[RFC,7/9] Add pass to eliminate duplicate member-type fragments
Commit Message
One common kind of duplicate type in ABI XML occurs when the XNL
writer emits a type declaration with its surrounding scope but
that scope actually includes one or more user-defined types.
An additional complication is that a nested member type's access can
be misapplied to its containing type.
The types themselves are later emitted in full and with correct member
access specifiers.
* scripts/abitidy.pl (sub_tree): New function to determine if
one XML node is a sub-tree of another (in the sense that the
former can be overlaid without changing the latter), ignoring
possibly-incorrect access attributes.
(eliminate_duplicate_types): New function that checks nodes
with the same type id, determines if there is a maximal node
and, if so, remmoves the other nodes.
Signed-off-by: Giuliano Procida <gprocida@google.com>
scripts/abitidy.pl | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ use experimental 'signatures';
use autodie;
+use Algorithm::Diff qw(diff);
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
+use List::Util qw(any all uniq);
use XML::LibXML;
# Overview of ABI XML elements and their roles
@@ -376,6 +378,108 @@ sub normalise_anonymous_type_names($) {
+sub sub_tree;
+sub sub_tree($l, $r) {
+ # Node name must be an exact match.
+ return 0 if $l->getName() ne $r->getName();
+ # Left attributes may be missing on the left, but otherwise must match.
+ # With one exception: libabigail emits the access specifier for the
+ # type it's trying to "emit in scope" rather than what may be a
+ # containing type; so allow access to differ on member-type nodes.
+ for my $k (keys %$l) {
+ my $lv = $l->{$k};
+ my $rv = $r->{$k};
+ return 0 unless defined $rv;
+ next if $k eq 'access' && $l->getName() eq 'member-type';
+ return 0 unless $lv eq $rv;
+ }
+ # Left elements must be a subsequence of right elements.
+ my @lc = grep { $_->nodeType != XML_COMMENT_NODE } $l->childNodes();
+ my @rc = grep { $_->nodeType != XML_COMMENT_NODE } $r->childNodes();
+ unless (scalar @lc <= scalar @rc) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Only handle three forms of subsequence. Otherwise need some kind
+ # of backtracking check.
+ unless (@lc) {
+ # empty
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (scalar @lc == 1) {
+ # singleton
+ return any { $_ } map { sub_tree($lc[0], $_) } @rc;
+ }
+ if (scalar @lc == scalar @rc) {
+ # same length
+ return all { $_ } map { sub_tree($lc[$_], $rc[$_]) } (0..$#lc);
+ }
+ warn "XML elements have interestingly different subelements\n",
+ $l->toString(), "\n", $r->toString(), "\n";
+ return 0;
+sub get_scope($node) {
+ my @names;
+ while (1) {
+ $node = $node->parentNode;
+ last unless defined $node && $node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
+ my $kind = $node->getName();
+ last if $kind eq 'abi-instr';
+ # Some C++ enums introduce scope but we don't need to worry.
+ next unless $kind eq 'class-decl' || $kind eq 'union-decl' || $kind eq 'namespace-decl';
+ # Anonymous type are not permitted to contain type members (but
+ # this still works with g++ -fpermissive).
+ my $name = $node->getAttribute('name');
+ unshift @names, $name;
+ }
+ return @names;
+sub eliminate_duplicate_types($dom) {
+ my %hash;
+ # Collect all (unnested) types and their namespace scopes.
+ for my $type ($dom->findnodes('//abi-corpus/abi-instr/*[@id] | //abi-corpus/abi-instr//namespace-decl/*[@id]')) {
+ my $id = $type->getAttribute('id');
+ my $scope = join(':', get_scope($type));
+ for my $list ($hash{$id}{$scope}) {
+ $list //= [];
+ push @$list, $type;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $id (keys %hash) {
+ my $scopes = $hash{$id};
+ if (scalar keys %$scopes > 1) {
+ warn "inconsistent scopes found for duplicate types with id $id\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($ns) = keys %$scopes;
+ my $types = $scopes->{$ns};
+ next if scalar @$types == 1;
+ # Find a potential maximal candidate.
+ my $candidate = 0;
+ for my $ix (1..$#$types) {
+ $candidate = $ix if sub_tree($types->[$candidate], $types->[$ix]);
+ }
+ # Verify it is indeed maximal.
+ my @losers = grep { $_ != $candidate } (0..$#$types);
+ for my $ix (@losers) {
+ unless (sub_tree($types->[$ix], $types->[$candidate])) {
+ warn "conflicting duplicate types with id $id\n";
+ my @strs = map { $types->[$_]->toString() } ($ix, $candidate);
+ map { $_ =~ s;><;>\n<;g } @strs;
+ my @lines = map { [split("\n", $_)] } @strs;
+ warn Dumper(diff(@lines));
+ $candidate = undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $candidate) {
+ map { remove_node($types->[$_]) } @losers;
+ warn "successfully eliminated duplicate types with id $id\n";
+ }
+ }
sub report_duplicate_types($dom) {
my %hash;
for my $type ($dom->findnodes('*[@id]')) {
@@ -400,16 +504,18 @@ my $all_opt;
my $drop_opt;
my $prune_opt;
my $normalise_opt;
+my $eliminate_opt;
my $report_opt;
GetOptions('i|input=s' => \$input_opt,
'o|output=s' => \$output_opt,
's|symbols=s' => \$symbols_opt,
'a|all' => sub {
- $drop_opt = $prune_opt = $normalise_opt = $report_opt = 1
+ $drop_opt = $prune_opt = $normalise_opt = $eliminate_opt = $report_opt = 1
'd|drop-empty!' => \$drop_opt,
'p|prune-unreachable!' => \$prune_opt,
'n|normalise-anonymous!' => \$normalise_opt,
+ 'e|eliminate-duplicates!' => \$eliminate_opt,
'r|report-duplicates!' => \$report_opt,
) and !@ARGV or die("usage: $0",
map { (' ', $_) } (
@@ -420,6 +526,7 @@ GetOptions('i|input=s' => \$input_opt,
+ '[-e|--[no-]eliminate-duplicates]',
), "\n");
@@ -439,6 +546,9 @@ filter_symbols(read_symbols($symbols_opt), $dom) if defined $symbols_opt;
# Normalise anonymous type names.
normalise_anonymous_type_names($dom) if $normalise_opt;
+# Eliminate complete duplicates and extra fragments of types.
+eliminate_duplicate_types($dom) if $eliminate_opt;
# Check for duplicate types.
report_duplicate_types($dom) if $report_opt;