[WIP] objdump: UTF-8 jump visuzalization

Message ID cb383920-d1ec-4f6c-aa79-5240e809ee52@jwo.cz
State New
Series [WIP] objdump: UTF-8 jump visuzalization |


Context Check Description
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_binutils_build--master-arm success Test passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_binutils_build--master-aarch64 success Test passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_binutils_check--master-aarch64 success Test passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_binutils_check--master-arm success Test passed

Commit Message

Jiří Wolker June 11, 2024, 6:14 p.m. UTC

I've just modified the objdump to render the jump visualization using 
UTF-8 characters. I attach the patch and a screenshot of the new output 
with extended color enabled.

I send this message to ask whether this feature has an opportunity to be 
added to the binutils. My patch is not finished – it is required to add 
some other characters to the output to make the output cleaner, also 
autodetection of UTF-8 environment (and enabling the UTF-8 on such 
machines) should be added. Also, fine-tuning the output (such as 
changing arrow shape) for user's needs would be a nice feature.

Thank you.
Jiří Wolker

Output of the objdump, in plain text:

00000000000001ed <print_msg>:
  1ed:	          50                   	push   %rax
  1ee:	          52                   	push   %rdx
  1ef:	          56                   	push   %rsi
  1f0:	   ╭────→ ac                   	lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al
  1f1:	   │      08 c0                	or     %al,%al
  1f3:	   │  ╭─  74 04                	je     1f9 <print_msg+0xc>
  1f5:	   │  │   e6 e9                	out    %al,$0xe9
  1f7:	   ╰──│─  eb f7                	jmp    1f0 <print_msg+0x3>
  1f9:	      ╰─→ 8b 34 24             	mov    (%rsp),%esi
  1fc:	╭───────→ 66 ba fd 03          	mov    $0x3fd,%dx
  200:	│         ec                   	in     (%dx),%al
  201:	│         24 20                	and    $0x20,%al
  203:	├───────  74 f7                	je     1fc <print_msg+0xf>
  205:	│         66 ba f8 03          	mov    $0x3f8,%dx
  209:	│         ac                   	lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al
  20a:	│         08 c0                	or     %al,%al
  20c:	│     ╭─  74 07                	je     215 <print_msg+0x28>
  20e:	│     │   3c 0a                	cmp    $0xa,%al
  210:	│  ╭──│─  74 07                	je     219 <print_msg+0x2c>
  212:	│  │  │   ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
  213:	├──│──│─  eb e7                	jmp    1fc <print_msg+0xf>
  215:	│  │  ╰─→ 5e                   	pop    %rsi
  216:	│  │      5a                   	pop    %rdx
  217:	│  │      58                   	pop    %rax
  218:	│  │      c3                   	ret
  219:	│  ╰────→ b0 0d                	mov    $0xd,%al
  21b:	│         ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
  21c:	│     ╭─→ 66 ba fd 03          	mov    $0x3fd,%dx
  220:	│     │   ec                   	in     (%dx),%al
  221:	│     │   24 20                	and    $0x20,%al
  223:	│     ╰─  74 f7                	je     21c <print_msg+0x2f>
  225:	│         66 ba f8 03          	mov    $0x3f8,%dx
  229:	│         b0 0a                	mov    $0xa,%al
  22b:	│         ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
  22c:	╰───────  eb ce                	jmp    1fc <print_msg+0xf>


Jan Beulich June 12, 2024, 7:33 a.m. UTC | #1
On 11.06.2024 20:14, Jiří Wolker wrote:
> I've just modified the objdump to render the jump visualization using 
> UTF-8 characters. I attach the patch and a screenshot of the new output 
> with extended color enabled.
> I send this message to ask whether this feature has an opportunity to be 
> added to the binutils.

I see no reason why it shouldn't be acceptable once finished.

> My patch is not finished – it is required to add 
> some other characters to the output to make the output cleaner, also 
> autodetection of UTF-8 environment (and enabling the UTF-8 on such 
> machines) should be added. Also, fine-tuning the output (such as 
> changing arrow shape) for user's needs would be a nice feature.

Right, even the rendering in the browser on the mailing list archive
shows, like at least my email UI, that ...

