[RESEND,01/14] stdio-common: Add tests for formatted scanf input specifiers

Message ID alpine.DEB.2.21.2502101727150.65342@angie.orcam.me.uk (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Series stdio-common: Formatted scanf input specifier tests |


Context Check Description
redhat-pt-bot/TryBot-apply_patch success Patch applied to master at the time it was sent
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_glibc_build--master-aarch64 success Build passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_glibc_build--master-arm success Build passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_glibc_check--master-aarch64 success Test passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_glibc_check--master-arm success Test passed

Commit Message

Maciej W. Rozycki Feb. 10, 2025, 5:52 p.m. UTC
  From: Maciej W. Rozycki <macro@redhat.com>

Add a collection of tests for formatted scanf input specifiers covering 
the b, d, i, o, u, x, and X integer conversions, the a, A, e, E, f, F, 
g, and G floating-point conversions, and the [, c, and s character 
conversions.  Also the hh, h, l, and ll length modifiers are covered 
with the integer conversions as are the l and L length modifier with the 
floating-point conversions.  The tests cover assignment suppressing and 
the field width as well, verifying the number of assignments made, the 
number of characters consumed and the value assigned.

Add the common test code here as well as test cases for scanf, and then 
base Makefile infrastructure plus target-agnostic input data, for the 
character conversions and the `char', `short', and `long long' integer 
ones, signed and unsigned, with remaining input data and other functions 
from the scanf family deferred to subsequent additions.

Keep input data commented out and referring to BZ12701 for entries that 
are currently incorrectly accepted as valid data, such as '0b' or '0x' 
with the relevant integer conversions or sequences of an insufficient 
number of characters with the c conversion.
 Makerules                                        |    3 
 stdio-common/Makefile                            |   60 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-b.input          |   90 +
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-c.input          |   64 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-s.input          |   64 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-d.input       |  266 ++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-i.input       | 1526 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-character.h        |  130 +
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-integer.h          |   51 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-d.input      |  266 ++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-i.input      | 1526 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-real.h             |  358 +++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-c.c              |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-char.c           |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-double.c         |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-float.c          |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-int.c            |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ldouble.c        |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-llong.c          |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-long.c           |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-short.c          |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uchar.c          |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uint.c           |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ullong.c         |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ulong.c          |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ushort.c         |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s.h                |   29 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-d.input      |  266 ++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-i.input      | 1526 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-c.c       |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-char.c    |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-double.c  |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-float.c   |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-int.c     |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ldouble.c |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-llong.c   |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-long.c    |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-short.c   |   21 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uchar.c   |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uint.c    |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ullong.c  |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ulong.c   |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ushort.c  |   22 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c         |  371 +++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h         |   40 
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-X.input      |  710 ++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-b.input      |  644 +++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-o.input      |  434 ++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-u.input      |  224 +++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-x.input      |  710 ++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-X.input     |  742 +++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-b.input     |  644 +++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-o.input     |  434 ++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-u.input     |  224 +++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-x.input     |  742 +++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-X.input     |  714 ++++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-b.input     |  644 +++++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-o.input     |  434 ++++++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-u.input     |  224 +++
 stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-x.input     |  714 ++++++++++
 60 files changed, 15481 insertions(+)



Joseph Myers Feb. 15, 2025, 1:23 a.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, 10 Feb 2025, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:

> +/* Reference data is a case-inensitive signed datum, which is either a
> +   hexadecimal floating constant or a literal representing infinity or
> +   NaN data in any of the forms accepted by 'strtod' family functions,
> +   whose binary representation is to match against byte-wise.
> +
> +   We need to be careful with parsing reference data in the handling of
> +   the sign as with the IBM long double binary format unary negation
> +   of a positive value whose lower-magnitude part is zero produces a
> +   bit pattern that is different from one produced by initialization or
> +   conversions made by functions such as 'scanf' or 'strtod' from the
> +   complementing negative value.  The difference is in the sign of zero
> +   held in the lower-magnitude part and therefore the bit patterns are
> +   arithmetically equivalent, but they do not match byte-wise.
> +
> +   Therefore we set the sign with the initial value of the significand,
> +   either -0.0 or 0.0, which sets the sign of both parts according to
> +   what 'scanf' does, and never negate it afterwards.
> +
> +   Additionally the Intel long double binary format uses only 80 bits
> +   out of 96 that the data type occupies.  Therefore preinitialize the
> +   reference value with the same 0xa5 bit pattern that the value under
> +   test has been so that the byte-wise comparison matches as well for
> +   the unused parts of the two data pieces.

I don't think it's safe to make any assumptions about whether padding bits 
of x86 (or m68k?) long double are or are not modified by scanf; that may 
depend on the details of what instructions the compiler happens to 
generate in scanf to store the long double value that's been read.  So I 
don't think the strategy of comparing with memcmp is safe in that case, 
unless you first copy just the value bits (and not padding bits) to a 
character array (or other type without room for the padding bits) before 

For IBM long double, the cases where the bit pattern is not fully defined 
are (a) the low 64 bits of a NaN are entirely unspecified; (b) if the low 
part is zero, its sign does not matter (regardless of the value of the 
high part).  You're less likely to have things varying with the details of 
compiler code generation there, however.

For NaNs in general, if a payload is *not* specified in the scanf string 
then you'll get whatever default NaN scanf returns, while computing some 
default NaN in the test code.  Maybe these are in fact reliably the same, 
but it's beyond the API I'd consider to be guaranteed.

In short: for x86/m68k long double I think the comparison approach used is 
unreliable, depending on the compiler version, because it relies on 
padding bits not changing.  For IBM long double and for NaNs without 
payload specified, I think comparing using memcmp means you're at least 
testing internal implementation details (whether intentionally or 
otherwise) that go beyond what I think is properly part of the specified 
API for glibc.
Maciej W. Rozycki Feb. 20, 2025, 2:19 p.m. UTC | #2
On Sat, 15 Feb 2025, Joseph Myers wrote:

> > +   We need to be careful with parsing reference data in the handling of
> > +   the sign as with the IBM long double binary format unary negation
> > +   of a positive value whose lower-magnitude part is zero produces a
> > +   bit pattern that is different from one produced by initialization or
> > +   conversions made by functions such as 'scanf' or 'strtod' from the
> > +   complementing negative value.  The difference is in the sign of zero
> > +   held in the lower-magnitude part and therefore the bit patterns are
> > +   arithmetically equivalent, but they do not match byte-wise.
> > +
> > +   Therefore we set the sign with the initial value of the significand,
> > +   either -0.0 or 0.0, which sets the sign of both parts according to
> > +   what 'scanf' does, and never negate it afterwards.
> > +
> > +   Additionally the Intel long double binary format uses only 80 bits
> > +   out of 96 that the data type occupies.  Therefore preinitialize the
> > +   reference value with the same 0xa5 bit pattern that the value under
> > +   test has been so that the byte-wise comparison matches as well for
> > +   the unused parts of the two data pieces.
> I don't think it's safe to make any assumptions about whether padding bits 
> of x86 (or m68k?) long double are or are not modified by scanf; that may 
> depend on the details of what instructions the compiler happens to 
> generate in scanf to store the long double value that's been read.  So I 
> don't think the strategy of comparing with memcmp is safe in that case, 
> unless you first copy just the value bits (and not padding bits) to a 
> character array (or other type without room for the padding bits) before 
> comparing.

 Speaking of x86 only I fail to see why the compiler should access the 
unused 16-bits beyond the underlying hardware data type.  None of the FPU 
instructions does, based on my past experience and I have double-checked 
with Intel SDM too.  NB this format is x87-only and therefore very old, 
going back to 1980, so I expect hardware implementations to be very 
conservative lest they break software compatibility.

 So any access there would be by an explicit store of some data only to 
the sign/exponent component, presumably by an integer instruction, though 
32-bit FIST/FISTP could be thought of too even if barely.  But then why do 
a 32-bit store when 16-bit ones are available and can do exactly the same 
without clobbering bits outside actual data?  Then it's not the kind of 
operation I'd expect a compiler to produce for an FP operation, and if it 
were produced from our code, then obviously it would be completely under 
our control.

 This testset indicates no such store happens and while I agree the 
contents of the padding bits are unspecified, I think it is going to be 
worthwhile to keep it verified that the current situation does not change 
without raising awareness.  With no such test it may happen inadvertently.  
With it in place we can decide at the time whether to back out the change 
or to update the test accordingly.

 I can't speak of m68k offhand, but given that likewise it comes from the 
time when memory was expensive I'd expect m68k hardware not to poke at 
bits beyond the FP datum itself.  I could double-check I suppose, though I 
don't have m68k hardware to hand, so that would be by documentation only.

 The verifier handler can be easily adjusted if we decide it's indeed 
needed with a sysdep-specific variant of tst-scanf-format-real.h.  I'm not 
convinced it is at this point though.

> For IBM long double, the cases where the bit pattern is not fully defined 
> are (a) the low 64 bits of a NaN are entirely unspecified; (b) if the low 
> part is zero, its sign does not matter (regardless of the value of the 
> high part).  You're less likely to have things varying with the details of 
> compiler code generation there, however.

 My understanding has been (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that the 
IBM long double format is software-assisted only; I have double-checked 
with documentation I have to hand and at least "Power ISA, Version 3.1" 
dated May 1, 2020 only mentions 32-bit single and 64-bit double binary 
hardware FP formats.

 So actually we have less control here with actual FP operations made by 
libgcc or whatever equivalent other compilers may use.  As I noted for the 
time being I have carefully avoided the ambiguities in the results at 
least for the libgcc implementation, and maybe it would be worth it if the 
implementation was updated such as to make the sign of low-part zero agree 
with the sign of the high part.

 Again a sysdep-specific variant of tst-scanf-format-real.h could be 
provided instead, even if checking for the special cases of NaN data and 
zero low-part, but I'm not convinced at this point.

> For NaNs in general, if a payload is *not* specified in the scanf string 
> then you'll get whatever default NaN scanf returns, while computing some 
> default NaN in the test code.  Maybe these are in fact reliably the same, 
> but it's beyond the API I'd consider to be guaranteed.

 With ISO C being deliberately vague here I think implementation-defined 
does not preclude from being consistent, under the principle of least 
surprise.  I'd expect the canonical NaN encoding to be always produced 
where a specific payload has not been requested (which we ignore anyway), 
and we can certainly verify for output to stay consistent.

> In short: for x86/m68k long double I think the comparison approach used is 
> unreliable, depending on the compiler version, because it relies on 
> padding bits not changing.  For IBM long double and for NaNs without 
> payload specified, I think comparing using memcmp means you're at least 
> testing internal implementation details (whether intentionally or 
> otherwise) that go beyond what I think is properly part of the specified 
> API for glibc.

 I think there is value in verifying the consistency of the implementation 
even if it goes beyond the specified API.

 NB I note that tst-scanf-format-c-c.input data marked BZ12701 cannot be 
made to work with this testset for the lack of a way (except for `sscanf', 
`vsscanf') in the current implementation to force EOF at the separator 
colon.  An independent testset will be needed, but I'm going to keep these 
markers for the time being for documentation purposes, until the part of 
BZ #12701 concerned has been resolved.

Andreas Schwab Feb. 20, 2025, 2:44 p.m. UTC | #3
On Feb 15 2025, Joseph Myers wrote:

> In short: for x86/m68k long double I think the comparison approach used is 
> unreliable, depending on the compiler version, because it relies on 
> padding bits not changing.

On m68k all 96 bits are part of the value.  The hardware will always
write zeros in the gap between the exponent and the mantissa, and ignore
them on read.
Joseph Myers Feb. 20, 2025, 6:11 p.m. UTC | #4
On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:

> > I don't think it's safe to make any assumptions about whether padding bits 
> > of x86 (or m68k?) long double are or are not modified by scanf; that may 
> > depend on the details of what instructions the compiler happens to 
> > generate in scanf to store the long double value that's been read.  So I 
> > don't think the strategy of comparing with memcmp is safe in that case, 
> > unless you first copy just the value bits (and not padding bits) to a 
> > character array (or other type without room for the padding bits) before 
> > comparing.
>  Speaking of x86 only I fail to see why the compiler should access the 
> unused 16-bits beyond the underlying hardware data type.  None of the FPU 

For example, the compiler building the testcase could optimize a sequence

+  initialize_value (v);
+  v = read_real (&err);

to eliminate the initialize_value (= memset) call completely.  It's 
entirely valid to do so, because the value is immediately overwritten by 
the assignment, and such an assignment renders the padding bits 
indeterminate.  And saving on a memset with no semantic effect is also an 
optimization that makes sense - indeed, one of practical value to real 
code that clears memory before assigning piecewise, expecting the compiler 
to remove the clearing except for any non-padding bits not explicitly 
assigned to.

So even if the compiler does use an FPU instruction for the assignment in 
both the library and the testcases (rather than code transformations 
resulting in some other form of copy from an intermediate value stored in 
memory, for example), it shouldn't be assumed what value the padding bits 
have before or after that.

Assignments leave padding bits unspecified.  We shouldn't try to guarantee 
or test anything about their values after an assignment (including one 
done by scanf).

There have also been a series of GCC issues involving cases where either 
padding bits were determinate (from memcpy, atomic compare-exchange, etc.) 
but GCC's internal understanding of XFmode values lost information about 
them, or where GCC's internal understanding of XFmode had problems with 
code that made use of bit representations where the value of the explicit 
high significand bit did not correspond to a valid XFmode representation 
(but again, where the representation should have been preserved for that 
particular code).  Such noncanonical representations of course can't arise 
as output from scanf - they're only concerns as inputs - but issues with 
preservation of padding are still of concern.
Maciej W. Rozycki Feb. 20, 2025, 6:19 p.m. UTC | #5
On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, Andreas Schwab wrote:

> > In short: for x86/m68k long double I think the comparison approach used is 
> > unreliable, depending on the compiler version, because it relies on 
> > padding bits not changing.
> On m68k all 96 bits are part of the value.  The hardware will always
> write zeros in the gap between the exponent and the mantissa, and ignore
> them on read.

 That is useful information, thank you.  I suppose it comes from m68k 
being big endian, so it simplifies handling internally in the silicon.

Maciej W. Rozycki Feb. 20, 2025, 6:46 p.m. UTC | #6
On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, Joseph Myers wrote:

> > > I don't think it's safe to make any assumptions about whether padding bits 
> > > of x86 (or m68k?) long double are or are not modified by scanf; that may 
> > > depend on the details of what instructions the compiler happens to 
> > > generate in scanf to store the long double value that's been read.  So I 
> > > don't think the strategy of comparing with memcmp is safe in that case, 
> > > unless you first copy just the value bits (and not padding bits) to a 
> > > character array (or other type without room for the padding bits) before 
> > > comparing.
> > 
> >  Speaking of x86 only I fail to see why the compiler should access the 
> > unused 16-bits beyond the underlying hardware data type.  None of the FPU 
> For example, the compiler building the testcase could optimize a sequence
> +  initialize_value (v);
> +  v = read_real (&err);
> to eliminate the initialize_value (= memset) call completely.  It's 
> entirely valid to do so, because the value is immediately overwritten by 
> the assignment, and such an assignment renders the padding bits 
> indeterminate.  And saving on a memset with no semantic effect is also an 
> optimization that makes sense - indeed, one of practical value to real 
> code that clears memory before assigning piecewise, expecting the compiler 
> to remove the clearing except for any non-padding bits not explicitly 
> assigned to.

 Good point, which I missed on this occasion, though it can be dealt with 
an optimisation barrier; I'll place one there, because we don't want the 
compiler in this case to optimise the memset call away.

 However input from Andreas indicates that we need a specialised handler 
anyway, so I'll make this change then too.

 Also from GCC sources I infer the exponent range is wider for the m68k by 
1 on the negative side.  I made real input data such as to include both 
the maximum and the minimum normalised numbers representable in each FP
format.  I'm not sure if it's worth it to account for the additional 
exponent value available with the m68k format and in any case such data 
can be added later on.



