[COMMITTED,04/30] ada: Remove support for bodies in -gnatceg

Message ID 20240801151738.400796-4-poulhies@adacore.com
State Committed
Series [COMMITTED,01/30] ada: Remove obsolete workaround |

Commit Message

Marc Poulhiès Aug. 1, 2024, 3:17 p.m. UTC
  From: Arnaud Charlet <charlet@adacore.com>

The support for generating C for Ada code is moved to GNAT LLVM.
Keep support for generating header files from Ada spec files which
is the remaining usage of -gnatceg.


	* bindgen.adb, bindusg.adb, debug.adb, einfo.ads,
	exp_aggr.adb, exp_attr.adb, exp_ch11.adb, exp_ch3.adb,
	exp_ch4.adb, exp_ch6.adb, exp_ch7.adb, exp_ch8.adb, exp_dbug.adb,
	exp_dbug.ads, exp_intr.adb, exp_unst.adb, exp_util.adb,
	exp_util.ads, freeze.adb, gen_il-fields.ads,
	gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb, gnat1drv.adb, inline.adb, opt.ads,
	osint-c.adb, osint-c.ads, sem_attr.adb, sem_ch12.adb, sem_ch3.adb,
	sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch6.adb, sem_elab.adb, sem_res.adb, sinfo.ads,
	snames.ads-tmpl, switch-b.adb, switch-c.adb: Major
	clean up to remove C code generation for bodies.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/bindgen.adb                 |   1 -
 gcc/ada/bindusg.adb                 |   5 -
 gcc/ada/debug.adb                   |  11 +-
 gcc/ada/einfo.ads                   |  20 -
 gcc/ada/exp_aggr.adb                | 203 +-----
 gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb                | 162 ++---
 gcc/ada/exp_ch11.adb                |   6 -
 gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb                 |  14 +-
 gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb                 | 934 ++++------------------------
 gcc/ada/exp_ch6.adb                 | 225 -------
 gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb                 |   8 +-
 gcc/ada/exp_ch8.adb                 |   7 +-
 gcc/ada/exp_dbug.adb                |  40 --
 gcc/ada/exp_dbug.ads                |  15 -
 gcc/ada/exp_intr.adb                |   5 -
 gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb                |  37 +-
 gcc/ada/exp_util.adb                | 206 +-----
 gcc/ada/exp_util.ads                |   4 -
 gcc/ada/freeze.adb                  |  12 -
 gcc/ada/gen_il-fields.ads           |   3 -
 gcc/ada/gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb |   3 -
 gcc/ada/gnat1drv.adb                |  88 +--
 gcc/ada/inline.adb                  | 117 ----
 gcc/ada/opt.ads                     |  25 +-
 gcc/ada/osint-c.adb                 |  40 --
 gcc/ada/osint-c.ads                 |  22 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_attr.adb                |  77 +--
 gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb                |   4 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb                 |   6 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb                 |   7 -
 gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb                 |  82 ---
 gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb                |  15 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_res.adb                 |  23 +-
 gcc/ada/sinfo.ads                   |  57 --
 gcc/ada/snames.ads-tmpl             |   3 +-
 gcc/ada/switch-b.adb                |   6 -
 gcc/ada/switch-c.adb                |   4 +-
 37 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 2230 deletions(-)


diff --git a/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb b/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
index 89b2b88395b..cdfaa08d8a6 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
@@ -2113,7 +2113,6 @@  package body Bindgen is
       if Bind_Main_Program
         and then not Minimal_Binder
         and then not CodePeer_Mode
-        and then not Generate_C_Code
          WBI ("      Ensure_Reference : aliased System.Address := " &
diff --git a/gcc/ada/bindusg.adb b/gcc/ada/bindusg.adb
index 855fd16c930..e870c5f0e22 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/bindusg.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/bindusg.adb
@@ -133,11 +133,6 @@  package body Bindusg is
         ("  -F        Force checking of elaboration Flags");
-      --  Line for -G switch
-      Write_Line
-        ("  -G        Generate binder file suitable for CCG");
       --  Line for -h switch
diff --git a/gcc/ada/debug.adb b/gcc/ada/debug.adb
index 3313c4a408f..d2546bec1b5 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/debug.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/debug.adb
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@  package body Debug is
    --  d.r  Disable reordering of components in record types
    --  d.s  Strict secondary stack management
    --  d.t  Disable static allocation of library level dispatch tables
-   --  d.u  Enable Modify_Tree_For_C (update tree for c)
+   --  d.u
    --  d.v  Enforce SPARK elaboration rules in SPARK code
    --  d.w  Do not check for infinite loops
    --  d.x  No exception handlers
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@  package body Debug is
    --  d.3  Output debugging information from Exp_Unst
    --  d.4  Do not delete generated C file in case of errors
    --  d.5  Do not generate imported subprogram definitions in C code
-   --  d.6  Do not avoid declaring unreferenced types in C code
+   --  d.6
    --  d.7  Disable unsound heuristics in gnat2scil (for CP as SPARK prover)
    --  d.8  Disable unconditional inlining of expression functions
    --  d.9
@@ -797,8 +797,7 @@  package body Debug is
    --       previous dynamic construction of tables. It is there as a possible
    --       work around if we run into trouble with the new implementation.
-   --  d.u  Sets Modify_Tree_For_C mode in which tree is modified to make it
-   --       easier to generate code using a C compiler.
+   --  d.u
    --  d.v  This flag enforces the elaboration rules defined in the SPARK
    --       Reference Manual, chapter 7.7, to all SPARK code within a unit. As
@@ -1118,10 +1117,6 @@  package body Debug is
    --       This debug flag disables this generation when generating C code,
    --       assuming a proper #include will be used instead.
-   --  d.6  By default the C back-end avoids declaring types that are not
-   --       referenced by the generated C code. This debug flag restores the
-   --       output of all the types.
    --  d.7  Indicates (to gnat2scil) that CodePeer is being invoked as a
    --       prover by the SPARK tools and that therefore gnat2scil should
    --       avoid SCIL generation strategies which can introduce soundness
diff --git a/gcc/ada/einfo.ads b/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
index fbe6c8566ec..0d839b9b691 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
@@ -748,17 +748,6 @@  package Einfo is
 --       other function entities, only in implicit inequality routines,
 --       where Comes_From_Source is always False.
---    Corresponding_Function
---       Defined on procedures internally built with an extra out parameter
---       to return a constrained array type, when Modify_Tree_For_C is set.
---       Denotes the function that returns the constrained array type for
---       which this procedure was built.
---    Corresponding_Procedure
---       Defined on functions that return a constrained array type, when
---       Modify_Tree_For_C is set. Denotes the internally built procedure
---       with an extra out parameter created for it.
 --    Corresponding_Record_Component
 --       Defined in components of a derived untagged record type, including
 --       discriminants. For a regular component or a stored discriminant,
@@ -4285,12 +4274,6 @@  package Einfo is
 --       the Bit_Order aspect must be set to the same value (either explicitly
 --       or as the target default value).
---    Rewritten_For_C
---       Defined on functions that return a constrained array type, when
---       Modify_Tree_For_C is set. Indicates that a procedure with an extra
---       out parameter has been created for it, and calls must be rewritten as
---       calls to the new procedure.
 --    RM_Size
 --       Defined in all type and subtype entities. Contains the value of
 --       type'Size as defined in the RM. See also the Esize field and
@@ -5522,7 +5505,6 @@  package Einfo is
    --    Anonymous_Collections                (non-generic case only)
    --    Corresponding_Equality               (implicit /= only)
    --    Thunk_Entity                         (thunk case only)
-   --    Corresponding_Procedure              (generate C code only)
    --    Linker_Section_Pragma
    --    Contract
    --    Import_Pragma                        (non-generic case only)
@@ -5586,7 +5568,6 @@  package Einfo is
    --    Requires_Overriding                  (non-generic case only)
    --    Return_Present
    --    Returns_By_Ref
-   --    Rewritten_For_C                      (generate C code only)
    --    Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return
    --    SPARK_Pragma_Inherited
    --    Uses_Sec_Stack
@@ -5883,7 +5864,6 @@  package Einfo is
    --    Anonymous_Collections                (non-generic case only)
    --    Static_Initialization                (init_proc only)
    --    Thunk_Entity                         (thunk case only)
-   --    Corresponding_Function               (generate C code only)
    --    Linker_Section_Pragma
    --    Contract
    --    Import_Pragma                        (non-generic case only)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_aggr.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_aggr.adb
index 419a98c681a..c7730ca754a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_aggr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_aggr.adb
@@ -117,10 +117,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
     --  Comp_Typ of aggregate N. Init_Expr denotes the initialization
     --  expression of the component. All generated code is added to Stmts.
