[v8] Fix time/tst-cpuclock1 intermitent failures

Message ID 20200407135947.15344-1-lamm@linux.ibm.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Series [v8] Fix time/tst-cpuclock1 intermitent failures |

Commit Message

Lucas A. M. Magalhaes April 7, 2020, 1:59 p.m. UTC
  This test fails intermittently in systems with heavy load as
CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID is subject to scheduler pressure.  Thus the
test boundaries were relaxed to keep it from failing on such systems.

A refactor of the spent time checking was made with some support
functions.  With the advantage to representing time jitter in percent
of the target.

The values used by the test boundaries are all empirical.


Hi Carlos,
Thanks for the work and patience on this reviews.

changes on V8:
	Add support_timespec_ns
	Add more tests

changes on V7:
	- change expecting boundaries
	- add comments

changes on V6:
	- add overflow handling
	- change variables names

changes on V5:
	- add tests for support_timespec_check_in_range
	- fix support_timespec_normalize
	- add comments
	- fix style

changes on V4:
	- move functions to support/timespec.c
	- simplify functions

changes on V3:
	- refactor support functions
	- use existing timespec-sub function

changes on V2:
	- Add support functions
 support/Makefile       |   1 +
 support/timespec.c     |  59 ++++++++++
 support/timespec.h     |   8 ++
 support/tst-timespec.c | 241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 time/tst-cpuclock1.c   |  48 +++-----
 5 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 support/tst-timespec.c


Lucas A. M. Magalhaes April 16, 2020, 5:30 p.m. UTC | #1

Sorry Carlos, I forgot to copy you on this patch.

Quoting Lucas A. M. Magalhaes via Libc-alpha (2020-04-07 10:59:47)
> This test fails intermittently in systems with heavy load as
> CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID is subject to scheduler pressure.  Thus the
> test boundaries were relaxed to keep it from failing on such systems.
> A refactor of the spent time checking was made with some support
> functions.  With the advantage to representing time jitter in percent
> of the target.
> The values used by the test boundaries are all empirical.
> ---
> Hi Carlos,
> Thanks for the work and patience on this reviews.
> changes on V8:
>         Add support_timespec_ns
>         Add more tests
> changes on V7:
>         - change expecting boundaries
>         - add comments
> changes on V6:
>         - add overflow handling
>         - change variables names
> changes on V5:
>         - add tests for support_timespec_check_in_range
>         - fix support_timespec_normalize
>         - add comments
>         - fix style
> changes on V4:
>         - move functions to support/timespec.c
>         - simplify functions
> changes on V3:
>         - refactor support functions
>         - use existing timespec-sub function
> changes on V2:
>         - Add support functions
> ---
>  support/Makefile       |   1 +
>  support/timespec.c     |  59 ++++++++++
>  support/timespec.h     |   8 ++
>  support/tst-timespec.c | 241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  time/tst-cpuclock1.c   |  48 +++-----
>  5 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 support/tst-timespec.c
> diff --git a/support/Makefile b/support/Makefile
> index 6e38b87ebe..cacaac96a5 100644
> --- a/support/Makefile
> +++ b/support/Makefile
> @@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ tests = \
>    tst-test_compare \
>    tst-test_compare_blob \
>    tst-test_compare_string \
> +  tst-timespec \
>    tst-xreadlink \
>    tst-xsigstack \
> diff --git a/support/timespec.c b/support/timespec.c
> index ea6b947546..156a409733 100644
> --- a/support/timespec.c
> +++ b/support/timespec.c
> @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
>  #include <support/timespec.h>
>  #include <stdio.h>
>  #include <stdint.h>
> +#include <assert.h>
> +#include <intprops.h>
>  void
>  test_timespec_before_impl (const char *file, int line,
> @@ -57,3 +59,60 @@ test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
>             (intmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (intmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
>    }
>  }
> +
> +/* Convert TIME to nanoseconds stored in shrinked.  */
> +long
> +support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time)
> +{
> +  long time_ns;
> +  if (INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(time.tv_sec, TIMESPEC_HZ, &time_ns))
> +   {
> +      time_ns = (time.tv_sec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);
> +   }
> +  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV(time_ns, time.tv_nsec, &time_ns))
> +   {
> +      time_ns = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);
> +   }
> +  return time_ns;
> +}
> +
> +/* Returns t normalized timespec with .tv_nsec < TIMESPEC_HZ
> +   and the overflows added to .tv_sec. It assumes times are
> +   positive.  */
> +struct timespec
> +support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time)
> +{
> +  struct timespec norm;
> +  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV (time.tv_sec, (time.tv_nsec / TIMESPEC_HZ), &norm.tv_sec))
> +   {
> +     norm.tv_sec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t):TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t);
> +   }
> +  norm.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec % TIMESPEC_HZ;
> +  return norm;
> +}
> +
> +/* Returns TRUE if the observed time is within the given percentage bounds of
> +the expected time, and FALSE otherwise.
> +For example the call
> +
> +support_timespec_check_in_range(expected, observed, .5, 1.2);
> +
> +will check if
> +
> +.5 <= observed/expected <= 1.2
> +
> +In other words it will check if observed time is within 50% to 120% of
> +the expected time.  */
> +int
> +support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
> +                             double lower_bound, double upper_bound)
> +{
> +  assert (upper_bound >= lower_bound);
> +  long expected_norm, observed_norm;
> +  expected_norm = support_timespec_ns (expected);
> +  /* Don't divide by zero  */
> +  assert(expected_norm != 0);
> +  observed_norm = support_timespec_ns (observed);
> +  double ratio = (double)observed_norm / expected_norm;
> +  return (lower_bound <= ratio && ratio <= upper_bound);
> +}
> diff --git a/support/timespec.h b/support/timespec.h
> index c5852dfe75..fd5466745d 100644
> --- a/support/timespec.h
> +++ b/support/timespec.h
> @@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ void test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
>                                          const struct timespec left,
>                                          const struct timespec right);
> +long support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time);
> +
> +struct timespec support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time);
> +
> +int support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
> +                                 double lower_bound, double upper_bound);
> +
> +
>  /* Check that the timespec on the left represents a time before the
>     time on the right. */
>  #define TEST_TIMESPEC_BEFORE(left, right)                               \
> diff --git a/support/tst-timespec.c b/support/tst-timespec.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..e9f21e6e35
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/support/tst-timespec.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
> +/* Test for support_timespec_check_in_range function.
> +   Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> +   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
> +
> +   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
> +   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> +
> +   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +   Lesser General Public License for more details.
> +
> +   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
> +   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
> +
> +#include <support/timespec.h>
> +#include <support/check.h>
> +#include <limits.h>
> +
> +struct timespec_ns_test_case
> +{
> +  struct timespec time;
> +  long time_ns;
> +};
> +
> +struct timespec_norm_test_case
> +{
> +  struct timespec time;
> +  struct timespec norm;
> +};
> +
> +struct timespec_test_case
> +{
> +  struct timespec expected;
> +  struct timespec observed;
> +  double upper_bound;
> +  double lower_bound;
> +  int result;
> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_ns */
> +struct timespec_ns_test_case ns_cases[] = {
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = 0,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = 1,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = 1000000000,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = 1000000001,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = -1,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = -1000000000,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = -1000000001,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = 999999999,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = -999999999,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = LONG_MAX,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = LONG_MIN,
> +  }
> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_norm */
> +struct timespec_norm_test_case norm_cases[] = {
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec =1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +  }
> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_check_in_range  */
> +struct timespec_test_case check_cases[] = {
> +  // 0 - In range
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 1 - Out of range
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 2 - Upper Bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 2, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 3 - Lower Bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 0, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 4 - Out of range by nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 500},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 5 - In range by nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 50000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.3, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 6 - Big nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 4000000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .001, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 7 - In range Negative values
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 8 - Out of range Negative values
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = -1, .lower_bound = -1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 9 - Negative values with negative nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -2000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 10 - Strict bounds
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -20000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.00002, .lower_bound = 1.0000191, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 11 - Strict bounds with loose upper bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.0000100000, .lower_bound = 1.0000099998, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 12 - Strict bounds with loose lower bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.0000099999, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 13 - Strict bounds highest precision
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.00000999980001, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979999, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  /* Maximum/Minimum long values  */
> +  // 14
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX -1},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .9, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 15
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 16
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 17
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 18
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  }
> +};
> +
> +static int
> +do_test (void)
> +{
> +  int i = 0;
> +  int ntests = sizeof (ns_cases) / sizeof (ns_cases);
> +
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_ns (ns_cases[i].time),
> +                   ns_cases[i].time_ns);
> +    }
> +
> +  ntests = sizeof (norm_cases) / sizeof (norm_cases);
> +  struct timespec result;
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      result = support_timespec_normalize (norm_cases[i].time);
> +      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_sec, result.tv_sec);
> +      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_nsec, result.tv_nsec);
> +    }
> +
> +  ntests = sizeof (check_cases) / sizeof (check_cases);
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_check_in_range
> +                   (check_cases[i].expected, check_cases[i].observed,
> +                    check_cases[i].lower_bound,
> +                    check_cases[i].upper_bound), check_cases[i].result);
> +    }
> +  return 0;
> +}
> +
> +#include <support/test-driver.c>
> diff --git a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> index 0120906f23..f9eb054f89 100644
> --- a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> +++ b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
>  #include <signal.h>
>  #include <stdint.h>
>  #include <sys/wait.h>
> +#include <support/timespec.h>
>  /* This function is intended to rack up both user and system time.  */
>  static void
> @@ -155,16 +156,11 @@ do_test (void)
>    printf ("live PID %d after sleep => %ju.%.9ju\n",
>           child, (uintmax_t) after.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) after.tv_nsec);
> -  struct timespec diff = { .tv_sec = after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec,
> -                          .tv_nsec = after.tv_nsec - before.tv_nsec };
> -  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
> -    {
> -      --diff.tv_sec;
> -      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -    }
> -  if (diff.tv_sec != 0
> -      || diff.tv_nsec > 600000000
> -      || diff.tv_nsec < 100000000)
> +  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
> +     usage and different nice values.  */
> +  struct timespec diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (after),
> +                                      support_timespec_normalize (before));
> +  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .4,  1.1))
>      {
>        printf ("before - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
>               (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
> @@ -194,19 +190,14 @@ do_test (void)
>         }
>        else
>         {
> -         struct timespec d = { .tv_sec = afterns.tv_sec - after.tv_sec,
> -                               .tv_nsec = afterns.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec };
> -         if (d.tv_nsec < 0)
> -           {
> -             --d.tv_sec;
> -             d.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -           }
> -         if (d.tv_sec > 0
> -             || d.tv_nsec < sleeptime.tv_nsec
> -             || d.tv_nsec > sleeptime.tv_nsec * 2)
> +        /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over
> +           high cpu usage and different nice values.  */
> +         diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (afterns),
> +                              support_timespec_normalize (after));
> +         if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))
>             {
>               printf ("nanosleep time %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
> -                     (uintmax_t) d.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) d.tv_nsec);
> +                     (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
>               result = 1;
>             }
>         }
> @@ -240,15 +231,12 @@ do_test (void)
>    /* Should be close to 0.6.  */
>    printf ("dead PID %d => %ju.%.9ju\n",
>           child, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_nsec);
> -
> -  diff.tv_sec = dead.tv_sec - after.tv_sec;
> -  diff.tv_nsec = dead.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec;
> -  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
> -    {
> -      --diff.tv_sec;
> -      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -    }
> -  if (diff.tv_sec != 0 || diff.tv_nsec > 200000000)
> +  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
> +     usage and different nice values.  */
> +  diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (dead),
> +                      support_timespec_normalize (after));
> +  sleeptime.tv_nsec = 100000000;
> +  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))
>      {
>        printf ("dead - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
>               (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
> -- 
> 2.20.1
Carlos O'Donell April 16, 2020, 7:21 p.m. UTC | #2
On 4/7/20 9:59 AM, Lucas A. M. Magalhaes wrote:
> This test fails intermittently in systems with heavy load as
> CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID is subject to scheduler pressure.  Thus the
> test boundaries were relaxed to keep it from failing on such systems.
> A refactor of the spent time checking was made with some support
> functions.  With the advantage to representing time jitter in percent
> of the target.
> The values used by the test boundaries are all empirical.

Every iteration is improving. This time I have some comments about the
final implementation of support_timespec_ns, and support_timespec_normalize
and the overflow/underflow clamping, and the tests to catch those. I have
provided example test values, and some comments about the existing timespec_sub
and timespec_add that probably need adjusting (to be done at another time).

Looking forward to v9.

> ---
> Hi Carlos,
> Thanks for the work and patience on this reviews.
> changes on V8:
> 	Add support_timespec_ns
> 	Add more tests
> changes on V7:
> 	- change expecting boundaries
> 	- add comments
> changes on V6:
> 	- add overflow handling
> 	- change variables names
> changes on V5:
> 	- add tests for support_timespec_check_in_range
> 	- fix support_timespec_normalize
> 	- add comments
> 	- fix style
> changes on V4:
> 	- move functions to support/timespec.c
> 	- simplify functions
> changes on V3:
> 	- refactor support functions
> 	- use existing timespec-sub function
> changes on V2:
> 	- Add support functions
> ---
>  support/Makefile       |   1 +
>  support/timespec.c     |  59 ++++++++++
>  support/timespec.h     |   8 ++
>  support/tst-timespec.c | 241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  time/tst-cpuclock1.c   |  48 +++-----
>  5 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 support/tst-timespec.c
> diff --git a/support/Makefile b/support/Makefile
> index 6e38b87ebe..cacaac96a5 100644
> --- a/support/Makefile
> +++ b/support/Makefile
> @@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ tests = \
>    tst-test_compare \
>    tst-test_compare_blob \
>    tst-test_compare_string \
> +  tst-timespec \


>    tst-xreadlink \
>    tst-xsigstack \
> diff --git a/support/timespec.c b/support/timespec.c
> index ea6b947546..156a409733 100644
> --- a/support/timespec.c
> +++ b/support/timespec.c
> @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
>  #include <support/timespec.h>
>  #include <stdio.h>
>  #include <stdint.h>
> +#include <assert.h>
> +#include <intprops.h>


>  void
>  test_timespec_before_impl (const char *file, int line,
> @@ -57,3 +59,60 @@ test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
>  	    (intmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (intmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
>    }
>  }
> +
> +/* Convert TIME to nanoseconds stored in shrinked.  */


/* Convert TIME to nanoseconds and return the minimum value for long
   if the conversion underflows, the maximum value for long if the
   conversion overflows, otherwise the converted value as a long.  */

> +long
> +support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time)
> +{
> +  long time_ns;
> +  if (INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(time.tv_sec, TIMESPEC_HZ, &time_ns))
> +   {
> +      time_ns = (time.tv_sec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);

We aren't converting the entire struct timespec to infinite precision and
then doing the math, and then returning undeflow or overflow, therefore
when we overflow we are done with the computation and should return
the clamped max or min.

Therefore the above should be:

         return (time.tv_sec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);

> +   }
> +  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV(time_ns, time.tv_nsec, &time_ns))
> +   {
> +      time_ns = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);


         return (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);

The use of time.tv_nsec looks correct because if time_ns > 0 it can't overflow,
so time_ns must also be < 0, likewise for the case where they are both
greater than zero.

> +   }
> +  return time_ns;

OK, otherwise return time_ns after multiplicaiton and addition.

> +}
> +
> +/* Returns t normalized timespec with .tv_nsec < TIMESPEC_HZ
> +   and the overflows added to .tv_sec. It assumes times are
> +   positive.  */


/* Returns the normalized timespce with .tv_nsec < TIMESPEC_HZ
   and any whole seconds added to .tv_sec. If overflow occurs the
   values are clamped to their maximum values. If underflow occurs
   the values are clamped to their minimum values.  */

The fact that you check .tv_nsec < 0 means the function does not actually
assume the times are positive.

> +struct timespec
> +support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time)
> +{
> +  struct timespec norm;
> +  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV (time.tv_sec, (time.tv_nsec / TIMESPEC_HZ), &norm.tv_sec))
> +   {
> +     norm.tv_sec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t):TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t);

Missing space after ":"

Likewise if overflow norm.tv_sec, then there is no point in continuing to
compute norm.tv_nsec. We should clamp the entire set of values to the maximum.

        norm.tv_sec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t): TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t);
        norm.tv_nsec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1) : TIMESPEC_HZ - 1;
        return norm

In fact I think support/timespec-add.c and support/timespec-sub.c are wrong here:

diff --git a/support/timespec-add.c b/support/timespec-add.c
index 57bf6682e1..6f405c48b4 100644
--- a/support/timespec-add.c
+++ b/support/timespec-add.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ timespec_add (struct timespec a, struct timespec b)
       if (bs < 0)
           rs = TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t);
-          rns = 0;
+          rns = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1);
diff --git a/support/timespec-sub.c b/support/timespec-sub.c
index a1d1a8df92..677348d7e2 100644
--- a/support/timespec-sub.c
+++ b/support/timespec-sub.c
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ timespec_sub (struct timespec a, struct timespec b)
           rs = TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t);
-          rns = 0;
+          rns = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1);

The most minimum timespec is both the most negative seconds and the most
negative tv_nsec that isn't a whole second.

We can fix these in a follow-up patch.

> +   }
> +  norm.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec % TIMESPEC_HZ;


> +  return norm;
> +}
> +
> +/* Returns TRUE if the observed time is within the given percentage bounds of
> +the expected time, and FALSE otherwise.
> +For example the call
> +
> +support_timespec_check_in_range(expected, observed, .5, 1.2);
> +
> +will check if
> +
> +.5 <= observed/expected <= 1.2
> +
> +In other words it will check if observed time is within 50% to 120% of
> +the expected time.  */

Please correct the comment indentation. Looks good otherwise.

> +int
> +support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
> +			      double lower_bound, double upper_bound)
> +{
> +  assert (upper_bound >= lower_bound);
> +  long expected_norm, observed_norm;
> +  expected_norm = support_timespec_ns (expected);
> +  /* Don't divide by zero  */
> +  assert(expected_norm != 0);
> +  observed_norm = support_timespec_ns (observed);
> +  double ratio = (double)observed_norm / expected_norm;
> +  return (lower_bound <= ratio && ratio <= upper_bound);
> +}

OK. Easy to understand!

> diff --git a/support/timespec.h b/support/timespec.h
> index c5852dfe75..fd5466745d 100644
> --- a/support/timespec.h
> +++ b/support/timespec.h
> @@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ void test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
>                                          const struct timespec left,
>                                          const struct timespec right);
> +long support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time);
> +
> +struct timespec support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time);
> +
> +int support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
> +				  double lower_bound, double upper_bound);
> +


> +
>  /* Check that the timespec on the left represents a time before the
>     time on the right. */
>  #define TEST_TIMESPEC_BEFORE(left, right)                               \
> diff --git a/support/tst-timespec.c b/support/tst-timespec.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..e9f21e6e35
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/support/tst-timespec.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@

Please define TIMESPEC_HZ here and use it instead of the large 1e9 value
e.g. TIMESPEC_HZ + 1, or TIMESPEC_HZ - 1, etc.

> +/* Test for support_timespec_check_in_range function.
> +   Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> +   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
> +
> +   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
> +   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> +
> +   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +   Lesser General Public License for more details.
> +
> +   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
> +   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
> +
> +#include <support/timespec.h>
> +#include <support/check.h>
> +#include <limits.h>
> +
> +struct timespec_ns_test_case
> +{
> +  struct timespec time;
> +  long time_ns;
> +};

OK, this tests support_timespec_ns.

> +
> +struct timespec_norm_test_case
> +{
> +  struct timespec time;
> +  struct timespec norm;
> +};

OK, this tests support_timespec_normalize

> +
> +struct timespec_test_case

OK, this tests support_timespec_check_in_range

> +{
> +  struct timespec expected;
> +  struct timespec observed;
> +  double upper_bound;
> +  double lower_bound;
> +  int result;
> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_ns */
> +struct timespec_ns_test_case ns_cases[] = {
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = 0,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = 1,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = 1000000000,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = 1000000001,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = -1,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .time_ns = -1000000000,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = -1000000001,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = 999999999,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = -999999999,
> +  },

> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .time_ns = LONG_MAX,
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1},
> +   .time_ns = LONG_MIN,
> +  }

These could suffer from off-by-one and still be correct.
It would be better to use "TIMESPEC_HZ - 1" and "-(TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)"
to really ensure the infinite precision value is driven very positive
or very negative and that the clamping is in effect.

Also this needs to be expanded to cover:

* both positive, add overflows

Untested example:
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX / TIMESPEC_HZ, .tv_nsec = TIMESPEC_HZ - 1},
 .time_ns = LONG_MAX,

* both negative, add underflows

Untested example:
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN / TIMESPEC_HZ, .tv_nsec = -(TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},
 .time_ns = LONG_MIN,

Consider all the underflow/overflow cases and write tests for them.

For the untested examples make sure the multiplication doesn't overflow.

> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_norm */
> +struct timespec_norm_test_case norm_cases[] = {
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec =1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1}
> +  },
> +  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1000000000},
> +   .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 0},

Please add comments to the more complex test cases.

Should be:

/* Positive boundary before overflow.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX - 1, .tv_nsec = TIMESPEC_HZ + (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

/* Overflow by 1ns.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = TIMESPEC_HZ},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

/* Overflow by (LONG_MAX - (TIMESPEC_HS - 1))ns.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

Since after normalization it would clamp at the maximum value.
See how timespec-add.c and timespec-sub.c clamp at TIMESPEC_HZ -1.

Needs the other direction test:

/* Negative boundary before underflow.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN - 1, .tv_nsec = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ) - 1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

/* Overflow by -1ns.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ)},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

/* Overflow by  (LONG_MIN + (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)ns.  */
{.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
 .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1 * (TIMESPEC_HZ - 1)},

> +  }
> +};
> +
> +/* Test cases for timespec_check_in_range  */
> +struct timespec_test_case check_cases[] = {
> +  // 0 - In range
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 1 - Out of range
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 2 - Upper Bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 2, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 3 - Lower Bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 0, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 4 - Out of range by nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 500},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 5 - In range by nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 50000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.3, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 6 - Big nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 4000000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .001, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 7 - In range Negative values
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 8 - Out of range Negative values
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .upper_bound = -1, .lower_bound = -1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 9 - Negative values with negative nanosecs
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -2000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 10 - Strict bounds
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -20000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.00002, .lower_bound = 1.0000191, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 11 - Strict bounds with loose upper bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.0000100000, .lower_bound = 1.0000099998, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 12 - Strict bounds with loose lower bound
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.0000099999, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 13 - Strict bounds highest precision
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
> +   .upper_bound = 1.00000999980001, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979999, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  /* Maximum/Minimum long values  */
> +  // 14
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX -1},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .9, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 15
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 16
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
> +  },
> +  // 17
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
> +  },
> +  // 18
> +  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
> +   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
> +   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,

Some of these tests may change as the underlying converter functions change.

