[1/3,gdb/contrib] Add spellcheck.sh

Message ID 20240925125803.32611-1-tdevries@suse.de
State New
Series [1/3,gdb/contrib] Add spellcheck.sh |


Context Check Description
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_gdb_build--master-arm success Build passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_gdb_check--master-arm success Test passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_gdb_build--master-aarch64 success Build passed
linaro-tcwg-bot/tcwg_gdb_check--master-aarch64 success Test passed

Commit Message

Tom de Vries Sept. 25, 2024, 12:58 p.m. UTC
  I came across a table containing common misspellings [1], and wrote a script to
detect and correct these misspellings.

The table also contains entries that have alternatives, like this:
addres->address, adders
and for those the script prints a TODO instead.

The script downloads the webpage containing the table, extracts the table and
caches it in .git/wikipedia-common-misspellings.txt to prevent downloading it
over and over again.

Example usage:
$ gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh gdb*

ChangeLog files are silently skipped.

Checked with shellcheck.

Tested on x86_64-linux, by running it on the gdb* dirs on doing a build and
test run.

The results of running it are in the two following patches.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lists_of_common_misspellings/For_machines
 gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh | 287 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 287 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh

base-commit: 4eb048d448835e9a612643858b2ec49c6b520b65


Andrew Burgess Sept. 26, 2024, 5:33 p.m. UTC | #1
Tom de Vries <tdevries@suse.de> writes:

> I came across a table containing common misspellings [1], and wrote a script to
> detect and correct these misspellings.
> The table also contains entries that have alternatives, like this:
> ...
> addres->address, adders
> ...
> and for those the script prints a TODO instead.
> The script downloads the webpage containing the table, extracts the table and
> caches it in .git/wikipedia-common-misspellings.txt to prevent downloading it
> over and over again.
> Example usage:
> ...
> $ gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh gdb*
> ...
> ChangeLog files are silently skipped.
> Checked with shellcheck.
> Tested on x86_64-linux, by running it on the gdb* dirs on doing a build and
> test run.
> The results of running it are in the two following patches.

LGTM.  Giving a reviewed-by tag in case Eli wants to comment on the doc
changes.  But I looked through everything and it seemed like a positive