-   function Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-   --  Return True if aggregate N is located in a context supported by the
-   --  CCG backend; False otherwise.
    function Is_Static_Dispatch_Table_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
    --  Returns true if N is an aggregate used to initialize the components
    --  of a statically allocated dispatch table.
@@ -814,10 +810,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
    --   10. No controlled actions need to be generated for components
-   --   11. When generating C code, N must be part of a N_Object_Declaration
-   --   12. When generating C code, N must not include function calls
    function Backend_Processing_Possible (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
       Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
       --  Typ is the correct constrained array subtype of the aggregate
@@ -833,33 +825,7 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
       function Component_Check (N : Node_Id; Index : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-         function Ultimate_Original_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-         --  Given a type conversion or an unchecked type conversion N, return
-         --  its innermost original expression.
-         ----------------------------------
-         -- Ultimate_Original_Expression --
-         ----------------------------------
-         function Ultimate_Original_Expression (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
-            Expr : Node_Id := Original_Node (N);
-         begin
-            while Nkind (Expr) in
-                    N_Type_Conversion | N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion
-            loop
-               Expr := Original_Node (Expression (Expr));
-            end loop;
-            return Expr;
-         end Ultimate_Original_Expression;
-         --  Local variables
          Expr : Node_Id;
-      --  Start of processing for Component_Check
          --  Checks 1: (no component associations)
@@ -867,13 +833,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
             return False;
          end if;
-         --  Checks 11: The C code generator cannot handle aggregates that are
-         --  not part of an object declaration.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C and then not Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate (N) then
-            return False;
-         end if;
          --  Checks on components
          --  Recurse to check subaggregates, which may appear in qualified
@@ -905,15 +864,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
                return False;
             end if;
-            --  Checks 12: (no function call)
-            if Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then
-                Nkind (Ultimate_Original_Expression (Expr)) = N_Function_Call
-            then
-               return False;
-            end if;
             --  Recursion to following indexes for multiple dimension case
             if Present (Next_Index (Index))
@@ -3389,32 +3339,12 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
                   end if;
                end if;
-               if Modify_Tree_For_C
-                 and then Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Aggregate
-                 and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Expr_Q))
-                 and then Present (First_Index (Etype (Expr_Q)))
-               then
-                  declare
-                     Expr_Q_Type : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Expr_Q);
-                  begin
-                     Append_List_To (L,
-                       Build_Array_Aggr_Code
-                         (N           => Expr_Q,
-                          Ctype       => Component_Type (Expr_Q_Type),
-                          Index       => First_Index (Expr_Q_Type),
-                          Into        => Comp_Expr,
-                          Scalar_Comp =>
-                            Is_Scalar_Type (Component_Type (Expr_Q_Type))));
-                  end;
-               else
-                  Initialize_Component
-                    (N         => N,
-                     Comp      => Comp_Expr,
-                     Comp_Typ  => Etype (Selector),
-                     Init_Expr => Expr_Q,
-                     Stmts     => L);
-               end if;
+               Initialize_Component
+                 (N         => N,
+                  Comp      => Comp_Expr,
+                  Comp_Typ  => Etype (Selector),
+                  Init_Expr => Expr_Q,
+                  Stmts     => L);
             end if;
          --  comment would be good here ???
@@ -3800,7 +3730,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
       --  reset Set_Expansion_Delayed and do not expand further.
       if not CodePeer_Mode
-        and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
         and then Aggr_Assignment_OK_For_Backend (Aggr)
          New_Aggr := New_Copy_Tree (Aggr);
@@ -4957,14 +4886,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
    --  Start of processing for Convert_To_Positional
-      --  Only convert to positional when generating C in case of an
-      --  object declaration, this is the only case where aggregates are
-      --  supported in C.
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C and then not Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate (N) then
-         return;
-      end if;
       --  Ada 2005 (AI-287): Do not convert in case of default initialized
       --  components because in this case will need to call the corresponding
       --  IP procedure.
@@ -6472,7 +6393,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
          if (In_Place_Assign_OK_For_Declaration or else Maybe_In_Place_OK)
            and then not CodePeer_Mode
-           and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
            and then not Possible_Bit_Aligned_Component (Target)
            and then not Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Slice (Target)
            and then Aggr_Assignment_OK_For_Backend (N)
@@ -7955,10 +7875,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
         (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
       --  Determine if some component of Typ is mutably tagged
-      function Has_Per_Object_Constraint (L : List_Id) return Boolean;
-      --  Return True if any element of L has Has_Per_Object_Constraint set.
-      --  L should be the Choices component of an N_Component_Association.
       function Has_Visible_Private_Ancestor (Id : E) return Boolean;
       --  If any ancestor of the current type is private, the aggregate
       --  cannot be built in place. We cannot rely on Has_Private_Ancestor,
@@ -8413,27 +8329,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
             elsif Possible_Bit_Aligned_Component (Expr_Q) then
                Static_Components := False;
                return False;
-            elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then Nkind (C) = N_Component_Association
-              and then Has_Per_Object_Constraint (Choices (C))
-            then
-               Static_Components := False;
-               return False;
-            elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Identifier
-              and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Expr_Q))
-            then
-               Static_Components := False;
-               return False;
-            elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then Nkind (Expr_Q) = N_Type_Conversion
-              and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Expr_Q))
-            then
-               Static_Components := False;
-               return False;
             end if;
             if Is_Elementary_Type (Etype (Expr_Q)) then
@@ -8481,27 +8376,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
          return False;
       end Contains_Mutably_Tagged_Component;
-      -------------------------------
-      -- Has_Per_Object_Constraint --
-      -------------------------------
-      function Has_Per_Object_Constraint (L : List_Id) return Boolean is
-         N : Node_Id := First (L);
-      begin
-         while Present (N) loop
-            if Is_Entity_Name (N)
-              and then Present (Entity (N))
-              and then Has_Per_Object_Constraint (Entity (N))
-            then
-               return True;
-            end if;
-            Next (N);
-         end loop;
-         return False;
-      end Has_Per_Object_Constraint;
       --  Has_Visible_Private_Ancestor --
@@ -8674,12 +8548,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
       elsif Type_May_Have_Bit_Aligned_Components (Typ) then
          Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-      --  When generating C, only generate an aggregate when declaring objects
-      --  since C does not support aggregates in e.g. assignment statements.
-      elsif Modify_Tree_For_C and then not Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate (N) then
-         Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
       --  In all other cases, build a proper aggregate to be handled by gigi
@@ -8948,64 +8816,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
         and then Expansion_Delayed (Unqual_N);
    end Is_Delayed_Conditional_Expression;
-   --------------------------------
-   -- Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate --
-   --------------------------------
-   function Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate
-     (N : Node_Id) return Boolean
-   is
-      P : Node_Id := Parent (N);
-   begin
-      --  Aggregates are not supported for nonstandard rep clauses, since they
-      --  may lead to extra padding fields in CCG.
-      if Is_Record_Type (Etype (N))
-        and then Has_Non_Standard_Rep (Etype (N))
-      then
-         return False;
-      end if;
-      while Present (P) and then Nkind (P) = N_Aggregate loop
-         P := Parent (P);
-      end loop;
-      --  Check cases where aggregates are supported by the CCG backend
-      if Nkind (P) = N_Object_Declaration then
-         declare
-            P_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Defining_Identifier (P));
-         begin
-            if Is_Record_Type (P_Typ) then
-               return True;
-            else
-               return Compile_Time_Known_Bounds (P_Typ);
-            end if;
-         end;
-      elsif Nkind (P) = N_Qualified_Expression then
-         if Nkind (Parent (P)) = N_Object_Declaration then
-            declare
-               P_Typ : constant Entity_Id :=
-                         Etype (Defining_Identifier (Parent (P)));
-            begin
-               if Is_Record_Type (P_Typ) then
-                  return True;
-               else
-                  return Compile_Time_Known_Bounds (P_Typ);
-               end if;
-            end;
-         elsif Nkind (Parent (P)) = N_Allocator then
-            return True;
-         end if;
-      end if;
-      return False;
-   end Is_CCG_Supported_Aggregate;
    -- Is_Static_Dispatch_Table_Aggregate --
@@ -9069,7 +8879,6 @@  package body Exp_Aggr is
          --  reset Set_Expansion_Delayed and do not expand further.
          if not CodePeer_Mode
-           and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
            and then not Possible_Bit_Aligned_Component (Target)
            and then not Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Slice (Target)
            and then Aggr_Assignment_OK_For_Backend (N)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
index 627cd7f3392..13c7444ca87 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
@@ -224,8 +224,7 @@  package body Exp_Attr is
    --  loop may be converted into a conditional block. See body for details.
    procedure Expand_Min_Max_Attribute (N : Node_Id);
-   --  Handle the expansion of attributes 'Max and 'Min, including expanding
-   --  then out if we are in Modify_Tree_For_C mode.
+   --  Handle the expansion of attributes 'Max and 'Min
    procedure Expand_Pred_Succ_Attribute (N : Node_Id);
    --  Handles expansion of Pred or Succ attributes for case of non-real
@@ -5144,19 +5143,6 @@  package body Exp_Attr is
          use Old_Attr_Util.Conditional_Evaluation;
          use Old_Attr_Util.Indirect_Temps;
-         --  Generating C code we don't need to expand this attribute when
-         --  we are analyzing the internally built nested _Wrapped_Statements
-         --  procedure since it will be expanded inline (and later it will
-         --  be removed by Expand_N_Subprogram_Body). It this expansion is
-         --  performed in such case then the compiler generates unreferenced
-         --  extra temporaries.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Chars (Current_Scope) = Name_uWrapped_Statements
-         then
-            return;
-         end if;
          --  'Old can only appear in the case where local contract-related
          --  wrapper has been generated with the purpose of wrapping the
          --  original declarations and statements.
@@ -7546,93 +7532,84 @@  package body Exp_Attr is
             --  Start of processing for Float_Valid
-               --  The C back end handles Valid for floating-point types
-               if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-                  Analyze_And_Resolve (Pref, Ptyp);
-                  Set_Etype (N, Standard_Boolean);
-                  Set_Analyzed (N);
-               else
-                  Find_Fat_Info (Ptyp, Ftp, Pkg);
-                  --  If the prefix is a reverse SSO component, or is possibly
-                  --  unaligned, first create a temporary copy that is in
-                  --  native SSO, and properly aligned. Make it Volatile to
-                  --  prevent folding in the back-end. Note that we use an
-                  --  intermediate constrained string type to initialize the
-                  --  temporary, as the value at hand might be invalid, and in
-                  --  that case it cannot be copied using a floating point
-                  --  register.
-                  if In_Reverse_Storage_Order_Object (Pref)
-                    or else Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Object (Pref)
-                  then
-                     declare
-                        Temp : constant Entity_Id :=
-                                 Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F');
+               Find_Fat_Info (Ptyp, Ftp, Pkg);
+               --  If the prefix is a reverse SSO component, or is possibly
+               --  unaligned, first create a temporary copy that is in
+               --  native SSO, and properly aligned. Make it Volatile to
+               --  prevent folding in the back-end. Note that we use an
+               --  intermediate constrained string type to initialize the
+               --  temporary, as the value at hand might be invalid, and in
+               --  that case it cannot be copied using a floating point
+               --  register.
+               if In_Reverse_Storage_Order_Object (Pref)
+                 or else Is_Possibly_Unaligned_Object (Pref)
+               then
+                  declare
+                     Temp : constant Entity_Id :=
+                              Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F');
-                        Fat_S : constant Entity_Id :=
-                                  Get_Fat_Entity (Name_S);
-                        --  Constrained string subtype of appropriate size
+                     Fat_S : constant Entity_Id :=
+                               Get_Fat_Entity (Name_S);
+                     --  Constrained string subtype of appropriate size
-                        Fat_P : constant Entity_Id :=
-                                  Get_Fat_Entity (Name_P);
-                        --  Access to Fat_S
+                     Fat_P : constant Entity_Id :=
+                               Get_Fat_Entity (Name_P);
+                     --  Access to Fat_S
-                        Decl : constant Node_Id :=
-                                 Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+                     Decl : constant Node_Id :=
+                              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
                                    Defining_Identifier => Temp,
                                    Aliased_Present     => True,
-                                   Object_Definition   =>
-                                     New_Occurrence_Of (Ptyp, Loc));
+                                Object_Definition   =>
+                                  New_Occurrence_Of (Ptyp, Loc));
-                     begin
-                        Set_Aspect_Specifications (Decl, New_List (
-                          Make_Aspect_Specification (Loc,
-                            Identifier =>
-                              Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Volatile))));
+                  begin
+                     Set_Aspect_Specifications (Decl, New_List (
+                       Make_Aspect_Specification (Loc,
+                         Identifier =>
+                           Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Volatile))));
-                        Insert_Actions (N,
-                          New_List (
-                            Decl,
-                            Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
-                              Name =>
-                                Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
-                                  Prefix =>
-                                    Unchecked_Convert_To (Fat_P,
-                                      Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
-                                        Prefix =>
-                                          New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
-                                        Attribute_Name =>
-                                          Name_Unrestricted_Access))),
-                              Expression =>
-                                Unchecked_Convert_To (Fat_S,
-                                  Relocate_Node (Pref)))),
-                          Suppress => All_Checks);
-                        Rewrite (Pref, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
-                     end;
-                  end if;
+                     Insert_Actions (N,
+                       New_List (
+                         Decl,
+                         Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
+                           Name =>
+                             Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
+                               Prefix =>
+                                 Unchecked_Convert_To (Fat_P,
+                                   Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+                                     Prefix =>
+                                       New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
+                                     Attribute_Name =>
+                                       Name_Unrestricted_Access))),
+                           Expression =>
+                             Unchecked_Convert_To (Fat_S,
+                               Relocate_Node (Pref)))),
+                       Suppress => All_Checks);
+                     Rewrite (Pref, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
+                  end;
+               end if;
-                  --  We now have an object of the proper endianness and
-                  --  alignment, and can construct a Valid attribute.
+               --  We now have an object of the proper endianness and
+               --  alignment, and can construct a Valid attribute.
-                  --  We make sure the prefix of this valid attribute is
-                  --  marked as not coming from source, to avoid losing
-                  --  warnings from 'Valid looking like a possible update.
+               --  We make sure the prefix of this valid attribute is
+               --  marked as not coming from source, to avoid losing
+               --  warnings from 'Valid looking like a possible update.
-                  Set_Comes_From_Source (Pref, False);
+               Set_Comes_From_Source (Pref, False);
-                  Expand_Fpt_Attribute
-                    (N, Pkg, Name_Valid,
-                     New_List (
-                       Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
-                         Prefix         => Unchecked_Convert_To (Ftp, Pref),
-                         Attribute_Name => Name_Unrestricted_Access)));
-               end if;
+               Expand_Fpt_Attribute
+                 (N, Pkg, Name_Valid,
+                  New_List (
+                    Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+                      Prefix         => Unchecked_Convert_To (Ftp, Pref),
+                      Attribute_Name => Name_Unrestricted_Access)));
                --  One more task, we still need a range check. Required
                --  only if we have a constraint, since the Valid routine
@@ -9336,8 +9313,7 @@  package body Exp_Attr is
       function Is_GCC_Target return Boolean is
-         return not CodePeer_Mode
-           and then not Modify_Tree_For_C;
+         return not CodePeer_Mode;
       end Is_GCC_Target;
    --  Start of processing for Is_Inline_Floating_Point_Attribute
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch11.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch11.adb
index 678d76cf3eb..925b164cb2f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch11.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch11.adb
@@ -1103,12 +1103,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch11 is
    --  Start of processing for Expand_N_Exception_Declaration
-      --  Nothing to do when generating C code
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-         return;
-      end if;
       --  Definition of the external name: nam : constant String := "A.B.NAME";
       Ex_Id :=
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb
index 70048e68331..1eea062210a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb
@@ -4650,14 +4650,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch3 is
          Set_Is_Inlined (Proc_Id, Inline_Init_Proc (Rec_Type));
-         --  Do not build an aggregate if Modify_Tree_For_C, this isn't
-         --  needed and may generate early references to non frozen types
-         --  since we expand aggregate much more systematically.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-            return;
-         end if;
             Agg : constant Node_Id :=
                     Build_Equivalent_Record_Aggregate (Rec_Type);
@@ -7690,13 +7682,11 @@  package body Exp_Ch3 is
             --  An aggregate that must be built in place is not resolved and
             --  expanded until the enclosing construct is expanded. This will
             --  happen when the aggregate is limited and the declared object
-            --  has a following address clause; it happens also when generating
-            --  C code for an aggregate that has an alignment or address clause
-            --  (see Analyze_Object_Declaration). Resolution is done without
+            --  has a following address clause. Resolution is done without
             --  expansion because it will take place when the declaration
             --  itself is expanded.
