[Ada] Proof of the runtime support for attribute 'Width

Message ID 20211020192758.GA3154456@adacore.com
State Committed
Series [Ada] Proof of the runtime support for attribute 'Width |

Commit Message

Pierre-Marie de Rodat Oct. 20, 2021, 7:27 p.m. UTC
  This proves the absence of runtime errors and the functional spec
of function System.Width_U which implements the runtime support for
attribute 'Width.

It requires using the library unit Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers
because it was not possible to achieve even absence of runtime errors
by attempting the same proofs completely in machine integer type Uns,
as provers don't succeed in that case to abstract from the constant
need to prove absence of wrap-around/overflow.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk


	* libgnat/s-widlllu.ads: Mark in SPARK.
	* libgnat/s-widllu.ads: Likewise.
	* libgnat/s-widuns.ads: Likewise.
	* libgnat/s-widthu.adb: Add ghost code and a


diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widlllu.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widlllu.ads
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widlllu.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widlllu.ads
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ 
 with System.Width_U;
 with System.Unsigned_Types;
-package System.Wid_LLLU is
+package System.Wid_LLLU
+  with SPARK_Mode
    subtype Long_Long_Long_Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned;
    function Width_Long_Long_Long_Unsigned is

diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widllu.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widllu.ads
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widllu.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widllu.ads
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ 
 with System.Width_U;
 with System.Unsigned_Types;
-package System.Wid_LLU is
+package System.Wid_LLU
+  with SPARK_Mode
    subtype Long_Long_Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Long_Long_Unsigned;
    function Width_Long_Long_Unsigned is new Width_U (Long_Long_Unsigned);

diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widthu.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widthu.adb
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widthu.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widthu.adb
@@ -29,10 +29,87 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
+with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
+use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
 function System.Width_U (Lo, Hi : Uns) return Natural is
+   --  Ghost code, loop invariants and assertions in this unit are meant for
+   --  analysis only, not for run-time checking, as it would be too costly
+   --  otherwise. This is enforced by setting the assertion policy to Ignore.
+   pragma Assertion_Policy (Ghost          => Ignore,
+                            Loop_Invariant => Ignore,
+                            Assert         => Ignore);
    W : Natural;
    T : Uns;
+   package Unsigned_Conversion is new Unsigned_Conversions (Int => Uns);
+   function Big (Arg : Uns) return Big_Integer is
+     (Unsigned_Conversion.To_Big_Integer (Arg))
+   with Ghost;
+   --  Maximum value of exponent for 10 that fits in Uns'Base
+   function Max_Log10 return Natural is
+     (case Uns'Base'Size is
+        when 8   => 2,
+        when 16  => 4,
+        when 32  => 9,
+        when 64  => 19,
+        when 128 => 38,
+        when others => raise Program_Error)
+   with Ghost;
+   Max_W  : constant Natural := Max_Log10 with Ghost;
+   Big_10 : constant Big_Integer := Big (10) with Ghost;
+   procedure Lemma_Lower_Mult (A, B, C : Big_Natural)
+   with
+     Ghost,
+     Pre  => A <= B,
+     Post => A * C <= B * C;
+   procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns)
+   with
+     Ghost,
+     Pre  => Y /= 0,
+     Post => Big (X) / Big (Y) = Big (X / Y);
+   procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive)
+   with
+     Ghost,
+     Post => X / Y / Z = X / (Y * Z);
+   procedure Lemma_Lower_Mult (A, B, C : Big_Natural) is
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Lemma_Lower_Mult;
+   procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns) is
+   begin
+      null;
+   end Lemma_Div_Commutation;
+   procedure Lemma_Div_Twice (X : Big_Natural; Y, Z : Big_Positive) is
+      XY  : constant Big_Natural := X / Y;
+      YZ  : constant Big_Natural := Y * Z;
+      XYZ : constant Big_Natural := X / Y / Z;
+      R   : constant Big_Natural := (XY rem Z) * Y + (X rem Y);
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (X = XY * Y + (X rem Y));
+      pragma Assert (XY = XY / Z * Z + (XY rem Z));
+      pragma Assert (X = XYZ * YZ + R);
+      pragma Assert ((XY rem Z) * Y <= (Z - 1) * Y);
+      pragma Assert (R <= YZ - 1);
+      pragma Assert (X / YZ = (XYZ * YZ + R) / YZ);
+      pragma Assert (X / YZ = XYZ + R / YZ);
+   end Lemma_Div_Twice;
+   Pow    : Big_Integer := 1 with Ghost;
+   T_Init : constant Uns := Uns'Max (Lo, Hi) with Ghost;
    if Lo > Hi then
       return 0;
@@ -50,10 +127,40 @@  begin
       --  Increase value if more digits required
       while T >= 10 loop
+         Lemma_Div_Commutation (T, 10);
+         Lemma_Div_Twice (Big (T_Init), Big_10 ** (W - 2), Big_10);
          T := T / 10;
          W := W + 1;
+         Pow := Pow * 10;
+         pragma Loop_Variant (Decreases => T);
+         pragma Loop_Invariant (W in 3 .. Max_W + 3);
+         pragma Loop_Invariant (Pow = Big_10 ** (W - 2));
+         pragma Loop_Invariant (Big (T) = Big (T_Init) / Pow);
       end loop;
+      declare
+         F : constant Big_Integer := Big_10 ** (W - 2) with Ghost;
+         Q : constant Big_Integer := Big (T_Init) / F with Ghost;
+         R : constant Big_Integer := Big (T_Init) rem F with Ghost;
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Q < Big_10);
+         pragma Assert (Big (T_Init) = Q * F + R);
+         Lemma_Lower_Mult (Q, Big (9), F);
+         pragma Assert (Big (T_Init) <= Big (9) * F + F - 1);
+         pragma Assert (Big (T_Init) < Big_10 * F);
+         pragma Assert (Big_10 * F = Big_10 ** (W - 1));
+      end;
+      --  This is an expression of the functional postcondition for Width_U,
+      --  which cannot be expressed readily as a postcondition as this would
+      --  require making the instantiation Unsigned_Conversion and function
+      --  Big available from the spec.
+      pragma Assert (Big (Lo) < Big_10 ** (W - 1));
+      pragma Assert (Big (Hi) < Big_10 ** (W - 1));
       return W;
    end if;

diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widuns.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widuns.ads
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widuns.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-widuns.ads
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ 
 with System.Width_U;
 with System.Unsigned_Types;
-package System.Wid_Uns is
+package System.Wid_Uns
+  with SPARK_Mode
    subtype Unsigned is Unsigned_Types.Unsigned;
    function Width_Unsigned is new Width_U (Unsigned);