[v2] stdlib: Simplify arc4random_uniform

Message ID 20220729123211.876374-1-adhemerval.zanella@linaro.org (mailing list archive)
State Dropped
Series [v2] stdlib: Simplify arc4random_uniform |


Context Check Description
dj/TryBot-apply_patch success Patch applied to master at the time it was sent
dj/TryBot-32bit success Build for i686

Commit Message

Adhemerval Zanella Netto July 29, 2022, 12:32 p.m. UTC
  It uses the bitmask with rejection [1], which calculates a mask
being the lowest power of two bounding the request upper bound,
successively queries new random values, and rejects values
outside the requested range.

Performance-wise, there is no much gain in trying to conserve
bits since arc4random is wrapper on getrandom syscall.  It should
be cheaper to just query a uint32_t value.  The algorithm also
avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
depending of the architecture.

[1] https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html

Reviewed-by: Yann Droneaud <ydroneaud@opteya.com>
v2: Fixed typos in commit message and simplify loop.
 stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c | 129 +++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)


Adhemerval Zanella Netto Aug. 1, 2022, 5:45 p.m. UTC | #1
Based on previous comments I will commit this shortly.

On 29/07/22 09:32, Adhemerval Zanella wrote:
> It uses the bitmask with rejection [1], which calculates a mask
> being the lowest power of two bounding the request upper bound,
> successively queries new random values, and rejects values
> outside the requested range.
> Performance-wise, there is no much gain in trying to conserve
> bits since arc4random is wrapper on getrandom syscall.  It should
> be cheaper to just query a uint32_t value.  The algorithm also
> avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
> depending of the architecture.
> [1] https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html
> Reviewed-by: Yann Droneaud <ydroneaud@opteya.com>
> ---
> v2: Fixed typos in commit message and simplify loop.
> ---
>  stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c | 129 +++++++++---------------------------
>  1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> @@ -17,38 +17,19 @@
>     License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
>     <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
> -#include <endian.h>
> -#include <libc-lock.h>
>  #include <stdlib.h>
>  #include <sys/param.h>
> -/* Return the number of bytes which cover values up to the limit.  */
> -__attribute__ ((const))
> -static uint32_t
> -byte_count (uint32_t n)
> -{
> -  if (n < (1U << 8))
> -    return 1;
> -  else if (n < (1U << 16))
> -    return 2;
> -  else if (n < (1U << 24))
> -    return 3;
> -  else
> -    return 4;
> -}
> +/* Return a uniformly distributed random number less than N.  The algorithm
> +   calculates a mask being the lowest power of two bounding the upper bound
> +   N, successively queries new random values, and rejects values outside of
> +   the request range.
> -/* Fill the lower bits of the result with randomness, according to the
> -   number of bytes requested.  */
> -static void
> -random_bytes (uint32_t *result, uint32_t byte_count)
> -{
> -  *result = 0;
> -  unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) result;
> -  if (__BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN)
> -    ptr += 4 - byte_count;
> -  __arc4random_buf (ptr, byte_count);
> -}
> +   For reject values, it also tries if the remaining entropy could fit on
> +   the asked range after range adjustment.
> +   The algorithm avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
> +   depending on the architecture.  */
>  uint32_t
>  __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>  {
> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>         only possible result for limit 1.  */
>      return 0;
> -  /* The bits variable serves as a source for bits.  Prefetch the
> -     minimum number of bytes needed.  */
> -  uint32_t count = byte_count (n);
> -  uint32_t bits_length = count * CHAR_BIT;
> -  uint32_t bits;
> -  random_bytes (&bits, count);
> -
>    /* Powers of two are easy.  */
>    if (powerof2 (n))
> -    return bits & (n - 1);
> -
> -  /* The general case.  This algorithm follows Jérémie Lumbroso,
> -     Optimal Discrete Uniform Generation from Coin Flips, and