-            if (Is_Limited_Type (Typ) or else Modify_Tree_For_C)
+            if Is_Limited_Type (Typ)
               and then not Analyzed (Expr)
                Expander_Mode_Save_And_Set (False);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
index abe76c8767e..f952005ed75 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
@@ -1051,21 +1051,13 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
             Displace_Allocator_Pointer (N);
          end if;
-      --  Always force the generation of a temporary for aggregates when
-      --  generating C code, to simplify the work in the code generator.
-      elsif Aggr_In_Place
-        or else (Modify_Tree_For_C and then Nkind (Exp) = N_Aggregate)
-      then
+      elsif Aggr_In_Place then
          Temp := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'P', N);
          Build_Aggregate_In_Place (Temp, PtrT);
          Build_Allocate_Deallocate_Proc (Declaration_Node (Temp), Mark => N);
          Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
          Analyze_And_Resolve (N, PtrT);
-         if Aggr_In_Place then
-            Apply_Predicate_Check (N, T, Deref => True);
-         end if;
+         Apply_Predicate_Check (N, T, Deref => True);
       --  If the initialization expression is a conditional expression whose
       --  expansion has been delayed, assign it explicitly to the allocator,
@@ -1996,52 +1988,14 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
             Func_Body := Make_Boolean_Array_Op (Etype (L), N);
             Func_Name := Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Func_Body));
             Insert_Action (N, Func_Body);
-            --  Now rewrite the expression with a call
-            if Transform_Function_Array then
-               declare
-                  Temp_Id : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T');
-                  Call    : Node_Id;
-                  Decl    : Node_Id;
-               begin
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    Temp : ...;
-                  Decl :=
-                    Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                      Defining_Identifier => Temp_Id,
-                      Object_Definition   =>
-                        New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (L), Loc));
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    Proc_Call (L, R, Temp);
-                  Call :=
-                    Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-                      Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
-                      Parameter_Associations =>
-                        New_List (
-                          L,
-                          Make_Type_Conversion
-                            (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (L), Loc), R),
-                          New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc)));
-                  Insert_Actions (Parent (N), New_List (Decl, Call));
-                  Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc));
-               end;
-            else
-               Rewrite (N,
-                 Make_Function_Call (Loc,
-                   Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
-                   Parameter_Associations =>
-                     New_List (
-                       L,
-                       Make_Type_Conversion
-                         (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (L), Loc), R))));
-            end if;
+            Rewrite (N,
+              Make_Function_Call (Loc,
+                Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
+                Parameter_Associations =>
+                  New_List (
+                    L,
+                    Make_Type_Conversion
+                      (Loc, New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (L), Loc), R))));
             Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
          end if;
@@ -4676,29 +4630,13 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
                if Is_Constrained (Siz_Typ)
                  and then Ekind (Siz_Typ) /= E_String_Literal_Subtype
-                  --  For CCG targets, the largest array may have up to 2**31-1
-                  --  components (i.e. 2 gigabytes if each array component is
-                  --  one byte). This ensures that fat pointer fields do not
-                  --  overflow, since they are 32-bit integer types, and also
-                  --  ensures that 'Length can be computed at run time.
-                  if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-                     Cond :=
-                       Make_Op_Gt (Loc,
-                         Left_Opnd  => Size_In_Storage_Elements (Siz_Typ),
-                         Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
-                                         Uint_2 ** 31 - Uint_1));
-                  --  For native targets the largest object is 3.5 gigabytes
-                  else
-                     Cond :=
-                       Make_Op_Gt (Loc,
-                         Left_Opnd  => Size_In_Storage_Elements (Siz_Typ),
-                         Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
-                                         Uint_7 * (Uint_2 ** 29)));
-                  end if;
+                  --  The largest object is 3.5 gigabytes
+                  Cond :=
+                    Make_Op_Gt (Loc,
+                      Left_Opnd  => Size_In_Storage_Elements (Siz_Typ),
+                      Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
+                                      Uint_7 * (Uint_2 ** 29)));
                   Insert_Action (Ins_Nod,
                     Make_Raise_Storage_Error (Loc,
                       Condition => Cond,
@@ -5060,15 +4998,7 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       function Is_Copy_Type (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
-         --  If Minimize_Expression_With_Actions is True, we can afford to copy
-         --  large objects, as long as they are constrained and not limited.
-         return
-           Is_Elementary_Type (Underlying_Type (Typ))
-             or else
-               (Minimize_Expression_With_Actions
-                 and then Is_Constrained (Underlying_Type (Typ))
-                 and then not Is_Limited_Type (Underlying_Type (Typ)));
+         return Is_Elementary_Type (Underlying_Type (Typ));
       end Is_Copy_Type;
       --  Local variables
@@ -5193,17 +5123,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       --    type Ptr_Typ is access all Typ;
-         if Generate_C_Code then
-            --  We cannot ensure that correct C code will be generated if any
-            --  temporary is created down the line (to e.g. handle checks or
-            --  capture values) since we might end up with dangling references
-            --  to local variables, so better be safe and reject the construct.
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("case expression too complex, use case statement instead", N);
-         end if;
          Target_Typ := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'P');
          Append_To (Acts,
@@ -5653,14 +5572,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
                Remove (Expr);
                if Present (Actions) then
-                  --  To minimize the use of Expression_With_Actions, just skip
-                  --  the optimization as it is not critical for correctness.
-                  if Minimize_Expression_With_Actions then
-                     return False;
-                  end if;
                   Rewrite (N,
                     Make_Expression_With_Actions (Loc,
                       Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr),
@@ -5886,7 +5797,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
              and then Compile_Time_Known_Bounds (Etype (Prefix (Elsex)))
              and then
                OK_For_Single_Subtype (Etype (Thenx), Etype (Prefix (Elsex)))))
-        and then not Generate_C_Code
         and then not Unnest_Subprogram_Mode
          --  When the "then" or "else" expressions involve controlled function
@@ -6133,45 +6043,62 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
          --  We now wrap the actions into the appropriate expression
-         if Minimize_Expression_With_Actions
-           and then (Is_Elementary_Type (Underlying_Type (Typ))
-                      or else Is_Constrained (Underlying_Type (Typ)))
-         then
-            --  When the "then" or "else" expressions involve controlled
-            --  function calls, generated temporaries are chained on the
-            --  corresponding list of actions. These temporaries need to
-            --  be finalized after the if expression is evaluated.
+         --  We do not need to call Process_Transients_In_Expression on
+         --  the list of actions in this case, because the expansion of
+         --  Expression_With_Actions will do it.
-            Process_Transients_In_Expression (N, Then_Actions (N));
-            Process_Transients_In_Expression (N, Else_Actions (N));
+         if Present (Then_Actions (N)) then
+            Rewrite (Thenx,
+              Make_Expression_With_Actions (Sloc (Thenx),
+                Actions    => Then_Actions (N),
+                Expression => Relocate_Node (Thenx)));
-            --  If we can't use N_Expression_With_Actions nodes, then we insert
-            --  the following sequence of actions (using Insert_Actions):
+            Set_Then_Actions (N, No_List);
+            Analyze_And_Resolve (Thenx, Typ);
+         end if;
-            --      Cnn : typ;
-            --      if cond then
-            --         <<then actions>>
-            --         Cnn := then-expr;
-            --      else
-            --         <<else actions>>
-            --         Cnn := else-expr
-            --      end if;
+         if Present (Else_Actions (N)) then
+            Rewrite (Elsex,
+              Make_Expression_With_Actions (Sloc (Elsex),
+                Actions    => Else_Actions (N),
+                Expression => Relocate_Node (Elsex)));
-            --  and replace the if expression by a reference to Cnn
+            Set_Else_Actions (N, No_List);
+            Analyze_And_Resolve (Elsex, Typ);
+         end if;
-            declare
-               Cnn : constant Node_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'C', N);
+         --  We must force expansion into an expression with actions when
+         --  an if expression gets used directly as an actual for an
+         --  anonymous access type.
+         if Force_Expand then
+            declare
+               Cnn  : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'C');
+               Acts : List_Id;
+               Acts := New_List;
+               --  Generate:
+               --    Cnn : Ann;
                Decl :=
                  Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
                    Defining_Identifier => Cnn,
                    Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc));
+               Append_To (Acts, Decl);
+               Set_No_Initialization (Decl);
+               --  Generate:
+               --    if Cond then
+               --       Cnn := <Thenx>;
+               --    else
+               --       Cnn := <Elsex>;
+               --    end if;
                New_If :=
                  Make_Implicit_If_Statement (N,
                    Condition       => Relocate_Node (Cond),
                    Then_Statements => New_List (
                      Make_Assignment_Statement (Sloc (Thenx),
                        Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Sloc (Thenx)),
@@ -6181,99 +6108,23 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
                      Make_Assignment_Statement (Sloc (Elsex),
                        Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Sloc (Elsex)),
                        Expression => Relocate_Node (Elsex))));
+               Append_To (Acts, New_If);
-               Set_Assignment_OK (Name (First (Then_Statements (New_If))));
-               Set_Assignment_OK (Name (First (Else_Statements (New_If))));
+               --  Generate:
+               --    do
+               --       ...
+               --    in Cnn end;
-               New_N := New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Loc);
+               Rewrite (N,
+                 Make_Expression_With_Actions (Loc,
+                   Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Loc),
+                   Actions    => Acts));
+               Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-         --  Regular path using Expression_With_Actions
-         else
-            --  We do not need to call Process_Transients_In_Expression on
-            --  the list of actions in this case, because the expansion of
-            --  Expression_With_Actions will do it.
-            if Present (Then_Actions (N)) then
-               Rewrite (Thenx,
-                 Make_Expression_With_Actions (Sloc (Thenx),
-                   Actions    => Then_Actions (N),
-                   Expression => Relocate_Node (Thenx)));
-               Set_Then_Actions (N, No_List);
-               Analyze_And_Resolve (Thenx, Typ);
-            end if;
-            if Present (Else_Actions (N)) then
-               Rewrite (Elsex,
-                 Make_Expression_With_Actions (Sloc (Elsex),
-                   Actions    => Else_Actions (N),
-                   Expression => Relocate_Node (Elsex)));
-               Set_Else_Actions (N, No_List);
-               Analyze_And_Resolve (Elsex, Typ);
-            end if;
-            --  We must force expansion into an expression with actions when
-            --  an if expression gets used directly as an actual for an
-            --  anonymous access type.
-            if Force_Expand then
-               declare
-                  Cnn  : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'C');
-                  Acts : List_Id;
-               begin
-                  Acts := New_List;
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    Cnn : Ann;
-                  Decl :=
-                    Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                      Defining_Identifier => Cnn,
-                      Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc));
-                  Append_To (Acts, Decl);
-                  Set_No_Initialization (Decl);
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    if Cond then
-                  --       Cnn := <Thenx>;
-                  --    else
-                  --       Cnn := <Elsex>;
-                  --    end if;
-                  New_If :=
-                    Make_Implicit_If_Statement (N,
-                      Condition       => Relocate_Node (Cond),
-                      Then_Statements => New_List (
-                        Make_Assignment_Statement (Sloc (Thenx),
-                          Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Sloc (Thenx)),
-                          Expression => Relocate_Node (Thenx))),
-                      Else_Statements => New_List (
-                        Make_Assignment_Statement (Sloc (Elsex),
-                          Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Sloc (Elsex)),
-                          Expression => Relocate_Node (Elsex))));
-                  Append_To (Acts, New_If);
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    do
-                  --       ...
-                  --    in Cnn end;
-                  Rewrite (N,
-                    Make_Expression_With_Actions (Loc,
-                      Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Cnn, Loc),
-                      Actions    => Acts));
-                  Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-               end;
-            end if;
-            return;
          end if;
+         return;
       --  For the sake of GNATcoverage, generate an intermediate temporary in
       --  the case where the if expression is a condition in an outer decision,
       --  in order to make sure that no branch is shared between the decisions.
@@ -9254,8 +9105,7 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       --  mod are the same, see (RM 4.5.5(28-30)). We do this since it is quite
       --  likely that this will improve the quality of code, (the operation now
       --  corresponds to the hardware remainder), and it does not seem likely
-      --  that it could be harmful. It also avoids some cases of the elaborate
-      --  expansion in Modify_Tree_For_C mode below (since Ada rem = C %).
+      --  that it could be harmful.
       if (LOK and ROK)
         and then ((Llo >= 0 and then Rlo >= 0)
@@ -9319,104 +9169,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
          end if;
-         --  If we still have a mod operator and we are in Modify_Tree_For_C
-         --  mode, and we have a signed integer type, then here is where we do
-         --  the rewrite in terms of Rem. Note this rewrite bypasses the need
-         --  for the special handling of the annoying case of largest negative
-         --  number mod minus one.
-         if Nkind (N) = N_Op_Mod
-           and then Is_Signed_Integer_Type (Typ)
-           and then Modify_Tree_For_C
-         then
-            --  In the general case, we expand A mod B as
-            --    Tnn : constant typ := A rem B;
-            --    ..
-            --    (if (A >= 0) = (B >= 0) then Tnn
-            --     elsif Tnn = 0 then 0
-            --     else Tnn + B)
-            --  The comparison can be written simply as A >= 0 if we know that
-            --  B >= 0 which is a very common case.
-            --  An important optimization is when B is known at compile time
-            --  to be 2**K for some constant. In this case we can simply AND
-            --  the left operand with the bit string 2**K-1 (i.e. K 1-bits)
-            --  and that works for both the positive and negative cases.
-            declare
-               P2 : constant Nat := Power_Of_Two (Right);
-            begin
-               if P2 /= 0 then
-                  Rewrite (N,
-                    Unchecked_Convert_To (Typ,
-                      Make_Op_And (Loc,
-                        Left_Opnd  =>
-                          Unchecked_Convert_To
-                            (Corresponding_Unsigned_Type (Typ), Left),
-                        Right_Opnd =>
-                          Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 2 ** P2 - 1))));
-                  Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-                  return;
-               end if;
-            end;
-            --  Here for the full rewrite
-            declare
-               Tnn : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Sloc (N), 'T', N);
-               Cmp : Node_Id;
-            begin
-               Cmp :=
-                 Make_Op_Ge (Loc,
-                   Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Left),
-                   Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0));
-               if not LOK or else Rlo < 0 then
-                  Cmp :=
-                     Make_Op_Eq (Loc,
-                       Left_Opnd  => Cmp,
-                       Right_Opnd =>
-                         Make_Op_Ge (Loc,
-                           Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Right),
-                           Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0)));
-               end if;
-               Insert_Action (N,
-                 Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                   Defining_Identifier => Tnn,
-                   Constant_Present    => True,
-                   Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc),
-                   Expression          =>
-                     Make_Op_Rem (Loc,
-                       Left_Opnd  => Left,
-                       Right_Opnd => Right)));
-               Rewrite (N,
-                 Make_If_Expression (Loc,
-                   Expressions => New_List (
-                     Cmp,
-                     New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc),
-                     Make_If_Expression (Loc,
-                       Is_Elsif    => True,
-                       Expressions => New_List (
-                         Make_Op_Eq (Loc,
-                           Left_Opnd  => New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc),
-                           Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0)),
-                         Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0),
-                         Make_Op_Add (Loc,
-                           Left_Opnd  => New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc),
-                           Right_Opnd =>
-                             Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Right)))))));
-               Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-               return;
-            end;
-         end if;
          --  Deal with annoying case of largest negative number mod minus one.
          --  Gigi may not handle this case correctly, because on some targets,
          --  the mod value is computed using a divide instruction which gives
@@ -9825,15 +9577,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    --       return B;
    --     end Nnnn;
-   --  or in the case of Transform_Function_Array:
-   --     procedure Nnnn (A : arr; RESULT : out arr) is
-   --     begin
-   --       for J in a'range loop
-   --          RESULT (J) := not A (J);
-   --       end loop;
-   --     end Nnnn;
    --  Here arr is the actual subtype of the parameter (and hence always
    --  constrained). Then we replace the not with a call to this subprogram.
@@ -9935,13 +9678,7 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       end if;
       A := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uA);
-      if Transform_Function_Array then
-         B := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_UP_RESULT);
-      else
-         B := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uB);
-      end if;
+      B := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uB);
       J := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uJ);
       A_J :=
@@ -9976,82 +9713,33 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       Func_Name := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'N');
       Set_Is_Inlined (Func_Name);
-      if Transform_Function_Array then
-         Insert_Action (N,
-           Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
-             Specification =>
-               Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
-                 Defining_Unit_Name => Func_Name,
-                 Parameter_Specifications => New_List (
-                   Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-                     Defining_Identifier => A,
-                     Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)),
-                   Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-                     Defining_Identifier => B,
-                     Out_Present         => True,
-                     Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)))),
-             Declarations => New_List,
-             Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
-               Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-                 Statements => New_List (Loop_Statement))));
-         declare
-            Temp_Id : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T');
-            Call    : Node_Id;
-            Decl    : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            --  Generate:
-            --    Temp : ...;
-            Decl :=
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Temp_Id,
-                Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc));
-            --  Generate:
-            --    Proc_Call (Opnd, Temp);
+      Insert_Action (N,
+        Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
+          Specification =>
+            Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
+              Defining_Unit_Name => Func_Name,
+              Parameter_Specifications => New_List (
+                Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
+                  Defining_Identifier => A,
+                  Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))),
+              Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)),
-            Call :=
-              Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-                Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
-                Parameter_Associations =>
-                  New_List (Opnd, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc)));
+          Declarations => New_List (
+            Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+              Defining_Identifier => B,
+              Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Arr, Loc))),
-            Insert_Actions (Parent (N), New_List (Decl, Call));
-            Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc));
-         end;
-      else
-         Insert_Action (N,
-           Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
-             Specification =>
-               Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
-                 Defining_Unit_Name => Func_Name,
-                 Parameter_Specifications => New_List (
-                   Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-                     Defining_Identifier => A,
-                     Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))),
-                 Result_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)),
-             Declarations => New_List (
-               Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                 Defining_Identifier => B,
-                 Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Arr, Loc))),
-             Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
-               Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-                 Statements => New_List (
-                   Loop_Statement,
-                   Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
-                     Expression => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (B)))))));
+          Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
+            Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
+              Statements => New_List (
+                Loop_Statement,
+                Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
+                  Expression => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (B)))))));
-         Rewrite (N,
-           Make_Function_Call (Loc,
-             Name                   => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
-             Parameter_Associations => New_List (Opnd)));
-      end if;
+      Rewrite (N,
+        Make_Function_Call (Loc,
+          Name                   => New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Name, Loc),
+          Parameter_Associations => New_List (Opnd)));
       Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
    end Expand_N_Op_Not;
@@ -10233,52 +9921,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    procedure Expand_N_Op_Rotate_Left (N : Node_Id) is
       Binary_Op_Validity_Checks (N);
-      --  If we are in Modify_Tree_For_C mode, there is no rotate left in C,
-      --  so we rewrite in terms of logical shifts
-      --    Shift_Left (Num, Bits) or Shift_Right (num, Esize - Bits)
-      --  where Bits is the shift count mod Esize (the mod operation here
-      --  deals with ludicrous large shift counts, which are apparently OK).
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-         declare
-            Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-            Rtp : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (Right_Opnd (N));
-            Typ : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (N);
-         begin
-            --  Sem_Intr should prevent getting there with a non binary modulus
-            pragma Assert (not Non_Binary_Modulus (Typ));
-            Rewrite (Right_Opnd (N),
-              Make_Op_Rem (Loc,
-                Left_Opnd  => Relocate_Node (Right_Opnd (N)),
-                Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Esize (Typ))));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (Right_Opnd (N), Rtp);
-            Rewrite (N,
-              Make_Op_Or (Loc,
-                Left_Opnd =>
-                  Make_Op_Shift_Left (Loc,
-                    Left_Opnd  => Left_Opnd (N),
-                    Right_Opnd => Right_Opnd (N)),
-                Right_Opnd =>
-                  Make_Op_Shift_Right (Loc,
-                    Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Left_Opnd (N)),
-                    Right_Opnd =>
-                      Make_Op_Subtract (Loc,
-                        Left_Opnd  => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Esize (Typ)),
-                        Right_Opnd =>
-                          Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Right_Opnd (N))))));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-         end;
-      end if;
    end Expand_N_Op_Rotate_Left;
@@ -10288,52 +9930,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    procedure Expand_N_Op_Rotate_Right (N : Node_Id) is
       Binary_Op_Validity_Checks (N);
-      --  If we are in Modify_Tree_For_C mode, there is no rotate right in C,
-      --  so we rewrite in terms of logical shifts
-      --    Shift_Right (Num, Bits) or Shift_Left (num, Esize - Bits)
-      --  where Bits is the shift count mod Esize (the mod operation here
-      --  deals with ludicrous large shift counts, which are apparently OK).
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-         declare
-            Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-            Rtp : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (Right_Opnd (N));
-            Typ : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (N);
-         begin
-            --  Sem_Intr should prevent getting there with a non binary modulus
-            pragma Assert (not Non_Binary_Modulus (Typ));
-            Rewrite (Right_Opnd (N),
-              Make_Op_Rem (Loc,
-                Left_Opnd  => Relocate_Node (Right_Opnd (N)),
-                Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Esize (Typ))));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (Right_Opnd (N), Rtp);
-            Rewrite (N,
-              Make_Op_Or (Loc,
-                Left_Opnd =>
-                  Make_Op_Shift_Right (Loc,
-                    Left_Opnd  => Left_Opnd (N),
-                    Right_Opnd => Right_Opnd (N)),
-                Right_Opnd =>
-                  Make_Op_Shift_Left (Loc,
-                    Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Left_Opnd (N)),
-                    Right_Opnd =>
-                      Make_Op_Subtract (Loc,
-                        Left_Opnd  => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Esize (Typ)),
-                        Right_Opnd =>
-                          Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Right_Opnd (N))))));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-         end;
-      end if;
    end Expand_N_Op_Rotate_Right;
@@ -10346,62 +9942,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    procedure Expand_N_Op_Shift_Left (N : Node_Id) is
       Binary_Op_Validity_Checks (N);
-      --  If we are in Modify_Tree_For_C mode, then ensure that the right
-      --  operand is not greater than the word size (since that would not
-      --  be defined properly by the corresponding C shift operator).
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-         declare
-            Right : constant Node_Id    := Right_Opnd (N);
-            Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Right);
-            Typ   : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (N);
-            Siz   : constant Uint       := Esize (Typ);
-            Orig  : Node_Id;
-            OK    : Boolean;
-            Lo    : Uint;
-            Hi    : Uint;
-         begin
-            --  Sem_Intr should prevent getting there with a non binary modulus
-            pragma Assert (not Non_Binary_Modulus (Typ));
-            if Compile_Time_Known_Value (Right) then
-               if Expr_Value (Right) >= Siz then
-                  Rewrite (N, Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0));
-                  Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-               end if;
-            --  Not compile time known, find range
-            else
-               Determine_Range (Right, OK, Lo, Hi, Assume_Valid => True);
-               --  Nothing to do if known to be OK range, otherwise expand
-               if not OK or else Hi >= Siz then
-                  --  Prevent recursion on copy of shift node
-                  Orig := Relocate_Node (N);
-                  Set_Analyzed (Orig);
-                  --  Now do the rewrite
-                  Rewrite (N,
-                     Make_If_Expression (Loc,
-                       Expressions => New_List (
-                         Make_Op_Ge (Loc,
-                           Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_Move_Checks (Right),
-                           Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Siz)),
-                         Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0),
-                         Orig)));
-                  Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-               end if;
-            end if;
-         end;
-      end if;
    end Expand_N_Op_Shift_Left;
@@ -10422,89 +9962,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    procedure Expand_N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic (N : Node_Id) is
       Binary_Op_Validity_Checks (N);
-      --  If we are in Modify_Tree_For_C mode, there is no shift right
-      --  arithmetic in C, so we rewrite in terms of logical shifts for
-      --  modular integers, and keep the Shift_Right intrinsic for signed
-      --  integers: even though doing a shift on a signed integer is not
-      --  fully guaranteed by the C standard, this is what C compilers
-      --  implement in practice.
-      --  Consider also taking advantage of this for modular integers by first
-      --  performing an unchecked conversion of the modular integer to a signed
-      --  integer of the same sign, and then convert back.
-      --    Shift_Right (Num, Bits) or
-      --      (if Num >= Sign
-      --       then not (Shift_Right (Mask, bits))
-      --       else 0)
-      --  Here Mask is all 1 bits (2**size - 1), and Sign is 2**(size - 1)
-      --  Note: the above works fine for shift counts greater than or equal
-      --  to the word size, since in this case (not (Shift_Right (Mask, bits)))
-      --  generates all 1'bits.
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C and then Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Etype (N)) then
-         declare
-            Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-            Typ   : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (N);
-            Sign  : constant Uint       := 2 ** (Esize (Typ) - 1);
-            Mask  : constant Uint       := (2 ** Esize (Typ)) - 1;
-            Left  : constant Node_Id    := Left_Opnd (N);
-            Right : constant Node_Id    := Right_Opnd (N);
-            Maskx : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            --  Sem_Intr should prevent getting there with a non binary modulus
-            pragma Assert (not Non_Binary_Modulus (Typ));
-            --  Here if not (Shift_Right (Mask, bits)) can be computed at
-            --  compile time as a single constant.
-            if Compile_Time_Known_Value (Right) then
-               declare
-                  Val : constant Uint := Expr_Value (Right);
-               begin
-                  if Val >= Esize (Typ) then
-                     Maskx := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Mask);
-                  else
-                     Maskx :=
-                       Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
-                         Intval => Mask - (Mask / (2 ** Expr_Value (Right))));
-                  end if;
-               end;
-            else
-               Maskx :=
-                 Make_Op_Not (Loc,
-                   Right_Opnd =>
-                     Make_Op_Shift_Right (Loc,
-                       Left_Opnd  => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Mask),
-                       Right_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Right)));
-            end if;
-            --  Now do the rewrite
-            Rewrite (N,
-              Make_Op_Or (Loc,
-                Left_Opnd =>
-                  Make_Op_Shift_Right (Loc,
-                    Left_Opnd  => Left,
-                    Right_Opnd => Right),
-                Right_Opnd =>
-                  Make_If_Expression (Loc,
-                    Expressions => New_List (
-                      Make_Op_Ge (Loc,
-                        Left_Opnd  => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Left),
-                        Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Sign)),
-                      Maskx,
-                      Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0)))));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
-         end;
-      end if;
    end Expand_N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic;
@@ -11408,14 +10865,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
          if Is_Fixed_Point_Type (Etype (Expr)) then
             Ityp := Small_Integer_Type_For
                       (Esize (Base_Type (Etype (Expr))), Uns => False);
-            --  Generate a temporary with the integer type to facilitate in the
-            --  C backend the code generation for the unchecked conversion.
-            if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-               Generate_Temporary;
-            end if;
             Rewrite (Expr, Unchecked_Convert_To (Ityp, Expr));
          end if;
@@ -12660,27 +12109,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       end if;
-      --  Generate an extra temporary for cases unsupported by the C backend
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-         declare
-            Source     : constant Node_Id := Unqual_Conv (Expression (N));
-            Source_Typ : Entity_Id        := Get_Full_View (Etype (Source));
-         begin
-            if Is_Packed_Array (Source_Typ) then
-               Source_Typ := Packed_Array_Impl_Type (Source_Typ);
-            end if;
-            if Nkind (Source) = N_Function_Call
-              and then (Is_Composite_Type (Etype (Source))
-                          or else Is_Composite_Type (Target_Type))
-            then
-               Force_Evaluation (Source);
-            end if;
-         end;
-      end if;
       --  Nothing to do if conversion is safe
       if Safe_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (N) then
@@ -12936,26 +12364,9 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       Shortcut_Ent   : constant Entity_Id := Boolean_Literals (Shortcut_Value);
       --  If Left = Shortcut_Value then Right need not be evaluated
-      function Make_Test_Expr (Opnd : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-      --  For Opnd a boolean expression, return a Boolean expression equivalent
-      --  to Opnd /= Shortcut_Value.
       function Useful (Actions : List_Id) return Boolean;
       --  Return True if Actions contains useful nodes to process
-      --------------------
-      -- Make_Test_Expr --
-      --------------------
-      function Make_Test_Expr (Opnd : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
-      begin
-         if Shortcut_Value then
-            return Make_Op_Not (Sloc (Opnd), Opnd);
-         else
-            return Opnd;
-         end if;
-      end Make_Test_Expr;
       -- Useful --
@@ -12979,12 +12390,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
          return False;
       end Useful;
-      --  Local variables
-      Op_Var : Entity_Id;
-      --  Entity for a temporary variable holding the value of the operator,
-      --  used for expansion in the case where actions are present.
    --  Start of processing for Expand_Short_Circuit_Operator
@@ -13041,73 +12446,17 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       if Useful (Actions (N)) then
          Actlist := Actions (N);
-         --  The old approach is to expand:
-         --     left AND THEN right
+         --  Use an Expression_With_Actions node for the right operand of the
+         --  short-circuit form. Note that this solves traceability problems
+         --  for coverage analysis at the object level.
-         --  into
-         --     C : Boolean := False;
-         --     IF left THEN
-         --        Actions;
-         --        IF right THEN
-         --           C := True;
-         --        END IF;
-         --     END IF;
-         --  and finally rewrite the operator into a reference to C. Similarly
-         --  for left OR ELSE right, with negated values. Note that this
-         --  rewrite causes some difficulties for coverage analysis because
-         --  of the introduction of the new variable C, which obscures the
-         --  structure of the test.
-         --  We use this "old approach" if Minimize_Expression_With_Actions
-         --  is True.
-         if Minimize_Expression_With_Actions then
-            Op_Var := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'C', Related_Node => N);
-            Insert_Action (N,
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Op_Var,
-                Object_Definition   =>
-                  New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc),
-                Expression          =>
-                  New_Occurrence_Of (Shortcut_Ent, Loc)));
-            Append_To (Actlist,
-              Make_Implicit_If_Statement (Right,
-                Condition       => Make_Test_Expr (Right),
-                Then_Statements => New_List (
-                  Make_Assignment_Statement (LocR,
-                    Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (Op_Var, LocR),
-                    Expression =>
-                      New_Occurrence_Of
-                        (Boolean_Literals (not Shortcut_Value), LocR)))));
-            Insert_Action (N,
-              Make_Implicit_If_Statement (Left,
-                Condition       => Make_Test_Expr (Left),
-                Then_Statements => Actlist));
-            Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Op_Var, Loc));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_Boolean);
-         --  The new approach (the default) is to use an
-         --  Expression_With_Actions node for the right operand of the
-         --  short-circuit form. Note that this solves the traceability
-         --  problems for coverage analysis.
-         else
-            Rewrite (Right,
-              Make_Expression_With_Actions (LocR,
-                Expression => Relocate_Node (Right),
-                Actions    => Actlist));
-            Set_Actions (N, No_List);
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (Right, Standard_Boolean);
-         end if;
+         Rewrite (Right,
+           Make_Expression_With_Actions (LocR,
+             Expression => Relocate_Node (Right),
+             Actions    => Actlist));
+         Set_Actions (N, No_List);
+         Analyze_And_Resolve (Right, Standard_Boolean);
          Adjust_Result_Type (N, Typ);
       end if;
@@ -14036,15 +13385,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
    --       return C;
    --    end Annn;
-   --    or in the case of Transform_Function_Array:
-   --    procedure Annn (A : typ; B: typ; RESULT: out typ) is
-   --    begin
-   --       for J in A'range loop
-   --          RESULT (J) := A (J) op B (J);
-   --       end loop;
-   --    end Annn;
    --  Here typ is the boolean array type
    function Make_Boolean_Array_Op
@@ -14070,11 +13410,7 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
       Loop_Statement : Node_Id;
-      if Transform_Function_Array then
-         C := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_UP_RESULT);
-      else
-         C := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uC);
-      end if;
+      C   := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uC);
       A_J :=
         Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
@@ -14138,52 +13474,28 @@  package body Exp_Ch4 is
           Defining_Identifier => B,
           Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)));
-      if Transform_Function_Array then
-         Append_To (Formals,
-           Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-             Defining_Identifier => C,
-             Out_Present         => True,
-             Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)));
-      end if;
       Func_Name := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'A');
       Set_Is_Inlined (Func_Name);
-      if Transform_Function_Array then
-         Func_Body :=
-           Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
-             Specification =>
-               Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
-                 Defining_Unit_Name       => Func_Name,
-                 Parameter_Specifications => Formals),
-             Declarations => New_List,
+      Func_Body :=
+        Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
+          Specification =>
+            Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
+              Defining_Unit_Name       => Func_Name,
+              Parameter_Specifications => Formals,
+              Result_Definition        => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)),
-             Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
-               Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-                 Statements => New_List (Loop_Statement)));
+          Declarations => New_List (
+            Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+              Defining_Identifier => C,
+              Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))),
-      else
-         Func_Body :=
-           Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
-             Specification =>
-               Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
-                 Defining_Unit_Name       => Func_Name,
-                 Parameter_Specifications => Formals,
-                 Result_Definition        => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc)),
-             Declarations => New_List (
-               Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                 Defining_Identifier => C,
-                 Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc))),
-             Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
-               Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-                 Statements => New_List (
-                   Loop_Statement,
-                   Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
-                     Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (C, Loc)))));
-      end if;
+          Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
+            Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
+              Statements => New_List (
+                Loop_Statement,
+                Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
+                  Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (C, Loc)))));
       return Func_Body;
    end Make_Boolean_Array_Op;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch6.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch6.adb
index 5d808a3402d..548589284e2 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch6.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch6.adb
@@ -346,10 +346,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
    --  of the return scope's entity list and the list structure would otherwise
    --  be corrupted. The homonym chain is preserved as well.