> Output of the objdump, in plain text:
> 00000000000001ed <print_msg>:
>   1ed:	          50                   	push   %rax
>   1ee:	          52                   	push   %rdx
>   1ef:	          56                   	push   %rsi
>   1f0:	   ╭────→ ac                   	lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al

... arrows aren't quite smooth. Unlike in the picture you had attached.

As to selection of characters, I'd like to note that in the viewer I'm
using to look at your patch as well as in one of the the two consoles I
tried, I can't properly see two of the characters, apparently due to
limitations of the font used. While use of the feature is optional
anyway, it might be nice if characters chosen were covered by a wide
range of commonly used fonts (including ones specifically aiming at use
for console output, which I've often found to support more limited sets).

As to the new command line option: I think the way you have it would
end up somewhat ambiguous if both it and the original option were used.
Instead I think you want to make this a new sub-option of
--visualize-jumps, i.e. --visualize-jumps=utf8. Further, just to
mention it because you don't say so above, please don't forget to also
adjust doc/binutils.texi.


>   1f1:	   │      08 c0                	or     %al,%al
>   1f3:	   │  ╭─  74 04                	je     1f9 <print_msg+0xc>
>   1f5:	   │  │   e6 e9                	out    %al,$0xe9
>   1f7:	   ╰──│─  eb f7                	jmp    1f0 <print_msg+0x3>
>   1f9:	      ╰─→ 8b 34 24             	mov    (%rsp),%esi
>   1fc:	╭───────→ 66 ba fd 03          	mov    $0x3fd,%dx
>   200:	│         ec                   	in     (%dx),%al
>   201:	│         24 20                	and    $0x20,%al
>   203:	├───────  74 f7                	je     1fc <print_msg+0xf>
>   205:	│         66 ba f8 03          	mov    $0x3f8,%dx
>   209:	│         ac                   	lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al
>   20a:	│         08 c0                	or     %al,%al
>   20c:	│     ╭─  74 07                	je     215 <print_msg+0x28>
>   20e:	│     │   3c 0a                	cmp    $0xa,%al
>   210:	│  ╭──│─  74 07                	je     219 <print_msg+0x2c>
>   212:	│  │  │   ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
>   213:	├──│──│─  eb e7                	jmp    1fc <print_msg+0xf>
>   215:	│  │  ╰─→ 5e                   	pop    %rsi
>   216:	│  │      5a                   	pop    %rdx
>   217:	│  │      58                   	pop    %rax
>   218:	│  │      c3                   	ret
>   219:	│  ╰────→ b0 0d                	mov    $0xd,%al
>   21b:	│         ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
>   21c:	│     ╭─→ 66 ba fd 03          	mov    $0x3fd,%dx
>   220:	│     │   ec                   	in     (%dx),%al
>   221:	│     │   24 20                	and    $0x20,%al
>   223:	│     ╰─  74 f7                	je     21c <print_msg+0x2f>
>   225:	│         66 ba f8 03          	mov    $0x3f8,%dx
>   229:	│         b0 0a                	mov    $0xa,%al
>   22b:	│         ee                   	out    %al,(%dx)
>   22c:	╰───────  eb ce                	jmp    1fc <print_msg+0xf>
Jiří Wolker June 12, 2024, 7:48 a.m. UTC | #2
Dne 12. 06. 24 v 9:33 Jan Beulich napsal(a):
> On 11.06.2024 20:14, Jiří Wolker wrote:
>> I've just modified the objdump to render the jump visualization using
>> UTF-8 characters. I attach the patch and a screenshot of the new output
>> with extended color enabled.
>> I send this message to ask whether this feature has an opportunity to be
>> added to the binutils.
> I see no reason why it shouldn't be acceptable once finished.

That's nice. I really like box drawing characters. :)

I'll finish this probably in this week.

A question: Do we want to have UTF-8 characters in binutils
             source code?