> +  }
> +};
> +
> +static int
> +do_test (void)
> +{
> +  int i = 0;
> +  int ntests = sizeof (ns_cases) / sizeof (ns_cases);
> +
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_ns (ns_cases[i].time),
> +		    ns_cases[i].time_ns);
> +    }
> +
> +  ntests = sizeof (norm_cases) / sizeof (norm_cases);
> +  struct timespec result;
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      result = support_timespec_normalize (norm_cases[i].time);
> +      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_sec, result.tv_sec);
> +      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_nsec, result.tv_nsec);
> +    }
> +
> +  ntests = sizeof (check_cases) / sizeof (check_cases);
> +  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
> +    {
> +      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_check_in_range
> +		    (check_cases[i].expected, check_cases[i].observed,
> +		     check_cases[i].lower_bound,
> +		     check_cases[i].upper_bound), check_cases[i].result);
> +    }
> +  return 0;
> +}
> +


> +#include <support/test-driver.c>
> diff --git a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> index 0120906f23..f9eb054f89 100644
> --- a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> +++ b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
> @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
>  #include <signal.h>
>  #include <stdint.h>
>  #include <sys/wait.h>
> +#include <support/timespec.h>
>  /* This function is intended to rack up both user and system time.  */
>  static void
> @@ -155,16 +156,11 @@ do_test (void)
>    printf ("live PID %d after sleep => %ju.%.9ju\n",
>  	  child, (uintmax_t) after.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) after.tv_nsec);
> -  struct timespec diff = { .tv_sec = after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec,
> -			   .tv_nsec = after.tv_nsec - before.tv_nsec };
> -  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
> -    {
> -      --diff.tv_sec;
> -      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -    }
> -  if (diff.tv_sec != 0
> -      || diff.tv_nsec > 600000000
> -      || diff.tv_nsec < 100000000)
> +  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
> +     usage and different nice values.  */
> +  struct timespec diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (after),
> +				       support_timespec_normalize (before));
> +  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .4,  1.1))

The value for 0.4 seems quite low.

With what porbability did you see that 0.4 value?

I'm looking for us to add something like this to the comment:

/* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
   usage and different nice values.  Of all the values we keep the 90th percentile
   of values and use those values for our testing allowed range.  */

Did 0.4 fall within the 90th percentile?

>      {
>        printf ("before - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
>  	      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
> @@ -194,19 +190,14 @@ do_test (void)
>  	}
>        else
>  	{
> -	  struct timespec d = { .tv_sec = afterns.tv_sec - after.tv_sec,
> -				.tv_nsec = afterns.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec };
> -	  if (d.tv_nsec < 0)
> -	    {
> -	      --d.tv_sec;
> -	      d.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -	    }
> -	  if (d.tv_sec > 0
> -	      || d.tv_nsec < sleeptime.tv_nsec
> -	      || d.tv_nsec > sleeptime.tv_nsec * 2)
> +        /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over
> +           high cpu usage and different nice values.  */
> +	  diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (afterns),
> +			       support_timespec_normalize (after));
> +	  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))

Needs adjusted comment.

>  	    {
>  	      printf ("nanosleep time %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
> -		      (uintmax_t) d.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) d.tv_nsec);
> +		      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
>  	      result = 1;
>  	    }
>  	}
> @@ -240,15 +231,12 @@ do_test (void)
>    /* Should be close to 0.6.  */
>    printf ("dead PID %d => %ju.%.9ju\n",
>  	  child, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_nsec);
> -
> -  diff.tv_sec = dead.tv_sec - after.tv_sec;
> -  diff.tv_nsec = dead.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec;
> -  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
> -    {
> -      --diff.tv_sec;
> -      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
> -    }
> -  if (diff.tv_sec != 0 || diff.tv_nsec > 200000000)
> +  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
> +     usage and different nice values.  */
> +  diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (dead),
> +		       support_timespec_normalize (after));
> +  sleeptime.tv_nsec = 100000000;
> +  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))

Needs adjusted comment.