> -     Applications (2013), who credits Donald E. Knuth and Andrew
> -     C. Yao, The complexity of nonuniform random number generation
> -     (1976), for solving the general case.
> +    return __arc4random () & (n - 1);
> -     The implementation below unrolls the initialization stage of the
> -     loop, where v is less than n.  */
> +  /* mask is the smallest power of 2 minus 1 number larger than n.  */
> +  int z = __builtin_clz (n);
> +  uint32_t mask = ~UINT32_C(0) >> z;
> +  int bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (uint32_t) - z;
> -  /* Use 64-bit variables even though the intermediate results are
> -     never larger than 33 bits.  This ensures the code is easier to
> -     compile on 64-bit architectures.  */
> -  uint64_t v;
> -  uint64_t c;
> -
> -  /* Initialize v and c.  v is the smallest power of 2 which is larger
> -     than n.*/
> -  {
> -    uint32_t log2p1 = 32 - __builtin_clz (n);
> -    v = 1ULL << log2p1;
> -    c = bits & (v - 1);
> -    bits >>= log2p1;
> -    bits_length -= log2p1;
> -  }
> -
> -  /* At the start of the loop, c is uniformly distributed within the
> -     half-open interval [0, v), and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
> -  while (true)
> +  while (1)
>      {
> -      if (v >= n)
> -        {
> -          /* If the candidate is less than n, accept it.  */
> -          if (c < n)
> -            /* c is uniformly distributed on [0, n).  */
> -            return c;
> -          else
> -            {
> -              /* c is uniformly distributed on [n, v).  */
> -              v -= n;
> -              c -= n;
> -              /* The distribution was shifted, so c is uniformly
> -                 distributed on [0, v) again.  */
> -            }
> -        }
> -      /* v < n here.  */
> -
> -      /* Replenish the bit source if necessary.  */
> -      if (bits_length == 0)
> -        {
> -          /* Overwrite the least significant byte.  */
> -	  random_bytes (&bits, 1);
> -	  bits_length = CHAR_BIT;
> -        }
> -
> -      /* Double the range.  No overflow because v < n < 2**32.  */
> -      v *= 2;
> -      /* v < 2n here.  */
> -
> -      /* Extract a bit and append it to c.  c remains less than v and
> -         thus 2**33.  */
> -      c = (c << 1) | (bits & 1);
> -      bits >>= 1;
> -      --bits_length;
> -
> -      /* At this point, c is uniformly distributed on [0, v) again,
> -         and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
> +
> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
> +      if (r < n)
> +	return r;
> +
> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
> +	 bound.  */
> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
> +	{
> +	  value >>= bits;
> +	  r = value & mask;
> +	  if (r < n)
> +	    return r;
> +	}
>      }
>  }
>  libc_hidden_def (__arc4random_uniform)
Noah Goldstein Aug. 1, 2022, 7:20 p.m. UTC | #2
On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 8:32 PM Adhemerval Zanella via Libc-alpha
<libc-alpha@sourceware.org> wrote:
> It uses the bitmask with rejection [1], which calculates a mask
> being the lowest power of two bounding the request upper bound,
> successively queries new random values, and rejects values
> outside the requested range.
> Performance-wise, there is no much gain in trying to conserve
> bits since arc4random is wrapper on getrandom syscall.  It should
> be cheaper to just query a uint32_t value.  The algorithm also
> avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
> depending of the architecture.
> [1] https://www.pcg-random.org/posts/bounded-rands.html
> Reviewed-by: Yann Droneaud <ydroneaud@opteya.com>
> ---
> v2: Fixed typos in commit message and simplify loop.
> ---
>  stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c | 129 +++++++++---------------------------
>  1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> @@ -17,38 +17,19 @@
>     License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
>     <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
> -#include <endian.h>
> -#include <libc-lock.h>
>  #include <stdlib.h>
>  #include <sys/param.h>
> -/* Return the number of bytes which cover values up to the limit.  */
> -__attribute__ ((const))
> -static uint32_t
> -byte_count (uint32_t n)
> -{
> -  if (n < (1U << 8))
> -    return 1;
> -  else if (n < (1U << 16))
> -    return 2;
> -  else if (n < (1U << 24))
> -    return 3;