> Right, even the rendering in the browser on the mailing list archive
> shows, like at least my email UI, that ...
>> Output of the objdump, in plain text:
>> 00000000000001ed <print_msg>:
>>    1ed:	          50                   	push   %rax
>>    1ee:	          52                   	push   %rdx
>>    1ef:	          56                   	push   %rsi
>>    1f0:	   ╭────→ ac                   	lods   %ds:(%rsi),%al
> ... arrows aren't quite smooth. Unlike in the picture you had attached.
> As to selection of characters, I'd like to note that in the viewer I'm
> using to look at your patch as well as in one of the the two consoles I
> tried, I can't properly see two of the characters, apparently due to
> limitations of the font used. While use of the feature is optional
> anyway, it might be nice if characters chosen were covered by a wide
> range of commonly used fonts (including ones specifically aiming at use
> for console output, which I've often found to support more limited sets).

Of course. I plan to add a way to configure the arrows (probably via 
environment variable) to custom characters. I show the “smooth” and 
connected arrows that have some fonts targeting for terminals such as 
the font Terminus in the screenshot. I will change it to plain ASCII “>” 
or try out “▶” (example: ─▶) for the default value, since many (nearly 
all) fonts have quite illegible arrows or they are misaligned with box 
drawing characters or look broken when rendered in small sizes using 

Also, I want to extend the jump rendering to allow adding “guiding” 
arrows to the lines when they are long etc.

Rendering T-shaped lines is currently mostly broken. I need to extend 
the rendering logic.

> As to the new command line option: I think the way you have it would
> end up somewhat ambiguous if both it and the original option were used.
> Instead I think you want to make this a new sub-option of
> --visualize-jumps, i.e. --visualize-jumps=utf8. Further, just to
> mention it because you don't say so above, please don't forget to also
> adjust doc/binutils.texi.
I plan to change it into an sub-option (+ environment var), but it needs 
slightly extending the parsing routine to allow combining it with color 

I would also like to have an environment variable controlling the color 
rendering, just like ‘ls’ has ‘LS_COLORS’. I do not like specifying 
these rather long options all the time and redefining/aliasing objdump 
in shell rc file is useless when objdump is invoked by other tools.

I'll add the environment variable support in a separate patch.

Jan Beulich June 12, 2024, 8:40 a.m. UTC | #3
On 12.06.2024 09:48, Jiří Wolker wrote:
> Dne 12. 06. 24 v 9:33 Jan Beulich napsal(a):
>> On 11.06.2024 20:14, Jiří Wolker wrote:
>>> I've just modified the objdump to render the jump visualization using
>>> UTF-8 characters. I attach the patch and a screenshot of the new output
>>> with extended color enabled.
>>> I send this message to ask whether this feature has an opportunity to be
>>> added to the binutils.
>> I see no reason why it shouldn't be acceptable once finished.
> That's nice. I really like box drawing characters. :)
> I'll finish this probably in this week.
> A question: Do we want to have UTF-8 characters in binutils
>              source code?

I see no reason why not. C99 compilers are, afaict, supposed to be dealing
fine with them.



From 9a61f321c098b3d7f9484b5673bc1afaf2fb6814 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Ji=C5=99=C3=AD=20Wolker?= <projects@jwo.cz>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:56:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] objdump: UTF-8 jump visualization in disassembly
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

A new option ‘--visualize-jumps-utf8’ was added. It uses the same
arguments like ‘--visualize-jumps’, but UTF-8 characters are used for
rendering the jump visualization instead of plain ASCII characters.
 binutils/objdump.c | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/binutils/objdump.c b/binutils/objdump.c
index 7182abda..c05bbef6 100644
--- a/binutils/objdump.c
+++ b/binutils/objdump.c
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@  static const char * source_comment;     /* --source_comment.  */
 static bool visualize_jumps = false;	/* --visualize-jumps.  */
 static bool color_output = false;	/* --visualize-jumps=color.  */
 static bool extended_color_output = false; /* --visualize-jumps=extended-color.  */
+static bool utf8_jumps = false;         /* --visualize-jumps-utf8.  */
 static int process_links = false;       /* --process-links.  */
 static int show_all_symbols;            /* --show-all-symbols.  */
 static bool decompressed_dumps = false; /* -Z, --decompress.  */
@@ -236,6 +237,43 @@  static const struct objdump_private_desc * const objdump_private_vectors[] =
 /* The list of detected jumps inside a function.  */
 static struct jump_info *detected_jumps = NULL;
+/* Symbols used in the jump visualization.  */
+enum jump_line
+  {
+    jump_line_none,
+    jump_line_hor,
+    jump_line_arrow,
+    jump_line_biarrow,
+    jump_line_topleft,
+    jump_line_branch,
+    jump_line_bottomright,
+    jump_line_dest,
+    jump_line_ver,
+  };
+static const char jump_lines[] =
+  {
+    [jump_line_none] = ' ',
+    [jump_line_hor] = '-',
+    [jump_line_arrow] = '>',
+    [jump_line_biarrow] = 'X',
+    [jump_line_topleft] = ',',
+    [jump_line_branch] = '+',
+    [jump_line_bottomright] = '\\',
+    [jump_line_dest] = '>',
+    [jump_line_ver] = '|',
+  };
+static const char *const jump_lines_utf8[] =
+  {
+    [jump_line_none] = " ",
+    [jump_line_hor] = "─",
+    [jump_line_biarrow] = "X",
+    [jump_line_topleft] = "╭",
+    [jump_line_branch] = "├",
+    [jump_line_bottomright] = "╰",
+    [jump_line_dest] = "→",
+    [jump_line_ver] = "│",
+  };
 typedef enum unicode_display_type
   unicode_default = 0,
@@ -430,6 +468,8 @@  usage (FILE *stream, int status)
                                  Use extended 8-bit color codes\n"));
       fprintf (stream, _("\
+      --visualize-jumps-utf8     Use box drawing characters for jumps visualization\n"));
+      fprintf (stream, _("\
       --visualize-jumps=off      Disable jump visualization\n"));
       fprintf (stream, _("\
@@ -490,6 +530,7 @@  enum option_values
@@ -559,6 +600,7 @@  static struct option long_options[]=
   {"unicode", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
   {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
   {"visualize-jumps", optional_argument, 0, OPTION_VISUALIZE_JUMPS},
+  {"visualize-jumps-utf8", optional_argument, 0, OPTION_VISUALIZE_JUMPS_UTF8},
   {"wide", no_argument, NULL, 'w'},
   {"disassembler-color", required_argument, NULL, OPTION_DISASSEMBLER_COLOR},
   {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}
@@ -2888,14 +2930,14 @@  jump_info_sort (struct jump_info **base)
 static void
 jump_info_visualize_address (bfd_vma address,
 			     int max_level,
-			     char *line_buffer,
+			     uint8_t *line_buffer,
 			     uint8_t *color_buffer)
   struct jump_info *ji = detected_jumps;
   size_t len = (max_level + 1) * 3;
   /* Clear line buffer.  */
-  memset (line_buffer, ' ', len);
+  memset (line_buffer, jump_line_none, len);
   memset (color_buffer, 0, len);
   /* Iterate over jumps and add their ASCII art.  */
@@ -2928,31 +2970,39 @@  jump_info_visualize_address (bfd_vma address,
 	      size_t i = offset + 1;
 	      for (; i < len - 1; ++i)
-		if (line_buffer[i] == ' ')
+		if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_none)
-		    line_buffer[i] = '-';
+		    line_buffer[i] = jump_line_hor;
 		    color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      if (line_buffer[i] == ' ')
+	      if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_none)
-		  line_buffer[i] = '-';
+		  line_buffer[i] = jump_line_none;
 		  color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      else if (line_buffer[i] == '>')
+	      else if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_dest)
-		  line_buffer[i] = 'X';
+		  line_buffer[i] = jump_line_biarrow;
 		  color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      if (line_buffer[offset] == ' ')
+	      if (line_buffer[offset] == jump_line_none)
 		  if (address <= ji->end)
