From patchwork Fri Jan 26 15:12:14 2018 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Alan Hayward X-Patchwork-Id: 25586 Received: (qmail 110185 invoked by alias); 26 Jan 2018 15:14:05 -0000 Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm Precedence: bulk List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: Delivered-To: mailing list Received: (qmail 110042 invoked by uid 89); 26 Jan 2018 15:14:04 -0000 Authentication-Results:; auth=none X-Virus-Found: No X-Spam-SWARE-Status: No, score=-26.0 required=5.0 tests=AWL, BAYES_00, GIT_PATCH_0, GIT_PATCH_1, GIT_PATCH_2, GIT_PATCH_3, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE, SPF_HELO_PASS, SPF_PASS autolearn=ham version=3.3.2 spammy= X-HELO: Received: from (HELO ( by (qpsmtpd/0.93/v0.84-503-g423c35a) with ESMTP; Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:12:22 +0000 Authentication-Results: spf=none (sender IP is ); Received: from ( by (2a01:111:e400:5045::21) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384_P256) id 15.20.428.17; Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:12:17 +0000 To: Cc: From: Alan Hayward Subject: [PATCH] Use visitors for make_gdb_type Message-ID: Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:12:14 +0000 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.5.2 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-ClientProxiedBy: LNXP265CA0040.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:5c::28) To (2a01:111:e400:5045::21) X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 7d10d9ff-f76e-4a1d-4410-08d564cf3088 X-Microsoft-Antispam: UriScan:; BCL:0; PCL:0; RULEID:(7020095)(4652020)(48565401081)(5600026)(4604075)(2017052603307)(7153060)(7193020); SRVR:DB3PR08MB0107; X-Microsoft-Exchange-Diagnostics: 1; DB3PR08MB0107; 3:KGE2nJ06E5WeQBW10zrUxurqXCDMYzdRuaMaHFZXQ+ZWD+Uaya0s5BLBJC6/9uqK2zB6wRJ+iiu0iyRd1uw1O5rIsyKG/SJsco0stwImZ6/Ro46cybW0hokhDMMGB6ySyS76rf8jSnaHtD/gAN+t/Iebsyg2bTs+qPDSEIfqQ8FfyrLDd3bGsB7ufm5QFlGGsomYDMqY5ozosQ/lCCQkT+M0WvEehK1dXe7pQQCxy+NkI0hnGvqO+KX41ELrefod; 25:s1l4P9+TpUXJA3fPyyfos3eBPRpU+H4sFD3M//6W0WVcF1jijBnQqhtPYEGU6cfGpZ0BjB0yEaTFIq52YajsA4/9ZF79x4vm9kDaKoMpxwuDovoeTi44mtZQ6PfOrrp+sQiPM6gi7iPbHkL5nbaYP8ky2U2XlTy2PoA/ngEn2fXh4QUSS9yQN/JEQc86Xnqb6Mr5Z3caJaza3KQejTxmdggXxCxJ4T2EQIunVlGcfPaHK3QRbffJj6Qnp0SEhGU1hzSIdK9g2rH5hIMHW3bc0a/6U6oX0SDsPHrBqeiwNLnXsKAIo4YNVUA5JCfwDUJQai9ecQ5m+H1QdP9QWJ8jQw==; 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DB3PR08MB0107; 6:DDc37wb9DDRgxhr5Wvv+2shnjUC3u7PVtJvZg17d6oY87sF6AvEZtR3/8bIyjegFFNgM8jAo27y+gq3Yo5ucPnOvWAzzMTnVSQpL+FTgNtinNF/2zRbjiFTS6Mr2DERqVThPYRT3joKB414pAGNDNCPUx4z+RXDwUPPa7/M+c1Da9Jc9Iy6BbhMO4aS0NoNPUJW2t2sevdDPqdmIUnMuDrfPqZqyS5Q6k8AKNe9Q2+oFXrUaI3xheFAHwqKIoNzewkAtXm+pSdGuUiKl8Tssn9H3RmYE5f+covY5H1/Avm5b4Oc4dzhcqXFoO3YiqdX5qewz6GAMTu6q15i/BFox8QqneYwz56frizqIFKIgWA0=; 5:Wha/jW4izYAgojiWJge7RyUZohaHQGUCke3M3syQYAqvOgxzxDlCjyEBAPGcepofsV4aOH56eSBHp1P85r+4/XhibSN9gAklPuph4+mS+XC540rh4jFThJ5vRSwVnOf2tGYuDcVUu4K+mSFCZFZHWvZrq73ZLkIfF6a5bReoPVw=; 24:g95FV6glee9NdhizlLs7kL3e+CldOPpFuW4X+yPOxtA4s44RK/WkrrQJy/cpsnIiYwrXeRGz2MN+pi9pXPkHCYP+K4umxaxP9wYhmenMp/w=; 7:abs7EoW9SAxIxDdiaGhSlefAiS3DP9Ui6pPEWc5uPCDtY4agpDNLgRsPGb+VnhtbQCqzvANVu0fda0XYnikUBjrTkDfMFLDdkUqjM9vBwldDzsqYOa2aC7lHIfk/I6pUfpAcb6qtvlmJ1Soff3No/GhrDTXIcVzFtkbChjrP2sREFgO3W3oGBQ5swlkCB8LzIxnaC+g/cJ9t4o+8DrFSFgTXNQOmLh/4w5aW5QlEhxUvrY7CUlLExha3fK4eYNz7 SpamDiagnosticOutput: 1:99 SpamDiagnosticMetadata: NSPM X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Jan 2018 15:12:17.5850 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 7d10d9ff-f76e-4a1d-4410-08d564cf3088 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: f34e5979-57d9-4aaa-ad4d-b122a662184d X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: DB3PR08MB0107 X-IsSubscribed: yes This patch implements the suggestion in the review for [PATCH v2 6/8] Create xml from target descriptions. Remove the make_gdb_type functions from the tdesc_type_ classes. Replace with a static make_gdb_type function that uses a element visitor called gdb_type_creator. I've defined gdb_type_creator inside make_gdb_type because it shouldn't be needed outside the function. The method of creating the types has not changed. This patch will allow a future patch to commonise the tdesc_types with gdbserver without having to move any gdb_type functionality. Alan. 2018-01-26  Alan Hayward      * target-descriptions.c (tdesc_type): Move make_gdb_type from here.     (tdesc_type_builtin): Likewise.     (tdesc_type_vector): Likewise.     (tdesc_type_with_fields): Move make_gdb_type_ functions from here.     (make_gdb_type_struct): Move from tdesc_type_with_fields.     (make_gdb_type_union): Likewise.     (make_gdb_type_flags): Likewise.     (make_gdb_type_enum): Likewise.     (make_gdb_type): New function.     (tdesc_register_type): Use static make_gdb_type. ---  gdb/target-descriptions.c | 460 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------  1 file changed, 254 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)  class tdesc_element_visitor @@ -223,11 +225,6 @@ struct tdesc_type : tdesc_element    {      return !(*this == other);    } - -  /* Construct, if necessary, and return the GDB type implementing this -     target type for architecture GDBARCH.  */ - -  virtual type *make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const = 0;  };  typedef std::unique_ptr tdesc_type_up; @@ -242,81 +239,6 @@ struct tdesc_type_builtin : tdesc_type    {      v.visit (this);    } - -  type *make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const override -  { -    switch (this->kind) -      { -      /* Predefined types.  */ -      case TDESC_TYPE_BOOL: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_bool; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_INT8: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_int8; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_INT16: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_int16; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_INT32: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_int32; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_INT64: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_int64; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_INT128: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_int128; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_UINT8: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint8; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_UINT16: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint16; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_UINT32: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint32; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_UINT64: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint64; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_UINT128: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint128; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_CODE_PTR: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_func_ptr; - -      case TDESC_TYPE_DATA_PTR: -        return builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_data_ptr; -      } - -    type *gdb_type = tdesc_find_type (gdbarch, this->name.c_str ()); -    if (gdb_type != NULL) -      return gdb_type; - -    switch (this->kind) -      { -      case TDESC_TYPE_IEEE_SINGLE: -        return arch_float_type (gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_ieee_single", -                floatformats_ieee_single); - -      case TDESC_TYPE_IEEE_DOUBLE: -        return arch_float_type (gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_ieee_double", -                floatformats_ieee_double); - -      case TDESC_TYPE_ARM_FPA_EXT: -        return arch_float_type (gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_arm_ext", -                floatformats_arm_ext); - -      case TDESC_TYPE_I387_EXT: -        return arch_float_type (gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_i387_ext", -                floatformats_i387_ext); -      } - -    internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, -            "Type \"%s\" has an unknown kind %d", -            this->name.c_str (), this->kind); - -    return NULL; -  }  };  /* tdesc_type for vector types.  */ @@ -333,19 +255,6 @@ struct tdesc_type_vector : tdesc_type      v.visit (this);    } -  type *make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const override -  { -    type *vector_gdb_type = tdesc_find_type (gdbarch, this->name.c_str ()); -    if (vector_gdb_type != NULL) -      return vector_gdb_type; - -    type *element_gdb_type = this->element_type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); -    vector_gdb_type = init_vector_type (element_gdb_type, this->count); -    TYPE_NAME (vector_gdb_type) = xstrdup (this->name.c_str ()); - -    return vector_gdb_type; -  } -    struct tdesc_type *element_type;    int count;  }; @@ -364,151 +273,290 @@ struct tdesc_type_with_fields : tdesc_type      v.visit (this);    } -  type *make_gdb_type_struct (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const -  { -    type *struct_gdb_type = arch_composite_type (gdbarch, NULL, TYPE_CODE_STRUCT); -    TYPE_NAME (struct_gdb_type) = xstrdup (this->name.c_str ()); -    TYPE_TAG_NAME (struct_gdb_type) = TYPE_NAME (struct_gdb_type); +  std::vector fields; +  int size; +}; -    for (const tdesc_type_field &f : this->fields) -      { -    if (f.start != -1 && f.end != -1) -      { -        /* Bitfield.  */ -        struct field *fld; -        struct type *field_gdb_type; -        int bitsize, total_size; - -        /* This invariant should be preserved while creating types.  */ -        gdb_assert (this->size != 0); -        if (f.type != NULL) -          field_gdb_type = f.type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); -        else if (this->size > 4) -          field_gdb_type = builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint64; -        else -          field_gdb_type = builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint32; - -        fld = append_composite_type_field_raw -          (struct_gdb_type, xstrdup ( ()), field_gdb_type); - -        /* For little-endian, BITPOS counts from the LSB of -           the structure and marks the LSB of the field.  For -           big-endian, BITPOS counts from the MSB of the -           structure and marks the MSB of the field.  Either -           way, it is the number of bits to the "left" of the -           field.  To calculate this in big-endian, we need -           the total size of the structure.  */ -        bitsize = f.end - f.start + 1; -        total_size = this->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT; -        if (gdbarch_bits_big_endian (gdbarch)) -          SET_FIELD_BITPOS (fld[0], total_size - f.start - bitsize); -        else -          SET_FIELD_BITPOS (fld[0], f.start); -        FIELD_BITSIZE (fld[0]) = bitsize; -      } -    else -      { -        gdb_assert (f.start == -1 && f.end == -1); -        type *field_gdb_type = f.type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); -        append_composite_type_field (struct_gdb_type, -                     xstrdup ( ()), -                     field_gdb_type); -      } -      } +static type * +make_gdb_type_struct (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, const tdesc_type_with_fields *e) +{ +  type *struct_gdb_type = arch_composite_type (gdbarch, NULL, TYPE_CODE_STRUCT); +  TYPE_NAME (struct_gdb_type) = xstrdup (e->name.c_str ()); +  TYPE_TAG_NAME (struct_gdb_type) = TYPE_NAME (struct_gdb_type); -    if (this->size != 0) -      TYPE_LENGTH (struct_gdb_type) = this->size; +  for (const tdesc_type_field &f : e->fields) +    { +      if (f.start != -1 && f.end != -1) +    { +      /* Bitfield.  */ +      struct field *fld; +      struct type *field_gdb_type; +      int bitsize, total_size; + +      /* This invariant should be preserved while creating types.  */ +      gdb_assert (e->size != 0); +      if (f.type != NULL) +        field_gdb_type = make_gdb_type (gdbarch, f.type); +      else if (e->size > 4) +        field_gdb_type = builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint64; +      else +        field_gdb_type = builtin_type (gdbarch)->builtin_uint32; + +      fld = append_composite_type_field_raw +        (struct_gdb_type, xstrdup ( ()), field_gdb_type); + +      /* For little-endian, BITPOS counts from the LSB of +         the structure and marks the LSB of the field.  For +         big-endian, BITPOS counts from the MSB of the +         structure and marks the MSB of the field.  Either +         way, it is the number of bits to the "left" of the +         field.  To calculate this in big-endian, we need +         the total size of the structure.  */ +      bitsize = f.end - f.start + 1; +      total_size = e->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT; +      if (gdbarch_bits_big_endian (gdbarch)) +        SET_FIELD_BITPOS (fld[0], total_size - f.start - bitsize); +      else +        SET_FIELD_BITPOS (fld[0], f.start); +      FIELD_BITSIZE (fld[0]) = bitsize; +    } +      else +    { +      gdb_assert (f.start == -1 && f.end == -1); +      type *field_gdb_type = make_gdb_type (gdbarch, f.type); +      append_composite_type_field (struct_gdb_type, +                       xstrdup ( ()), +                       field_gdb_type); +    } +    } -    return struct_gdb_type; -  } +  if (e->size != 0) +    TYPE_LENGTH (struct_gdb_type) = e->size; -  type *make_gdb_type_union (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const -  { -    type *union_gdb_type = arch_composite_type (gdbarch, NULL, TYPE_CODE_UNION); -    TYPE_NAME (union_gdb_type) = xstrdup (this->name.c_str ()); +  return struct_gdb_type; +} -    for (const tdesc_type_field &f : this->fields) -      { -    type* field_gdb_type = f.type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); -    append_composite_type_field (union_gdb_type, xstrdup ( ()), +static type * +make_gdb_type_union (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, const tdesc_type_with_fields *e) +{ +  type *union_gdb_type = arch_composite_type (gdbarch, NULL, TYPE_CODE_UNION); +  TYPE_NAME (union_gdb_type) = xstrdup (e->name.c_str ()); + +  for (const tdesc_type_field &f : e->fields) +    { +      type* field_gdb_type = make_gdb_type (gdbarch, f.type); +      append_composite_type_field (union_gdb_type, xstrdup ( ()),                       field_gdb_type); -    /* If any of the children of a union are vectors, flag the -       union as a vector also.  This allows e.g. a union of two -       vector types to show up automatically in "info vector". */ -    if (TYPE_VECTOR (field_gdb_type)) -      TYPE_VECTOR (union_gdb_type) = 1; -      } +      /* If any of the children of a union are vectors, flag the +     union as a vector also.  This allows e.g. a union of two +     vector types to show up automatically in "info vector".  */ +      if (TYPE_VECTOR (field_gdb_type)) +    TYPE_VECTOR (union_gdb_type) = 1; +    } -    return union_gdb_type; -  } +  return union_gdb_type; +} -  type *make_gdb_type_flags (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const -  { -    type *flags_gdb_type = arch_flags_type (gdbarch, this->name.c_str (), -                      this->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT); +static type * +make_gdb_type_flags (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, const tdesc_type_with_fields *e) +{ +  type *flags_gdb_type = arch_flags_type (gdbarch, e->name.c_str (), +                      e->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT); -    for (const tdesc_type_field &f : this->fields) -      { +  for (const tdesc_type_field &f : e->fields) +    {        int bitsize = f.end - f.start + 1;        gdb_assert (f.type != NULL); -      type *field_gdb_type = f.type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); +      type *field_gdb_type = make_gdb_type (gdbarch, f.type);        append_flags_type_field (flags_gdb_type, f.start, bitsize,                     field_gdb_type, ()); -      } +    } -    return flags_gdb_type; -  } +  return flags_gdb_type; +} -  type *make_gdb_type_enum (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const -  { -    type *enum_gdb_type = arch_type (gdbarch, TYPE_CODE_ENUM, -                   this->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT, -                   this->name.c_str ()); +static type * +make_gdb_type_enum (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, const tdesc_type_with_fields *e) +{ +  type *enum_gdb_type = arch_type (gdbarch, TYPE_CODE_ENUM, +                   e->size * TARGET_CHAR_BIT, +                   e->name.c_str ()); -    TYPE_UNSIGNED (enum_gdb_type) = 1; -    for (const tdesc_type_field &f : this->fields) -      { +  TYPE_UNSIGNED (enum_gdb_type) = 1; +  for (const tdesc_type_field &f : e->fields) +    {        struct field *fld      = append_composite_type_field_raw (enum_gdb_type,                         xstrdup ( ()),                         NULL);        SET_FIELD_BITPOS (fld[0], f.start); -      } +    } -    return enum_gdb_type; -  } +  return enum_gdb_type; +} -  type *make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) const override +static type * +make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, struct tdesc_type *ttype) +{ +  class gdb_type_creator : public tdesc_element_visitor    { -    type *gdb_type = tdesc_find_type (gdbarch, this->name.c_str ()); -    if (gdb_type != NULL) -      return gdb_type; +  public: +    gdb_type_creator (struct gdbarch *gdbarch) +      : m_gdbarch (gdbarch) +    {} -    switch (this->kind) +    type *get_type ()      { -      case TDESC_TYPE_STRUCT: -    return make_gdb_type_struct (gdbarch); -      case TDESC_TYPE_UNION: -    return make_gdb_type_union (gdbarch); -      case TDESC_TYPE_FLAGS: -    return make_gdb_type_flags (gdbarch); -      case TDESC_TYPE_ENUM: -    return make_gdb_type_enum (gdbarch); +      return m_type;      } -    internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, -            "Type \"%s\" has an unknown kind %d", -            this->name.c_str (), this->kind); +    void visit_pre (const target_desc *e) +    {} -    return NULL; -  } +    void visit_post (const target_desc *e) +    {} -  std::vector fields; -  int size; -}; +    void visit_pre (const tdesc_feature *e) +    {} + +    void visit_post (const tdesc_feature *e) +    {} + +    void visit (const tdesc_type_builtin *e) override +    { +      switch (e->kind) +    { +      /* Predefined types.  */ +    case TDESC_TYPE_BOOL: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_bool; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_INT8: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_int8; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_INT16: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_int16; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_INT32: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_int32; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_INT64: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_int64; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_INT128: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_int128; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UINT8: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_uint8; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UINT16: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_uint16; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UINT32: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_uint32; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UINT64: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_uint64; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UINT128: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_uint128; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_CODE_PTR: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_func_ptr; +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_DATA_PTR: +      m_type = builtin_type (m_gdbarch)->builtin_data_ptr; +      return; +    } + +      m_type = tdesc_find_type (m_gdbarch, e->name.c_str ()); +      if (m_type != NULL) +    return; + +      switch (e->kind) +    { +    case TDESC_TYPE_IEEE_SINGLE: +      m_type = arch_float_type (m_gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_ieee_single", +                    floatformats_ieee_single); +      return; + +    case TDESC_TYPE_IEEE_DOUBLE: +      m_type = arch_float_type (m_gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_ieee_double", +                    floatformats_ieee_double); +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_ARM_FPA_EXT: +      m_type = arch_float_type (m_gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_arm_ext", +                    floatformats_arm_ext); +      return; + +    case TDESC_TYPE_I387_EXT: +      m_type = arch_float_type (m_gdbarch, -1, "builtin_type_i387_ext", +                    floatformats_i387_ext); +      return; +    } + +      internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, +              "Type \"%s\" has an unknown kind %d", +              e->name.c_str (), e->kind); +    } + +    void visit (const tdesc_type_vector *e) override +    { +      m_type = tdesc_find_type (m_gdbarch, e->name.c_str ()); +      if (m_type != NULL) +    return; + +      type *element_gdb_type = make_gdb_type (m_gdbarch, e->element_type); +      m_type = init_vector_type (element_gdb_type, e->count); +      TYPE_NAME (m_type) = xstrdup (e->name.c_str ()); +      return; +    } + +    void visit (const tdesc_type_with_fields *e) override +    { +      m_type = tdesc_find_type (m_gdbarch, e->name.c_str ()); +      if (m_type != NULL) +    return; + +      switch (e->kind) +    { +    case TDESC_TYPE_STRUCT: +      m_type = make_gdb_type_struct (m_gdbarch, e); +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_UNION: +      m_type = make_gdb_type_union (m_gdbarch, e); +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_FLAGS: +      m_type = make_gdb_type_flags (m_gdbarch, e); +      return; +    case TDESC_TYPE_ENUM: +      m_type = make_gdb_type_enum (m_gdbarch, e); +      return; +    } + +      internal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, +              "Type \"%s\" has an unknown kind %d", +              e->name.c_str (), e->kind); +    } + +    void visit (const tdesc_reg *reg) +    {} + +  private: + +    /* The gdbarch used.  */ +    struct gdbarch *m_gdbarch; + +    /* The type created.  */ +    type *m_type; +  }; + +  gdb_type_creator gdb_type (gdbarch); +  ttype->accept (gdb_type); +  return gdb_type.get_type (); +}  /* A feature from a target description.  Each feature is a collection     of other elements, e.g. registers and types.  */ @@ -1216,7 +1264,7 @@ tdesc_register_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, int regno)      {        /* First check for a predefined or target defined type.  */        if (reg->tdesc_type) -        arch_reg->type = reg->tdesc_type->make_gdb_type (gdbarch); +    arch_reg->type = make_gdb_type (gdbarch, reg->tdesc_type);        /* Next try size-sensitive type shortcuts.  */        else if (reg->type == "float") diff --git a/gdb/target-descriptions.c b/gdb/target-descriptions.c index 1b20a12d76..55ac1d7a80 100644 --- a/gdb/target-descriptions.c +++ b/gdb/target-descriptions.c @@ -38,6 +38,8 @@  #include "completer.h"  #include "readline/tilde.h" /* tilde_expand */ +static type *make_gdb_type (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, struct tdesc_type *ttype); +  /* The interface to visit different elements of target description.  */