> -  else
> -    return 4;
> -}
> +/* Return a uniformly distributed random number less than N.  The algorithm
> +   calculates a mask being the lowest power of two bounding the upper bound
> +   N, successively queries new random values, and rejects values outside of
> +   the request range.
> -/* Fill the lower bits of the result with randomness, according to the
> -   number of bytes requested.  */
> -static void
> -random_bytes (uint32_t *result, uint32_t byte_count)
> -{
> -  *result = 0;
> -  unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) result;
> -  if (__BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN)
> -    ptr += 4 - byte_count;
> -  __arc4random_buf (ptr, byte_count);
> -}
> +   For reject values, it also tries if the remaining entropy could fit on
> +   the asked range after range adjustment.
> +   The algorithm avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
> +   depending on the architecture.  */
>  uint32_t
>  __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>  {
> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>         only possible result for limit 1.  */
>      return 0;
> -  /* The bits variable serves as a source for bits.  Prefetch the
> -     minimum number of bytes needed.  */
> -  uint32_t count = byte_count (n);
> -  uint32_t bits_length = count * CHAR_BIT;
> -  uint32_t bits;
> -  random_bytes (&bits, count);
> -
>    /* Powers of two are easy.  */
>    if (powerof2 (n))
> -    return bits & (n - 1);
> -
> -  /* The general case.  This algorithm follows Jérémie Lumbroso,
> -     Optimal Discrete Uniform Generation from Coin Flips, and
> -     Applications (2013), who credits Donald E. Knuth and Andrew
> -     C. Yao, The complexity of nonuniform random number generation
> -     (1976), for solving the general case.
> +    return __arc4random () & (n - 1);
> -     The implementation below unrolls the initialization stage of the
> -     loop, where v is less than n.  */
> +  /* mask is the smallest power of 2 minus 1 number larger than n.  */
> +  int z = __builtin_clz (n);
> +  uint32_t mask = ~UINT32_C(0) >> z;
> +  int bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (uint32_t) - z;
> -  /* Use 64-bit variables even though the intermediate results are
> -     never larger than 33 bits.  This ensures the code is easier to
> -     compile on 64-bit architectures.  */
> -  uint64_t v;
> -  uint64_t c;
> -
> -  /* Initialize v and c.  v is the smallest power of 2 which is larger
> -     than n.*/
> -  {
> -    uint32_t log2p1 = 32 - __builtin_clz (n);
> -    v = 1ULL << log2p1;
> -    c = bits & (v - 1);
> -    bits >>= log2p1;
> -    bits_length -= log2p1;
> -  }
> -
> -  /* At the start of the loop, c is uniformly distributed within the
> -     half-open interval [0, v), and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
> -  while (true)
> +  while (1)
>      {
> -      if (v >= n)
> -        {
> -          /* If the candidate is less than n, accept it.  */
> -          if (c < n)
> -            /* c is uniformly distributed on [0, n).  */
> -            return c;
> -          else
> -            {
> -              /* c is uniformly distributed on [n, v).  */
> -              v -= n;
> -              c -= n;
> -              /* The distribution was shifted, so c is uniformly
> -                 distributed on [0, v) again.  */
> -            }
> -        }
> -      /* v < n here.  */
> -
> -      /* Replenish the bit source if necessary.  */
> -      if (bits_length == 0)
> -        {
> -          /* Overwrite the least significant byte.  */
> -         random_bytes (&bits, 1);
> -         bits_length = CHAR_BIT;
> -        }
> -
> -      /* Double the range.  No overflow because v < n < 2**32.  */
> -      v *= 2;
> -      /* v < 2n here.  */
> -
> -      /* Extract a bit and append it to c.  c remains less than v and
> -         thus 2**33.  */
> -      c = (c << 1) | (bits & 1);
> -      bits >>= 1;
> -      --bits_length;
> -
> -      /* At this point, c is uniformly distributed on [0, v) again,
> -         and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
> +
> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
> +      if (r < n)
> +       return r;
> +
> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
> +        bound.  */
> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
> +       {
> +         value >>= bits;

Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?
> +         r = value & mask;
> +         if (r < n)
> +           return r;
> +       }
>      }
>  }
>  libc_hidden_def (__arc4random_uniform)
> --
> 2.34.1
Yann Droneaud Aug. 2, 2022, 12:08 p.m. UTC | #3

Le 01/08/2022 à 21:20, Noah Goldstein a écrit :
>> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
>> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>   uint32_t
>>   __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>   {
>> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>> +  while (1)
>>       {
>> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
>> +
>> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
>> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
>> +      if (r < n)
>> +       return r;
>> +
>> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
>> +        bound.  */
>> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
>> +       {
>> +         value >>= bits;
> Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
> introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?

That was bothering me too, as I was thinking a rotation would be 
possible instead of shift.

I posted the question 

The answer: there's indeed a bias.

This explains why my attempt with rotation leads to dieharder 
complaining. It was so obvious ... Damn

Adhemerval Zanella Netto Aug. 2, 2022, 12:14 p.m. UTC | #4
On 02/08/22 09:08, Yann Droneaud wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 01/08/2022 à 21:20, Noah Goldstein a écrit :
>>> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
>>> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>   uint32_t
>>>   __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>>   {
>>> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>> +  while (1)
>>>       {
>>> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
>>> +
>>> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
>>> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
>>> +      if (r < n)
>>> +       return r;
>>> +
>>> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
>>> +        bound.  */
>>> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
>>> +       {
>>> +         value >>= bits;
>> Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
>> introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?
> That was bothering me too, as I was thinking a rotation would be possible instead of shift.
> I posted the question https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/101325/uniform-rejection-sampling-by-shifting-or-rotating-bits-from-csprng-output-safe
> The answer: there's indeed a bias.
> This explains why my attempt with rotation leads to dieharder complaining. It was so obvious ... Damn

Thanks, I will remove it then.  We might evaluate later if using the mask
and compare is indeed better than the other methods (as using by OpenBSD).
Yann Droneaud Aug. 2, 2022, 12:26 p.m. UTC | #5
Le 02/08/2022 à 14:14, Adhemerval Zanella Netto a écrit :
> On 02/08/22 09:08, Yann Droneaud wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Le 01/08/2022 à 21:20, Noah Goldstein a écrit :
>>>> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
>>>> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>>    uint32_t
>>>>    __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>>>    {
>>>> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>>> +  while (1)
>>>>        {
>>>> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
>>>> +
>>>> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
>>>> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
>>>> +      if (r < n)
>>>> +       return r;
>>>> +
>>>> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
>>>> +        bound.  */
>>>> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
>>>> +       {
>>>> +         value >>= bits;
>>> Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
>>> introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?
>> That was bothering me too, as I was thinking a rotation would be possible instead of shift.
>> I posted the question https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/101325/uniform-rejection-sampling-by-shifting-or-rotating-bits-from-csprng-output-safe
>> The answer: there's indeed a bias.
>> This explains why my attempt with rotation leads to dieharder complaining. It was so obvious ... Damn
> Thanks, I will remove it then.  We might evaluate later if using the mask
> and compare is indeed better than the other methods (as using by OpenBSD).
It's the proposal to shift by 1 bit which would introduce a bias.

The implementation used in Glibc is fine.