>      {
>        printf ("dead - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
>  	      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);


diff --git a/support/Makefile b/support/Makefile
index 6e38b87ebe..cacaac96a5 100644
--- a/support/Makefile
+++ b/support/Makefile
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@  tests = \
   tst-test_compare \
   tst-test_compare_blob \
   tst-test_compare_string \
+  tst-timespec \
   tst-xreadlink \
   tst-xsigstack \
diff --git a/support/timespec.c b/support/timespec.c
index ea6b947546..156a409733 100644
--- a/support/timespec.c
+++ b/support/timespec.c
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ 
 #include <support/timespec.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <intprops.h>
 test_timespec_before_impl (const char *file, int line,
@@ -57,3 +59,60 @@  test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
 	    (intmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (intmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
+/* Convert TIME to nanoseconds stored in shrinked.  */
+support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time)
+  long time_ns;
+  if (INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(time.tv_sec, TIMESPEC_HZ, &time_ns))
+   {
+      time_ns = (time.tv_sec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);
+   }
+  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV(time_ns, time.tv_nsec, &time_ns))
+   {
+      time_ns = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM(long): TYPE_MAXIMUM(long);
+   }
+  return time_ns;
+/* Returns t normalized timespec with .tv_nsec < TIMESPEC_HZ
+   and the overflows added to .tv_sec. It assumes times are
+   positive.  */
+struct timespec
+support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time)
+  struct timespec norm;
+  if (INT_ADD_WRAPV (time.tv_sec, (time.tv_nsec / TIMESPEC_HZ), &norm.tv_sec))
+   {
+     norm.tv_sec = (time.tv_nsec < 0) ? TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t):TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t);
+   }
+  norm.tv_nsec = time.tv_nsec % TIMESPEC_HZ;
+  return norm;
+/* Returns TRUE if the observed time is within the given percentage bounds of
+the expected time, and FALSE otherwise.
+For example the call
+support_timespec_check_in_range(expected, observed, .5, 1.2);
+will check if
+.5 <= observed/expected <= 1.2
+In other words it will check if observed time is within 50% to 120% of
+the expected time.  */
+support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
+			      double lower_bound, double upper_bound)
+  assert (upper_bound >= lower_bound);
+  long expected_norm, observed_norm;
+  expected_norm = support_timespec_ns (expected);
+  /* Don't divide by zero  */
+  assert(expected_norm != 0);
+  observed_norm = support_timespec_ns (observed);
+  double ratio = (double)observed_norm / expected_norm;
+  return (lower_bound <= ratio && ratio <= upper_bound);
diff --git a/support/timespec.h b/support/timespec.h
index c5852dfe75..fd5466745d 100644
--- a/support/timespec.h
+++ b/support/timespec.h
@@ -48,6 +48,14 @@  void test_timespec_equal_or_after_impl (const char *file, int line,
                                         const struct timespec left,
                                         const struct timespec right);
+long support_timespec_ns (struct timespec time);
+struct timespec support_timespec_normalize (struct timespec time);
+int support_timespec_check_in_range (struct timespec expected, struct timespec observed,
+				  double lower_bound, double upper_bound);
 /* Check that the timespec on the left represents a time before the
    time on the right. */
 #define TEST_TIMESPEC_BEFORE(left, right)                               \
diff --git a/support/tst-timespec.c b/support/tst-timespec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9f21e6e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/tst-timespec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ 
+/* Test for support_timespec_check_in_range function.
+   Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+   <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <support/timespec.h>
+#include <support/check.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+struct timespec_ns_test_case
+  struct timespec time;
+  long time_ns;
+struct timespec_norm_test_case
+  struct timespec time;
+  struct timespec norm;
+struct timespec_test_case
+  struct timespec expected;
+  struct timespec observed;
+  double upper_bound;
+  double lower_bound;
+  int result;
+/* Test cases for timespec_ns */
+struct timespec_ns_test_case ns_cases[] = {
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .time_ns = 0,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
+   .time_ns = 1,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .time_ns = 1000000000,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1},
+   .time_ns = 1000000001,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = -1},
+   .time_ns = -1,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .time_ns = -1000000000,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -1},
+   .time_ns = -1000000001,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = -1},
+   .time_ns = 999999999,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 1},
+   .time_ns = -999999999,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1},
+   .time_ns = LONG_MAX,
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = -1},
+   .time_ns = LONG_MIN,
+  }
+/* Test cases for timespec_norm */
+struct timespec_norm_test_case norm_cases[] = {
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec =1}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000000},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 10000000001},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 1}
+  },
+  {.time = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 1000000000},
+   .norm = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = 0},
+  }
+/* Test cases for timespec_check_in_range  */
+struct timespec_test_case check_cases[] = {
+  // 0 - In range
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 1 - Out of range
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
+  },
+  // 2 - Upper Bound
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 2, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = 2, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 3 - Lower Bound
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 0, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 4 - Out of range by nanosecs
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 500},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
+  },
+  // 5 - In range by nanosecs
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 50000},
+   .upper_bound = 1.3, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 6 - Big nanosecs
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 4000000},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .001, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 7 - In range Negative values
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 8 - Out of range Negative values
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .upper_bound = -1, .lower_bound = -1, .result = 0,
+  },
+  // 9 - Negative values with negative nanosecs
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -2000},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
+  },
+  // 10 - Strict bounds
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = 0},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = -1, .tv_nsec = -20000},
+   .upper_bound = 1.00002, .lower_bound = 1.0000191, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 11 - Strict bounds with loose upper bound
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
+   .upper_bound = 1.0000100000, .lower_bound = 1.0000099998, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 12 - Strict bounds with loose lower bound
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
+   .upper_bound = 1.0000099999, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 13 - Strict bounds highest precision
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 20000},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 30000},
+   .upper_bound = 1.00000999980001, .lower_bound = 1.00000999979999, .result = 1,
+  },
+  /* Maximum/Minimum long values  */
+  // 14
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX -1},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = .9, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 15
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 16
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
+  },
+  // 17
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 1,
+  },
+  // 18
+  {.expected = { .tv_sec = LONG_MIN, .tv_nsec = LONG_MIN},
+   .observed = {.tv_sec = LONG_MAX, .tv_nsec = LONG_MAX},
+   .upper_bound = 1, .lower_bound = 1, .result = 0,
+  }
+static int
+do_test (void)
+  int i = 0;
+  int ntests = sizeof (ns_cases) / sizeof (ns_cases);
+  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
+    {
+      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_ns (ns_cases[i].time),
+		    ns_cases[i].time_ns);
+    }
+  ntests = sizeof (norm_cases) / sizeof (norm_cases);
+  struct timespec result;
+  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
+    {
+      result = support_timespec_normalize (norm_cases[i].time);
+      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_sec, result.tv_sec);
+      TEST_COMPARE (norm_cases[i].norm.tv_nsec, result.tv_nsec);
+    }
+  ntests = sizeof (check_cases) / sizeof (check_cases);
+  for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
+    {
+      TEST_COMPARE (support_timespec_check_in_range
+		    (check_cases[i].expected, check_cases[i].observed,
+		     check_cases[i].lower_bound,
+		     check_cases[i].upper_bound), check_cases[i].result);
+    }
+  return 0;
+#include <support/test-driver.c>
diff --git a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
index 0120906f23..f9eb054f89 100644
--- a/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
+++ b/time/tst-cpuclock1.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ 
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <support/timespec.h>
 /* This function is intended to rack up both user and system time.  */
 static void
@@ -155,16 +156,11 @@  do_test (void)
   printf ("live PID %d after sleep => %ju.%.9ju\n",
 	  child, (uintmax_t) after.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) after.tv_nsec);
-  struct timespec diff = { .tv_sec = after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec,
-			   .tv_nsec = after.tv_nsec - before.tv_nsec };
-  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
-    {
-      --diff.tv_sec;
-      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
-    }
-  if (diff.tv_sec != 0
-      || diff.tv_nsec > 600000000
-      || diff.tv_nsec < 100000000)
+  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
+     usage and different nice values.  */
+  struct timespec diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (after),
+				       support_timespec_normalize (before));
+  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .4,  1.1))
       printf ("before - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
 	      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
@@ -194,19 +190,14 @@  do_test (void)
-	  struct timespec d = { .tv_sec = afterns.tv_sec - after.tv_sec,
-				.tv_nsec = afterns.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec };
-	  if (d.tv_nsec < 0)
-	    {
-	      --d.tv_sec;
-	      d.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
-	    }
-	  if (d.tv_sec > 0
-	      || d.tv_nsec < sleeptime.tv_nsec
-	      || d.tv_nsec > sleeptime.tv_nsec * 2)
+        /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over
+           high cpu usage and different nice values.  */
+	  diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (afterns),
+			       support_timespec_normalize (after));
+	  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))
 	      printf ("nanosleep time %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
-		      (uintmax_t) d.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) d.tv_nsec);
+		      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);
 	      result = 1;
@@ -240,15 +231,12 @@  do_test (void)
   /* Should be close to 0.6.  */
   printf ("dead PID %d => %ju.%.9ju\n",
 	  child, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) dead.tv_nsec);
-  diff.tv_sec = dead.tv_sec - after.tv_sec;
-  diff.tv_nsec = dead.tv_nsec - after.tv_nsec;
-  if (diff.tv_nsec < 0)
-    {
-      --diff.tv_sec;
-      diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000;
-    }
-  if (diff.tv_sec != 0 || diff.tv_nsec > 200000000)
+  /* The bound values are empirically defined by testing this code over high cpu
+     usage and different nice values.  */
+  diff = timespec_sub (support_timespec_normalize (dead),
+		       support_timespec_normalize (after));
+  sleeptime.tv_nsec = 100000000;
+  if (!support_timespec_check_in_range (sleeptime, diff, .9, 1.2))
       printf ("dead - after %ju.%.9ju outside reasonable range\n",
 	      (uintmax_t) diff.tv_sec, (uintmax_t) diff.tv_nsec);