[Bug,default/29302] xeres-c doesn't self compare

Message ID bug-29302-9487-RhAiEE0htx@http.sourceware.org/bugzilla/
State New
Series [Bug,default/29302] xeres-c doesn't self compare |

Commit Message

dichen at redhat dot com July 7, 2022, 4:49 p.m. UTC

--- Comment #3 from Ben Woodard <woodard at redhat dot com> ---
The prototype patch seems to fix the problem with xerces-c,  qt-virt-manager

However it didn't seem to fix the problem with recoll which I would have
classified in the same problem. I'm really not sure if that means that recoll
has a different problem or if the solution is incomplete.

$ fedabipkgdiff --self-compare -a --from fc36 recoll
======== comparing'librecoll-1.31.6.so' to itself wrongly yielded result:
  Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 2 Changed (46 filtered out), 0 Added
  Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable

  2 functions with some indirect sub-type change:

    [C] 'method MimeHandlerExec::MimeHandlerExec(RclConfig*, const
std::string&)' at mh_exec.cpp:64:1 has some indirect sub-type changes:
      implicit parameter 0 of type 'MimeHandlerExec*' has sub-type changes:
        in pointed to type 'class MimeHandlerExec' at mh_exec.h:46:1:
          type size hasn't changed
          1 base class change:
            'class RecollFilter' at mimehandler.h:31:1 changed:
              type size hasn't changed
              10 member function insertions:
                'method virtual void RecollFilter::set_docsize(int64_t)' at
mimehandler.h:82:1, virtual at voffset 9/21
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_data(const
std::string&, const char*, size_t)' at mimehandler.h:78:1, virtual at voffset
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_file(const
std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:68:1, virtual at voffset
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_string(const
std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:73:1, virtual at voffset
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_uri(const
std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:63:1, virtual at voffset
                'method virtual bool
RecollFilter::set_property(Dijon::Filter::__anonymous_enum__1, const
std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:44:1, virtual at voffset 4/21
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::skip_to_document(const
std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:95:1, virtual at voffset 12/21
                'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at
                'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at
                'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at
              8 member function changes (7 filtered):
                'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' has some
sub-type changes:
                'method virtual void RecollFilter::setConfig(RclConfig*)' has
some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual bool
RecollFilter::set_property(Dijon::Filter::__anonymous_enum__1, const
std::string&)' has some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_data(const
std::string&, const char*, size_t)' has some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_string(const
std::string&, const std::string&)' has some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual void RecollFilter::set_docsize(int64_t)' has
some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual bool RecollFilter::skip_to_document(const
std::string&)' has some sub-type changes:
                'method virtual void RecollFilter::clear()' has some sub-type
          no member function changes (7 filtered);

    [C] 'method virtual bool MimeHandlerExecMultiple::next_document()' at
mh_execm.cpp:169:1 has some indirect sub-type changes:
      implicit parameter 0 of type 'MimeHandlerExecMultiple*' has sub-type
        in pointed to type 'class MimeHandlerExecMultiple' at mh_execm.h:98:1:
          type size hasn't changed
          1 base class change:
            'class MimeHandlerExec' at mh_exec.h:46:1 changed:
              details were reported earlier
          2 member function insertions:
            'method virtual
MimeHandlerExecMultiple::~MimeHandlerExecMultiple(int)' at mh_execm.h:109:1
            'method virtual
MimeHandlerExecMultiple::~MimeHandlerExecMultiple(int)' at mh_execm.h:109:1
          no member function changes (5 filtered);

===SELF CHECK FAILED for 'librecoll-1.31.6.so'
==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recoll' ====
==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recollindex' ====
==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recollq' ====

Let me know if you want to close this one and have me file another one or if
you want to address both issues in this one bug report


diff --git a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc
index 32a2cead..b71e94d7 100644
--- a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc
+++ b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc
@@ -14987,7 +14987,7 @@  build_function_decl(read_context&       ctxt,
          string linkage_name = result->get_linkage_name();
          if (linkage_name.empty()
-             || !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name))
+             /*|| !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)*/)