Adhemerval Zanella Netto Aug. 2, 2022, 12:29 p.m. UTC | #6
On 02/08/22 09:26, Yann Droneaud wrote:
> Le 02/08/2022 à 14:14, Adhemerval Zanella Netto a écrit :
>> On 02/08/22 09:08, Yann Droneaud wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Le 01/08/2022 à 21:20, Noah Goldstein a écrit :
>>>>> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>>> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
>>>>> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>>> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
>>>>>    uint32_t
>>>>>    __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>>>>    {
>>>>> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
>>>>> +  while (1)
>>>>>        {
>>>>> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
>>>>> +
>>>>> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
>>>>> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
>>>>> +      if (r < n)
>>>>> +       return r;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
>>>>> +        bound.  */
>>>>> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
>>>>> +       {
>>>>> +         value >>= bits;
>>>> Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
>>>> introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?
>>> That was bothering me too, as I was thinking a rotation would be possible instead of shift.
>>> I posted the question https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/101325/uniform-rejection-sampling-by-shifting-or-rotating-bits-from-csprng-output-safe
>>> The answer: there's indeed a bias.
>>> This explains why my attempt with rotation leads to dieharder complaining. It was so obvious ... Damn
>> Thanks, I will remove it then.  We might evaluate later if using the mask
>> and compare is indeed better than the other methods (as using by OpenBSD).
> It's the proposal to shift by 1 bit which would introduce a bias.
> The implementation used in Glibc is fine.

Hum I understood wrongly then, since it seemed you are answering to Noah question
for glibc implementation itself. I though I has this sort out, but I am not sure
Noah Goldstein Aug. 2, 2022, 1:06 p.m. UTC | #7
On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 8:08 PM Yann Droneaud <ydroneaud@opteya.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 01/08/2022 à 21:20, Noah Goldstein a écrit :
> >> diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> >> index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
> >> --- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> >> +++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
> >>
> >>   uint32_t
> >>   __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
> >>   {
> >> @@ -57,83 +38,33 @@ __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
> >> +  while (1)
> >>       {
> >> +      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
> >> +
> >> +      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
> >> +      uint32_t r = value & mask;
> >> +      if (r < n)
> >> +       return r;
> >> +
> >> +      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
> >> +        bound.  */
> >> +      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
> >> +       {
> >> +         value >>= bits;
> > Can this just be shift by 1 and repeat (32 - z) times or does that
> > introduce bias (not seeing exactly why it would)?
> That was bothering me too, as I was thinking a rotation would be
> possible instead of shift.
> I posted the question
> https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/101325/uniform-rejection-sampling-by-shifting-or-rotating-bits-from-csprng-output-safe
> The answer: there's indeed a bias.

Hmm, based on the answer it seems we could shift by `popcnt(n)` (which is
guranteed to be <= bits). If I understand correctly the issue is the consecutive
leading 1s essentially fix ensuing ones but `popcnt(n)` will always clear
those fixed ones. After the first zero, the rest of the bits can be anything
I believe so there will be no bias from them.

> This explains why my attempt with rotation leads to dieharder
> complaining. It was so obvious ... Damn
> Regards.
> --
> Yann Droneaud