Reviewed-By: Andrew Burgess <aburgess@redhat.com>


> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lists_of_common_misspellings/For_machines
> ---
>  gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh | 287 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 287 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100755 gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh
> diff --git a/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh b/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh
> new file mode 100755
> index 00000000000..e7db6217d45
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh
> @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
> +#!/bin/bash
> +
> +# Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
> +# (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> +# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> +
> +# Script to auto-correct common spelling mistakes.
> +#
> +# Example usage:
> +# $ ./gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh gdb*
> +
> +scriptdir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit; pwd -P)
> +
> +url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Lists_of_common_misspellings/For_machines
> +cache_dir=$scriptdir/../../.git
> +cache_file=wikipedia-common-misspellings.txt
> +dictionary=$cache_dir/$cache_file
> +
> +# Separators: space, slash, tab.
> +grep_separator=" |/|	"
> +sed_separator=" \|/\|\t"
> +
> +usage ()
> +{
> +    echo "usage: $(basename "$0") <file|dir>+"
> +}
> +
> +make_absolute ()
> +{
> +    local arg
> +    arg="$1"
> +
> +    case "$arg" in
> +	/*)
> +	;;
> +	*)
> +	    arg=$(pwd -P)/"$arg"
> +	    ;;
> +    esac
> +
> +    echo "$arg"
> +}
> +
> +parse_args ()
> +{
> +    local files
> +    files=$(mktemp)
> +    trap 'rm -f "$files"' EXIT
> +
> +    if [ $# -eq -0 ]; then
> +	usage
> +	exit 1
> +    fi
> +
> +    local arg
> +    for arg in "$@"; do
> +	if [ -f "$arg" ]; then
> +	    arg=$(make_absolute "$arg")
> +	    readlink -e "$arg" \
> +		     >> "$files"
> +	elif [ -d "$arg" ]; then
> +	    arg=$(make_absolute "$arg")
> +	    local f
> +	    find "$arg" -type f -exec readlink -e {} \; \
> +		 >> "$files"
> +	else
> +	    echo "Not a file or directory: $arg"
> +	    exit 1
> +	fi
> +    done
> +
> +    mapfile -t unique_files \
> +	    < <(sort -u "$files" \
> +		    | grep -v ChangeLog)
> +
> +    rm -f "$files"
> +    trap "" EXIT
> +}
> +
> +get_dictionary ()
> +{
> +    if [ -f "$dictionary" ]; then
> +	return
> +    fi
> +
> +    local webpage
> +    webpage=$(mktemp)
> +    trap 'rm -f "$webpage"' EXIT
> +
> +    # Download web page containing table.
> +    wget $url -O "$webpage"
> +
> +    # Extract table from web page.
> +    awk '/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/' "$webpage" \
> +	| sed 's/<pre>//;s/<\/pre>//' \
> +	| grep -E -v "^$" \
> +	       > "$dictionary"
> +
> +    rm -f "$webpage"
> +    trap "" EXIT
> +}
> +
> +parse_dictionary ()
> +{
> +    # Parse dictionary.
> +    mapfile -t words \
> +	    < <(awk -F '->' '{print $1}' "$dictionary")
> +    mapfile -t replacements \
> +	    < <(awk -F '->' '{print $2}' "$dictionary")
> +}
> +
> +find_files_matching_words ()
> +{
> +    local pat
> +    pat=""
> +    for word in "${words[@]}"; do
> +	if [ "$pat" = "" ]; then