Index: glibc/Makerules
--- glibc.orig/Makerules
+++ glibc/Makerules
@@ -1188,6 +1188,9 @@  check: tests
 .PHONY: xcheck
 xcheck: xtests
+# Also handle test inputs in sysdeps.
+vpath %.input $(sysdirs)
 # Handle tests-time64 and xtests-time64 that should built with LFS
 # and 64-bit time support.
 include $(o-iterator)
Index: glibc/stdio-common/Makefile
--- glibc.orig/stdio-common/Makefile
+++ glibc/stdio-common/Makefile
@@ -51,6 +51,33 @@  nonfmt-xprintf-stems := \
 xprintf-stems := $(sort $(fmt-xprintf-stems) $(nonfmt-xprintf-stems))
+# List of markers for scanf family function tests.
+xscanf-funcs := s
+# List of data types and formats for individual per-conversion scanf tests.
+# Further conversions are provided by sysdeps.
+xscanf-kinds := char int real uint
+fmt-xscanf-char-convs := c
+fmts-xscanf-char := b c s
+fmt-xscanf-int-convs := char llong short
+fmts-xscanf-int := d i
+fmt-xscanf-real-convs :=
+fmts-xscanf-real := A a E e F f G g
+fmt-xscanf-uint-convs := uchar ullong ushort
+fmts-xscanf-uint := b o u X x
+xscanf-convs = $(sort $(fmt-xscanf-char-convs) $(fmt-xscanf-int-convs) \
+		      $(fmt-xscanf-real-convs) $(fmt-xscanf-uint-convs))
+xscanf-srcs = $(foreach p,$(xscanf-funcs), \
+		$(foreach c,$(xscanf-convs),tst-scanf-format-$(p)-$(c)))
+xscanf-stems = $(sort $(foreach k,$(xscanf-kinds), \
+			$(foreach f,$(fmts-xscanf-$(k)), \
+			  $(foreach p,$(xscanf-funcs), \
+			    $(foreach c,$(fmt-xscanf-$(k)-convs), \
+			      tst-scanf-format-$(p)-$(c)-$(f))))))
 headers := \
   bits/printf-ldbl.h \
   bits/stdio_lim.h \
@@ -366,6 +393,7 @@  tests-internal = \
 test-srcs = \
   $(xprintf-srcs) \
+  $(xscanf-srcs) \
   tst-fwrite-bz29459 \
   tst-printf \
   tst-printfsz-islongdouble \
@@ -375,6 +403,7 @@  test-srcs = \
 ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
 tests-special += \
   $(foreach f,$(xprintf-stems),$(objpfx)$(f).out) \
+  $(foreach f,$(xscanf-stems),$(objpfx)$(f).out) \
   $(objpfx)tst-fwrite-bz29459.out \
   $(objpfx)tst-printf.out \
   $(objpfx)tst-printfsz-islongdouble.out \
@@ -386,6 +415,7 @@  ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
 ifneq ($(PERL),no)
 tests-special += \
   $(foreach f,$(xprintf-stems),$(objpfx)$(f)-mem.out) \
+  $(foreach f,$(xscanf-stems),$(objpfx)$(f)-mem.out) \
   $(objpfx)tst-freopen2-mem.out \
   $(objpfx)tst-freopen3-mem.out \
   $(objpfx)tst-freopen4-mem.out \
@@ -408,6 +438,8 @@  tests-special += \
 generated += \
   $(foreach f,$(xprintf-stems),$(f)-mem.out) \
   $(foreach f,$(xprintf-stems),$(f).mtrace) \
+  $(foreach f,$(xscanf-stems),$(f)-mem.out) \
+  $(foreach f,$(xscanf-stems),$(f).mtrace) \
   tst-freopen2-mem.out \
   tst-freopen2.mtrace \
   tst-freopen3-mem.out \
@@ -600,6 +632,26 @@  $(objpfx)tst-printf-format-%.out: \
 	$(make-tst-printf-format-out) > $@; \
+# With scanf format tests reuse the same executable for all the inputs
+# of the same data type that use a different conversion specifier each.
+define tst-scanf-format-rule
+$$(objpfx)tst-scanf-format-$(1)-$(2)-$(3).out: \
+	tst-scanf-format-$(2)-$(3).input $$(objpfx)tst-scanf-format-$(1)-$(2)
+	$$(make-tst-scanf-format-out) > $$@ < $$<; \
+	$$(evaluate-test)
+make-tst-scanf-format-out = \
+  $(test-wrapper-env) \
+  $(run-program-env) \
+  MALLOC_TRACE=$(@:.out=.mtrace) \
+  LD_PRELOAD=$(common-objpfx)malloc/libc_malloc_debug.so \
+  $(host-test-program-cmd)
+$(foreach k,$(xscanf-kinds), \
+  $(foreach f,$(fmts-xscanf-$(k)), \
+    $(foreach p,$(xscanf-funcs), \
+      $(foreach c,$(fmt-xscanf-$(k)-convs), \
+	$(eval $(call tst-scanf-format-rule,$(p),$(c),$(f)))))))
 $(objpfx)tst-printfsz-islongdouble.out: \
   tst-printfsz-islongdouble.sh $(objpfx)tst-printfsz-islongdouble
 	$(SHELL) $^ '$(test-program-prefix)' $@; \
@@ -710,5 +762,13 @@  $(objpfx)tst-setvbuf1-cmp.out: tst-setvb
 $(objpfx)tst-printf-round: $(libm)
 $(objpfx)tst-scanf-round: $(libm)
+# With scanf format tests real conversions depend on libm.
+define tst-scanf-format-libm-dep
+$$(objpfx)tst-scanf-format-$(1)-$(2): $$(libm)
+$(foreach p,$(xscanf-funcs), \
+  $(foreach c,$(fmt-xscanf-real-convs), \
+    $(eval $(call tst-scanf-format-libm-dep,$(p),$(c)))))
 $(objpfx)tst-freopen7: $(shared-thread-library)
 $(objpfx)tst-freopen64-7: $(shared-thread-library)
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-b.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-b.input
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ 
+%[bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]:brown fox:1:5:brown:
+%*[bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]:brown fox:0:5:
+%[bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:5:jumps:
+%*[bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:5:
+%[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:3:The:
+%*[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:3:
+%[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:5:quick:
+%*[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:5:
+%[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:9:brown fox:
+%*[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:9:
+%[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:23:jumps over the lazy dog:
+%*[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:23:
+%1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:1:T:
+%*1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:1:
+%1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:1:q:
+%*1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:1:
+%1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:1:b:
+%*1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:1:
+%1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:1:j:
+%*1[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:1:
+%2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:2:Th:
+%*2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:2:
+%2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:2:qu:
+%*2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:2:
+%2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:2:br:
+%*2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:2:
+%2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:2:ju:
+%*2[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:2:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:3:The:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:3:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:5:quick:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:5:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:5:brown:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:5:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:5:jumps:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:5:
+%10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:3:The:
+%*10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:3:
+%10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:5:quick:
+%*10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:5:
+%10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:9:brown fox:
+%*10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:9:
+%10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:10:jumps over:
+%*10[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:10:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]::0:-1:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:1:3:The:
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:The:0:3:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:1:5:quick:
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:quick:0:5:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:1:9:brown fox:
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:brown fox:0:9:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:1:23:jumps over the lazy dog:
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]:jumps over the lazy dog:0:23:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: :1:1: :
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: :0:1:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: The :1:5: The :
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: The :0:5:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: quick :1:5: quic:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: quick :0:5:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: brown fox :1:5: brow:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: brown fox :0:5:
+%5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: jumps over the lazy dog :1:5: jump:
+%*5[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: :1:1: :
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: :0:1:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: The :1:5: The :
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: The :0:5:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: quick :1:7: quick :
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: quick :0:7:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: brown fox :1:11: brown fox :
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: brown fox :0:11:
+%25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: jumps over the lazy dog :1:25: jumps over the lazy dog :
+%*25[ Tabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]: jumps over the lazy dog :0:25:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-c.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-c.input
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ 
+%c:brown fox:1:1:b:
+%*c:brown fox:0:1:
+%c:jumps over the lazy dog:1:1:j:
+%*c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:1:
+%1c:brown fox:1:1:b:
+%*1c:brown fox:0:1:
+%1c:jumps over the lazy dog:1:1:j:
+%*1c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:1:
+%2c:brown fox:1:2:br:
+%*2c:brown fox:0:2:
+%2c:jumps over the lazy dog:1:2:ju:
+%*2c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %5c:The:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*5c:The:0:-1:
+%5c:brown fox:1:5:brown:
+%*5c:brown fox:0:5:
+%5c:jumps over the lazy dog:1:5:jumps:
+%*5c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:5:
+# BZ12701 %10c:The:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*10c:The:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %10c:quick:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*10c:quick:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %10c:brown fox:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*10c:brown fox:0:-1:
+%10c:jumps over the lazy dog:1:10:jumps over:
+%*10c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:10:
+# BZ12701 %25c:The:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c:The:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %25c:quick:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c:quick:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %25c:brown fox:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c:brown fox:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %25c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c:jumps over the lazy dog:0:-1:
+%5c: The :1:5: The :
+%*5c: The :0:5:
+%5c: quick :1:5: quic:
+%*5c: quick :0:5:
+%5c: brown fox :1:5: brow:
+%*5c: brown fox :0:5:
+%5c: jumps over the lazy dog :1:5: jump:
+%*5c: jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+# BZ12701 %25c: The :0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c: The :0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %25c: quick :0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c: quick :0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %25c: brown fox :0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*25c: brown fox :0:-1:
+%25c: jumps over the lazy dog :1:25: jumps over the lazy dog :
+%*25c: jumps over the lazy dog :0:25:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-s.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-c-s.input
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ 
+%s:The :1:3:The:
+%*s:The :0:3:
+%s:quick :1:5:quick:
+%*s:quick :0:5:
+%s:brown fox :1:5:brown:
+%*s:brown fox :0:5:
+%s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:5:jumps:
+%*s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+%1s:The :1:1:T:
+%*1s:The :0:1:
+%1s:quick :1:1:q:
+%*1s:quick :0:1:
+%1s:brown fox :1:1:b:
+%*1s:brown fox :0:1:
+%1s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:1:j:
+%*1s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:1:
+%2s:The :1:2:Th:
+%*2s:The :0:2:
+%2s:quick :1:2:qu:
+%*2s:quick :0:2:
+%2s:brown fox :1:2:br:
+%*2s:brown fox :0:2:
+%2s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:2:ju:
+%*2s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:2:
+%5s:The :1:3:The:
+%*5s:The :0:3:
+%5s:quick :1:5:quick:
+%*5s:quick :0:5:
+%5s:brown fox :1:5:brown:
+%*5s:brown fox :0:5:
+%5s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:5:jumps:
+%*5s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+%10s:The :1:3:The:
+%*10s:The :0:3:
+%10s:quick :1:5:quick:
+%*10s:quick :0:5:
+%10s:brown fox :1:5:brown:
+%*10s:brown fox :0:5:
+%10s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:5:jumps:
+%*10s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+%25s:The :1:3:The:
+%*25s:The :0:3:
+%25s:quick :1:5:quick:
+%*25s:quick :0:5:
+%25s:brown fox :1:5:brown:
+%*25s:brown fox :0:5:
+%25s:jumps over the lazy dog :1:5:jumps:
+%*25s:jumps over the lazy dog :0:5:
+%5s: The :1:4:The:
+%*5s: The :0:4:
+%5s: quick :1:6:quick:
+%*5s: quick :0:6:
+%5s: brown fox :1:6:brown:
+%*5s: brown fox :0:6:
+%5s: jumps over the lazy dog :1:6:jumps:
+%*5s: jumps over the lazy dog :0:6:
+%25s: The :1:4:The:
+%*25s: The :0:4:
+%25s: quick :1:6:quick:
+%*25s: quick :0:6:
+%25s: brown fox :1:6:brown:
+%*25s: brown fox :0:6:
+%25s: jumps over the lazy dog :1:6:jumps:
+%*25s: jumps over the lazy dog :0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-d.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-d.input
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ 
+%2hhd: :0:-1:
+%*2hhd: :0:-1:
+%2hhd: -251:1:3:-2:
+%*2hhd: -251:0:3:
+%2hhd: -129:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhd: -129:0:3:
+%2hhd: -128:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhd: -128:0:3:
+%2hhd: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhd: -123:0:3:
+%2hhd: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhd: -1:0:3:
+%2hhd: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhd: -0:0:3:
+%2hhd: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhd: 0:0:2:
+%2hhd: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhd: 1:0:2:
+%2hhd: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hhd: 42:0:3:
+%2hhd: 127:1:3:12:
+%*2hhd: 127:0:3:
+%2hhd: 128:1:3:12:
+%*2hhd: 128:0:3:
+%2hhd: 169:1:3:16:
+%*2hhd: 169:0:3:
+%2hhd: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhd: +0:0:3:
+%2hhd: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhd: +1:0:3:
+%2hhd: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hhd: +42:0:3:
+%2hhd: +127:1:3:1:
+%*2hhd: +127:0:3:
+%2hhd: +128:1:3:1:
+%*2hhd: +128:0:3:
+%2hhd: +169:1:3:1:
+%*2hhd: +169:0:3:
+%5hhd: :0:-1:
+%*5hhd: :0:-1:
+%5hhd: -251:1:5:5:
+%*5hhd: -251:0:5:
+%5hhd: -129:1:5:127:
+%*5hhd: -129:0:5:
+%5hhd: -128:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhd: -128:0:5:
+%5hhd: -123:1:5:-123:
+%*5hhd: -123:0:5:
+%5hhd: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*5hhd: -1:0:3:
+%5hhd: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhd: -0:0:3:
+%5hhd: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhd: 0:0:2:
+%5hhd: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhd: 1:0:2:
+%5hhd: 42:1:3:42:
+%*5hhd: 42:0:3:
+%5hhd: 127:1:4:127:
+%*5hhd: 127:0:4:
+%5hhd: 128:1:4:-128:
+%*5hhd: 128:0:4:
+%5hhd: 169:1:4:-87:
+%*5hhd: 169:0:4:
+%5hhd: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhd: +0:0:3:
+%5hhd: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhd: +1:0:3:
+%5hhd: +42:1:4:42:
+%*5hhd: +42:0:4:
+%5hhd: +127:1:5:127:
+%*5hhd: +127:0:5:
+%5hhd: +128:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhd: +128:0:5:
+%5hhd: +169:1:5:-87:
+%*5hhd: +169:0:5:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-i.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-char-i.input
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0x7F:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0x7F:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0xA9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0xA9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi:0b10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi:0b10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0Xfb:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0Xfb:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0xFB:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0xFB:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B11111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B11111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b11111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b11111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0X81:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0X81:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0x81:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0x81:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B10000001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B10000001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b10000001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b10000001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:-0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:-0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0x7F:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0x7F:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0xA9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0xA9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhi:+0b10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhi:+0b10101001:0:-1:
+%2hhi: :0:-1:
+%*2hhi: :0:-1:
+%2hhi: -251:1:3:-2:
+%*2hhi: -251:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0Xfb:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0Xfb:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0xFB:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0xFB:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0373:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0373:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B11111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B11111011:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b11111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b11111011:0:3:
+%2hhi: -129:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhi: -129:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0X81:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0X81:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0x81:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0x81:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0201:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0201:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B10000001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B10000001:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b10000001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b10000001:0:3:
+%2hhi: -128:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhi: -128:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0X80:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0X80:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0x80:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0x80:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0200:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0200:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B10000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B10000000:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b10000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b10000000:0:3:
+%2hhi: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhi: -123:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0173:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0173:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B1111011:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b1111011:0:3:
+%2hhi: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2hhi: -1:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hhi: -01:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -01:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B1:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b1:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hhi: -00:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -00:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0B0:0:3:
+%2hhi: -0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: -0b0:0:3:
+%2hhi: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhi: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 00:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: 00:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b0:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhi: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 01:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: 01:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b1:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hhi: 42:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 052:1:3:5:
+%*2hhi: 052:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b101010:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 127:1:3:12:
+%*2hhi: 127:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0X7f:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0x7F:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0x7F:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 0177:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: 0177:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b1111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b1111111:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 128:1:3:12:
+%*2hhi: 128:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0X80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0x80:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0x80:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 0200:1:3:2:
+%*2hhi: 0200:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b10000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b10000000:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 169:1:3:16:
+%*2hhi: 169:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0Xa9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0xA9:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0xA9:0:-1:
+%2hhi: 0251:1:3:2:
+%*2hhi: 0251:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0B10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhi: 0b10101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhi: 0b10101001:0:-1:
+%2hhi: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hhi: +00:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +00:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B0:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b0:0:3:
+%2hhi: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: +1:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hhi: +01:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +01:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B1:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b1:0:3:
+%2hhi: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hhi: +42:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hhi: +052:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +052:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B101010:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b101010:0:3:
+%2hhi: +127:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: +127:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0X7f:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0X7f:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0x7F:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0x7F:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0177:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0177:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B1111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B1111111:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b1111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b1111111:0:3:
+%2hhi: +128:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: +128:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0X80:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0X80:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0x80:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0x80:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0200:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0200:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B10000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B10000000:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b10000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b10000000:0:3:
+%2hhi: +169:1:3:1:
+%*2hhi: +169:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0Xa9:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0Xa9:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0xA9:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0xA9:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0251:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0251:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0B10101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0B10101001:0:3:
+%2hhi: +0b10101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhi: +0b10101001:0:3:
+%5hhi: :0:-1:
+%*5hhi: :0:-1:
+%5hhi: -251:1:5:5:
+%*5hhi: -251:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0Xfb:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: -0Xfb:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0xFB:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: -0xFB:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0373:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: -0373:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0B11111011:1:6:-3:
+%*5hhi: -0B11111011:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0b11111011:1:6:-3:
+%*5hhi: -0b11111011:0:6:
+%5hhi: -129:1:5:127:
+%*5hhi: -129:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0X81:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: -0X81:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0x81:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: -0x81:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0201:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: -0201:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0B10000001:1:6:-2:
+%*5hhi: -0B10000001:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0b10000001:1:6:-2:
+%*5hhi: -0b10000001:0:6:
+%5hhi: -128:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhi: -128:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0X80:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: -0X80:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0x80:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: -0x80:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0200:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: -0200:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0B10000000:1:6:-2:
+%*5hhi: -0B10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0b10000000:1:6:-2:
+%*5hhi: -0b10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: -123:1:5:-123:
+%*5hhi: -123:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0X7b:1:6:-123:
+%*5hhi: -0X7b:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0x7B:1:6:-123:
+%*5hhi: -0x7B:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0173:1:6:-123:
+%*5hhi: -0173:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0B1111011:1:6:-3:
+%*5hhi: -0B1111011:0:6:
+%5hhi: -0b1111011:1:6:-3:
+%*5hhi: -0b1111011:0:6:
+%5hhi: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*5hhi: -1:0:3:
+%5hhi: -0X1:1:5:-1:
+%*5hhi: -0X1:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0x1:1:5:-1:
+%*5hhi: -0x1:0:5:
+%5hhi: -01:1:4:-1:
+%*5hhi: -01:0:4:
+%5hhi: -0B1:1:5:-1:
+%*5hhi: -0B1:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0b1:1:5:-1:
+%*5hhi: -0b1:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhi: -0:0:3:
+%5hhi: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: -0X0:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: -0x0:0:5:
+%5hhi: -00:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: -00:0:4:
+%5hhi: -0B0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: -0B0:0:5:
+%5hhi: -0b0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: -0b0:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhi: 0:0:2:
+%5hhi: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: 0X0:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: 0x0:0:4:
+%5hhi: 00:1:3:0:
+%*5hhi: 00:0:3:
+%5hhi: 0B0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: 0B0:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0b0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: 0b0:0:4:
+%5hhi: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhi: 1:0:2:
+%5hhi: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhi: 0X1:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhi: 0x1:0:4:
+%5hhi: 01:1:3:1:
+%*5hhi: 01:0:3:
+%5hhi: 0B1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhi: 0B1:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0b1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhi: 0b1:0:4:
+%5hhi: 42:1:3:42:
+%*5hhi: 42:0:3:
+%5hhi: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*5hhi: 0X2a:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*5hhi: 0x2A:0:5:
+%5hhi: 052:1:4:42:
+%*5hhi: 052:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0B101010:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: 0B101010:0:6:
+%5hhi: 0b101010:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: 0b101010:0:6:
+%5hhi: 127:1:4:127:
+%*5hhi: 127:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0X7f:1:5:127:
+%*5hhi: 0X7f:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0x7F:1:5:127:
+%*5hhi: 0x7F:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0177:1:5:127:
+%*5hhi: 0177:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0B1111111:1:6:7:
+%*5hhi: 0B1111111:0:6:
+%5hhi: 0b1111111:1:6:7:
+%*5hhi: 0b1111111:0:6:
+%5hhi: 128:1:4:-128:
+%*5hhi: 128:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0X80:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhi: 0X80:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0x80:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhi: 0x80:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0200:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhi: 0200:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0B10000000:1:6:4:
+%*5hhi: 0B10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: 0b10000000:1:6:4:
+%*5hhi: 0b10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: 169:1:4:-87:
+%*5hhi: 169:0:4:
+%5hhi: 0Xa9:1:5:-87:
+%*5hhi: 0Xa9:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0xA9:1:5:-87:
+%*5hhi: 0xA9:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0251:1:5:-87:
+%*5hhi: 0251:0:5:
+%5hhi: 0B10101001:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: 0B10101001:0:6:
+%5hhi: 0b10101001:1:6:5:
+%*5hhi: 0b10101001:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhi: +0:0:3:
+%5hhi: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: +0X0:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: +0x0:0:5:
+%5hhi: +00:1:4:0:
+%*5hhi: +00:0:4:
+%5hhi: +0B0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: +0B0:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0b0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhi: +0b0:0:5:
+%5hhi: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhi: +1:0:3:
+%5hhi: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhi: +0X1:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhi: +0x1:0:5:
+%5hhi: +01:1:4:1:
+%*5hhi: +01:0:4:
+%5hhi: +0B1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhi: +0B1:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0b1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhi: +0b1:0:5:
+%5hhi: +42:1:4:42:
+%*5hhi: +42:0:4:
+%5hhi: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*5hhi: +0X2a:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*5hhi: +0x2A:0:6:
+%5hhi: +052:1:5:42:
+%*5hhi: +052:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0B101010:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0B101010:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0b101010:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0b101010:0:6:
+%5hhi: +127:1:5:127:
+%*5hhi: +127:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0X7f:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: +0X7f:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0x7F:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: +0x7F:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0177:1:6:127:
+%*5hhi: +0177:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0B1111111:1:6:3:
+%*5hhi: +0B1111111:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0b1111111:1:6:3:
+%*5hhi: +0b1111111:0:6:
+%5hhi: +128:1:5:-128:
+%*5hhi: +128:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0X80:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: +0X80:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0x80:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: +0x80:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0200:1:6:-128:
+%*5hhi: +0200:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0B10000000:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0B10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0b10000000:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0b10000000:0:6:
+%5hhi: +169:1:5:-87:
+%*5hhi: +169:0:5:
+%5hhi: +0Xa9:1:6:-87:
+%*5hhi: +0Xa9:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0xA9:1:6:-87:
+%*5hhi: +0xA9:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0251:1:6:-87:
+%*5hhi: +0251:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0B10101001:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0B10101001:0:6:
+%5hhi: +0b10101001:1:6:2:
+%*5hhi: +0b10101001:0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-character.h
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-character.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ 
+/* Test feature wrapper for formatted character input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <support/next_to_fault.h>
+/* Reference data is a sequence of characters to match against
+   byte-wise.
+   For the 's' conversion specifier the number of characters read
+   from input includes any leading white-space characters consumed
+   as well, so we also consider it a successful match when the ':'
+   character following the reference data matches a terminating null
+   character in the output produced by the 'scanf' family function
+   under test while the character count hasn't been exhausted yet.
+   The buffer is preinitialized to contain repeating '\xa5' character
+   so as to catch missing data output.  Also no data is expected to be
+   written beyond the character sequence received, which is verified
+   by checking the following character in the buffer to remain '\xa5'.  */
+#define SCANF_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
+static struct support_next_to_fault ntf;
+#define PREPARE initialize_value_init
+static void
+initialize_value_init (int argc, char **argv)
+  ntf = support_next_to_fault_allocate (SCANF_BUFFER_SIZE);
+static void __attribute__ ((destructor))
+initialize_value_fini (void)
+  support_next_to_fault_free (&ntf);
+#define pointer_to_value(val) (val)
+#define initialize_value(val)						\
+do									\
+  {									\
+    val = ntf.buffer;							\
+    memset (val, 0xa5, SCANF_BUFFER_SIZE);				\
+  }									\
+while (0)
+#define verify_input(f, val, count, errp)				\
+({									\
+  __label__ out, skip;							\
+  bool match = true;							\
+  int err = 0;								\
+  size_t i;								\
+  int ch;								\
+									\
+  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)						\
+    {									\
+      ch = read_input ();						\
+      if (ch < 0)							\
+	{								\
+	  err = ch;							\
+	  goto out;							\
+	}								\
+      if (ch == ':' && val[i] == '\0' && f == 's')			\
+	goto skip;							\
+      if (ch != val[i])							\
+	{								\
+	  match = false;						\
+	  goto out;							\
+	}								\
+    }									\
+  ch = read_input ();							\
+  if (ch < 0)								\
+    {									\
+      err = ch;								\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+									\
+skip:									\
+  if (f != 'c' && val[i++] != '\0')					\
+    {									\
+      err = OUTPUT_TERM;						\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+  if (val[i] != '\xa5')							\
+    {									\
+      err = OUTPUT_OVERRUN;						\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+									\
+  while (ch != ':')							\
+    {									\
+      ch = read_input ();						\
+      if (ch < 0)							\
+	{								\
+	  err = ch;							\
+	  goto out;							\
+	}								\
+      match = false;							\
+    }									\
+									\
+out:									\
+  if (err || !match)							\
+    {									\
+      printf ("error: %s:%d: input buffer: `", __FILE__, __LINE__);	\
+      for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; j++)					\
+	printf ("%c", val[j]);						\
+      printf ("'\n");							\
+    }									\
+									\
+  *errp = err;								\
+  match;								\
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-integer.h
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-integer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ 
+/* Test feature wrapper for formatted integer input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <string.h>
+/* Reference data is a signed decimal integer constant to compare against
+   arithmetically.  */
+#define pointer_to_value(val) (&(val))
+#define initialize_value(val)						\
+  memset (&val, 0xa5, sizeof (val))
+#define verify_input(f, val, count, errp)				\
+({									\
+  __label__ out;							\
+  bool match = true;							\
+  int err;								\
+									\
+  UNSIGNED long long v = read_integer (&err);				\
+  if (err < 0)								\
+    goto out;								\
+  match = val == v;							\
+									\
+out:									\
+  if (err || !match)							\
+    {									\
+      printf ("error: %s:%d: input: %016llx\n",				\
+	      __FILE__, __LINE__, (long long) val);			\
+      printf ("error: %s:%d: value: %016llx\n",				\
+	      __FILE__, __LINE__, v);					\
+    }									\
+									\
+  *errp = err;								\
+  match;								\
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-d.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-d.input
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ 
+%2lld: :0:-1:
+%*2lld: :0:-1:
+%2lld: -9223372036867121486:1:3:-9:
+%*2lld: -9223372036867121486:0:3:
+%2lld: -9223372036854775809:1:3:-9:
+%*2lld: -9223372036854775809:0:3:
+%2lld: -9223372036854775808:1:3:-9:
+%*2lld: -9223372036854775808:0:3:
+%2lld: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2lld: -123:0:3:
+%2lld: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2lld: -1:0:3:
+%2lld: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2lld: -0:0:3:
+%2lld: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2lld: 0:0:2:
+%2lld: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2lld: 1:0:2:
+%2lld: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2lld: 42:0:3:
+%2lld: 9223372036854775807:1:3:92:
+%*2lld: 9223372036854775807:0:3:
+%2lld: 9223372036854775808:1:3:92:
+%*2lld: 9223372036854775808:0:3:
+%2lld: 9223372036897200049:1:3:92:
+%*2lld: 9223372036897200049:0:3:
+%2lld: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2lld: +0:0:3:
+%2lld: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2lld: +1:0:3:
+%2lld: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2lld: +42:0:3:
+%2lld: +9223372036854775807:1:3:9:
+%*2lld: +9223372036854775807:0:3:
+%2lld: +9223372036854775808:1:3:9:
+%*2lld: +9223372036854775808:0:3:
+%2lld: +9223372036897200049:1:3:9:
+%*2lld: +9223372036897200049:0:3:
+%25lld: :0:-1:
+%*25lld: :0:-1:
+%25lld: -9223372036867121486:1:21:-9223372036854775808:
+%*25lld: -9223372036867121486:0:21:
+%25lld: -9223372036854775809:1:21:-9223372036854775808:
+%*25lld: -9223372036854775809:0:21:
+%25lld: -9223372036854775808:1:21:-9223372036854775808:
+%*25lld: -9223372036854775808:0:21:
+%25lld: -123:1:5:-123:
+%*25lld: -123:0:5:
+%25lld: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*25lld: -1:0:3:
+%25lld: -0:1:3:0:
+%*25lld: -0:0:3:
+%25lld: 0:1:2:0:
+%*25lld: 0:0:2:
+%25lld: 1:1:2:1:
+%*25lld: 1:0:2:
+%25lld: 42:1:3:42:
+%*25lld: 42:0:3:
+%25lld: 9223372036854775807:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: 9223372036854775807:0:20:
+%25lld: 9223372036854775808:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: 9223372036854775808:0:20:
+%25lld: 9223372036897200049:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: 9223372036897200049:0:20:
+%25lld: +0:1:3:0:
+%*25lld: +0:0:3:
+%25lld: +1:1:3:1:
+%*25lld: +1:0:3:
+%25lld: +42:1:4:42:
+%*25lld: +42:0:4:
+%25lld: +9223372036854775807:1:21:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: +9223372036854775807:0:21:
+%25lld: +9223372036854775808:1:21:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: +9223372036854775808:0:21:
+%25lld: +9223372036897200049:1:21:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lld: +9223372036897200049:0:21:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-i.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-llong-i.input
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X7fffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X7fffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0X80000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0X80000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0x80000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0x80000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli:0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli:0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110001:0:-1:
+%2lli: :0:-1:
+%*2lli: :0:-1:
+%2lli: -9223372036867121486:1:3:-9:
+%*2lli: -9223372036867121486:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X8000000000bc614e:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X8000000000bc614e:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x8000000000BC614E:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x8000000000BC614E:0:3:
+%2lli: -01000000000000057060516:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -01000000000000057060516:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000101111000110000101001110:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000101111000110000101001110:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000101111000110000101001110:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000101111000110000101001110:0:3:
+%2lli: -9223372036854775809:1:3:-9:
+%*2lli: -9223372036854775809:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X8000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X8000000000000001:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x8000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x8000000000000001:0:3:
+%2lli: -01000000000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -01000000000000000000001:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:0:3:
+%2lli: -9223372036854775808:1:3:-9:
+%*2lli: -9223372036854775808:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X8000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X8000000000000000:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x8000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x8000000000000000:0:3:
+%2lli: -01000000000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -01000000000000000000000:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0:3:
+%2lli: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2lli: -123:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2lli: -0173:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0173:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B1111011:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b1111011:0:3:
+%2lli: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2lli: -1:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X1:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x1:0:3:
+%2lli: -01:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -01:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B1:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b1:0:3:
+%2lli: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0:0:3:
+%2lli: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0X0:0:3:
+%2lli: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0x0:0:3:
+%2lli: -00:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -00:0:3:
+%2lli: -0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0B0:0:3:
+%2lli: -0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: -0b0:0:3:
+%2lli: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2lli: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2lli: 00:1:3:0:
+%*2lli: 00:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0b0:0:-1:
+%2lli: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2lli: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2lli: 01:1:3:1:
+%*2lli: 01:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0b1:0:-1:
+%2lli: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2lli: 42:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2lli: 052:1:3:5:
+%*2lli: 052:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0b101010:0:-1:
+%2lli: 9223372036854775807:1:3:92:
+%*2lli: 9223372036854775807:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0X7fffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0X7fffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+%2lli: 0777777777777777777777:1:3:7:
+%*2lli: 0777777777777777777777:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:-1:
+%2lli: 9223372036854775808:1:3:92:
+%*2lli: 9223372036854775808:0:3:
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+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0X8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2lli: 0x8000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2lli: 0x8000000000000000:0:-1:
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+%25lli: 0b101010:1:9:42:
+%*25lli: 0b101010:0:9:
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+%*25lli: 9223372036854775807:0:20:
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+%*25lli: 0777777777777777777777:0:23:
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+%*25lli: 0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:26:
+%25lli: 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1:26:8388607:
+%*25lli: 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:26:
+%25lli: 9223372036854775808:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: 9223372036854775808:0:20:
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+%25lli: 0x8000000000000000:1:19:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: 0x8000000000000000:0:19:
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+%*25lli: 9223372036897200049:0:20:
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+%*25lli: 0X80000000028757b1:0:19:
+%25lli: 0x80000000028757B1:1:19:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: 0x80000000028757B1:0:19:
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+%*25lli: +0B1:0:5:
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+%*25lli: +0b1:0:5:
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+%*25lli: +42:0:4:
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+%*25lli: +052:0:5:
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+%25lli: +0b101010:1:10:42:
+%*25lli: +0b101010:0:10:
+%25lli: +9223372036854775807:1:21:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +9223372036854775807:0:21:
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+%*25lli: +0X7fffffffffffffff:0:20:
+%25lli: +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:20:
+%25lli: +0777777777777777777777:1:24:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +0777777777777777777777:0:24:
+%25lli: +0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1:26:4194303:
+%*25lli: +0B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:26:
+%25lli: +0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1:26:4194303:
+%*25lli: +0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:0:26:
+%25lli: +9223372036854775808:1:21:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +9223372036854775808:0:21:
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+%*25lli: +0X8000000000000000:0:20:
+%25lli: +0x8000000000000000:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +0x8000000000000000:0:20:
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+%*25lli: +9223372036897200049:0:21:
+%25lli: +0X80000000028757b1:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +0X80000000028757b1:0:20:
+%25lli: +0x80000000028757B1:1:20:9223372036854775807:
+%*25lli: +0x80000000028757B1:0:20:
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+%*25lli: +0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000010100001110101011110110001:0:26:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-real.h
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-real.h
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ 
+/* Test feature wrapper for formatted real input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <tgmath.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <support/support.h>
+/* Reference data is a case-inensitive signed datum, which is either a
+   hexadecimal floating constant or a literal representing infinity or
+   NaN data in any of the forms accepted by 'strtod' family functions,
+   whose binary representation is to match against byte-wise.
+   We need to be careful with parsing reference data in the handling of
+   the sign as with the IBM long double binary format unary negation
+   of a positive value whose lower-magnitude part is zero produces a
+   bit pattern that is different from one produced by initialization or
+   conversions made by functions such as 'scanf' or 'strtod' from the
+   complementing negative value.  The difference is in the sign of zero
+   held in the lower-magnitude part and therefore the bit patterns are
+   arithmetically equivalent, but they do not match byte-wise.
+   Therefore we set the sign with the initial value of the significand,
+   either -0.0 or 0.0, which sets the sign of both parts according to
+   what 'scanf' does, and never negate it afterwards.
+   Additionally the Intel long double binary format uses only 80 bits
+   out of 96 that the data type occupies.  Therefore preinitialize the
+   reference value with the same 0xa5 bit pattern that the value under
+   test has been so that the byte-wise comparison matches as well for
+   the unused parts of the two data pieces.
+   We use 'ldexp' to assemble the significand with the exponent, which
+   does not compromise verification, because internally this exercises
+   a code path different from one used by 'scanf' family functions for
+   this purpose.  Specifically 'ldexp' uses 'scalbn', whereas 'scanf'
+   defers to 'strtod' which uses '__mpn_construct_double'.  Analogously
+   for the remaining floating-point data types.  */
+#define nan(v, x)							\
+  _Generic((v), float: nanf, double: nan, long double: nanl) (x)
+#define pointer_to_value(val) (&(val))
+#define initialize_value(val)						\
+  memset (&val, 0xa5, sizeof (val))
+#define verify_input(f, val, count, errp)				\
+({									\
+  __label__ out;							\
+  bool match = true;							\
+  int err = 0;								\
+  type_t v;								\
+									\
+  initialize_value (v);							\
+  v = read_real (&err);							\
+  if (err < 0)								\
+    goto out;								\
+  match = memcmp (&val, &v, sizeof (v)) == 0;				\
+									\
+out:									\
+  if (err || !match)							\
+    {									\
+      union								\
+	{								\
+	  type_t v;							\
+	  unsigned char x[sizeof (type_t)];				\
+	}								\
+      uv = { .v = v }, ui = { .v = val };				\
+									\
+      printf ("error: %s:%d: input buffer: `", __FILE__, __LINE__);	\
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof (ui.x); j++)			\
+	printf ("%02hhx", ui.x[j]);					\
+      printf ("'\n");							\
+      printf ("error: %s:%d: value buffer: `", __FILE__, __LINE__);	\
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof (uv.x); j++)			\
+	printf ("%02hhx", uv.x[j]);					\
+      printf ("'\n");							\
+    }									\
+									\
+  *errp = err;								\
+  match;								\
+#define read_real(errp)							\
+({									\
+  __label__ out;							\
+  bool m = false;							\
+  int err = 0;								\
+  type_t v;								\
+  int ch;								\
+									\
+  ch = read_input ();							\
+  if (ch == '-' || ch == '+')						\
+    {									\
+      m = ch == '-';							\
+      ch = read_input ();						\
+    }									\
+									\
+  switch (ch)								\
+    {									\
+    case '0':								\
+      break;								\
+    case 'I':								\
+    case 'i':								\
+      {									\
+	static const char unf[] = { 'N', 'F' };				\
+	static const char lnf[] = { 'n', 'f' };				\
+	size_t i;							\
+									\
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof (unf); i++)				\
+	  {								\
+	    ch = read_input ();						\
+	    if (ch != unf[i] && ch != lnf[i])				\
+	      {								\
+		err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;			\
+		v = NAN;						\
+		goto out;						\
+	      }								\
+	  }								\
+									\
+	ch = read_input ();						\
+	if (ch == ':')							\
+	  {								\
+	    v = m ? -INFINITY : +INFINITY;				\
+	    goto out;							\
+	  }								\
+									\
+	static const char uinity[] = { 'I', 'N', 'I', 'T', 'Y' };	\
+	static const char linity[] = { 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y' };	\
+									\
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof (uinity); i++)				\
+	  {								\
+	    if (ch != uinity[i] && ch != linity[i])			\
+	      {								\
+		err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;			\
+		v = NAN;						\
+		goto out;						\
+	      }								\
+	    ch = read_input ();						\
+	  }								\
+	if (ch == ':')							\
+	  {								\
+	    v = m ? -INFINITY : +INFINITY;				\
+	    goto out;							\
+	  }								\
+      }									\
+      err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;					\
+      v = NAN;								\
+      goto out;								\
+									\
+    case 'N':								\
+    case 'n':								\
+      {									\
+	static const char uan[] = { 'A', 'N' };				\
+	static const char lan[] = { 'a', 'n' };				\
+	size_t i;							\
+									\
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof (uan); i++)				\
+	  {								\
+	    ch = read_input ();						\
+	    if (ch != uan[i] && ch != lan[i])				\
+	      {								\
+		err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;			\
+		v = NAN;						\
+		goto out;						\
+	      }								\
+	  }								\
+									\
+	ch = read_input ();						\
+	if (ch == ':')							\
+	  {								\
+	    v = m ? -nan (v, ".") : nan (v, ".");			\
+	    goto out;							\
+	  }								\
+									\
+	size_t seq_size = 0;						\
+	char *seq = NULL;						\
+	i = 0;								\
+	if (ch == '(')							\
+	  while (1)							\
+	    {								\
+	      ch = read_input ();					\
+	      if (ch == ')')						\
+		break;							\
+	      if (ch != '_' && !isdigit (ch)				\
+		  && !(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')				\
+		  && !(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'))				\
+		{							\
+		  free (seq);						\
+		  err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;			\
+		  v = NAN;						\
+		  goto out;						\
+		}							\
+	      if (i == seq_size)					\
+		{							\
+		  seq_size += SIZE_CHUNK;				\
+		  seq = xrealloc (seq, seq_size);			\
+		}							\
+	      seq[i++] = ch;						\
+	    }								\
+	seq[i] = '\0';							\
+									\
+	ch = read_input ();						\
+	if (ch == ':')							\
+	  {								\
+	    v = m ? -nan (v, seq) : nan (v, seq);			\
+	    free (seq);							\
+	    goto out;							\
+	  }								\
+	free (seq);							\
+      }									\
+      err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;					\
+      v = NAN;								\
+      goto out;								\
+									\
+    default:								\
+      err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;					\
+      v = NAN;								\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+									\
+  ch = read_input ();							\
+  if (ch != 'X' && ch != 'x')						\
+    {									\
+      err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;					\
+      v = NAN;								\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+									\
+  type_t f = m ? -1.0 : 1.0;						\
+  v = m ? -0.0 : 0.0;							\
+  int i = 0;								\
+  do									\
+    {									\
+      int d = 0;							\
+									\
+      ch = read_input ();						\
+									\
+      if (i == 1)							\
+	switch (ch)							\
+	  {								\
+	  case '.':							\
+	    i++;							\
+	    continue;							\
+									\
+	  case ':':							\
+	  case 'P':							\
+	  case 'p':							\
+	    break;							\
+									\
+	  default:							\
+	    err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;				\
+	    v = NAN;							\
+	    goto out;							\
+	  }								\
+									\
+      switch (ch)							\
+	{								\
+	case '0':							\
+	case '1':							\
+	case '2':							\
+	case '3':							\
+	case '4':							\
+	case '5':							\
+	case '6':							\
+	case '7':							\
+	case '8':							\
+	case '9':							\
+	  d = ch - '0';							\
+	  break;							\
+									\
+	case 'A':							\
+	case 'B':							\
+	case 'C':							\
+	case 'D':							\
+	case 'E':							\
+	case 'F':							\
+	  d = ch - 'A' + 10;						\
+	  break;							\
+									\
+	case 'a':							\
+	case 'b':							\
+	case 'c':							\
+	case 'd':							\
+	case 'e':							\
+	case 'f':							\
+	  d = ch - 'a' + 10;						\
+	  break;							\
+									\
+	case ':':							\
+	case 'P':							\
+	case 'p':							\
+	  if (i == 0)							\
+	    {								\
+	      err = INPUT_FORMAT;					\
+	      v = NAN;							\
+	      goto out;							\
+	    }								\
+	  break;							\
+									\
+	default:							\
+	  err = ch < 0 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT;				\
+	  v = NAN;							\
+	  goto out;							\
+	}								\
+									\
+      v += f * d;							\
+      f /= 16.0l;							\
+      i++;								\
+    }									\
+  while (ch != ':' && ch != 'P' && ch != 'p');				\
+									\
+  long long exp = 0;							\
+  if (ch == 'P' || ch == 'p')						\
+    {									\
+      exp = read_integer (&err);					\
+      if (err)								\
+	{								\
+	  v = NAN;							\
+	  goto out;							\
+	}								\
+    }									\
+									\
+  errno = 0;								\
+  v = ldexp (v, exp);							\
+  if ((v == HUGE_VALL || v == -HUGE_VALL) && errno != 0)		\
+    {									\
+      err = INPUT_OVERFLOW;						\
+      v = NAN;								\
+      goto out;								\
+    }									\
+									\
+out:									\
+  *errp = err;								\
+  v;									\
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-c.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for the character conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-character.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-c.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-char.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-char.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for signed char conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-char.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-double.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-double.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for double conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-real.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-double.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-float.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-float.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for float conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-real.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-float.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-int.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-int.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-int.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ldouble.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ldouble.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for long double conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-real.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ldouble.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-llong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-llong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for long long conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-llong.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-long.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-long.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for long conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-long.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-short.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-short.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for short int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-short.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uchar.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uchar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for unsigned char conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uchar.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uint.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-uint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for unsigned int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uint.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ullong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ullong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for unsigned long long int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ullong.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ulong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ulong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for unsigned long int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ulong.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ushort.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s-ushort.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test for formatted 'scanf' input for unsigned short int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-s.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-integer.h"
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ushort.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s.h
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-s.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ 
+/* Test feature wrapper for formatted 'scanf' input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define scanf_under_test(...)						\
+({									\
+  int result = scanf (__VA_ARGS__);					\
+  if (ferror (stdin))							\
+    result = INPUT_ERROR;						\
+  else if (result == EOF)						\
+    result = INPUT_EOF;							\
+  result;								\
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-d.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-d.input
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ 
+%2hd: :0:-1:
+%*2hd: :0:-1:
+%2hd: -32891:1:3:-3:
+%*2hd: -32891:0:3:
+%2hd: -32769:1:3:-3:
+%*2hd: -32769:0:3:
+%2hd: -32768:1:3:-3:
+%*2hd: -32768:0:3:
+%2hd: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2hd: -123:0:3:
+%2hd: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2hd: -1:0:3:
+%2hd: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hd: -0:0:3:
+%2hd: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hd: 0:0:2:
+%2hd: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hd: 1:0:2:
+%2hd: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hd: 42:0:3:
+%2hd: 32767:1:3:32:
+%*2hd: 32767:0:3:
+%2hd: 32768:1:3:32:
+%*2hd: 32768:0:3:
+%2hd: 32809:1:3:32:
+%*2hd: 32809:0:3:
+%2hd: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hd: +0:0:3:
+%2hd: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hd: +1:0:3:
+%2hd: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hd: +42:0:3:
+%2hd: +32767:1:3:3:
+%*2hd: +32767:0:3:
+%2hd: +32768:1:3:3:
+%*2hd: +32768:0:3:
+%2hd: +32809:1:3:3:
+%*2hd: +32809:0:3:
+%7hd: :0:-1:
+%*7hd: :0:-1:
+%7hd: -32891:1:7:32645:
+%*7hd: -32891:0:7:
+%7hd: -32769:1:7:32767:
+%*7hd: -32769:0:7:
+%7hd: -32768:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hd: -32768:0:7:
+%7hd: -123:1:5:-123:
+%*7hd: -123:0:5:
+%7hd: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*7hd: -1:0:3:
+%7hd: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hd: -0:0:3:
+%7hd: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hd: 0:0:2:
+%7hd: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hd: 1:0:2:
+%7hd: 42:1:3:42:
+%*7hd: 42:0:3:
+%7hd: 32767:1:6:32767:
+%*7hd: 32767:0:6:
+%7hd: 32768:1:6:-32768:
+%*7hd: 32768:0:6:
+%7hd: 32809:1:6:-32727:
+%*7hd: 32809:0:6:
+%7hd: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hd: +0:0:3:
+%7hd: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hd: +1:0:3:
+%7hd: +42:1:4:42:
+%*7hd: +42:0:4:
+%7hd: +32767:1:7:32767:
+%*7hd: +32767:0:7:
+%7hd: +32768:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hd: +32768:0:7:
+%7hd: +32809:1:7:-32727:
+%*7hd: +32809:0:7:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-i.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-short-i.input
@@ -0,0 +1,1526 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X7fff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X7fff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x7FFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x7FFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0X8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0X8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0x8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0x8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0B1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0B1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi:0b1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi:0b1000000000101001:0:-1:
+%2hi: :0:-1:
+%*2hi: :0:-1:
+%2hi: -32891:1:3:-3:
+%*2hi: -32891:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X807b:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X807b:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x807B:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x807B:0:3:
+%2hi: -0100173:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0100173:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B1000000001111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B1000000001111011:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b1000000001111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b1000000001111011:0:3:
+%2hi: -32769:1:3:-3:
+%*2hi: -32769:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X8001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X8001:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x8001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x8001:0:3:
+%2hi: -0100001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0100001:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B1000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B1000000000000001:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b1000000000000001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b1000000000000001:0:3:
+%2hi: -32768:1:3:-3:
+%*2hi: -32768:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X8000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X8000:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x8000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x8000:0:3:
+%2hi: -0100000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0100000:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B1000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B1000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b1000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b1000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hi: -123:1:3:-1:
+%*2hi: -123:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hi: -0173:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0173:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B1111011:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b1111011:0:3:
+%2hi: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*2hi: -1:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hi: -01:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -01:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B1:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b1:0:3:
+%2hi: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0:0:3:
+%2hi: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hi: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hi: -00:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -00:0:3:
+%2hi: -0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0B0:0:3:
+%2hi: -0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: -0b0:0:3:
+%2hi: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hi: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hi: 00:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: 00:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b0:0:-1:
+%2hi: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hi: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hi: 01:1:3:1:
+%*2hi: 01:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b1:0:-1:
+%2hi: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hi: 42:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hi: 052:1:3:5:
+%*2hi: 052:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b101010:0:-1:
+%2hi: 32767:1:3:32:
+%*2hi: 32767:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X7fff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X7fff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x7FFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x7FFF:0:-1:
+%2hi: 077777:1:3:7:
+%*2hi: 077777:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b111111111111111:0:-1:
+%2hi: 32768:1:3:32:
+%*2hi: 32768:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x8000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x8000:0:-1:
+%2hi: 0100000:1:3:1:
+%*2hi: 0100000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b1000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b1000000000000000:0:-1:
+%2hi: 32809:1:3:32:
+%*2hi: 32809:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0X8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0X8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0x8029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0x8029:0:-1:
+%2hi: 0100051:1:3:1:
+%*2hi: 0100051:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0B1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0B1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hi: 0b1000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hi: 0b1000000000101001:0:-1:
+%2hi: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hi: +00:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +00:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B0:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b0:0:3:
+%2hi: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hi: +1:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hi: +01:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +01:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B1:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b1:0:3:
+%2hi: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hi: +42:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hi: +052:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +052:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B101010:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b101010:0:3:
+%2hi: +32767:1:3:3:
+%*2hi: +32767:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X7fff:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X7fff:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x7FFF:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x7FFF:0:3:
+%2hi: +077777:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +077777:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B111111111111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B111111111111111:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b111111111111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b111111111111111:0:3:
+%2hi: +32768:1:3:3:
+%*2hi: +32768:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X8000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X8000:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x8000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x8000:0:3:
+%2hi: +0100000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0100000:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B1000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B1000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b1000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b1000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hi: +32809:1:3:3:
+%*2hi: +32809:0:3:
+%2hi: +0X8029:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0X8029:0:3:
+%2hi: +0x8029:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0x8029:0:3:
+%2hi: +0100051:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0100051:0:3:
+%2hi: +0B1000000000101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0B1000000000101001:0:3:
+%2hi: +0b1000000000101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hi: +0b1000000000101001:0:3:
+%7hi: :0:-1:
+%*7hi: :0:-1:
+%7hi: -32891:1:7:32645:
+%*7hi: -32891:0:7:
+%7hi: -0X807b:1:8:32645:
+%*7hi: -0X807b:0:8:
+%7hi: -0x807B:1:8:32645:
+%*7hi: -0x807B:0:8:
+%7hi: -0100173:1:8:-4111:
+%*7hi: -0100173:0:8:
+%7hi: -0B1000000001111011:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0B1000000001111011:0:8:
+%7hi: -0b1000000001111011:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0b1000000001111011:0:8:
+%7hi: -32769:1:7:32767:
+%*7hi: -32769:0:7:
+%7hi: -0X8001:1:8:32767:
+%*7hi: -0X8001:0:8:
+%7hi: -0x8001:1:8:32767:
+%*7hi: -0x8001:0:8:
+%7hi: -0100001:1:8:-4096:
+%*7hi: -0100001:0:8:
+%7hi: -0B1000000000000001:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0B1000000000000001:0:8:
+%7hi: -0b1000000000000001:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0b1000000000000001:0:8:
+%7hi: -32768:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hi: -32768:0:7:
+%7hi: -0X8000:1:8:-32768:
+%*7hi: -0X8000:0:8:
+%7hi: -0x8000:1:8:-32768:
+%*7hi: -0x8000:0:8:
+%7hi: -0100000:1:8:-4096:
+%*7hi: -0100000:0:8:
+%7hi: -0B1000000000000000:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0B1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: -0b1000000000000000:1:8:-8:
+%*7hi: -0b1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: -123:1:5:-123:
+%*7hi: -123:0:5:
+%7hi: -0X7b:1:6:-123:
+%*7hi: -0X7b:0:6:
+%7hi: -0x7B:1:6:-123:
+%*7hi: -0x7B:0:6:
+%7hi: -0173:1:6:-123:
+%*7hi: -0173:0:6:
+%7hi: -0B1111011:1:8:-15:
+%*7hi: -0B1111011:0:8:
+%7hi: -0b1111011:1:8:-15:
+%*7hi: -0b1111011:0:8:
+%7hi: -1:1:3:-1:
+%*7hi: -1:0:3:
+%7hi: -0X1:1:5:-1:
+%*7hi: -0X1:0:5:
+%7hi: -0x1:1:5:-1:
+%*7hi: -0x1:0:5:
+%7hi: -01:1:4:-1:
+%*7hi: -01:0:4:
+%7hi: -0B1:1:5:-1:
+%*7hi: -0B1:0:5:
+%7hi: -0b1:1:5:-1:
+%*7hi: -0b1:0:5:
+%7hi: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hi: -0:0:3:
+%7hi: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: -0X0:0:5:
+%7hi: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: -0x0:0:5:
+%7hi: -00:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: -00:0:4:
+%7hi: -0B0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: -0B0:0:5:
+%7hi: -0b0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: -0b0:0:5:
+%7hi: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hi: 0:0:2:
+%7hi: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: 0X0:0:4:
+%7hi: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: 0x0:0:4:
+%7hi: 00:1:3:0:
+%*7hi: 00:0:3:
+%7hi: 0B0:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: 0B0:0:4:
+%7hi: 0b0:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: 0b0:0:4:
+%7hi: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hi: 1:0:2:
+%7hi: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*7hi: 0X1:0:4:
+%7hi: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*7hi: 0x1:0:4:
+%7hi: 01:1:3:1:
+%*7hi: 01:0:3:
+%7hi: 0B1:1:4:1:
+%*7hi: 0B1:0:4:
+%7hi: 0b1:1:4:1:
+%*7hi: 0b1:0:4:
+%7hi: 42:1:3:42:
+%*7hi: 42:0:3:
+%7hi: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*7hi: 0X2a:0:5:
+%7hi: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*7hi: 0x2A:0:5:
+%7hi: 052:1:4:42:
+%*7hi: 052:0:4:
+%7hi: 0B101010:1:8:21:
+%*7hi: 0B101010:0:8:
+%7hi: 0b101010:1:8:21:
+%*7hi: 0b101010:0:8:
+%7hi: 32767:1:6:32767:
+%*7hi: 32767:0:6:
+%7hi: 0X7fff:1:7:32767:
+%*7hi: 0X7fff:0:7:
+%7hi: 0x7FFF:1:7:32767:
+%*7hi: 0x7FFF:0:7:
+%7hi: 077777:1:7:32767:
+%*7hi: 077777:0:7:
+%7hi: 0B111111111111111:1:8:31:
+%*7hi: 0B111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hi: 0b111111111111111:1:8:31:
+%*7hi: 0b111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hi: 32768:1:6:-32768:
+%*7hi: 32768:0:6:
+%7hi: 0X8000:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hi: 0X8000:0:7:
+%7hi: 0x8000:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hi: 0x8000:0:7:
+%7hi: 0100000:1:8:-32768:
+%*7hi: 0100000:0:8:
+%7hi: 0B1000000000000000:1:8:16:
+%*7hi: 0B1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: 0b1000000000000000:1:8:16:
+%*7hi: 0b1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: 32809:1:6:-32727:
+%*7hi: 32809:0:6:
+%7hi: 0X8029:1:7:-32727:
+%*7hi: 0X8029:0:7:
+%7hi: 0x8029:1:7:-32727:
+%*7hi: 0x8029:0:7:
+%7hi: 0100051:1:8:-32727:
+%*7hi: 0100051:0:8:
+%7hi: 0B1000000000101001:1:8:16:
+%*7hi: 0B1000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hi: 0b1000000000101001:1:8:16:
+%*7hi: 0b1000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hi: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hi: +0:0:3:
+%7hi: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: +0X0:0:5:
+%7hi: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: +0x0:0:5:
+%7hi: +00:1:4:0:
+%*7hi: +00:0:4:
+%7hi: +0B0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: +0B0:0:5:
+%7hi: +0b0:1:5:0:
+%*7hi: +0b0:0:5:
+%7hi: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hi: +1:0:3:
+%7hi: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*7hi: +0X1:0:5:
+%7hi: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*7hi: +0x1:0:5:
+%7hi: +01:1:4:1:
+%*7hi: +01:0:4:
+%7hi: +0B1:1:5:1:
+%*7hi: +0B1:0:5:
+%7hi: +0b1:1:5:1:
+%*7hi: +0b1:0:5:
+%7hi: +42:1:4:42:
+%*7hi: +42:0:4:
+%7hi: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*7hi: +0X2a:0:6:
+%7hi: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*7hi: +0x2A:0:6:
+%7hi: +052:1:5:42:
+%*7hi: +052:0:5:
+%7hi: +0B101010:1:8:10:
+%*7hi: +0B101010:0:8:
+%7hi: +0b101010:1:8:10:
+%*7hi: +0b101010:0:8:
+%7hi: +32767:1:7:32767:
+%*7hi: +32767:0:7:
+%7hi: +0X7fff:1:8:32767:
+%*7hi: +0X7fff:0:8:
+%7hi: +0x7FFF:1:8:32767:
+%*7hi: +0x7FFF:0:8:
+%7hi: +077777:1:8:32767:
+%*7hi: +077777:0:8:
+%7hi: +0B111111111111111:1:8:15:
+%*7hi: +0B111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hi: +0b111111111111111:1:8:15:
+%*7hi: +0b111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hi: +32768:1:7:-32768:
+%*7hi: +32768:0:7:
+%7hi: +0X8000:1:8:-32768:
+%*7hi: +0X8000:0:8:
+%7hi: +0x8000:1:8:-32768:
+%*7hi: +0x8000:0:8:
+%7hi: +0100000:1:8:4096:
+%*7hi: +0100000:0:8:
+%7hi: +0B1000000000000000:1:8:8:
+%*7hi: +0B1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: +0b1000000000000000:1:8:8:
+%*7hi: +0b1000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hi: +32809:1:7:-32727:
+%*7hi: +32809:0:7:
+%7hi: +0X8029:1:8:-32727:
+%*7hi: +0X8029:0:8:
+%7hi: +0x8029:1:8:-32727:
+%*7hi: +0x8029:0:8:
+%7hi: +0100051:1:8:4101:
+%*7hi: +0100051:0:8:
+%7hi: +0B1000000000101001:1:8:8:
+%*7hi: +0B1000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hi: +0b1000000000101001:1:8:8:
+%*7hi: +0b1000000000101001:0:8:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-c.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for character conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef char *type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-char.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-char.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for signed char conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef signed char type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-double.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-double.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for double conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef double type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-float.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-float.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for float conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef float type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-int.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-int.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ldouble.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ldouble.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for long double conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef long double type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-llong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-llong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for long long int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef long long int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-long.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-long.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for long int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef long int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-short.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-short.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for short int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+typedef short int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uchar.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uchar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for unsigned char conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 1
+typedef unsigned char type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uint.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-uint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for unsigned int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 1
+typedef unsigned int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ullong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ullong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for unsigned long long int convs.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 1
+typedef unsigned long long int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ulong.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ulong.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for unsigned long int convs.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 1
+typedef unsigned long int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ushort.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton-ushort.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input for unsigned short int conversions.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 1
+typedef unsigned short int type_t;
+#include "tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c"
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.c
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton for formatted scanf input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+/* The following definitions have to be supplied by the source including
+   this skeleton:
+   Macros:
+   TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P	[optional] Set to 1 if handling an unsigned
+			integer conversion.
+   Typedefs:
+   type_t		Type to hold data produced by the conversion
+			handled.
+   Callable objects:
+   scanf_under_test	Wrapper for the 'scanf' family feature to be
+			tested.
+   verify_input		Verifier called to determine whether there is a
+			match between the data retrieved by the feature
+			tested and MATCH reference data supplied by input.
+   pointer_to_value	Converter making a pointer suitable for the
+			feature tested from the data holding type.
+   initialize_value	Initializer for the data holder to use ahead of
+			each call to the feature tested.
+   It is up to the source including this skeleton whether the individual
+   callable objects are going to be macros or actual functions.
+   See tst-*scanf-format-*.c for usage examples.  */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <mcheck.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <support/check.h>
+#include <support/support.h>
+/* Tweak our environment according to any TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P setting
+   supplied by the individual test case.  */
+# define TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P 0
+# define UNSIGNED unsigned
+# define UNSIGNED
+/* Read and return a single character from standard input, returning
+   end-of-file or error status indication where applicable.  */
+static int
+read_input (void)
+  int c = getchar ();
+  if (ferror (stdin))
+    c = INPUT_ERROR;
+  else if (feof (stdin))
+    c = INPUT_EOF;
+  return c;
+/* Consume a signed decimal integer supplied by READ_INPUT above, up to
+   the following ':' field separator which is removed from input, making
+   sure the value requested does not overflow the range of the data type
+   according to TYPE_T_UNSIGNED_P.
+   Return the value retrieved and set ERRP to zero on success, otherwise
+   set ERRP to the error code.  */
+static long long
+read_integer (int *errp)
+  bool m = false;
+  int ch;
+  ch = read_input ();
+  if (ch == '-' || ch == '+')
+    {
+      m = ch == '-';
+      ch = read_input ();
+    }
+  if (ch == ':')
+    {
+      *errp = INPUT_FORMAT;
+      return 0;
+    }
+  unsigned long long v = 0;
+  while (1)
+    {
+      unsigned long long v0 = v;
+      if (isdigit (ch))
+	{
+	  v = 10 * v + (ch - '0');
+		|| (v & ~((~0ULL) >> 1)) == 0
+		|| (m && v == ~((~0ULL) >> 1)))
+	      || v < v0)
+	    {
+	      *errp = INPUT_OVERFLOW;
+	      return 0;
+	    }
+	}
+      else if (ch < 0)
+	{
+	  *errp = ch;
+	  return 0;
+	}
+      else if (ch != ':')
+	{
+	  *errp = INPUT_FORMAT;
+	  return 0;
+	}
+      else
+	break;
+      ch = read_input ();
+    }
+  *errp = 0;
+  return m ? -v : v;
+/* Return an error message corresponding to ERR.  */
+static const char *
+get_error_message (int err)
+  switch (err)
+    {
+    case INPUT_EOF:
+      return "input line %zi: premature end of input";
+    case INPUT_ERROR:
+      return "input line %zi: error reading input data: %m";
+    case INPUT_FORMAT:
+      return "input line %zi: input data format error";
+      return "input line %zi: input data arithmetic overflow";
+    case OUTPUT_TERM:
+      return "input line %zi: string termination missing from output";
+      return "input line %zi: output data overrun";
+    default:
+      return "input line %zi: internal test error";
+    }
+/* Consume a record supplied by READ_INPUT above, according to '%' and
+   any assignment-suppressing character '*', followed by any width W,
+   any length modifier L, and conversion C, all already provided in FMT
+   (along with trailing "%lln" implicitly appended by the caller) and
+   removed from input along with the following ':' field separator.
+   For convenience the last character of conversion C is supplied as
+   the F parameter.
+   Record formats consumed:
+   %*<L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT==0>:<COUNT==-1>:
+   %*<W><L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT==0>:<COUNT==-1>:
+   %<L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT==0>:<COUNT==-1>:
+   %<W><L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT==0>:<COUNT==-1>:
+   %*<L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT>:<COUNT>:
+   %*<W><L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT>:<COUNT>:
+   %<L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT!=0>:<COUNT>:<MATCH>:
+   %<W><L><C>:<INPUT>:<RESULT!=0>:<COUNT>:<MATCH>:
+   Verify that the 'scanf' family function under test returned RESULT,
+   that the "%lln" conversion recorded COUNT characters or has not been
+   executed leaving the value at -1 as applicable, and where executed
+   that the conversion requested produced output matching MATCH.
+   Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.  */
+static int
+do_scanf (char f, char *fmt)
+  bool value_match = true;
+  bool count_match = true;
+  long long count = -1;
+  bool match = true;
+  long long result;
+  long long r;
+  long long c;
+  type_t val;
+  int err;
+  int ch;
+  initialize_value (val);
+  if (fmt[1] == '*')
+    result = scanf_under_test (fmt, &count);
+  else
+    result = scanf_under_test (fmt, pointer_to_value (val), &count);
+  if (result < 0)
+    FAIL_RET (get_error_message (result), line);
+  do
+    ch = read_input ();
+  while (ch != ':' && ch != INPUT_ERROR && ch != INPUT_EOF);
+  if (ch != ':')
+    FAIL_RET (get_error_message (ch), line);
+  r = read_integer (&err);
+  if (err < 0)