diff --git a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
index 1326dfa593..5aa98d1c13 100644
--- a/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
+++ b/stdlib/arc4random_uniform.c
@@ -17,38 +17,19 @@ 
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
-#include <endian.h>
-#include <libc-lock.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
-/* Return the number of bytes which cover values up to the limit.  */
-__attribute__ ((const))
-static uint32_t
-byte_count (uint32_t n)
-  if (n < (1U << 8))
-    return 1;
-  else if (n < (1U << 16))
-    return 2;
-  else if (n < (1U << 24))
-    return 3;
-  else
-    return 4;
+/* Return a uniformly distributed random number less than N.  The algorithm
+   calculates a mask being the lowest power of two bounding the upper bound
+   N, successively queries new random values, and rejects values outside of
+   the request range.
-/* Fill the lower bits of the result with randomness, according to the
-   number of bytes requested.  */
-static void
-random_bytes (uint32_t *result, uint32_t byte_count)
-  *result = 0;
-  unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) result;
-  if (__BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN)
-    ptr += 4 - byte_count;
-  __arc4random_buf (ptr, byte_count);
+   For reject values, it also tries if the remaining entropy could fit on
+   the asked range after range adjustment.
+   The algorithm avoids modulo and divide operations, which might be costly
+   depending on the architecture.  */
 __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
@@ -57,83 +38,33 @@  __arc4random_uniform (uint32_t n)
        only possible result for limit 1.  */
     return 0;
-  /* The bits variable serves as a source for bits.  Prefetch the
-     minimum number of bytes needed.  */
-  uint32_t count = byte_count (n);
-  uint32_t bits_length = count * CHAR_BIT;
-  uint32_t bits;
-  random_bytes (&bits, count);
   /* Powers of two are easy.  */
   if (powerof2 (n))
-    return bits & (n - 1);
-  /* The general case.  This algorithm follows Jérémie Lumbroso,
-     Optimal Discrete Uniform Generation from Coin Flips, and
-     Applications (2013), who credits Donald E. Knuth and Andrew
-     C. Yao, The complexity of nonuniform random number generation
-     (1976), for solving the general case.
+    return __arc4random () & (n - 1);
-     The implementation below unrolls the initialization stage of the
-     loop, where v is less than n.  */
+  /* mask is the smallest power of 2 minus 1 number larger than n.  */
+  int z = __builtin_clz (n);
+  uint32_t mask = ~UINT32_C(0) >> z;
+  int bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (uint32_t) - z;
-  /* Use 64-bit variables even though the intermediate results are
-     never larger than 33 bits.  This ensures the code is easier to
-     compile on 64-bit architectures.  */
-  uint64_t v;
-  uint64_t c;
-  /* Initialize v and c.  v is the smallest power of 2 which is larger
-     than n.*/
-  {
-    uint32_t log2p1 = 32 - __builtin_clz (n);
-    v = 1ULL << log2p1;
-    c = bits & (v - 1);
-    bits >>= log2p1;
-    bits_length -= log2p1;
-  }
-  /* At the start of the loop, c is uniformly distributed within the
-     half-open interval [0, v), and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
-  while (true)
+  while (1)
-      if (v >= n)
-        {
-          /* If the candidate is less than n, accept it.  */
-          if (c < n)
-            /* c is uniformly distributed on [0, n).  */
-            return c;
-          else
-            {
-              /* c is uniformly distributed on [n, v).  */
-              v -= n;
-              c -= n;
-              /* The distribution was shifted, so c is uniformly
-                 distributed on [0, v) again.  */
-            }
-        }
-      /* v < n here.  */
-      /* Replenish the bit source if necessary.  */
-      if (bits_length == 0)
-        {
-          /* Overwrite the least significant byte.  */
-	  random_bytes (&bits, 1);
-	  bits_length = CHAR_BIT;
-        }
-      /* Double the range.  No overflow because v < n < 2**32.  */
-      v *= 2;
-      /* v < 2n here.  */
-      /* Extract a bit and append it to c.  c remains less than v and
-         thus 2**33.  */
-      c = (c << 1) | (bits & 1);
-      bits >>= 1;
-      --bits_length;
-      /* At this point, c is uniformly distributed on [0, v) again,
-         and v < 2n < 2**33.  */
+      uint32_t value = __arc4random ();
+      /* Return if the lower power of 2 minus 1 satisfy the condition.  */
+      uint32_t r = value & mask;
+      if (r < n)
+	return r;
+      /* Otherwise check if remaining bits of entropy provides fits in the
+	 bound.  */
+      for (int bits_left = z; bits_left >= bits; bits_left -= bits)
+	{
+	  value >>= bits;
+	  r = value & mask;
+	  if (r < n)
+	    return r;
+	}
 libc_hidden_def (__arc4random_uniform)