> +	    pat="$word"
> +	else
> +	    pat="$pat|$word"
> +	fi
> +    done
> +    pat="($pat)"
> +
> +    local sep
> +    sep=$grep_separator
> +
> +    pat="(^|$sep)$pat($sep|$)"
> +
> +    grep -E \
> +	-l \
> +	"$pat" \
> +	"$@"
> +}
> +
> +find_files_matching_word ()
> +{
> +    local pat
> +    pat="$1"
> +    shift
> +
> +    local sep
> +    sep=$grep_separator
> +
> +    pat="(^|$sep)$pat($sep|$)"
> +
> +    grep -E \
> +	-l \
> +	"$pat" \
> +	"$@"
> +}
> +
> +replace_word_in_file ()
> +{
> +    local word
> +    word="$1"
> +
> +    local replacement
> +    replacement="$2"
> +
> +    local file
> +    file="$3"
> +
> +    local sep
> +    sep=$sed_separator
> +
> +    # Save separator.
> +    sep="\($sep\)"
> +
> +    local repl1 repl2 repl3
> +
> +    repl1="s%$sep$word$sep%\1$replacement\2%g"
> +
> +    repl2="s%^$word$sep%$replacement\1%"
> +
> +    repl3="s%$sep$word$%\1$replacement%"
> +
> +    sed -i \
> +	"$repl1;$repl2;$repl3" \
> +	"$file"
> +}
> +
> +replace_word_in_files ()
> +{
> +    local word
> +    word="$1"
> +
> +    local replacement
> +    replacement="$2"
> +
> +    shift 2
> +
> +    local id
> +    id="$word -> $replacement"
> +
> +    # Reduce set of files for sed to operate on.
> +    local files_matching_word
> +    declare -a files_matching_word
> +    mapfile -t files_matching_word \
> +	    < <(find_files_matching_word "$word" "$@")
> +
> +    if [ ${#files_matching_word[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
> +	return
> +    fi
> +
> +    if echo "$replacement"| grep -q ","; then
> +	echo "TODO: $id"
> +	return
> +    fi
> +
> +    declare -A md5sums
> +
> +    local changed f before after
> +    changed=false
> +    for f in "${files_matching_word[@]}"; do
> +	if [ "${md5sums[$f]}" = "" ]; then
> +	    md5sums[$f]=$(md5sum "$f")
> +	fi
> +
> +	before="${md5sums[$f]}"
> +
> +	replace_word_in_file \
> +	    "$word" \
> +	    "$replacement" \
> +	    "$f"
> +
> +	after=$(md5sum "$f")
> +
> +	if [ "$after" != "$before" ]; then
> +	    md5sums[$f]="$after"
> +	    changed=true
> +	fi
> +    done
> +
> +    if $changed; then
> +	echo "$id"
> +    fi
> +
> +    find_files_matching_word "$word" "${files_matching_word[@]}" \
> +	| awk "{ printf \"TODO: $id: replacement failed: %s\n\", \$0}"
> +}
> +
> +main ()
> +{
> +    declare -a unique_files
> +    parse_args "$@"
> +
> +    get_dictionary
> +
> +    declare -a words
> +    declare -a replacements
> +    parse_dictionary
> +
> +    # Reduce set of files for sed to operate on.
> +    local files_matching_words
> +    declare -a files_matching_words
> +    mapfile -t files_matching_words \
> +	    < <(find_files_matching_words "${unique_files[@]}")
> +
> +    if [ ${#files_matching_words[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
> +	return
> +    fi
> +
> +    local i word replacement
> +    i=0
> +    for word in "${words[@]}"; do
> +	replacement=${replacements[$i]}
> +	i=$((i + 1))
> +
> +	replace_word_in_files \
> +	    "$word" \
> +	    "$replacement" \
> +	    "${files_matching_words[@]}"
> +    done
> +}
> +
> +main "$@"
> base-commit: 4eb048d448835e9a612643858b2ec49c6b520b65
> -- 
> 2.35.3
Tom Tromey Oct. 1, 2024, 6:42 p.m. UTC | #2
>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Burgess <aburgess@redhat.com> writes:

Andrew> LGTM.  Giving a reviewed-by tag in case Eli wants to comment on the doc
Andrew> changes.  But I looked through everything and it seemed like a positive
Andrew> change.

Andrew> Reviewed-By: Andrew Burgess <aburgess@redhat.com>

Looks good to me as well.

Approved-By: Tom Tromey <tom@tromey.com>



diff --git a/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh b/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e7db6217d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Script to auto-correct common spelling mistakes.
+# Example usage:
+# $ ./gdb/contrib/spellcheck.sh gdb*
+scriptdir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit; pwd -P)
+# Separators: space, slash, tab.
+grep_separator=" |/|	"
+sed_separator=" \|/\|\t"
+usage ()
+    echo "usage: $(basename "$0") <file|dir>+"
+make_absolute ()
+    local arg
+    arg="$1"
+    case "$arg" in
+	/*)
+	;;
+	*)
+	    arg=$(pwd -P)/"$arg"
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    echo "$arg"
+parse_args ()
+    local files
+    files=$(mktemp)
+    trap 'rm -f "$files"' EXIT
+    if [ $# -eq -0 ]; then
+	usage
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    local arg
+    for arg in "$@"; do
+	if [ -f "$arg" ]; then
+	    arg=$(make_absolute "$arg")
+	    readlink -e "$arg" \
+		     >> "$files"
+	elif [ -d "$arg" ]; then
+	    arg=$(make_absolute "$arg")
+	    local f
+	    find "$arg" -type f -exec readlink -e {} \; \
+		 >> "$files"
+	else
+	    echo "Not a file or directory: $arg"
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+    done
+    mapfile -t unique_files \
+	    < <(sort -u "$files" \
+		    | grep -v ChangeLog)
+    rm -f "$files"
+    trap "" EXIT
+get_dictionary ()
+    if [ -f "$dictionary" ]; then
+	return
+    fi
+    local webpage
+    webpage=$(mktemp)
+    trap 'rm -f "$webpage"' EXIT
+    # Download web page containing table.
+    wget $url -O "$webpage"
+    # Extract table from web page.
+    awk '/<pre>/,/<\/pre>/' "$webpage" \
+	| sed 's/<pre>//;s/<\/pre>//' \
+	| grep -E -v "^$" \
+	       > "$dictionary"
+    rm -f "$webpage"
+    trap "" EXIT
+parse_dictionary ()
+    # Parse dictionary.
+    mapfile -t words \
+	    < <(awk -F '->' '{print $1}' "$dictionary")
+    mapfile -t replacements \
+	    < <(awk -F '->' '{print $2}' "$dictionary")
+find_files_matching_words ()
+    local pat
+    pat=""
+    for word in "${words[@]}"; do
+	if [ "$pat" = "" ]; then
+	    pat="$word"
+	else
+	    pat="$pat|$word"
+	fi
+    done
+    pat="($pat)"
+    local sep
+    sep=$grep_separator
+    pat="(^|$sep)$pat($sep|$)"
+    grep -E \
+	-l \
+	"$pat" \
+	"$@"
+find_files_matching_word ()
+    local pat
+    pat="$1"
+    shift
+    local sep
+    sep=$grep_separator
+    pat="(^|$sep)$pat($sep|$)"
+    grep -E \
+	-l \
+	"$pat" \
+	"$@"
+replace_word_in_file ()
+    local word
+    word="$1"
+    local replacement
+    replacement="$2"
+    local file
+    file="$3"
+    local sep
+    sep=$sed_separator
+    # Save separator.
+    sep="\($sep\)"
+    local repl1 repl2 repl3
+    repl1="s%$sep$word$sep%\1$replacement\2%g"
+    repl2="s%^$word$sep%$replacement\1%"
+    repl3="s%$sep$word$%\1$replacement%"
+    sed -i \
+	"$repl1;$repl2;$repl3" \
+	"$file"
+replace_word_in_files ()
+    local word
+    word="$1"
+    local replacement
+    replacement="$2"
+    shift 2
+    local id
+    id="$word -> $replacement"
+    # Reduce set of files for sed to operate on.
+    local files_matching_word
+    declare -a files_matching_word
+    mapfile -t files_matching_word \
+	    < <(find_files_matching_word "$word" "$@")
+    if [ ${#files_matching_word[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+	return
+    fi
+    if echo "$replacement"| grep -q ","; then
+	echo "TODO: $id"
+	return
+    fi
+    declare -A md5sums
+    local changed f before after
+    changed=false
+    for f in "${files_matching_word[@]}"; do
+	if [ "${md5sums[$f]}" = "" ]; then
+	    md5sums[$f]=$(md5sum "$f")
+	fi
+	before="${md5sums[$f]}"
+	replace_word_in_file \
+	    "$word" \
+	    "$replacement" \
+	    "$f"
+	after=$(md5sum "$f")
+	if [ "$after" != "$before" ]; then
+	    md5sums[$f]="$after"
+	    changed=true
+	fi
+    done
+    if $changed; then
+	echo "$id"
+    fi
+    find_files_matching_word "$word" "${files_matching_word[@]}" \
+	| awk "{ printf \"TODO: $id: replacement failed: %s\n\", \$0}"
+main ()
+    declare -a unique_files
+    parse_args "$@"
+    get_dictionary
+    declare -a words
+    declare -a replacements
+    parse_dictionary
+    # Reduce set of files for sed to operate on.
+    local files_matching_words
+    declare -a files_matching_words
+    mapfile -t files_matching_words \
+	    < <(find_files_matching_words "${unique_files[@]}")
+    if [ ${#files_matching_words[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+	return
+    fi
+    local i word replacement
+    i=0
+    for word in "${words[@]}"; do
+	replacement=${replacements[$i]}
+	i=$((i + 1))
+	replace_word_in_files \
+	    "$word" \
+	    "$replacement" \
+	    "${files_matching_words[@]}"
+    done
+main "$@"