[Ada] Reference in Unbounded_String is almost never null
Commit Message
There are two variants of the Ada.Strings.Unbounded_String package, with
and without atomic reference counters. The underlying pointer is never
null in one variant (and had a null-excluding type) and almost never
null in the other variant (and now has a null-excluding type as well).
Cleanup related to sync of contracts for GNATprove between both variants
of the package.
Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk
* libgnat/a-strunb.ads (Unbounded_String): Reference is never
* libgnat/a-strunb.adb (Finalize): Copy reference while it needs
to be deallocated.
@@ -505,8 +505,14 @@ package body Ada.Strings.Unbounded is
-- Note: Don't try to free statically allocated null string
if Object.Reference /= Null_String'Access then
- Deallocate (Object.Reference);
- Object.Reference := Null_Unbounded_String.Reference;
+ declare
+ Reference_Copy : String_Access := Object.Reference;
+ -- The original reference cannot be null, so we must create a
+ -- copy which will become null when deallocated.
+ begin
+ Deallocate (Reference_Copy);
+ Object.Reference := Null_Unbounded_String.Reference;
+ end;
Object.Last := 0;
end if;
end Finalize;
@@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ private
renames To_Unbounded_String;
type Unbounded_String is new AF.Controlled with record
- Reference : String_Access := Null_String'Access;
- Last : Natural := 0;
+ Reference : not null String_Access := Null_String'Access;
+ Last : Natural := 0;
end record with Put_Image => Put_Image;
procedure Put_Image