-		    line_buffer[offset] =
-		      (jump_info_min_address (ji) == address) ? ',': '+';
+		    {
+		      if (jump_info_min_address (ji) == address)
+			line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_topleft;
+		      else
+			line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_branch;
+		    }
-		    line_buffer[offset] =
-		      (jump_info_max_address (ji) == address) ? '\'': '+';
+		    {
+		      if (jump_info_max_address (ji) == address)
+			line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_bottomright;
+		      else
+			line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_branch;
+		    }
 		  color_buffer[offset] = color;
@@ -2962,37 +3012,38 @@  jump_info_visualize_address (bfd_vma address,
 	      size_t i = offset + 1;
 	      for (; i < len - 1; ++i)
-		if (line_buffer[i] == ' ')
+		if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_none)
-		    line_buffer[i] = '-';
+		    line_buffer[i] = jump_line_hor;
 		    color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      if (line_buffer[i] == ' ')
+	      if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_none)
-		  line_buffer[i] = '>';
+		  line_buffer[i] = jump_line_dest;
 		  color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      else if (line_buffer[i] == '-')
+	      else if (line_buffer[i] == jump_line_hor)
-		  line_buffer[i] = 'X';
+		  line_buffer[i] = jump_line_biarrow;
 		  color_buffer[i] = color;
-	      if (line_buffer[offset] == ' ')
+	      if (line_buffer[offset] == jump_line_none)
 		  if (jump_info_min_address (ji) < address)
 		    line_buffer[offset] =
-		      (jump_info_max_address (ji) > address) ? '>' : '\'';
+		      (jump_info_max_address (ji) > address)
+			? jump_line_dest : jump_line_bottomright;
-		    line_buffer[offset] = ',';
+		    line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_topleft;
 		  color_buffer[offset] = color;
 	  /* Draw intermediate line segment.  */
-	  else if (line_buffer[offset] == ' ')
+	  else if (line_buffer[offset] == jump_line_none)
-	      line_buffer[offset] = '|';
+	      line_buffer[offset] = jump_line_ver;
 	      color_buffer[offset] = color;
@@ -3221,7 +3272,8 @@  null_styled_print (const void * stream ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
 /* Print out jump visualization.  */
 static void
-print_jump_visualisation (bfd_vma addr, int max_level, char *line_buffer,
+print_jump_visualisation (bfd_vma addr, int max_level,
+			  uint8_t *line_buffer, size_t line_buffer_size,
 			  uint8_t *color_buffer)
   if (!line_buffer)
@@ -3229,7 +3281,6 @@  print_jump_visualisation (bfd_vma addr, int max_level, char *line_buffer,
   jump_info_visualize_address (addr, max_level, line_buffer, color_buffer);
-  size_t line_buffer_size = strlen (line_buffer);
   char last_color = 0;
   size_t i;
@@ -3255,7 +3306,12 @@  print_jump_visualisation (bfd_vma addr, int max_level, char *line_buffer,
 	      last_color = color;
-      putchar ((i < line_buffer_size) ? line_buffer[i]: ' ');
+      if (i >= line_buffer_size)
+	putchar (' ');
+      else if (utf8_jumps)
+	fputs (jump_lines_utf8[line_buffer[i]], stdout);
+      else
+	putchar (jump_lines[line_buffer[i]]);
@@ -3323,7 +3379,8 @@  disassemble_bytes (struct disassemble_info *inf,
   /* Determine maximum level. */
   uint8_t *color_buffer = NULL;
-  char *line_buffer = NULL;
+  uint8_t *line_buffer = NULL;
+  size_t line_buffer_size = -1;
   int max_level = -1;
   /* Some jumps were detected.  */
@@ -3340,10 +3397,11 @@  disassemble_bytes (struct disassemble_info *inf,
       /* Allocate buffers.  */
       size_t len = (max_level + 1) * 3 + 1;
+      line_buffer_size = len - 1;
       line_buffer = xmalloc (len);
-      line_buffer[len - 1] = 0;
+      line_buffer[line_buffer_size] = 0;
       color_buffer = xmalloc (len);
-      color_buffer[len - 1] = 0;
+      color_buffer[line_buffer_size] = 0;
   addr_offset = start_offset;
@@ -3420,7 +3478,8 @@  disassemble_bytes (struct disassemble_info *inf,
 	  print_jump_visualisation (section->vma + addr_offset,
-				    max_level, line_buffer,
+				    max_level,
+				    line_buffer, line_buffer_size,
 	  if (insns)
@@ -3629,7 +3688,8 @@  disassemble_bytes (struct disassemble_info *inf,
 		  print_jump_visualisation (section->vma + j / opb,
-					    max_level, line_buffer,
+					    max_level,
+					    line_buffer, line_buffer_size,
 		  pb += octets_per_line;
@@ -6093,6 +6153,9 @@  main (int argc, char **argv)
 	  unwind_inlines = true;
+	  utf8_jumps = true;
 	  visualize_jumps = true;
 	  color_output = false;