[0/3] : C++20 P0482R6 and C2X N2653: support for char8_t, mbrtoc8(), and c8rtomb().
Message ID | d6ac90a2-7bb3-3f21-abd7-8695a1cec835@honermann.net |
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Tom Honermann
Feb. 27, 2022, 4:53 p.m. UTC
This series of patches provides the following: - A fix for bug 25744 [1]. - Implementations of the mbrtoc8 and c8rtomb functions adopted for C++20 via WG21 P0482R6 [2] and for C2X via WG14 N2653 [3]. - A char8_t typedef as adopted for C2X via WG14 N2653 [3]. These patches addresses feedback provided in response to a previous submission [4]. Patch 1: A fix and test for bug 25744 [1]. Patch 2: Definitions of the mbrtoc8 and c8rtomb functions and the char8_t typedef. Patch 3: Tests for the mbrtoc8 and c8rtomb functions and the char8_t typedef. The fix for bug 25744 [1] is included in this patch series because the tests for mbrtoc8 and c8rtomb depend on it for exercising the special case where a pair of Unicode code points is converted to/from a single double byte sequence. Such conversion cases exist for Big5-HKSCS. N2653 was adopted by WG14 for C2X during their recent meeting. This patch series enables the new declarations in C2X mode and when _GNU_SOURCE is defined. Thank you to Joseph Myers and Carlos O'Donell for their prior reviews of this patch series. Tom. [1]: Bug 25744 "mbrtowc with Big5-HKSCS returns 2 instead of 1 when consuming the second byte of certain double byte characters" https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25744 [2]: WG21 P0482R6 "char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 6)" https://wg21.link/p0482r6 [3]: WG14 N2653 "char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2653.htm [4]: "[PATCH 2/3]: C++20 P0482R6 and C2X N2653: Implement mbrtoc8, c8rtomb, char8_t" https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2022-February/136558.html