds[36] || conds[37] || conds[38] || conds[39] ||
+	conds[40] || conds[41] || conds[42] || conds[43] || conds[44] ||
+	conds[45] || conds[46] || conds[47] || conds[48] || conds[49] ||
+	conds[50] || conds[51] || conds[52] || conds[53] || conds[54] ||
+	conds[55] || conds[56] || conds[57] || conds[58] || conds[59] ||
+	conds[60] || conds[61] || conds[62] || conds[63]
+	;  /* conditions(end) */
+/* early returns */
+void mcdc015a (int a, int b)
+    if (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	return;
+    if (b) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+	   /* conditions(end) */
+	x = 1;
+void mcdc015b (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 5; i > a; i--) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (i == b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    return;
+	x = i;
+    }
+void mcdc015c (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 5; i > a; i--) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (i == b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	{
+	    x = 0;
+	    return;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    x = 1;
+	    return;
+	}
+	x = i;
+    }
+/* check nested loops */
+void mcdc016a (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	for (int k = 0; k < b; k++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    x = i + k;
+void mcdc016b (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (a > 5) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    break;
+	for (int k = 0; k < b; k++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    x = i + k;
+    }
+void mcdc016c (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	if (a > 5) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+		   /* conditions(end) */
+	    return;
+	for (int k = 0; k < b; k++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    x = i + k;
+    }
+void mcdc016d (int a, int b)
+    for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	{
+	    if (b > 5) /* conditions(1/2) true(0) */
+		       /* conditions(end) */
+		return;
+	    x = i + k;
+	}
+    }
+/* do-while loops */
+void mcdc017a (int a)
+    do {
+	a--;
+    } while (a > 0); /* conditions(2/2) */
+void noop () {}
+void mcdc017b (int a, int b)
+    do {
+	/*
+	 * This call is important; it can add more nodes to the body in the
+	 * CFG, which has changes how close exits and breaks are to the loop
+	 * conditional.
+	 */
+	noop ();
+	a--;
+	if (b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    break;
+    } while (a > 0); /* conditions(2/2) */
+void mcdc017c (int a, int b)
+    int left = 0;
+    int right = 0;
+    int n = a + b;
+    do {
+	if (a) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+	       /* conditions(end) */
+	{
+	    left = a > left ? b : left; /* conditions(2/2) */
+	}
+	if (b) /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+	{
+	    right = b > right ? a : right; /* conditions(2/2) */
+	}
+    } while (n-- > 0); /* conditions(2/2) */
+int id  (int x) { return  x; }
+int inv (int x) { return !x; }
+/* collection of odd cases lifted-and-adapted from real-world code */
+int mcdc018a (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int len)
+    int n;
+    /* adapted from zlib/gz_read */
+    do
+    {
+	n = -1;
+	if (n > len) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    n = len;
+	if (b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	{
+	    if (b < 5) /* conditions(2/2) */
+		x = 1;
+	    noop();
+	}
+	else if (c && d) /* conditions(3/4) false(1) */
+	{
+	    x = 2;
+	    break;
+	}
+	else if (e || f) /* conditions(2/4) false(0 1) */
+			 /* conditions(end) */
+	{
+	    if (id(g)) /* conditions(2/2) */
+		return 0;
+	    continue;
+	}
+    } while (a-- > 0); /* conditions(2/2) */
+    return 1;
+void mcdc018b (int a, int b, int c) {
+    int n;
+    while (a) /* conditions(2/2) */
+    {
+	/*
+	 * else block does not make a difference for the problem, but ensures
+	 * loop termination
+	 */
+	if (b) /* conditions(2/2) */
+	    n = c ? 0 : 0; // does not show up in CFG (embedded in the block)
+	else
+	    n = 0;
+	a = n;
+    }
+/* too many conditions, coverage gives up */
+void mcdc019a ()
+    int conds[65] = { 0 };
+    #pragma GCC diagnostic push
+    #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcoverage-too-many-conditions"
+    x = conds[ 0] || conds[ 1] || conds[ 2] || conds[ 3] || conds[ 4] ||
+	conds[ 5] || conds[ 6] || conds[ 7] || conds[ 8] || conds[ 9] ||
+	conds[10] || conds[11] || conds[12] || conds[13] || conds[14] ||
+	conds[15] || conds[16] || conds[17] || conds[18] || conds[19] ||
+	conds[20] || conds[21] || conds[22] || conds[23] || conds[24] ||
+	conds[25] || conds[26] || conds[27] || conds[28] || conds[29] ||
+	conds[30] || conds[31] || conds[32] || conds[33] || conds[34] ||
+	conds[35] || conds[36] || conds[37] || conds[38] || conds[39] ||
+	conds[40] || conds[41] || conds[42] || conds[43] || conds[44] ||
+	conds[45] || conds[46] || conds[47] || conds[48] || conds[49] ||
+	conds[50] || conds[51] || conds[52] || conds[53] || conds[54] ||
+	conds[55] || conds[56] || conds[57] || conds[58] || conds[59] ||
+	conds[60] || conds[61] || conds[62] || conds[63] || conds[64]
+	;
+    #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+/* ternary */
+void mcdc020a (int a)
+    // special case, this can be reduced to:
+    // _1 = argc != 0;
+    // e = (int) _1;
+    x = a ? 1 : 0;
+    // changing to different int makes branch
+    x = a ? 2 : 1; /* conditions(2/2) */
+void mcdc020b (int a, int b)
+    x = (a || b) ? 1 : 0; /* conditions(3/4) true(1) */
+void mcdc020c (int a, int b)
+    x = a ? 0
+	: b ? 1 /* conditions(2/2) */
+	: 2;    /* conditions(1/2) false(0) */
+		/* conditions(end) */
+/* infinite loop (no exit-edge), this should not be called, but it should
+   compile fine */
+void mcdc021a ()
+    while (1)
+	;
+/* test with functions as conditionals */
+int main ()
+    mcdc001a (0, 1);
+    mcdc001b (0, 1);
+    mcdc001b (0, 0);
+    mcdc001c (0, 1);