+    FAIL_RET (get_error_message (err), line);
+  match &= r == result;
+  c = read_integer (&err);
+  if (err < 0)
+    FAIL_RET (get_error_message (err), line);
+  match &= (count_match = c == count);
+  if (r > 0)
+    {
+      match &= (value_match = verify_input (f, val, count, &err));
+      if (err < 0)
+	FAIL_RET (get_error_message (err), line);
+    }
+  ch = read_input ();
+  if (ch != '\n')
+    FAIL_RET (get_error_message (ch == INPUT_ERROR || ch == INPUT_EOF
+				 ? ch : INPUT_FORMAT), line);
+  if (!match)
+    {
+      if (r != result)
+	FAIL ("input line %zi: input assignment count mismatch: %lli",
+	      line, result);
+      if (!count_match)
+	FAIL ("input line %zi: input character count mismatch: %lli",
+	      line, count);
+      if (!value_match)
+	FAIL ("input line %zi: input value mismatch", line);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* Consume a list of input records line by line supplied by READ_INPUT
+   above, discarding any that begin with the '#' line comment designator
+   and interpreting the initial part of the remaining ones from leading
+   '%' up to the first ':' field separator, which is removed from input,
+   by appending "%lln" to the part retrieved and handing over along with
+   the rest of input line to read to DO_SCANF above.  Terminate upon the
+   end of input or the first processing error encountered.
+   See the top of this file for the definitions that have to be
+   provided by the source including this skeleton.  */
+do_test (void)
+  size_t fmt_size = 0;
+  char *fmt = NULL;
+  mtrace ();
+  int result = 0;
+  do
+    {
+      size_t i = 0;
+      int ch = 0;
+      char f;
+      line++;
+      do
+	{
+	  f = ch;
+	  ch = read_input ();
+	  if ((i == 0 && ch == '#') || ch == INPUT_EOF || ch == INPUT_ERROR)
+	    break;
+	  if (i == fmt_size)
+	    {
+	      fmt_size += SIZE_CHUNK;
+	      fmt = xrealloc (fmt, fmt_size);
+	    }
+	  fmt[i++] = ch;
+	}
+      while (ch != ':');
+      if (ch == INPUT_EOF && i == 0)
+	{
+	  if (line == 1)
+	    {
+	      FAIL ("input line %zi: empty input", line);
+	      result = -1;
+	    }
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (ch == INPUT_ERROR)
+	{
+	  FAIL ("input line %zi: error reading format string: %m", line);
+	  result = -1;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (ch == '#')
+	{
+	  do
+	    ch = read_input ();
+	  while (ch != '\n' && ch != INPUT_EOF && ch != INPUT_ERROR);
+	  if (ch == '\n')
+	    continue;
+	  if (ch == INPUT_EOF)
+	    FAIL ("input line %zi: premature end of input reading comment",
+		  line);
+	  else
+	    FAIL ("input line %zi: error reading comment: %m", line);
+	  result = -1;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (ch != ':' || i < 3 || fmt[0] != '%')
+	{
+	  FAIL ("input line %zi: format string format error: \"%.*s\"", line,
+		(int) (i - 1), fmt);
+	  result = -1;
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (i + 4 > fmt_size)
+	{
+	  fmt_size += SIZE_CHUNK;
+	  fmt = xrealloc (fmt, fmt_size);
+	}
+      fmt[i - 1] = '%';
+      fmt[i++] = 'l';
+      fmt[i++] = 'l';
+      fmt[i++] = 'n';
+      fmt[i++] = '\0';
+      result = do_scanf (f, fmt);
+    }
+  while (result == 0);
+  free (fmt);
+  return result == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
+/* Interpose 'dladdr' with a stub to speed up malloc tracing.  */
+dladdr (const void *addr, Dl_info *info)
+  return 0;
+#include <support/test-driver.c>
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-skeleton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ 
+/* Test skeleton declarations for formatted scanf input.
+   Copyright (C) 2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* Amount dynamic memory allocations are increased by.  */
+#define SIZE_CHUNK 32
+/* Error codes for use by the tests.  */
+  INPUT_EOF = -1,		/* Premature end of input.  */
+  INPUT_ERROR = -2,		/* System error reading input data.  */
+  INPUT_FORMAT = -3,		/* Input data format error.  */
+  INPUT_OVERFLOW = -4,		/* Input data arithmetic overflow.  */
+  OUTPUT_TERM = -5,		/* String termination missing from output.  */
+  OUTPUT_OVERRUN = -6		/* Output data overrun.  */
+/* Input data retrieval handlers made available to individual tests.  */
+static long long read_integer (int *);
+static int read_input (void);
+/* Input data line number tracker.  */
+static size_t line;
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-X.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-X.input
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX:0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX:0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhX:+0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhX:+0x129:0:-1:
+%2hhX: :0:-1:
+%*2hhX: :0:-1:
+%2hhX: -7b:1:3:249:
+%*2hhX: -7b:0:3:
+%2hhX: -7B:1:3:249:
+%*2hhX: -7B:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hhX: -1:1:3:255:
+%*2hhX: -1:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hhX: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hhX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhX: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hhX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhX: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hhX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2hhX: 2a:0:3:
+%2hhX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2hhX: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hhX: ff:1:3:255:
+%*2hhX: ff:0:3:
+%2hhX: FF:1:3:255:
+%*2hhX: FF:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0xFF:0:-1:
+%2hhX: 100:1:3:16:
+%*2hhX: 100:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0x100:0:-1:
+%2hhX: 129:1:3:18:
+%*2hhX: 129:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhX: 0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhX: 0x129:0:-1:
+%2hhX: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hhX: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhX: +1:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hhX: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2hhX: +2a:0:3:
+%2hhX: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2hhX: +2A:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hhX: +ff:1:3:15:
+%*2hhX: +ff:0:3:
+%2hhX: +FF:1:3:15:
+%*2hhX: +FF:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0Xff:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0Xff:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0xFF:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0xFF:0:3:
+%2hhX: +100:1:3:1:
+%*2hhX: +100:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0X100:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0X100:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0x100:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0x100:0:3:
+%2hhX: +129:1:3:1:
+%*2hhX: +129:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0X129:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0X129:0:3:
+%2hhX: +0x129:1:3:0:
+%*2hhX: +0x129:0:3:
+%5hhX: :0:-1:
+%*5hhX: :0:-1:
+%5hhX: -7b:1:4:133:
+%*5hhX: -7b:0:4:
+%5hhX: -7B:1:4:133:
+%*5hhX: -7B:0:4:
+%5hhX: -0X7b:1:6:133:
+%*5hhX: -0X7b:0:6:
+%5hhX: -0x7B:1:6:133:
+%*5hhX: -0x7B:0:6:
+%5hhX: -1:1:3:255:
+%*5hhX: -1:0:3:
+%5hhX: -0X1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhX: -0X1:0:5:
+%5hhX: -0x1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhX: -0x1:0:5:
+%5hhX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhX: -0:0:3:
+%5hhX: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhX: -0X0:0:5:
+%5hhX: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhX: -0x0:0:5:
+%5hhX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhX: 0:0:2:
+%5hhX: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhX: 0X0:0:4:
+%5hhX: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhX: 0x0:0:4:
+%5hhX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhX: 1:0:2:
+%5hhX: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhX: 0X1:0:4:
+%5hhX: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhX: 0x1:0:4:
+%5hhX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*5hhX: 2a:0:3:
+%5hhX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*5hhX: 2A:0:3:
+%5hhX: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*5hhX: 0X2a:0:5:
+%5hhX: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*5hhX: 0x2A:0:5:
+%5hhX: ff:1:3:255:
+%*5hhX: ff:0:3:
+%5hhX: FF:1:3:255:
+%*5hhX: FF:0:3:
+%5hhX: 0Xff:1:5:255:
+%*5hhX: 0Xff:0:5:
+%5hhX: 0xFF:1:5:255:
+%*5hhX: 0xFF:0:5:
+%5hhX: 100:1:4:0:
+%*5hhX: 100:0:4:
+%5hhX: 0X100:1:6:0:
+%*5hhX: 0X100:0:6:
+%5hhX: 0x100:1:6:0:
+%*5hhX: 0x100:0:6:
+%5hhX: 129:1:4:41:
+%*5hhX: 129:0:4:
+%5hhX: 0X129:1:6:41:
+%*5hhX: 0X129:0:6:
+%5hhX: 0x129:1:6:41:
+%*5hhX: 0x129:0:6:
+%5hhX: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhX: +0:0:3:
+%5hhX: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhX: +0X0:0:5:
+%5hhX: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhX: +0x0:0:5:
+%5hhX: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhX: +1:0:3:
+%5hhX: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhX: +0X1:0:5:
+%5hhX: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhX: +0x1:0:5:
+%5hhX: +2a:1:4:42:
+%*5hhX: +2a:0:4:
+%5hhX: +2A:1:4:42:
+%*5hhX: +2A:0:4:
+%5hhX: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*5hhX: +0X2a:0:6:
+%5hhX: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*5hhX: +0x2A:0:6:
+%5hhX: +ff:1:4:255:
+%*5hhX: +ff:0:4:
+%5hhX: +FF:1:4:255:
+%*5hhX: +FF:0:4:
+%5hhX: +0Xff:1:6:255:
+%*5hhX: +0Xff:0:6:
+%5hhX: +0xFF:1:6:255:
+%*5hhX: +0xFF:0:6:
+%5hhX: +100:1:5:0:
+%*5hhX: +100:0:5:
+%5hhX: +0X100:1:6:16:
+%*5hhX: +0X100:0:6:
+%5hhX: +0x100:1:6:16:
+%*5hhX: +0x100:0:6:
+%5hhX: +129:1:5:41:
+%*5hhX: +129:0:5:
+%5hhX: +0X129:1:6:18:
+%*5hhX: +0X129:0:6:
+%5hhX: +0x129:1:6:18:
+%*5hhX: +0x129:0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-b.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-b.input
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb:0b100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb:0b100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0B1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0B1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0b1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0b1111011:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:-0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:-0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhb:+0b100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhb:+0b100101001:0:-1:
+%2hhb: :0:-1:
+%*2hhb: :0:-1:
+%2hhb: -1111011:1:3:255:
+%*2hhb: -1111011:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0B1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0B1111011:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0b1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0b1111011:0:3:
+%2hhb: -1:1:3:255:
+%*2hhb: -1:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0B1:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0b1:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0B0:0:3:
+%2hhb: -0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: -0b0:0:3:
+%2hhb: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhb: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b0:0:-1:
+%2hhb: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhb: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b1:0:-1:
+%2hhb: 101010:1:3:2:
+%*2hhb: 101010:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b101010:0:-1:
+%2hhb: 11111111:1:3:3:
+%*2hhb: 11111111:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b11111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b11111111:0:-1:
+%2hhb: 100000000:1:3:2:
+%*2hhb: 100000000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b100000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b100000000:0:-1:
+%2hhb: 100101001:1:3:2:
+%*2hhb: 100101001:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0B100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhb: 0b100101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhb: 0b100101001:0:-1:
+%2hhb: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B0:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b0:0:3:
+%2hhb: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhb: +1:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B1:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b1:0:3:
+%2hhb: +101010:1:3:1:
+%*2hhb: +101010:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B101010:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b101010:0:3:
+%2hhb: +11111111:1:3:1:
+%*2hhb: +11111111:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B11111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B11111111:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b11111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b11111111:0:3:
+%2hhb: +100000000:1:3:1:
+%*2hhb: +100000000:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B100000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B100000000:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b100000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b100000000:0:3:
+%2hhb: +100101001:1:3:1:
+%*2hhb: +100101001:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0B100101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0B100101001:0:3:
+%2hhb: +0b100101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hhb: +0b100101001:0:3:
+%5hhb: :0:-1:
+%*5hhb: :0:-1:
+%5hhb: -1111011:1:6:241:
+%*5hhb: -1111011:0:6:
+%5hhb: -0B1111011:1:6:253:
+%*5hhb: -0B1111011:0:6:
+%5hhb: -0b1111011:1:6:253:
+%*5hhb: -0b1111011:0:6:
+%5hhb: -1:1:3:255:
+%*5hhb: -1:0:3:
+%5hhb: -0B1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhb: -0B1:0:5:
+%5hhb: -0b1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhb: -0b1:0:5:
+%5hhb: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhb: -0:0:3:
+%5hhb: -0B0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhb: -0B0:0:5:
+%5hhb: -0b0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhb: -0b0:0:5:
+%5hhb: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhb: 0:0:2:
+%5hhb: 0B0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhb: 0B0:0:4:
+%5hhb: 0b0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhb: 0b0:0:4:
+%5hhb: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhb: 1:0:2:
+%5hhb: 0B1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhb: 0B1:0:4:
+%5hhb: 0b1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhb: 0b1:0:4:
+%5hhb: 101010:1:6:21:
+%*5hhb: 101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0B101010:1:6:5:
+%*5hhb: 0B101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0b101010:1:6:5:
+%*5hhb: 0b101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: 11111111:1:6:31:
+%*5hhb: 11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0B11111111:1:6:7:
+%*5hhb: 0B11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0b11111111:1:6:7:
+%*5hhb: 0b11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: 100000000:1:6:16:
+%*5hhb: 100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0B100000000:1:6:4:
+%*5hhb: 0B100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0b100000000:1:6:4:
+%*5hhb: 0b100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: 100101001:1:6:18:
+%*5hhb: 100101001:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0B100101001:1:6:4:
+%*5hhb: 0B100101001:0:6:
+%5hhb: 0b100101001:1:6:4:
+%*5hhb: 0b100101001:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhb: +0:0:3:
+%5hhb: +0B0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhb: +0B0:0:5:
+%5hhb: +0b0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhb: +0b0:0:5:
+%5hhb: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhb: +1:0:3:
+%5hhb: +0B1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhb: +0B1:0:5:
+%5hhb: +0b1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhb: +0b1:0:5:
+%5hhb: +101010:1:6:10:
+%*5hhb: +101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0B101010:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0B101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0b101010:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0b101010:0:6:
+%5hhb: +11111111:1:6:15:
+%*5hhb: +11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0B11111111:1:6:3:
+%*5hhb: +0B11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0b11111111:1:6:3:
+%*5hhb: +0b11111111:0:6:
+%5hhb: +100000000:1:6:8:
+%*5hhb: +100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0B100000000:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0B100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0b100000000:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0b100000000:0:6:
+%5hhb: +100101001:1:6:9:
+%*5hhb: +100101001:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0B100101001:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0B100101001:0:6:
+%5hhb: +0b100101001:1:6:2:
+%*5hhb: +0b100101001:0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-o.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-o.input
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ 
+%2hho: :0:-1:
+%*2hho: :0:-1:
+%2hho: -173:1:3:255:
+%*2hho: -173:0:3:
+%2hho: -0173:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: -0173:0:3:
+%2hho: -1:1:3:255:
+%*2hho: -1:0:3:
+%2hho: -01:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: -01:0:3:
+%2hho: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: -0:0:3:
+%2hho: -00:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: -00:0:3:
+%2hho: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hho: 0:0:2:
+%2hho: 00:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: 00:0:3:
+%2hho: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hho: 1:0:2:
+%2hho: 01:1:3:1:
+%*2hho: 01:0:3:
+%2hho: 52:1:3:42:
+%*2hho: 52:0:3:
+%2hho: 052:1:3:5:
+%*2hho: 052:0:3:
+%2hho: 377:1:3:31:
+%*2hho: 377:0:3:
+%2hho: 0377:1:3:3:
+%*2hho: 0377:0:3:
+%2hho: 400:1:3:32:
+%*2hho: 400:0:3:
+%2hho: 0400:1:3:4:
+%*2hho: 0400:0:3:
+%2hho: 451:1:3:37:
+%*2hho: 451:0:3:
+%2hho: 0451:1:3:4:
+%*2hho: 0451:0:3:
+%2hho: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +0:0:3:
+%2hho: +00:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +00:0:3:
+%2hho: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hho: +1:0:3:
+%2hho: +01:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +01:0:3:
+%2hho: +52:1:3:5:
+%*2hho: +52:0:3:
+%2hho: +052:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +052:0:3:
+%2hho: +377:1:3:3:
+%*2hho: +377:0:3:
+%2hho: +0377:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +0377:0:3:
+%2hho: +400:1:3:4:
+%*2hho: +400:0:3:
+%2hho: +0400:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +0400:0:3:
+%2hho: +451:1:3:4:
+%*2hho: +451:0:3:
+%2hho: +0451:1:3:0:
+%*2hho: +0451:0:3:
+%5hho: :0:-1:
+%*5hho: :0:-1:
+%5hho: -173:1:5:133:
+%*5hho: -173:0:5:
+%5hho: -0173:1:6:133:
+%*5hho: -0173:0:6:
+%5hho: -1:1:3:255:
+%*5hho: -1:0:3:
+%5hho: -01:1:4:255:
+%*5hho: -01:0:4:
+%5hho: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hho: -0:0:3:
+%5hho: -00:1:4:0:
+%*5hho: -00:0:4:
+%5hho: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hho: 0:0:2:
+%5hho: 00:1:3:0:
+%*5hho: 00:0:3:
+%5hho: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hho: 1:0:2:
+%5hho: 01:1:3:1:
+%*5hho: 01:0:3:
+%5hho: 52:1:3:42:
+%*5hho: 52:0:3:
+%5hho: 052:1:4:42:
+%*5hho: 052:0:4:
+%5hho: 377:1:4:255:
+%*5hho: 377:0:4:
+%5hho: 0377:1:5:255:
+%*5hho: 0377:0:5:
+%5hho: 400:1:4:0:
+%*5hho: 400:0:4:
+%5hho: 0400:1:5:0:
+%*5hho: 0400:0:5:
+%5hho: 451:1:4:41:
+%*5hho: 451:0:4:
+%5hho: 0451:1:5:41:
+%*5hho: 0451:0:5:
+%5hho: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hho: +0:0:3:
+%5hho: +00:1:4:0:
+%*5hho: +00:0:4:
+%5hho: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hho: +1:0:3:
+%5hho: +01:1:4:1:
+%*5hho: +01:0:4:
+%5hho: +52:1:4:42:
+%*5hho: +52:0:4:
+%5hho: +052:1:5:42:
+%*5hho: +052:0:5:
+%5hho: +377:1:5:255:
+%*5hho: +377:0:5:
+%5hho: +0377:1:6:255:
+%*5hho: +0377:0:6:
+%5hho: +400:1:5:0:
+%*5hho: +400:0:5:
+%5hho: +0400:1:6:0:
+%*5hho: +0400:0:6:
+%5hho: +451:1:5:41:
+%*5hho: +451:0:5:
+%5hho: +0451:1:6:41:
+%*5hho: +0451:0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-u.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-u.input
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ 
+%2hhu: :0:-1:
+%*2hhu: :0:-1:
+%2hhu: -123:1:3:255:
+%*2hhu: -123:0:3:
+%2hhu: -1:1:3:255:
+%*2hhu: -1:0:3:
+%2hhu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhu: -0:0:3:
+%2hhu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhu: 0:0:2:
+%2hhu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhu: 1:0:2:
+%2hhu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hhu: 42:0:3:
+%2hhu: 255:1:3:25:
+%*2hhu: 255:0:3:
+%2hhu: 256:1:3:25:
+%*2hhu: 256:0:3:
+%2hhu: 297:1:3:29:
+%*2hhu: 297:0:3:
+%2hhu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhu: +0:0:3:
+%2hhu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhu: +1:0:3:
+%2hhu: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hhu: +42:0:3:
+%2hhu: +255:1:3:2:
+%*2hhu: +255:0:3:
+%2hhu: +256:1:3:2:
+%*2hhu: +256:0:3:
+%2hhu: +297:1:3:2:
+%*2hhu: +297:0:3:
+%5hhu: :0:-1:
+%*5hhu: :0:-1:
+%5hhu: -123:1:5:133:
+%*5hhu: -123:0:5:
+%5hhu: -1:1:3:255:
+%*5hhu: -1:0:3:
+%5hhu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhu: -0:0:3:
+%5hhu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhu: 0:0:2:
+%5hhu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhu: 1:0:2:
+%5hhu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*5hhu: 42:0:3:
+%5hhu: 255:1:4:255:
+%*5hhu: 255:0:4:
+%5hhu: 256:1:4:0:
+%*5hhu: 256:0:4:
+%5hhu: 297:1:4:41:
+%*5hhu: 297:0:4:
+%5hhu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhu: +0:0:3:
+%5hhu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhu: +1:0:3:
+%5hhu: +42:1:4:42:
+%*5hhu: +42:0:4:
+%5hhu: +255:1:5:255:
+%*5hhu: +255:0:5:
+%5hhu: +256:1:5:0:
+%*5hhu: +256:0:5:
+%5hhu: +297:1:5:41:
+%*5hhu: +297:0:5:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-x.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-uchar-x.input
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx:0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx:0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0X7b:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0x7B:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:-0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %3hhx:+0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*3hhx:+0x129:0:-1:
+%2hhx: :0:-1:
+%*2hhx: :0:-1:
+%2hhx: -7b:1:3:249:
+%*2hhx: -7b:0:3:
+%2hhx: -7B:1:3:249:
+%*2hhx: -7B:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hhx: -1:1:3:255:
+%*2hhx: -1:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hhx: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hhx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hhx: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hhx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hhx: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hhx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2hhx: 2a:0:3:
+%2hhx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2hhx: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hhx: ff:1:3:255:
+%*2hhx: ff:0:3:
+%2hhx: FF:1:3:255:
+%*2hhx: FF:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0Xff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0xFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0xFF:0:-1:
+%2hhx: 100:1:3:16:
+%*2hhx: 100:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0X100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0x100:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0x100:0:-1:
+%2hhx: 129:1:3:18:
+%*2hhx: 129:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0X129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hhx: 0x129:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hhx: 0x129:0:-1:
+%2hhx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hhx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hhx: +1:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hhx: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2hhx: +2a:0:3:
+%2hhx: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2hhx: +2A:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hhx: +ff:1:3:15:
+%*2hhx: +ff:0:3:
+%2hhx: +FF:1:3:15:
+%*2hhx: +FF:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0Xff:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0Xff:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0xFF:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0xFF:0:3:
+%2hhx: +100:1:3:1:
+%*2hhx: +100:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0X100:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0X100:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0x100:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0x100:0:3:
+%2hhx: +129:1:3:1:
+%*2hhx: +129:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0X129:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0X129:0:3:
+%2hhx: +0x129:1:3:0:
+%*2hhx: +0x129:0:3:
+%5hhx: :0:-1:
+%*5hhx: :0:-1:
+%5hhx: -7b:1:4:133:
+%*5hhx: -7b:0:4:
+%5hhx: -7B:1:4:133:
+%*5hhx: -7B:0:4:
+%5hhx: -0X7b:1:6:133:
+%*5hhx: -0X7b:0:6:
+%5hhx: -0x7B:1:6:133:
+%*5hhx: -0x7B:0:6:
+%5hhx: -1:1:3:255:
+%*5hhx: -1:0:3:
+%5hhx: -0X1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhx: -0X1:0:5:
+%5hhx: -0x1:1:5:255:
+%*5hhx: -0x1:0:5:
+%5hhx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhx: -0:0:3:
+%5hhx: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhx: -0X0:0:5:
+%5hhx: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhx: -0x0:0:5:
+%5hhx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*5hhx: 0:0:2:
+%5hhx: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhx: 0X0:0:4:
+%5hhx: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*5hhx: 0x0:0:4:
+%5hhx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*5hhx: 1:0:2:
+%5hhx: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhx: 0X1:0:4:
+%5hhx: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*5hhx: 0x1:0:4:
+%5hhx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*5hhx: 2a:0:3:
+%5hhx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*5hhx: 2A:0:3:
+%5hhx: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*5hhx: 0X2a:0:5:
+%5hhx: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*5hhx: 0x2A:0:5:
+%5hhx: ff:1:3:255:
+%*5hhx: ff:0:3:
+%5hhx: FF:1:3:255:
+%*5hhx: FF:0:3:
+%5hhx: 0Xff:1:5:255:
+%*5hhx: 0Xff:0:5:
+%5hhx: 0xFF:1:5:255:
+%*5hhx: 0xFF:0:5:
+%5hhx: 100:1:4:0:
+%*5hhx: 100:0:4:
+%5hhx: 0X100:1:6:0:
+%*5hhx: 0X100:0:6:
+%5hhx: 0x100:1:6:0:
+%*5hhx: 0x100:0:6:
+%5hhx: 129:1:4:41:
+%*5hhx: 129:0:4:
+%5hhx: 0X129:1:6:41:
+%*5hhx: 0X129:0:6:
+%5hhx: 0x129:1:6:41:
+%*5hhx: 0x129:0:6:
+%5hhx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*5hhx: +0:0:3:
+%5hhx: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhx: +0X0:0:5:
+%5hhx: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*5hhx: +0x0:0:5:
+%5hhx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*5hhx: +1:0:3:
+%5hhx: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhx: +0X1:0:5:
+%5hhx: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*5hhx: +0x1:0:5:
+%5hhx: +2a:1:4:42:
+%*5hhx: +2a:0:4:
+%5hhx: +2A:1:4:42:
+%*5hhx: +2A:0:4:
+%5hhx: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*5hhx: +0X2a:0:6:
+%5hhx: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*5hhx: +0x2A:0:6:
+%5hhx: +ff:1:4:255:
+%*5hhx: +ff:0:4:
+%5hhx: +FF:1:4:255:
+%*5hhx: +FF:0:4:
+%5hhx: +0Xff:1:6:255:
+%*5hhx: +0Xff:0:6:
+%5hhx: +0xFF:1:6:255:
+%*5hhx: +0xFF:0:6:
+%5hhx: +100:1:5:0:
+%*5hhx: +100:0:5:
+%5hhx: +0X100:1:6:16:
+%*5hhx: +0X100:0:6:
+%5hhx: +0x100:1:6:16:
+%*5hhx: +0x100:0:6:
+%5hhx: +129:1:5:41:
+%*5hhx: +129:0:5:
+%5hhx: +0X129:1:6:18:
+%*5hhx: +0X129:0:6:
+%5hhx: +0x129:1:6:18:
+%*5hhx: +0x129:0:6:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-X.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-X.input
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX:0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX:0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+%2llX: :0:-1:
+%*2llX: :0:-1:
+%2llX: -7b:1:3:18446744073709551609:
+%*2llX: -7b:0:3:
+%2llX: -7B:1:3:18446744073709551609:
+%*2llX: -7B:0:3:
+%2llX: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2llX: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2llX: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*2llX: -1:0:3:
+%2llX: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0X1:0:3:
+%2llX: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0x1:0:3:
+%2llX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0:0:3:
+%2llX: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0X0:0:3:
+%2llX: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: -0x0:0:3:
+%2llX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2llX: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2llX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2llX: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2llX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2llX: 2a:0:3:
+%2llX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2llX: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2llX: ffffffffffffffff:1:3:255:
+%*2llX: ffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+%2llX: 10000000000000000:1:3:16:
+%*2llX: 10000000000000000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+%2llX: 100000000028757b1:1:3:16:
+%*2llX: 100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llX: 100000000028757B1:1:3:16:
+%*2llX: 100000000028757B1:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llX: 0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llX: 0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+%2llX: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0:0:3:
+%2llX: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0X0:0:3:
+%2llX: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0x0:0:3:
+%2llX: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2llX: +1:0:3:
+%2llX: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0X1:0:3:
+%2llX: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0x1:0:3:
+%2llX: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2llX: +2a:0:3:
+%2llX: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2llX: +2A:0:3:
+%2llX: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2llX: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2llX: +ffffffffffffffff:1:3:15:
+%*2llX: +ffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+%2llX: +0Xffffffffffffffff:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0Xffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+%2llX: +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:3:0:
+%2llX: +10000000000000000:1:3:1:
+%*2llX: +10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llX: +0X10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0X10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llX: +0x10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0x10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llX: +100000000028757b1:1:3:1:
+%*2llX: +100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llX: +100000000028757B1:1:3:1:
+%*2llX: +100000000028757B1:0:3:
+%2llX: +0X100000000028757b1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0X100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llX: +0x100000000028757B1:1:3:0:
+%*2llX: +0x100000000028757B1:0:3:
+%25llX: :0:-1:
+%*25llX: :0:-1:
+%25llX: -7b:1:4:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llX: -7b:0:4:
+%25llX: -7B:1:4:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llX: -7B:0:4:
+%25llX: -0X7b:1:6:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llX: -0X7b:0:6:
+%25llX: -0x7B:1:6:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llX: -0x7B:0:6:
+%25llX: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: -1:0:3:
+%25llX: -0X1:1:5:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: -0X1:0:5:
+%25llX: -0x1:1:5:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: -0x1:0:5:
+%25llX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*25llX: -0:0:3:
+%25llX: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*25llX: -0X0:0:5:
+%25llX: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*25llX: -0x0:0:5:
+%25llX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*25llX: 0:0:2:
+%25llX: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*25llX: 0X0:0:4:
+%25llX: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*25llX: 0x0:0:4:
+%25llX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*25llX: 1:0:2:
+%25llX: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*25llX: 0X1:0:4:
+%25llX: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*25llX: 0x1:0:4:
+%25llX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*25llX: 2a:0:3:
+%25llX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*25llX: 2A:0:3:
+%25llX: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*25llX: 0X2a:0:5:
+%25llX: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*25llX: 0x2A:0:5:
+%25llX: ffffffffffffffff:1:17:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: ffffffffffffffff:0:17:
+%25llX: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:17:18446744073709551615:
+%25llX: 0Xffffffffffffffff:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:19:
+%25llX: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llX: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:19:
+%25llX: 10000000000000000:1:18:18446744073709551615:
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+%2llu: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*2llu: -1:0:3:
+%2llu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2llu: -0:0:3:
+%2llu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2llu: 0:0:2:
+%2llu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2llu: 1:0:2:
+%2llu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2llu: 42:0:3:
+%2llu: 18446744073709551615:1:3:18:
+%*2llu: 18446744073709551615:0:3:
+%2llu: 18446744073709551616:1:3:18:
+%*2llu: 18446744073709551616:0:3:
+%2llu: 18446744073751975857:1:3:18:
+%*2llu: 18446744073751975857:0:3:
+%2llu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2llu: +0:0:3:
+%2llu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2llu: +1:0:3:
+%2llu: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2llu: +42:0:3:
+%2llu: +18446744073709551615:1:3:1:
+%*2llu: +18446744073709551615:0:3:
+%2llu: +18446744073709551616:1:3:1:
+%*2llu: +18446744073709551616:0:3:
+%2llu: +18446744073751975857:1:3:1:
+%*2llu: +18446744073751975857:0:3:
+%25llu: :0:-1:
+%*25llu: :0:-1:
+%25llu: -123:1:5:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llu: -123:0:5:
+%25llu: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: -1:0:3:
+%25llu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*25llu: -0:0:3:
+%25llu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*25llu: 0:0:2:
+%25llu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*25llu: 1:0:2:
+%25llu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*25llu: 42:0:3:
+%25llu: 18446744073709551615:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: 18446744073709551615:0:21:
+%25llu: 18446744073709551616:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: 18446744073709551616:0:21:
+%25llu: 18446744073751975857:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: 18446744073751975857:0:21:
+%25llu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*25llu: +0:0:3:
+%25llu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*25llu: +1:0:3:
+%25llu: +42:1:4:42:
+%*25llu: +42:0:4:
+%25llu: +18446744073709551615:1:22:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: +18446744073709551615:0:22:
+%25llu: +18446744073709551616:1:22:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: +18446744073709551616:0:22:
+%25llu: +18446744073751975857:1:22:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llu: +18446744073751975857:0:22:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-x.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ullong-x.input
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx:0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx:0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+%2llx: :0:-1:
+%*2llx: :0:-1:
+%2llx: -7b:1:3:18446744073709551609:
+%*2llx: -7b:0:3:
+%2llx: -7B:1:3:18446744073709551609:
+%*2llx: -7B:0:3:
+%2llx: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2llx: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2llx: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*2llx: -1:0:3:
+%2llx: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0X1:0:3:
+%2llx: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0x1:0:3:
+%2llx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0:0:3:
+%2llx: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0X0:0:3:
+%2llx: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: -0x0:0:3:
+%2llx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2llx: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2llx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2llx: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2llx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2llx: 2a:0:3:
+%2llx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2llx: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2llx: ffffffffffffffff:1:3:255:
+%*2llx: ffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+%2llx: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:3:255:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:-1:
+%2llx: 10000000000000000:1:3:16:
+%*2llx: 10000000000000000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0X10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0x10000000000000000:0:-1:
+%2llx: 100000000028757b1:1:3:16:
+%*2llx: 100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llx: 100000000028757B1:1:3:16:
+%*2llx: 100000000028757B1:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0X100000000028757b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2llx: 0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2llx: 0x100000000028757B1:0:-1:
+%2llx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0:0:3:
+%2llx: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0X0:0:3:
+%2llx: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0x0:0:3:
+%2llx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2llx: +1:0:3:
+%2llx: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0X1:0:3:
+%2llx: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0x1:0:3:
+%2llx: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2llx: +2a:0:3:
+%2llx: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2llx: +2A:0:3:
+%2llx: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2llx: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2llx: +ffffffffffffffff:1:3:15:
+%*2llx: +ffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+%2llx: +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:3:15:
+%2llx: +0Xffffffffffffffff:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0Xffffffffffffffff:0:3:
+%2llx: +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:3:
+%2llx: +10000000000000000:1:3:1:
+%*2llx: +10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llx: +0X10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0X10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llx: +0x10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0x10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2llx: +100000000028757b1:1:3:1:
+%*2llx: +100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llx: +100000000028757B1:1:3:1:
+%*2llx: +100000000028757B1:0:3:
+%2llx: +0X100000000028757b1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0X100000000028757b1:0:3:
+%2llx: +0x100000000028757B1:1:3:0:
+%*2llx: +0x100000000028757B1:0:3:
+%25llx: :0:-1:
+%*25llx: :0:-1:
+%25llx: -7b:1:4:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llx: -7b:0:4:
+%25llx: -7B:1:4:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llx: -7B:0:4:
+%25llx: -0X7b:1:6:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llx: -0X7b:0:6:
+%25llx: -0x7B:1:6:18446744073709551493:
+%*25llx: -0x7B:0:6:
+%25llx: -1:1:3:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: -1:0:3:
+%25llx: -0X1:1:5:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: -0X1:0:5:
+%25llx: -0x1:1:5:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: -0x1:0:5:
+%25llx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*25llx: -0:0:3:
+%25llx: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*25llx: -0X0:0:5:
+%25llx: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*25llx: -0x0:0:5:
+%25llx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*25llx: 0:0:2:
+%25llx: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*25llx: 0X0:0:4:
+%25llx: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*25llx: 0x0:0:4:
+%25llx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*25llx: 1:0:2:
+%25llx: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*25llx: 0X1:0:4:
+%25llx: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*25llx: 0x1:0:4:
+%25llx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*25llx: 2a:0:3:
+%25llx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*25llx: 2A:0:3:
+%25llx: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*25llx: 0X2a:0:5:
+%25llx: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*25llx: 0x2A:0:5:
+%25llx: ffffffffffffffff:1:17:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: ffffffffffffffff:0:17:
+%25llx: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:17:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:17:
+%25llx: 0Xffffffffffffffff:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0Xffffffffffffffff:0:19:
+%25llx: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:19:
+%25llx: 10000000000000000:1:18:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 10000000000000000:0:18:
+%25llx: 0X10000000000000000:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0X10000000000000000:0:20:
+%25llx: 0x10000000000000000:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0x10000000000000000:0:20:
+%25llx: 100000000028757b1:1:18:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 100000000028757b1:0:18:
+%25llx: 100000000028757B1:1:18:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 100000000028757B1:0:18:
+%25llx: 0X100000000028757b1:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0X100000000028757b1:0:20:
+%25llx: 0x100000000028757B1:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: 0x100000000028757B1:0:20:
+%25llx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*25llx: +0:0:3:
+%25llx: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*25llx: +0X0:0:5:
+%25llx: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*25llx: +0x0:0:5:
+%25llx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*25llx: +1:0:3:
+%25llx: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*25llx: +0X1:0:5:
+%25llx: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*25llx: +0x1:0:5:
+%25llx: +2a:1:4:42:
+%*25llx: +2a:0:4:
+%25llx: +2A:1:4:42:
+%*25llx: +2A:0:4:
+%25llx: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*25llx: +0X2a:0:6:
+%25llx: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*25llx: +0x2A:0:6:
+%25llx: +ffffffffffffffff:1:18:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +ffffffffffffffff:0:18:
+%25llx: +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:18:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:18:
+%25llx: +0Xffffffffffffffff:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0Xffffffffffffffff:0:20:
+%25llx: +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:1:20:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:0:20:
+%25llx: +10000000000000000:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +10000000000000000:0:19:
+%25llx: +0X10000000000000000:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0X10000000000000000:0:21:
+%25llx: +0x10000000000000000:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0x10000000000000000:0:21:
+%25llx: +100000000028757b1:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +100000000028757b1:0:19:
+%25llx: +100000000028757B1:1:19:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +100000000028757B1:0:19:
+%25llx: +0X100000000028757b1:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0X100000000028757b1:0:21:
+%25llx: +0x100000000028757B1:1:21:18446744073709551615:
+%*25llx: +0x100000000028757B1:0:21:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-X.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-X.input
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX:0x10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX:0x10029:0:-1:
+%2hX: :0:-1:
+%*2hX: :0:-1:
+%2hX: -7b:1:3:65529:
+%*2hX: -7b:0:3:
+%2hX: -7B:1:3:65529:
+%*2hX: -7B:0:3:
+%2hX: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hX: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hX: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*2hX: -1:0:3:
+%2hX: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hX: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0:0:3:
+%2hX: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hX: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hX: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hX: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2hX: 2a:0:3:
+%2hX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2hX: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hX: ffff:1:3:255:
+%*2hX: ffff:0:3:
+%2hX: FFFF:1:3:255:
+%*2hX: FFFF:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0xFFFF:0:-1:
+%2hX: 10000:1:3:16:
+%*2hX: 10000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0x10000:0:-1:
+%2hX: 10029:1:3:16:
+%*2hX: 10029:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hX: 0x10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hX: 0x10029:0:-1:
+%2hX: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0:0:3:
+%2hX: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hX: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hX: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hX: +1:0:3:
+%2hX: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hX: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hX: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2hX: +2a:0:3:
+%2hX: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2hX: +2A:0:3:
+%2hX: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hX: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hX: +ffff:1:3:15:
+%*2hX: +ffff:0:3:
+%2hX: +FFFF:1:3:15:
+%*2hX: +FFFF:0:3:
+%2hX: +0Xffff:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0Xffff:0:3:
+%2hX: +0xFFFF:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0xFFFF:0:3:
+%2hX: +10000:1:3:1:
+%*2hX: +10000:0:3:
+%2hX: +0X10000:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0X10000:0:3:
+%2hX: +0x10000:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0x10000:0:3:
+%2hX: +10029:1:3:1:
+%*2hX: +10029:0:3:
+%2hX: +0X10029:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0X10029:0:3:
+%2hX: +0x10029:1:3:0:
+%*2hX: +0x10029:0:3:
+%7hX: :0:-1:
+%*7hX: :0:-1:
+%7hX: -7b:1:4:65413:
+%*7hX: -7b:0:4:
+%7hX: -7B:1:4:65413:
+%*7hX: -7B:0:4:
+%7hX: -0X7b:1:6:65413:
+%*7hX: -0X7b:0:6:
+%7hX: -0x7B:1:6:65413:
+%*7hX: -0x7B:0:6:
+%7hX: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*7hX: -1:0:3:
+%7hX: -0X1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hX: -0X1:0:5:
+%7hX: -0x1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hX: -0x1:0:5:
+%7hX: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hX: -0:0:3:
+%7hX: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hX: -0X0:0:5:
+%7hX: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hX: -0x0:0:5:
+%7hX: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hX: 0:0:2:
+%7hX: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*7hX: 0X0:0:4:
+%7hX: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*7hX: 0x0:0:4:
+%7hX: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hX: 1:0:2:
+%7hX: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*7hX: 0X1:0:4:
+%7hX: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*7hX: 0x1:0:4:
+%7hX: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*7hX: 2a:0:3:
+%7hX: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*7hX: 2A:0:3:
+%7hX: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*7hX: 0X2a:0:5:
+%7hX: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*7hX: 0x2A:0:5:
+%7hX: ffff:1:5:65535:
+%*7hX: ffff:0:5:
+%7hX: FFFF:1:5:65535:
+%*7hX: FFFF:0:5:
+%7hX: 0Xffff:1:7:65535:
+%*7hX: 0Xffff:0:7:
+%7hX: 0xFFFF:1:7:65535:
+%*7hX: 0xFFFF:0:7:
+%7hX: 10000:1:6:0:
+%*7hX: 10000:0:6:
+%7hX: 0X10000:1:8:0:
+%*7hX: 0X10000:0:8:
+%7hX: 0x10000:1:8:0:
+%*7hX: 0x10000:0:8:
+%7hX: 10029:1:6:41:
+%*7hX: 10029:0:6:
+%7hX: 0X10029:1:8:41:
+%*7hX: 0X10029:0:8:
+%7hX: 0x10029:1:8:41:
+%*7hX: 0x10029:0:8:
+%7hX: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hX: +0:0:3:
+%7hX: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hX: +0X0:0:5:
+%7hX: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hX: +0x0:0:5:
+%7hX: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hX: +1:0:3:
+%7hX: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*7hX: +0X1:0:5:
+%7hX: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*7hX: +0x1:0:5:
+%7hX: +2a:1:4:42:
+%*7hX: +2a:0:4:
+%7hX: +2A:1:4:42:
+%*7hX: +2A:0:4:
+%7hX: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*7hX: +0X2a:0:6:
+%7hX: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*7hX: +0x2A:0:6:
+%7hX: +ffff:1:6:65535:
+%*7hX: +ffff:0:6:
+%7hX: +FFFF:1:6:65535:
+%*7hX: +FFFF:0:6:
+%7hX: +0Xffff:1:8:65535:
+%*7hX: +0Xffff:0:8:
+%7hX: +0xFFFF:1:8:65535:
+%*7hX: +0xFFFF:0:8:
+%7hX: +10000:1:7:0:
+%*7hX: +10000:0:7:
+%7hX: +0X10000:1:8:4096:
+%*7hX: +0X10000:0:8:
+%7hX: +0x10000:1:8:4096:
+%*7hX: +0x10000:0:8:
+%7hX: +10029:1:7:41:
+%*7hX: +10029:0:7:
+%7hX: +0X10029:1:8:4098:
+%*7hX: +0X10029:0:8:
+%7hX: +0x10029:1:8:4098:
+%*7hX: +0x10029:0:8:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-b.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-b.input
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0B10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0B10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb:0b10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb:0b10000000000101001:0:-1:
+%2hb: :0:-1:
+%*2hb: :0:-1:
+%2hb: -1111011:1:3:65535:
+%*2hb: -1111011:0:3:
+%2hb: -0B1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0B1111011:0:3:
+%2hb: -0b1111011:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0b1111011:0:3:
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+%*2hb: -1:0:3:
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+%*2hb: -0B1:0:3:
+%2hb: -0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0b1:0:3:
+%2hb: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0:0:3:
+%2hb: -0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0B0:0:3:
+%2hb: -0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: -0b0:0:3:
+%2hb: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hb: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b0:0:-1:
+%2hb: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hb: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b1:0:-1:
+%2hb: 101010:1:3:2:
+%*2hb: 101010:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b101010:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b101010:0:-1:
+%2hb: 1111111111111111:1:3:3:
+%*2hb: 1111111111111111:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b1111111111111111:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b1111111111111111:0:-1:
+%2hb: 10000000000000000:1:3:2:
+%*2hb: 10000000000000000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b10000000000000000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b10000000000000000:0:-1:
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+%*2hb: 10000000000101001:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0B10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0B10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hb: 0b10000000000101001:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hb: 0b10000000000101001:0:-1:
+%2hb: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B0:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b0:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b0:0:3:
+%2hb: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hb: +1:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B1:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B1:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b1:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b1:0:3:
+%2hb: +101010:1:3:1:
+%*2hb: +101010:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B101010:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b101010:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b101010:0:3:
+%2hb: +1111111111111111:1:3:1:
+%*2hb: +1111111111111111:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B1111111111111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B1111111111111111:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b1111111111111111:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b1111111111111111:0:3:
+%2hb: +10000000000000000:1:3:1:
+%*2hb: +10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b10000000000000000:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b10000000000000000:0:3:
+%2hb: +10000000000101001:1:3:1:
+%*2hb: +10000000000101001:0:3:
+%2hb: +0B10000000000101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0B10000000000101001:0:3:
+%2hb: +0b10000000000101001:1:3:0:
+%*2hb: +0b10000000000101001:0:3:
+%7hb: :0:-1:
+%*7hb: :0:-1:
+%7hb: -1111011:1:8:65475:
+%*7hb: -1111011:0:8:
+%7hb: -0B1111011:1:8:65521:
+%*7hb: -0B1111011:0:8:
+%7hb: -0b1111011:1:8:65521:
+%*7hb: -0b1111011:0:8:
+%7hb: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*7hb: -1:0:3:
+%7hb: -0B1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hb: -0B1:0:5:
+%7hb: -0b1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hb: -0b1:0:5:
+%7hb: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hb: -0:0:3:
+%7hb: -0B0:1:5:0:
+%*7hb: -0B0:0:5:
+%7hb: -0b0:1:5:0:
+%*7hb: -0b0:0:5:
+%7hb: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hb: 0:0:2:
+%7hb: 0B0:1:4:0:
+%*7hb: 0B0:0:4:
+%7hb: 0b0:1:4:0:
+%*7hb: 0b0:0:4:
+%7hb: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hb: 1:0:2:
+%7hb: 0B1:1:4:1:
+%*7hb: 0B1:0:4:
+%7hb: 0b1:1:4:1:
+%*7hb: 0b1:0:4:
+%7hb: 101010:1:7:42:
+%*7hb: 101010:0:7:
+%7hb: 0B101010:1:8:21:
+%*7hb: 0B101010:0:8:
+%7hb: 0b101010:1:8:21:
+%*7hb: 0b101010:0:8:
+%7hb: 1111111111111111:1:8:127:
+%*7hb: 1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: 0B1111111111111111:1:8:31:
+%*7hb: 0B1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: 0b1111111111111111:1:8:31:
+%*7hb: 0b1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: 10000000000000000:1:8:64:
+%*7hb: 10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: 0B10000000000000000:1:8:16:
+%*7hb: 0B10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: 0b10000000000000000:1:8:16:
+%*7hb: 0b10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: 10000000000101001:1:8:64:
+%*7hb: 10000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hb: 0B10000000000101001:1:8:16:
+%*7hb: 0B10000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hb: 0b10000000000101001:1:8:16:
+%*7hb: 0b10000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hb: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hb: +0:0:3:
+%7hb: +0B0:1:5:0:
+%*7hb: +0B0:0:5:
+%7hb: +0b0:1:5:0:
+%*7hb: +0b0:0:5:
+%7hb: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hb: +1:0:3:
+%7hb: +0B1:1:5:1:
+%*7hb: +0B1:0:5:
+%7hb: +0b1:1:5:1:
+%*7hb: +0b1:0:5:
+%7hb: +101010:1:8:42:
+%*7hb: +101010:0:8:
+%7hb: +0B101010:1:8:10:
+%*7hb: +0B101010:0:8:
+%7hb: +0b101010:1:8:10:
+%*7hb: +0b101010:0:8:
+%7hb: +1111111111111111:1:8:63:
+%*7hb: +1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: +0B1111111111111111:1:8:15:
+%*7hb: +0B1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: +0b1111111111111111:1:8:15:
+%*7hb: +0b1111111111111111:0:8:
+%7hb: +10000000000000000:1:8:32:
+%*7hb: +10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: +0B10000000000000000:1:8:8:
+%*7hb: +0B10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: +0b10000000000000000:1:8:8:
+%*7hb: +0b10000000000000000:0:8:
+%7hb: +10000000000101001:1:8:32:
+%*7hb: +10000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hb: +0B10000000000101001:1:8:8:
+%*7hb: +0B10000000000101001:0:8:
+%7hb: +0b10000000000101001:1:8:8:
+%*7hb: +0b10000000000101001:0:8:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-o.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-o.input
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ 
+%2ho: :0:-1:
+%*2ho: :0:-1:
+%2ho: -173:1:3:65535:
+%*2ho: -173:0:3:
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+%*2ho: -0173:0:3:
+%2ho: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*2ho: -1:0:3:
+%2ho: -01:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: -01:0:3:
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+%*2ho: -0:0:3:
+%2ho: -00:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: -00:0:3:
+%2ho: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2ho: 0:0:2:
+%2ho: 00:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: 00:0:3:
+%2ho: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2ho: 1:0:2:
+%2ho: 01:1:3:1:
+%*2ho: 01:0:3:
+%2ho: 52:1:3:42:
+%*2ho: 52:0:3:
+%2ho: 052:1:3:5:
+%*2ho: 052:0:3:
+%2ho: 177777:1:3:15:
+%*2ho: 177777:0:3:
+%2ho: 0177777:1:3:1:
+%*2ho: 0177777:0:3:
+%2ho: 200000:1:3:16:
+%*2ho: 200000:0:3:
+%2ho: 0200000:1:3:2:
+%*2ho: 0200000:0:3:
+%2ho: 200051:1:3:16:
+%*2ho: 200051:0:3:
+%2ho: 0200051:1:3:2:
+%*2ho: 0200051:0:3:
+%2ho: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +0:0:3:
+%2ho: +00:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +00:0:3:
+%2ho: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2ho: +1:0:3:
+%2ho: +01:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +01:0:3:
+%2ho: +52:1:3:5:
+%*2ho: +52:0:3:
+%2ho: +052:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +052:0:3:
+%2ho: +177777:1:3:1:
+%*2ho: +177777:0:3:
+%2ho: +0177777:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +0177777:0:3:
+%2ho: +200000:1:3:2:
+%*2ho: +200000:0:3:
+%2ho: +0200000:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +0200000:0:3:
+%2ho: +200051:1:3:2:
+%*2ho: +200051:0:3:
+%2ho: +0200051:1:3:0:
+%*2ho: +0200051:0:3:
+%7ho: :0:-1:
+%*7ho: :0:-1:
+%7ho: -173:1:5:65413:
+%*7ho: -173:0:5:
+%7ho: -0173:1:6:65413:
+%*7ho: -0173:0:6:
+%7ho: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*7ho: -1:0:3:
+%7ho: -01:1:4:65535:
+%*7ho: -01:0:4:
+%7ho: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7ho: -0:0:3:
+%7ho: -00:1:4:0:
+%*7ho: -00:0:4:
+%7ho: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7ho: 0:0:2:
+%7ho: 00:1:3:0:
+%*7ho: 00:0:3:
+%7ho: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7ho: 1:0:2:
+%7ho: 01:1:3:1:
+%*7ho: 01:0:3:
+%7ho: 52:1:3:42:
+%*7ho: 52:0:3:
+%7ho: 052:1:4:42:
+%*7ho: 052:0:4:
+%7ho: 177777:1:7:65535:
+%*7ho: 177777:0:7:
+%7ho: 0177777:1:8:65535:
+%*7ho: 0177777:0:8:
+%7ho: 200000:1:7:0:
+%*7ho: 200000:0:7:
+%7ho: 0200000:1:8:0:
+%*7ho: 0200000:0:8:
+%7ho: 200051:1:7:41:
+%*7ho: 200051:0:7:
+%7ho: 0200051:1:8:41:
+%*7ho: 0200051:0:8:
+%7ho: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7ho: +0:0:3:
+%7ho: +00:1:4:0:
+%*7ho: +00:0:4:
+%7ho: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7ho: +1:0:3:
+%7ho: +01:1:4:1:
+%*7ho: +01:0:4:
+%7ho: +52:1:4:42:
+%*7ho: +52:0:4:
+%7ho: +052:1:5:42:
+%*7ho: +052:0:5:
+%7ho: +177777:1:8:65535:
+%*7ho: +177777:0:8:
+%7ho: +0177777:1:8:8191:
+%*7ho: +0177777:0:8:
+%7ho: +200000:1:8:0:
+%*7ho: +200000:0:8:
+%7ho: +0200000:1:8:8192:
+%*7ho: +0200000:0:8:
+%7ho: +200051:1:8:41:
+%*7ho: +200051:0:8:
+%7ho: +0200051:1:8:8197:
+%*7ho: +0200051:0:8:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-u.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-u.input
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ 
+%2hu: :0:-1:
+%*2hu: :0:-1:
+%2hu: -123:1:3:65535:
+%*2hu: -123:0:3:
+%2hu: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*2hu: -1:0:3:
+%2hu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hu: -0:0:3:
+%2hu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hu: 0:0:2:
+%2hu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hu: 1:0:2:
+%2hu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*2hu: 42:0:3:
+%2hu: 65535:1:3:65:
+%*2hu: 65535:0:3:
+%2hu: 65536:1:3:65:
+%*2hu: 65536:0:3:
+%2hu: 65577:1:3:65:
+%*2hu: 65577:0:3:
+%2hu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hu: +0:0:3:
+%2hu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hu: +1:0:3:
+%2hu: +42:1:3:4:
+%*2hu: +42:0:3:
+%2hu: +65535:1:3:6:
+%*2hu: +65535:0:3:
+%2hu: +65536:1:3:6:
+%*2hu: +65536:0:3:
+%2hu: +65577:1:3:6:
+%*2hu: +65577:0:3:
+%7hu: :0:-1:
+%*7hu: :0:-1:
+%7hu: -123:1:5:65413:
+%*7hu: -123:0:5:
+%7hu: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*7hu: -1:0:3:
+%7hu: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hu: -0:0:3:
+%7hu: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hu: 0:0:2:
+%7hu: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hu: 1:0:2:
+%7hu: 42:1:3:42:
+%*7hu: 42:0:3:
+%7hu: 65535:1:6:65535:
+%*7hu: 65535:0:6:
+%7hu: 65536:1:6:0:
+%*7hu: 65536:0:6:
+%7hu: 65577:1:6:41:
+%*7hu: 65577:0:6:
+%7hu: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hu: +0:0:3:
+%7hu: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hu: +1:0:3:
+%7hu: +42:1:4:42:
+%*7hu: +42:0:4:
+%7hu: +65535:1:7:65535:
+%*7hu: +65535:0:7:
+%7hu: +65536:1:7:0:
+%*7hu: +65536:0:7:
+%7hu: +65577:1:7:41:
+%*7hu: +65577:0:7:
Index: glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-x.input
--- /dev/null
+++ glibc/stdio-common/tst-scanf-format-ushort-x.input
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ 
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx:0x10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx:0x10029:0:-1:
+%2hx: :0:-1:
+%*2hx: :0:-1:
+%2hx: -7b:1:3:65529:
+%*2hx: -7b:0:3:
+%2hx: -7B:1:3:65529:
+%*2hx: -7B:0:3:
+%2hx: -0X7b:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0X7b:0:3:
+%2hx: -0x7B:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0x7B:0:3:
+%2hx: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*2hx: -1:0:3:
+%2hx: -0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0X1:0:3:
+%2hx: -0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0x1:0:3:
+%2hx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0:0:3:
+%2hx: -0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0X0:0:3:
+%2hx: -0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: -0x0:0:3:
+%2hx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*2hx: 0:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0X0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0x0:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0x0:0:-1:
+%2hx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*2hx: 1:0:2:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0X1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0x1:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0x1:0:-1:
+%2hx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*2hx: 2a:0:3:
+%2hx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*2hx: 2A:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0X2a:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0x2A:0:-1:
+%2hx: ffff:1:3:255:
+%*2hx: ffff:0:3:
+%2hx: FFFF:1:3:255:
+%*2hx: FFFF:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0Xffff:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0xFFFF:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0xFFFF:0:-1:
+%2hx: 10000:1:3:16:
+%*2hx: 10000:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0X10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0x10000:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0x10000:0:-1:
+%2hx: 10029:1:3:16:
+%*2hx: 10029:0:3:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0X10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %2hx: 0x10029:0:-1:
+# BZ12701 %*2hx: 0x10029:0:-1:
+%2hx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0:0:3:
+%2hx: +0X0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0X0:0:3:
+%2hx: +0x0:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0x0:0:3:
+%2hx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*2hx: +1:0:3:
+%2hx: +0X1:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0X1:0:3:
+%2hx: +0x1:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0x1:0:3:
+%2hx: +2a:1:3:2:
+%*2hx: +2a:0:3:
+%2hx: +2A:1:3:2:
+%*2hx: +2A:0:3:
+%2hx: +0X2a:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0X2a:0:3:
+%2hx: +0x2A:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0x2A:0:3:
+%2hx: +ffff:1:3:15:
+%*2hx: +ffff:0:3:
+%2hx: +FFFF:1:3:15:
+%*2hx: +FFFF:0:3:
+%2hx: +0Xffff:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0Xffff:0:3:
+%2hx: +0xFFFF:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0xFFFF:0:3:
+%2hx: +10000:1:3:1:
+%*2hx: +10000:0:3:
+%2hx: +0X10000:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0X10000:0:3:
+%2hx: +0x10000:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0x10000:0:3:
+%2hx: +10029:1:3:1:
+%*2hx: +10029:0:3:
+%2hx: +0X10029:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0X10029:0:3:
+%2hx: +0x10029:1:3:0:
+%*2hx: +0x10029:0:3:
+%7hx: :0:-1:
+%*7hx: :0:-1:
+%7hx: -7b:1:4:65413:
+%*7hx: -7b:0:4:
+%7hx: -7B:1:4:65413:
+%*7hx: -7B:0:4:
+%7hx: -0X7b:1:6:65413:
+%*7hx: -0X7b:0:6:
+%7hx: -0x7B:1:6:65413:
+%*7hx: -0x7B:0:6:
+%7hx: -1:1:3:65535:
+%*7hx: -1:0:3:
+%7hx: -0X1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hx: -0X1:0:5:
+%7hx: -0x1:1:5:65535:
+%*7hx: -0x1:0:5:
+%7hx: -0:1:3:0:
+%*7hx: -0:0:3:
+%7hx: -0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hx: -0X0:0:5:
+%7hx: -0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hx: -0x0:0:5:
+%7hx: 0:1:2:0:
+%*7hx: 0:0:2:
+%7hx: 0X0:1:4:0:
+%*7hx: 0X0:0:4:
+%7hx: 0x0:1:4:0:
+%*7hx: 0x0:0:4:
+%7hx: 1:1:2:1:
+%*7hx: 1:0:2:
+%7hx: 0X1:1:4:1:
+%*7hx: 0X1:0:4:
+%7hx: 0x1:1:4:1:
+%*7hx: 0x1:0:4:
+%7hx: 2a:1:3:42:
+%*7hx: 2a:0:3:
+%7hx: 2A:1:3:42:
+%*7hx: 2A:0:3:
+%7hx: 0X2a:1:5:42:
+%*7hx: 0X2a:0:5:
+%7hx: 0x2A:1:5:42:
+%*7hx: 0x2A:0:5:
+%7hx: ffff:1:5:65535:
+%*7hx: ffff:0:5:
+%7hx: FFFF:1:5:65535:
+%*7hx: FFFF:0:5:
+%7hx: 0Xffff:1:7:65535:
+%*7hx: 0Xffff:0:7:
+%7hx: 0xFFFF:1:7:65535:
+%*7hx: 0xFFFF:0:7:
+%7hx: 10000:1:6:0:
+%*7hx: 10000:0:6:
+%7hx: 0X10000:1:8:0:
+%*7hx: 0X10000:0:8:
+%7hx: 0x10000:1:8:0:
+%*7hx: 0x10000:0:8:
+%7hx: 10029:1:6:41:
+%*7hx: 10029:0:6:
+%7hx: 0X10029:1:8:41:
+%*7hx: 0X10029:0:8:
+%7hx: 0x10029:1:8:41:
+%*7hx: 0x10029:0:8:
+%7hx: +0:1:3:0:
+%*7hx: +0:0:3:
+%7hx: +0X0:1:5:0:
+%*7hx: +0X0:0:5:
+%7hx: +0x0:1:5:0:
+%*7hx: +0x0:0:5:
+%7hx: +1:1:3:1:
+%*7hx: +1:0:3:
+%7hx: +0X1:1:5:1:
+%*7hx: +0X1:0:5:
+%7hx: +0x1:1:5:1:
+%*7hx: +0x1:0:5:
+%7hx: +2a:1:4:42:
+%*7hx: +2a:0:4:
+%7hx: +2A:1:4:42:
+%*7hx: +2A:0:4:
+%7hx: +0X2a:1:6:42:
+%*7hx: +0X2a:0:6:
+%7hx: +0x2A:1:6:42:
+%*7hx: +0x2A:0:6:
+%7hx: +ffff:1:6:65535:
+%*7hx: +ffff:0:6:
+%7hx: +FFFF:1:6:65535:
+%*7hx: +FFFF:0:6:
+%7hx: +0Xffff:1:8:65535:
+%*7hx: +0Xffff:0:8:
+%7hx: +0xFFFF:1:8:65535:
+%*7hx: +0xFFFF:0:8:
+%7hx: +10000:1:7:0:
+%*7hx: +10000:0:7:
+%7hx: +0X10000:1:8:4096:
+%*7hx: +0X10000:0:8:
+%7hx: +0x10000:1:8:4096:
+%*7hx: +0x10000:0:8:
+%7hx: +10029:1:7:41:
+%*7hx: +10029:0:7:
+%7hx: +0X10029:1:8:4098:
+%*7hx: +0X10029:0:8:
+%7hx: +0x10029:1:8:4098:
+%*7hx: +0x10029:0:8: