[v7,04/23] aarch64: Add GCS support to longjmp

Message ID 20250103154141.47731-5-yury.khrustalev@arm.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Series aarch64: Add support for Guarded Control Stack extension |


Context Check Description
redhat-pt-bot/TryBot-apply_patch success Patch applied to master at the time it was sent

Commit Message

Yury Khrustalev Jan. 3, 2025, 3:41 p.m. UTC
  From: Szabolcs Nagy <szabolcs.nagy@arm.com>

This implementations ensures that longjmp across different stacks
works: it scans for GCS cap token and switches GCS if necessary
then the target GCSPR is restored with a GCSPOPM loop once the
current GCSPR is on the same GCS.

This makes longjmp linear time in the number of jumped over stack
frames when GCS is enabled.

Reviewed-by: Carlos O'Donell <carlos@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Wilco Dijkstra <Wilco.Dijkstra@arm.com>
 sysdeps/aarch64/__longjmp.S | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sysdeps/aarch64/setjmp.S    | 10 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+)


diff --git a/sysdeps/aarch64/__longjmp.S b/sysdeps/aarch64/__longjmp.S
index 2ef09112d7..38efddbbae 100644
--- a/sysdeps/aarch64/__longjmp.S
+++ b/sysdeps/aarch64/__longjmp.S
@@ -91,6 +91,36 @@  ENTRY (__longjmp)
 	ldp	d12, d13, [x0, #JB_D12<<3]
 	ldp	d14, d15, [x0, #JB_D14<<3]
+	/* GCS support.  */
+	mov	x16, 1
+	tbnz	x16, 0, L(gcs_done)
+	MRS_GCSPR (x2)
+	ldr	x3, [x0, #JB_GCSPR]
+	mov	x4, x3
+	/* x2: GCSPR now.  x3, x4: target GCSPR.  x5, x6: tmp regs.  */
+	cmp	x2, x4
+	b.eq	L(gcs_pop)
+	sub	x4, x4, 8
+	/* Check for a cap token.  */
+	ldr	x5, [x4]
+	and	x6, x4, 0xfffffffffffff000
+	orr	x6, x6, 1
+	cmp	x5, x6
+	b.ne	L(gcs_scan)
+	add	x2, x4, 8
+	GCSSS1 (x4)
+	GCSSS2 (xzr)
+	cmp	x2, x3
+	b.eq	L(gcs_done)
+	GCSPOPM (xzr)
+	add	x2, x2, 8
+	b	L(gcs_pop)
         /* Originally this was implemented with a series of
 	   .cfi_restore() directives.
diff --git a/sysdeps/aarch64/setjmp.S b/sysdeps/aarch64/setjmp.S
index 4c968ae506..b630ca099a 100644
--- a/sysdeps/aarch64/setjmp.S
+++ b/sysdeps/aarch64/setjmp.S
@@ -57,6 +57,16 @@  ENTRY (__sigsetjmp)
 	stp	d10, d11, [x0, #JB_D10<<3]
 	stp	d12, d13, [x0, #JB_D12<<3]
 	stp	d14, d15, [x0, #JB_D14<<3]
+	/* GCS support.  */
+	mov	x16, 1
+	tbnz	x16, 0, L(gcs_done)
+	MRS_GCSPR (x2)
+	add	x2, x2, 8 /* GCS state right after setjmp returns.  */
+	str	x2, [x0, #JB_GCSPR]
 #ifdef PTR_MANGLE
 	mov	x4, sp
 	PTR_MANGLE (5, 4, 3, 2)