+    mcdc001c (0, 0);
+    mcdc001c (1, 1);
+    mcdc001d (1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc001d (0, 1, 0);
+    mcdc002a (1, 0);
+    mcdc002b (1, 0);
+    mcdc002b (1, 1);
+    mcdc002c (0, 0);
+    mcdc002c (1, 1);
+    mcdc002c (1, 0);
+    mcdc002d (1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc002d (1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc003a (0, 0);
+    mcdc003a (1, 0);
+    mcdc004a (0);
+    mcdc004b (0);
+    mcdc004b (1);
+    mcdc004c (1);
+    mcdc004d (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc004d (1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc005a (1, 0, 1);
+    mcdc005b (1, 1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc005b (1, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006a (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006a (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006a (1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006b (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006b (1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc006b (1, 1, 0);
+    mcdc006b (1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc007a (0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc007a (1, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc007a (0, 0, 1, 0);
+    mcdc007b (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc007b (0, 1, 1);
+    mcdc007b (1, 0, 1);
+    mcdc008a (0);
+    mcdc008b (0);
+    mcdc008c (0);
+    mcdc008c (1);
+    mcdc008d (0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc008d (1, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc008d (1, 0, 1, 0);
+    mcdc008d (1, 0, 1, 1);
+    mcdc008d (1, 1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc009a (0, 0);
+    mcdc009a (1, 1);
+    mcdc010a (0, 0);
+    mcdc010a (0, 9);
+    mcdc010a (2, 1);
+    mcdc010b (1);
+    mcdc011a (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc011a (1, 1, 0);
+    mcdc011a (1, 0, 1);
+    mcdc012a (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc012a (0, 1, 1);
+    mcdc013a (0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc013a (0, 0, 1);
+    mcdc013a (0, 1, 0);
+    mcdc013a (0, 1, 1);
+    mcdc013a (1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc013a (1, 0, 1);
+    mcdc013a (1, 1, 0);
+    mcdc013a (1, 1, 1);
+    mcdc014a ();
+    mcdc015a (0, 0);
+    mcdc015a (1, 0);
+    mcdc015b (0, 0);
+    mcdc015b (0, 1);
+    mcdc015b (6, 1);
+    mcdc015c (0, 0);
+    mcdc015c (0, 5);
+    mcdc015c (6, 1);
+    mcdc016a (5, 5);
+    mcdc016b (5, 5);
+    mcdc016b (6, 5);
+    mcdc016c (5, 5);
+    mcdc016d (1, 0);
+    mcdc017a (0);
+    mcdc017a (2);
+    mcdc017b (2, 0);
+    mcdc017b (0, 1);
+    mcdc017c (1, 1);
+    mcdc018a (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mcdc018a (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -2);
+    mcdc018a (0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -2);
+    mcdc018a (0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -2);
+    mcdc018a (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0);
+    mcdc018a (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc018b (1, 0, 0);
+    mcdc018b (1, 1, 0);
+    mcdc019a ();
+    mcdc020a (0);
+    mcdc020a (1);
+    mcdc020b (0, 0);
+    mcdc020b (1, 0);
+    mcdc020c (0, 1);
+    mcdc020c (1, 1);
+/* { dg-final { run-gcov conditions { --conditions gcov-19.c } } } */
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56dd6cf89bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.misc-tests/gcov-20.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* { dg-options "-fprofile-conditions -ftest-coverage -fprofile-update=atomic" } */
+/* { dg-do run { target native } } */
+/* some side effect to stop branches from being pruned */
+int x = 0;
+void conditions_atomic001(int a, int b)
+  if (a || b) /* conditions(1/4) true(0) false(0 1) */
+	      /* conditions(end) */
+      x = 1;
+  else
+      x = 2;
+int main ()
+    conditions_atomic001 (0, 1);
+/* { dg-final { run-gcov conditions { --conditions gcov-20.c } } } */
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp b/gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp
index 9d5b2cdb86b..88f28d26bb6 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/lib/gcov.exp
@@ -174,6 +174,180 @@  proc verify-branches { testname testcase file } {
     return $failed
+# verify-conditions -- check that conditions are checked as expected
+# TESTNAME is the name of the test, including unique flags.
+# TESTCASE is the name of the test file.
+# FILE is the name of the gcov output file.
+# Checks are based on comments in the source file. Condition coverage comes
+# with with two types of output, a summary and a list of the uncovered
+# conditions. Both must be checked to pass the test
+# To check for conditions, add a comment the line of a conditional:
+# /* conditions(n/m) true(0 1) false(1) */
+# where n/m are the covered and total conditions in the expression. The true()
+# and false() take the indices expected *not* covered.
+# This means that all coverage statements should have been seen:
+# /* conditions(end) */
+# If all conditions are covered i.e. n == m, then conditions(end) can be
+# omitted. If either true() or false() are empty they can be omitted too.
+# C++ can insert conditionals in the CFG that are not present in source code.
+# These must be manually suppressed since unexpected and unhandled conditions
+# are an error (to help combat regressions). Output can be suppressed with
+# conditions(suppress) and conditions(end). suppress should usually be on a
+# closing brace.
+# Some expressions, when using unnamed temporaries as operands, will have
+# destructors in expressions. The coverage of the destructor will be reported
+# on the same line as the expression itself, but suppress() would also swallow
+# the expected tested-for messages. To handle these, use the destructor() [1]
+# which will suppress everything from and including the second "conditions
+# covered".
+# [1] it is important that the destructor() is *on the same line* as the
+#     conditions(m/n)
+proc verify-conditions { testname testcase file } {
+    set failed 0
+    set suppress 0
+    set destructor 0
+    set shouldt ""
+    set shouldf ""
+    set shouldall ""
+    set fd [open $file r]
+    set n 0
+    set keywords {"end" "suppress"}
+    while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+        regexp "^\[^:\]+: *(\[0-9\]+):" "$line" all n
+        set prefix "$testname line $n"
+        if {![regexp "condition" $line]} {
+            continue
+        }
+        # Missing coverage for both true and false will cause a failure, but
+        # only count it once for the report.
+        set ok 1
+        if [regexp {conditions *\(([0-9a-z/]+)\)} "$line" all e] {
+            # *Very* coarse sanity check: conditions() should either be a
+            # keyword or n/m, anything else means a buggy test case. end is
+            # optional for cases where all conditions are covered, since it
+            # only expects a single line of output.
+            if {([lsearch -exact $keywords $e] >= 0 || [regexp {\d+/\d+} "$e"]) == 0} {
+                fail "$prefix: expected conditions (n/m), (suppress) or (end); was ($e)"
+                incr failed
+                continue
+            }
+            # Any keyword means a new context. Set the error flag if not all
+            # expected output has been seen, and reset the state.
+            if {[llength $shouldt] != 0} {
+                fail "$prefix: expected uncovered (true) for terms $shouldt"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+            if {[llength $shouldf] != 0} {
+                fail "$prefix: expected uncovered (false) for terms $shouldf"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+            if {$shouldall ne ""} {
+                fail "$prefix: coverage summary not found; expected $shouldall"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+            set suppress 0
+            set destructor 0
+            set shouldt ""
+            set shouldf ""
+            set shouldall ""
+            set newt ""
+            set newf ""
+            if [regexp {destructor\(\)} "$line"] {
+                set destructor 1
+            }
+            if [regexp {(\d+)/(\d+)} "$e" all i k] {
+                regexp {true\(([0-9 ]+)\)}  "$line" all newt
+                regexp {false\(([0-9 ]+)\)} "$line" all newf
+                # Sanity check - if the true() and false() vectors should have
+                # m-n elements to cover all uncovered conditions. Because of
+                # masking it can sometimes be surprising what terms are
+                # independent, so this makes for more robust test at the cost
+                # of being slightly more annoying to write.
+                set nterms [expr [llength $newt] + [llength $newf]]
+                set nexpected [expr {$k - $i}]
+                if {$nterms != $nexpected} {
+                    fail "$prefix: expected $nexpected uncovered terms; got $nterms"
+                    set ok 0
+                }
+                set shouldall $e
+                set shouldt $newt
+                set shouldf $newf
+            } elseif {$e == "end"} {
+                # no-op - state has already been reset, and errors flagged
+            } elseif {$e == "suppress"} {
+                set suppress 1
+            } else {
+                # this should be unreachable, 
+                fail "$prefix: unhandled control ($e), should be unreachable"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+        } elseif {$suppress == 1} {
+            # ignore everything in a suppress block. C++ especially can insert
+            # conditionals in exceptions and destructors which would otherwise
+            # be considered unhandled.
+            continue
+        } elseif [regexp {condition +(\d+) not covered \(true\)} "$line" all cond] {
+            set i [lsearch $shouldt $cond]
+            if {$i != -1} {
+                set shouldt [lreplace $shouldt $i $i]
+            } else {
+                fail "$testname line $n: unexpected uncovered term $cond (true)"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+        } elseif [regexp {condition +(\d+) not covered \(false\)} "$line" all cond] {
+            set i [lsearch $shouldf $cond]
+            if {$i != -1} {
+                set shouldf [lreplace $shouldf $i $i]
+            } else {
+                fail "$testname line $n: unexpected uncovered term $cond (false)"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+        } elseif [regexp {conditions covered (\d+/\d+)} "$line" all cond] {
+            # the destructor-generated "conditions covered" lines will be
+            # written after all expression-related output. Handle these by
+            # turning on suppression if the destructor-suppression is
+            # requested.
+            if {$shouldall == "" && $destructor == 1} {
+                set suppress 1
+                continue
+            }
+            if {$cond == $shouldall} {
+                set shouldall ""
+            } else {
+                fail "$testname line $n: unexpected summary $cond"
+                set ok 0
+            }
+        }
+        if {$ok != 1} {
+            incr failed
+        }
+    }
+    close $fd
+    return $failed
 # verify-calls -- check that call return percentages are as expected
@@ -321,6 +495,7 @@  proc run-gcov { args } {
     set gcov_args ""
     set gcov_verify_calls 0
     set gcov_verify_branches 0
+    set gcov_verify_conditions 0
     set gcov_verify_lines 1
     set gcov_verify_intermediate 0
     set gcov_remove_gcda 0
@@ -331,10 +506,13 @@  proc run-gcov { args } {
 	  set gcov_verify_calls 1
 	} elseif { $a == "branches" } {
 	  set gcov_verify_branches 1
+	} elseif { $a == "conditions" } {
+	  set gcov_verify_conditions 1
 	} elseif { $a == "intermediate" } {
 	  set gcov_verify_intermediate 1
 	  set gcov_verify_calls 0
 	  set gcov_verify_branches 0
+	  set gcov_verify_conditions 0
 	  set gcov_verify_lines 0
 	} elseif { $a == "remove-gcda" } {
 	  set gcov_remove_gcda 1
@@ -404,6 +582,11 @@  proc run-gcov { args } {
     } else {
 	set bfailed 0
+    if { $gcov_verify_conditions } {
+	set cdfailed [verify-conditions $testname $testcase $testcase.gcov]
+    } else {
+	set cdfailed 0
+    }
     if { $gcov_verify_calls } {
 	set cfailed [verify-calls $testname $testcase $testcase.gcov]
     } else {
@@ -418,12 +601,12 @@  proc run-gcov { args } {
     # Report whether the gcov test passed or failed.  If there were
     # multiple failures then the message is a summary.
-    set tfailed [expr $lfailed + $bfailed + $cfailed + $ifailed]
+    set tfailed [expr $lfailed + $bfailed + $cdfailed + $cfailed + $ifailed]
     if { $xfailed } {
 	setup_xfail "*-*-*"
     if { $tfailed > 0 } {
-	fail "$testname gcov: $lfailed failures in line counts, $bfailed in branch percentages, $cfailed in return percentages, $ifailed in intermediate format"
+	fail "$testname gcov: $lfailed failures in line counts, $bfailed in branch percentages, $cdfailed in condition/decision, $cfailed in return percentages, $ifailed in intermediate format"
 	if { $xfailed } {
 	    clean-gcov $testcase
diff --git a/gcc/ b/gcc/
index 6d40401f86f..d737e45cd62 100644
--- a/gcc/
+++ b/gcc/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@  along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
 /* Generate basic block profile instrumentation and auxiliary files.
    Tree-based version.  See for overview.  */
 #include "config.h"
 #include "system.h"
 #include "coretypes.h"
@@ -58,6 +59,8 @@  along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
 #include "alloc-pool.h"
 #include "symbol-summary.h"
 #include "symtab-thunks.h"
+#include "cfganal.h"
+#include "cfgloop.h"
 static GTY(()) tree gcov_type_node;
 static GTY(()) tree tree_interval_profiler_fn;
@@ -73,6 +76,879 @@  static GTY(()) tree ic_tuple_var;
 static GTY(()) tree ic_tuple_counters_field;
 static GTY(()) tree ic_tuple_callee_field;
+struct conds_ctx
+    /* Output arrays allocated by the caller.  */
+    basic_block *blocks;
+    int *sizes;
+    /* The size of the blocks buffer.  This is just bug protection,
+       the caller should have allocated enough memory for blocks to never get
+       this many elements.
+       */
+    int maxsize;
+    /* Number of expressions found - this value is the number of entries in the
+       gcov output and the parameter to gcov_counter_alloc ().
+       */
+    int exprs;
+    /* Bitmap of the processed blocks - bit n set means basic_block->index has
+       been processed as a first-in-expression block.  This effectively stops
+       loop edges from being taken and subgraphs re-processed.
+       */
+    auto_sbitmap seen;
+    /* Pre-allocate bitmaps for per-function book keeping.  This is pure
+       instance reuse and the bitmaps carries no data between function calls.
+       */
+    auto_sbitmap expr;
+    auto_sbitmap reachable;
+    explicit conds_ctx (unsigned size) noexcept (true) : maxsize (0), exprs (0),
+    seen (size), expr (size), reachable (size)
+    {
+	bitmap_clear (seen);
+    }
+    void commit (basic_block top, int nblocks) noexcept (true)
+    {
+	blocks  += nblocks;
+	*sizes  += nblocks;
+	maxsize -= nblocks;
+	exprs++;
+	sizes++;
+	*sizes = 0;
+	bitmap_set_bit (seen, top->index);
+    }
+/* Only instrument terms with fewer than number of bits in a (wide) gcov
+   integer, which is probably 64.  The algorithm itself does not impose this
+   limitation, but it makes for a simpler implementation.
+   * Allocating the output data structure (coverage_counter_alloc ()) can
+     assume pairs of gcov_type_unsigned and not use a separate length field.
+   * A pair gcov_type_unsigned can be used as accumulators.
+   * Updating accumulators is can use the bitwise operations |=, &= and not
+     custom operators that work for arbitrary-sized bit-sets.
+   Most real-world code should be unaffected by this, but it is possible
+   (especially for generated code) to exceed this limit.
+ */
+#define CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS (sizeof (gcov_type_unsigned) * BITS_PER_UNIT)
+index_of (const_basic_block needle, const const_basic_block *blocks, int size)
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+	if (blocks[i] == needle)
+	    return i;
+    }
+    return -1;
+index_lt (const basic_block x, const basic_block y)
+    return x->index < y->index;
+/* Special cases of the single_*_p and single_*_edge functions in basic-block.h
+   that don't consider exception handling or other complex edges.  This helps
+   create a view of the CFG with only normal edges - if a basic block has both
+   an outgoing fallthrough and exceptional edge [1], it should be considered a
+   single-successor.
+   [1] if this is not possible, these functions can be removed and replaced by
+       their basic-block.h cousins.
+ */
+single (const vec<edge, va_gc> *edges)
+    int n = EDGE_COUNT (edges);
+    if (n == 0)
+	return false;
+    for (edge e : edges)
+	if (e->flags & EDGE_COMPLEX)
+	    n -= 1;
+    return n == 1;
+single_edge (const vec<edge, va_gc> *edges)
+    for (edge e : edges)
+    {
+	if (e->flags & EDGE_COMPLEX)
+	    continue;
+	return e;
+    }
+    gcc_unreachable ();
+/* Sometimes, for example with function calls and C++ destructors the CFG gets
+   extra nodes that are essentially single-entry-single-exit in the middle of
+   boolean expressions.  For example:
+      x || can_throw (y)
+               A
+              /|
+             / |
+            B  |
+            |  |
+            C  |
+           / \ |
+          /   \|
+         F     T
+   Without the extra node inserted by the function + exception it becomes a
+   proper 2-term graph, not 2 single-term graphs.
+               A
+              /|
+             C |
+            / \|
+           F   T
+   contract_edge ignores the series of intermediate nodes and makes a virtual
+   edge A -> C, without having to construct a new simplified CFG explicitly.
+   Such an expression cannot correctly be repreted as two 1-term expressions,
+   as it would break the condition masking.
+ */
+contract_edge (edge e, sbitmap expr)
+    while (true)
+    {
+	basic_block src  = e->src;
+	basic_block dest = e->dest;
+	if (!single (dest->succs))
+	    return e;
+	if (!single (dest->preds))
+	    return e;
+	if (!single (src->preds))
+	    return e;
+	edge succe = single_edge (dest->succs);
+	if (!single (succe->dest->preds))
+	    return e;
+	bitmap_set_bit (expr, dest->index);
+	e = succe;
+    }
+contract_edge_up (edge e, sbitmap expr)
+    while (true)
+    {
+	basic_block src  = e->src;
+	basic_block dest = e->dest;
+	if (!single (dest->succs))
+	    return e;
+	if (!single (dest->preds))
+	    return e;
+	if (!single (src->preds))
+	    return e;
+	if (expr) bitmap_set_bit (expr, src->index);
+	e = single_pred_edge (src);
+    }
+is_conditional_p (const basic_block b)
+    if (single_succ_p (b))
+        return false;
+    unsigned t = 0;
+    unsigned f = 0;
+    for (edge e : b->succs)
+    {
+        t |= (e->flags & EDGE_TRUE_VALUE);
+        f |= (e->flags & EDGE_FALSE_VALUE);
+    }
+    return t && f;
+/* The first block in the output will always be the source block of the edge
+   that will apply the masking operation, with the remaining blocks effectively
+   unordered.
+ */
+find_conditions_masked_by (
+    basic_block block,
+    const sbitmap expr,
+    const unsigned *flag,
+    basic_block *out,
+    int maxsize)
+    int n = 0;
+    for (edge e : block->preds)
+    {
+	/* Skip any predecessor not in the expression - there might be such an
+	   edge to the enclosing expression or in the presence of loops, but
+	   masking cannot happen outside the expression itself. */
+	if (!bitmap_bit_p (expr, e->src->index))
+	    continue;
+	e = contract_edge_up (e, NULL);
+	if (e->flags & flag[0])
+	    out[n++] = e->src;
+    }
+    if (n > 1)
+    {
+	basic_block *top = std::max_element (out, out + n, index_lt);
+	std::iter_swap (top, out);
+    }
+    for (int pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
+    {
+	for (edge e : out[pos]->preds)
+	{
+	    if (!bitmap_bit_p (expr, e->src->index))
+		continue;
+	    if (index_of (e->src, out, n) != -1)
+		continue;
+	    e = contract_edge_up (e, NULL);
+	    if (e->flags & flag[1])
+		out[n++] = e->src;
+	    gcc_assert (n < maxsize);
+	}
+    }
+    return n;
+/* Scan the blocks that make up an expression and look for conditions that
+   would mask other conditions.  For a deeper discussion on masking, see
+   Whalen, Heimdahl, De Silva "Efficient Test Coverage Measurement for MC/DC".
+   Masking is best illustrated with an example:
+   A || B.  If B is true then A will does not independently affect the decision.
+   In a way, this is "reverse" short circuiting, and always work on the
+   right-hand side of expressions.  * || true is always true and * && false is
+   always false - the left-hand-side does not affect the outcome, and their
+   values should not contribute to modifidied condition/decision coverage.
+   A || B interpreted as a decision diagram becomes:
+    A
+   t|\f
+    | \
+    |  B
+    |t/ \f
+    |/   \
+    T     F
+   The algorithm looks for triangles like ATB.  Masking right-hand sides happen
+   when a block has a pair of incoming edges of the same boolean value, and
+   there is an edge connecting the two predecessors with the *opposite* boolean
+   value.  The masking block is B, and the masked block is A.  In this
+   particular example:
+   Masking can affect "outside" its own subexpression; in A || (B && C) if C is
+   false, B is masked.  However, if (B && C) is true, A gets masked.  B && C
+   can be determined from evaluating C since !B would short-circuit, so a true
+   C would mask A.
+    A
+   t|\f
+    | \
+    |  \
+    |   \
+    |    B
+    |  t/ \f
+    |  C   |
+    |t/ \f |
+    |/   \ |
+    T     F
+   Notice how BFC forms a triangle.  Expressions masked by an edge are
+   determined by:
+   * Go to the predecessor with truth value b (if it exists).
+   * Follow the path of ancestors with taking only !b edges, recording every
+     node from here on.
+   For the case where C can mask A, the path goes C [true]-> B -> [false] A, so
+   C [true] masks A.
+   The mask is output as a bit-set stored in a gcov_type_unsigned.  The
+   bit-sets are output in pairs, one for each decision (the outcome of the
+   boolean expression, or which arc to take in the CFG).
+ */
+find_subexpr_masks (
+    const basic_block *blocks,
+    int nblocks,
+    gcov_type_unsigned *masks)
+    const unsigned flags[] = {
+    };
+    basic_block path[CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS];
+    auto_sbitmap expr (n_basic_blocks_for_fn (cfun));
+    bitmap_clear (expr);
+    for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+	bitmap_set_bit (expr, blocks[i]->index);
+    for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+    {
+	basic_block block = blocks[i];
+	if (single_pred_p (block))
+	    continue;
+	for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
+	{
+	    const int n = find_conditions_masked_by
+		(block, expr, flags + k, path, CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS);
+	    if (n < 2)
+		continue;
+	    const int m = 2*index_of (path[0], blocks, nblocks) + k;
+	    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
+	    {
+		const int index = index_of (path[i], blocks, nblocks);
+		masks[m] |= gcov_type_unsigned (1) << index;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+collect_reachable_conditionals (
+    basic_block pre,
+    basic_block post,
+    basic_block *out,
+    int maxsize,
+    sbitmap expr)
+    gcc_assert (maxsize > 0);
+    basic_block loop = pre->loop_father->header;
+    int n = 0;
+    out[n++] = pre;
+    bitmap_set_bit (expr, pre->index);
+    for (int pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
+    {
+	basic_block block = out[pos];
+	for (edge e : block->succs)
+	{
+	    basic_block dest = contract_edge (e, expr)->dest;
+	    /* Skip loop edges, as they go outside the expression.  */
+	    if (dest == loop)
+		continue;
+	    if (dest == post)
+		continue;
+	    if (!is_conditional_p (dest))
+		continue;
+	    /* Already-seen, don't re-add.  */
+	    if (bitmap_bit_p (expr, dest->index))
+		continue;
+	    bitmap_set_bit (expr, dest->index);
+	    out[n++] = dest;
+	    if (n == maxsize)
+		return n;
+	}
+    }
+    return n;
+collect_neighbors (basic_block *blocks, int nblocks, sbitmap reachable)
+    int n = 0;
+    basic_block *exits = blocks + nblocks;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+    {
+	for (edge e : blocks[i]->succs)
+	{
+	    if (bitmap_bit_p (reachable, e->dest->index))
+		continue;
+	    bitmap_set_bit (reachable, e->dest->index);
+	    exits[n++] = e->dest;
+	}
+    }
+    return n;
+/* Find and isolate the first expression between two dominators.
+   Either block of a conditional could have more decisions and loops, so
+   isolate the first decision by set-intersecting all paths from the
+   post-dominator to the entry block.
+   The function returns the number of blocks from n that make up the leading
+   expression in prefix order (i.e. the order expected by the instrumenting
+   code).  When this function returns 0 there are no decisions between pre and
+   post, and this segment of the CFG can safely be skipped.
+   The post nodes can have predecessors that do not belong to this subgraph,
+   which are skipped.  This is expected, for example when there is a
+   conditional in the else-block of a larger expression:
+   if (A)
+   {
+      if (B) {}
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if (C) {} else {}
+   }
+             A
+          t / \ f
+           /   \
+          B     C
+         /\    / \
+        /  \  T   F
+       T    \  \ /
+        \   |   o
+         \  |  /
+          \ | /
+           \|/
+            E
+   Processing [B, E) which looks like:
+      B
+     /|
+    / |
+   T  |
+    \ /
+     E ----> o // predecessor outside [B, e)
+ */
+/* Do a (upwards) search for reachable nodes and mark them in the reachable
+   set, making sure not to take loop edges.  dfs_enumerate_from () won't work as
+   the filter function needs information from the edge. */
+find_reachable (
+    sbitmap reachable,
+    basic_block pre,
+    basic_block post,
+    basic_block *stack)
+    stack[0] = pre;
+    bitmap_set_bit (reachable, pre->index);
+    bitmap_set_bit (reachable, post->index);
+    for (int n = 0; n >= 0; n--)
+    {
+	for (edge e : stack[n]->preds)
+	{
+	    if (bitmap_bit_p (reachable, e->src->index))
+		continue;
+	    /* Ignore any loop edges.  */
+	    if (dominated_by_p (CDI_DOMINATORS, e->src, e->dest))
+		continue;
+	    basic_block src = contract_edge_up (e, reachable)->src;
+	    bitmap_set_bit (reachable, src->index);
+	    stack[n++] = src;
+	}
+    }
+find_first_conditional (conds_ctx &ctx, basic_block pre, basic_block post)
+    basic_block *blocks = ctx.blocks;
+    sbitmap expr = ctx.expr;
+    sbitmap reachable = ctx.reachable;
+    bitmap_clear (expr);
+    bitmap_clear (reachable);
+    blocks[0] = pre;
+    /* If there is a direct edge to the post dominator then this cannot only be
+       a single-term conditional *unless* it is a loop (in which case the
+       to-post edge is the loop exit edge).
+     */
+    const bool dowhile = !loop_exits_from_bb_p (pre->loop_father, pre);
+    const bool isloop = bb_loop_header_p (pre) && !dowhile;
+    if (find_edge (pre, post) && !isloop)
+	return 1;
+    const int nblocks = collect_reachable_conditionals
+	(pre, post, blocks, ctx.maxsize, expr);
+    if (nblocks == 1)
+	return nblocks;
+    bitmap_copy (reachable, expr);
+    const int nexits = collect_neighbors (blocks, nblocks, reachable);
+    if (nexits == 2)
+	return nblocks;
+    /* Find reachable nodes from the neighbors.  */
+    basic_block *exits = blocks + nblocks;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nexits; i++)
+    {
+	for (edge e : exits[i]->preds)
+	{
+	    if (!dominated_by_p (CDI_DOMINATORS, e->src, pre))
+		continue;
+	    bitmap_clear (reachable);
+	    find_reachable (reachable, e->src, pre, exits + nexits);
+	    for (edge f : exits[i]->preds)
+		bitmap_set_bit (reachable, f->src->index);
+	    bitmap_and (expr, expr, reachable);
+	}
+    }
+    int k = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+	if (bitmap_bit_p (expr, blocks[i]->index))
+	    blocks[k++] = blocks[i];
+    return k;
+emit_bitwise_op (edge e, tree lhs, tree op1, tree_code op, tree op2,
+		 int atomic = 0)
+    tree tmp;
+    gassign *read;
+    gassign *bitw;
+    gimple  *write;
+    /* Insert lhs = op1 <bit-op> op2.
+       The operands are assumed to be local accumulators or already SSA'd (and
+       not referencing globals) and don't need atomic reads anymore.
+     */
+    tmp   = make_temp_ssa_name (gcov_type_node, NULL, "__conditions_tmp");
+    read  = gimple_build_assign (tmp, op1);
+    tmp   = make_temp_ssa_name (gcov_type_node, NULL, "__conditions_tmp");
+    bitw  = gimple_build_assign (tmp, op, gimple_assign_lhs (read), op2);
+    if (atomic)
+    {
+	tree relaxed = build_int_cst (integer_type_node, MEMMODEL_RELAXED);
+	tree store = builtin_decl_explicit (
+		TYPE_PRECISION (gcov_type_node) > 32
+	// __atomic_store_8 (&lhs, (op1 | op2), __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+	write = gimple_build_call
+	    (store, 3, build_addr (lhs), gimple_assign_lhs (bitw), relaxed);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	write = gimple_build_assign (lhs, gimple_assign_lhs (bitw));
+    }
+    gsi_insert_on_edge (e, read);
+    gsi_insert_on_edge (e, bitw);
+    gsi_insert_on_edge (e, write);
+/* Walk the CFG and collect conditionals.
+   1. Collect all nodes reachable from the root node through (contracted) paths
+      of true/false edges.
+   2. Collect the neighbors of the reachable node (set).
+   3. From every node in the neighborhood, walk the up the CFG and mark every
+      reachable node.  Only the nodes reachable from *every* node in the
+      neighborhood are a part of the first expression.
+   4. Record the expression plus the two successors of the last (highest-index)
+      node in the expression, i.e. the last term.
+   5. Repeat using the two successors as new root nodes.
+   It is not guaranteed to find nodes in the order of the expression, i.e. it
+   might find (a || b) && c as [a c b], so the output is sorted by
+   basic_block->index.
+   Steps 2 and 3 are necessary to distinguish chained conditionals from
+   multi-term conditionals, e.g. to separate
+       if (a)
+       {
+           if (b)
+               work ();
+       }
+       if (a && b)
+           work ();
+ */
+collect_conditions (conds_ctx& ctx, basic_block entry, basic_block exit)
+    basic_block pre;
+    basic_block post;
+    for (pre = entry ;; pre = post)
+    {
+	if (pre == exit)
+	    break;
+	if (bitmap_bit_p (ctx.seen, pre->index))
+	    break;
+	bitmap_set_bit (ctx.seen, pre->index);
+	post = get_immediate_dominator (CDI_POST_DOMINATORS, pre);
+	if (!is_conditional_p (pre))
+	{
+	    for (edge e : pre->succs)
+		collect_conditions (ctx, e->dest, post);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	int nterms = find_first_conditional (ctx, pre, post);
+	std::sort (ctx.blocks, ctx.blocks + nterms, index_lt);
+	basic_block last = ctx.blocks[nterms - 1];
+	if (size_t (nterms) <= CONDITIONS_MAX_TERMS)
+	{
+	    for (edge e : last->succs)
+		if (e->flags & (EDGE_TRUE_VALUE | EDGE_FALSE_VALUE))
+		    ctx.blocks[nterms++] = e->dest;
+	    ctx.commit (pre, nterms);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    location_t loc = gimple_location (gsi_stmt (gsi_last_bb (pre)));
+	    warning_at
+		(loc, OPT_Wcoverage_too_many_conditions,
+		 "Too many conditions (found %d); giving up coverage", nterms);
+	}
+	for (edge e : last->succs)
+	    collect_conditions (ctx, e->dest, post);
+    }
+/* Condition coverage (MC/DC)
+   Algorithm
+   ---------
+   Whalen, Heimdahl, De Silva in "Efficient Test Coverage Measurement for
+   MC/DC" describe an algorithm for modified condition/decision coverage based
+   on AST analysis.  This algorithm analyses the control flow graph, but the
+   accumulation and recording of (partial) results is inspired by their work.
+   The individual phases are described in more detail closer to the
+   implementation.
+   The CFG is broken up into segments between dominators.  This isn't strictly
+   necessary, but since boolean expressions cannot cross dominators it makes
+   for a nice way to reduce work.
+   The coverage only considers the positions, not the symbols, in a
+   conditional, e.g. !A || (!B && A) is a 3-term conditional even though A
+   appears twice.  Subexpressions have no effect on term ordering:
+   (a && (b || (c && d)) || e) comes out as [a b c d e].
+   The output for gcov is a vector of pairs of unsigned integers, interpreted
+   as bit-sets, where the bit index corresponds to the index of the condition
+   in the expression.
+   Implementation and interface
+   ----------------------------
+   Two public functions - find_conditions and instrument_decisions.
+   find_conditions outputs two arrays, blocks and sizes.  The sizes describes
+   the ranges of blocks that make up every conditional, in a [first, last)
+   fashion, i.e. begin = blocks[sizes[n]], end = blocks[sizes[n+1]] for
+   expression n.  The function returns the number of expressions.
+   The coverage is designed to get most of its memory needs met by the caller,
+   and heavily uses the end of the blocks array for buffer.  This is both for
+   performance (no resizes, amortized cost of allocation) and
+   ease-of-implementation.  This makes the caller responsible for allocating
+   large enough arrays.
+   blocks:
+    Every permanent conditions add 2 blocks (the true & false dest blocks), and
+    assuming a worst case of one-block-per-expr just storing the output needs
+    3*n_basic_blocks_for_fn ().  Additionally, the searches might need to buffer
+    the full graph between entry and exit [1]. In total that means
+    5*n_basic_blocks_for_fn () should should be plenty, and the savings for
+    reducing this number is probably not worth the risk.
+   sizes:
+    sizes gets one entry per expression plus initial, so
+    1+n_basic_blocks_for_fn () is sufficient.
+   instrument_decisions uses the information provided by find_conditions to
+   inject code onto edges in the CFG.  Every instrumented function gets local
+   accumulators zero'd on function entry, which on function exit are flushed to
+   the global accumulators (created by coverage_counter_alloc ()).
+   [1] In truth, the set of nodes that could be buffered gets smaller as the
+       algorithm walks the CFG, but assuming just using node-count comes at
+       little run-time cost and is guaranteed to be sufficient.
+ */
+find_conditions (
+    basic_block entry,
+    basic_block exit,
+    basic_block *blocks,
+    int *sizes,
+    int maxsize)
+    record_loop_exits ();
+    bool free_dom = false;
+    bool free_post_dom = false;
+    if (!dom_info_available_p (CDI_POST_DOMINATORS))
+    {
+	calculate_dominance_info (CDI_POST_DOMINATORS);
+	free_post_dom = true;
+    }
+    if (!dom_info_available_p (CDI_DOMINATORS))
+    {
+	calculate_dominance_info (CDI_DOMINATORS);
+	free_dom = true;
+    }
+    conds_ctx ctx (maxsize);
+    ctx.blocks = blocks;
+    ctx.sizes = sizes + 1;
+    ctx.maxsize = maxsize;
+    sizes[0] = sizes[1] = 0;
+    collect_conditions (ctx, entry, exit);
+    /* Partial sum.  */
+    for (int i = 0; i < ctx.exprs; ++i)
+	sizes[i + 1] += sizes[i];
+    if (free_post_dom)
+	free_dominance_info (CDI_POST_DOMINATORS);
+    if (free_dom)
+	free_dominance_info (CDI_DOMINATORS);
+    return ctx.exprs;
+int instrument_decisions (basic_block *blocks, int nblocks, int condno)
+    /* Insert function-local accumulators per decision.  */
+    tree accu[2] = {
+	build_decl
+	     get_identifier ("__conditions_accu_true"), gcov_type_node),
+	build_decl
+	     get_identifier ("__conditions_accu_false"), gcov_type_node),
+    };
+    for (tree acc : accu)
+    {
+	tree zero = build_int_cst (gcov_type_node, 0);
+	for (edge e : ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN (cfun)->succs)
+	    gsi_insert_on_edge (e, gimple_build_assign (acc, zero));
+    }
+    auto_vec<gcov_type_unsigned, 32> masks (nblocks * 2);
+    masks.quick_grow_cleared (nblocks * 2);
+    find_subexpr_masks (blocks, nblocks, masks.address ());
+    /* The true/false target blocks are included in the nblocks set, but
+       their outgoing edges should not be instrumented.
+     */
+    gcc_assert (nblocks > 2);
+    /* Add instructions for updating the function-local accumulators.  */
+    for (int i = 0; i < nblocks - 2; i++)
+    {
+	for (edge e : blocks[i]->succs)
+	{
+	    if (!(e->flags & (EDGE_TRUE_VALUE | EDGE_FALSE_VALUE)))
+		continue;
+	    /* accu |= expr[i] */
+	    const int t = !!(e->flags & EDGE_FALSE_VALUE);
+	    tree rhs = build_int_cst (gcov_type_node, 1ULL << i);
+	    emit_bitwise_op (e, accu[t], accu[t], BIT_IOR_EXPR, rhs);
+	    if (masks[2*i + t] == 0)
+		continue;
+	    /* accu &= mask[i] */
+	    tree mask = build_int_cst (gcov_type_node, ~masks[2*i + t]);
+	    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+		emit_bitwise_op (e, accu[j], accu[j], BIT_AND_EXPR, mask);
+	}
+    }
+    /* Add instructions for updating the global accumulators.  */
+    basic_block exit = EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN (cfun);
+    for (edge e : exit->preds)
+    {
+	for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
+	{
+	    tree ref = tree_coverage_counter_ref
+		(GCOV_COUNTER_CONDS, 2*condno + k);
+	    tree tmp = make_temp_ssa_name
+		(gcov_type_node, NULL, "__conditions_tmp");
+	    const bool atomic = flag_profile_update == PROFILE_UPDATE_ATOMIC;
+	    if (atomic)
+	    {
+		tree relaxed = build_int_cst
+		    (integer_type_node, MEMMODEL_RELAXED);
+		tree atomic_load = builtin_decl_explicit
+		    (TYPE_PRECISION (gcov_type_node) > 32
+		     : BUILT_IN_ATOMIC_LOAD_4);
+		tree lhs_type = TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (atomic_load));
+		tree lhs = make_temp_ssa_name
+		    (lhs_type, NULL, "__conditions_load_lhs");
+		gcall *load = gimple_build_call
+		    (atomic_load, 2, build_addr (ref), relaxed);
+		gimple_set_lhs (load, lhs);
+		gassign *assign = gimple_build_assign
+		    (tmp, NOP_EXPR, gimple_call_lhs (load));
+		gsi_insert_on_edge (e, load);
+		gsi_insert_on_edge (e, assign);
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		gassign *read = gimple_build_assign (tmp, ref);
+		tmp = gimple_assign_lhs (read);
+		gsi_insert_on_edge (e, read);
+	    }
+	    ref = unshare_expr (ref);
+	    emit_bitwise_op (e, ref, accu[k], BIT_IOR_EXPR, tmp, atomic);
+	}
+    }
+    return nblocks - 2;
 /* Do initialization work for the edge profiler.  */
 /* Add code:
@@ -758,7 +1634,7 @@  tree_profiling (void)
 	  thunk = true;
 	  /* When generate profile, expand thunk to gimple so it can be
 	     instrumented same way as other functions.  */
-	  if (profile_arc_flag)
+	  if (profile_arc_flag || profile_condition_flag)
 	    expand_thunk (node, false, true);
 	  /* Read cgraph profile but keep function as thunk at profile-use
 	     time.  */
@@ -803,7 +1679,7 @@  tree_profiling (void)
   release_profile_file_filtering ();
   /* Drop pure/const flags from instrumented functions.  */
-  if (profile_arc_flag || flag_test_coverage)
+  if (profile_arc_flag || profile_condition_flag || flag_test_coverage)
 	if (!gimple_has_body_p (node->decl)
@@ -897,7 +1773,7 @@  pass_ipa_tree_profile::gate (function *)
      disabled.  */
   return (!in_lto_p && !flag_auto_profile
 	  && (flag_branch_probabilities || flag_test_coverage
-	      || profile_arc_flag));
+	      || profile_arc_flag || profile_condition_flag));
 } // anon namespace