-   procedure Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C (N : Node_Id);
-   --  When generating C code, replace a call to a function that returns an
-   --  array into the generated procedure with an additional out parameter.
    procedure Set_Enclosing_Sec_Stack_Return (N : Node_Id);
    --  N is a return statement for a function that returns its result on the
    --  secondary stack. This sets the Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return flag on the
@@ -4078,73 +4074,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
       end if;
-      if Transform_Function_Array
-        and then Nkind (Call_Node) = N_Function_Call
-        and then Is_Entity_Name (Name (Call_Node))
-      then
-         declare
-            Func_Id : constant Entity_Id :=
-                        Ultimate_Alias (Entity (Name (Call_Node)));
-         begin
-            --  When generating C code, transform a function call that returns
-            --  a constrained array type into procedure form.
-            if Rewritten_For_C (Func_Id) then
-               --  For internally generated calls ensure that they reference
-               --  the entity of the spec of the called function (needed since
-               --  the expander may generate calls using the entity of their
-               --  body).
-               if not Comes_From_Source (Call_Node)
-                 and then Nkind (Unit_Declaration_Node (Func_Id)) =
-                            N_Subprogram_Body
-               then
-                  Set_Entity (Name (Call_Node),
-                    Corresponding_Function
-                      (Corresponding_Procedure (Func_Id)));
-               end if;
-               Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C (Call_Node);
-               return;
-            --  Also introduce a temporary for functions that return a record
-            --  called within another procedure or function call, since records
-            --  are passed by pointer in the generated C code, and we cannot
-            --  take a pointer from a subprogram call.
-            elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then Nkind (Parent (Call_Node)) in N_Subprogram_Call
-              and then Is_Record_Type (Etype (Func_Id))
-            then
-               declare
-                  Temp_Id : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T');
-                  Decl    : Node_Id;
-               begin
-                  --  Generate:
-                  --    Temp : ... := Func_Call (...);
-                  Decl :=
-                    Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                      Defining_Identifier => Temp_Id,
-                      Object_Definition   =>
-                        New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Func_Id), Loc),
-                      Expression          =>
-                        Make_Function_Call (Loc,
-                          Name                   =>
-                            New_Occurrence_Of (Func_Id, Loc),
-                          Parameter_Associations =>
-                            Parameter_Associations (Call_Node)));
-                  Insert_Action (Parent (Call_Node), Decl);
-                  Rewrite (Call_Node, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc));
-                  return;
-               end;
-            end if;
-         end;
-      end if;
       --  First step, compute extra actuals, corresponding to any Extra_Formals
       --  present. Note that we do not access Extra_Formals directly, instead
       --  we simply note the presence of the extra formals as we process the
@@ -4577,17 +4506,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
             Add_View_Conversion_Invariants (Formal, Actual);
          end if;
-         --  Generating C the initialization of an allocator is performed by
-         --  means of individual statements, and hence it must be done before
-         --  the call.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Nkind (Actual) = N_Allocator
-           and then Nkind (Expression (Actual)) = N_Qualified_Expression
-         then
-            Remove_Side_Effects (Actual);
-         end if;
          --  This label is required when skipping extra actual generation for
          --  Unchecked_Union parameters.
@@ -5262,15 +5180,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
                     and then In_Package_Body
                      Must_Inline := not In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Subp);
-                  --  Inline calls to _Wrapped_Statements when generating C
-                  elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-                    and then In_Same_Extended_Unit (Sloc (Bod), Loc)
-                    and then Chars (Name (Call_Node))
-                               = Name_uWrapped_Statements
-                  then
-                     Must_Inline := True;
                   end if;
                end if;
@@ -6173,7 +6082,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
       Prot_Bod  : Node_Id;
       Prot_Decl : Node_Id;
       Prot_Id   : Entity_Id;
-      Typ       : Entity_Id;
       --  Deal with case of protected subprogram. Do not generate protected
@@ -6239,25 +6147,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
             Set_Is_Inlined (Subp, False);
       end if;
-      --  When generating C code, transform a function that returns a
-      --  constrained array type into a procedure with an out parameter
-      --  that carries the return value.
-      --  We skip this transformation for unchecked conversions, since they
-      --  are not needed by the C generator (and this also produces cleaner
-      --  output).
-      Typ := Get_Fullest_View (Etype (Subp));
-      if Transform_Function_Array
-        and then Nkind (Specification (N)) = N_Function_Specification
-        and then Is_Array_Type (Typ)
-        and then Is_Constrained (Typ)
-        and then not Is_Unchecked_Conversion_Instance (Subp)
-      then
-         Build_Procedure_Form (N);
-      end if;
    end Expand_N_Subprogram_Declaration;
@@ -9719,120 +9608,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch6 is
       Set_Is_Aliased (Orig_Id, Is_Aliased (New_Id));
    end Replace_Renaming_Declaration_Id;
-   ---------------------------------
-   -- Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C --
-   ---------------------------------
-   procedure Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C (N : Node_Id) is
-      Orig_Func   : constant Entity_Id  := Entity (Name (N));
-      Func_Id     : constant Entity_Id  := Ultimate_Alias (Orig_Func);
-      Par         : constant Node_Id    := Parent (N);
-      Proc_Id     : constant Entity_Id  := Corresponding_Procedure (Func_Id);
-      Loc         : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Par);
-      Actuals     : List_Id;
-      Last_Actual : Node_Id;
-      Last_Formal : Entity_Id;
-   --  Start of processing for Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C
-   begin
-      --  The actuals may be given by named associations, so the added actual
-      --  that is the target of the return value of the call must be a named
-      --  association as well, so we retrieve the name of the generated
-      --  out_formal.
-      Last_Formal := First_Formal (Proc_Id);
-      while Present (Next_Formal (Last_Formal)) loop
-         Next_Formal (Last_Formal);
-      end loop;
-      Actuals := Parameter_Associations (N);
-      --  The original function may lack parameters
-      if No (Actuals) then
-         Actuals := New_List;
-      end if;
-      --  If the function call is the expression of an assignment statement,
-      --  transform the assignment into a procedure call. Generate:
-      --    LHS := Func_Call (...);
-      --    Proc_Call (..., LHS);
-      --  If function is inherited, a conversion may be necessary.
-      if Nkind (Par) = N_Assignment_Statement then
-         Last_Actual := Name (Par);
-         if not Comes_From_Source (Orig_Func)
-           and then Etype (Orig_Func) /= Etype (Func_Id)
-         then
-            Last_Actual :=
-              Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
-                New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Func_Id), Loc),
-                Last_Actual);
-         end if;
-         Append_To (Actuals,
-           Make_Parameter_Association (Loc,
-             Selector_Name             =>
-               Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Last_Formal)),
-             Explicit_Actual_Parameter => Last_Actual));
-         Rewrite (Par,
-           Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-             Name                   => New_Occurrence_Of (Proc_Id, Loc),
-             Parameter_Associations => Actuals));
-         Analyze (Par);
-      --  Otherwise the context is an expression. Generate a temporary and a
-      --  procedure call to obtain the function result. Generate:
-      --    ... Func_Call (...) ...
-      --    Temp : ...;
-      --    Proc_Call (..., Temp);
-      --    ... Temp ...
-      else
-         declare
-            Temp_Id : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T');
-            Call    : Node_Id;
-            Decl    : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            --  Generate:
-            --    Temp : ...;
-            Decl :=
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Temp_Id,
-                Object_Definition   =>
-                  New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Func_Id), Loc));
-            --  Generate:
-            --    Proc_Call (..., Temp);
-            Append_To (Actuals,
-              Make_Parameter_Association (Loc,
-                Selector_Name             =>
-                  Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Last_Formal)),
-                Explicit_Actual_Parameter =>
-                  New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc)));
-            Call :=
-              Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-                Name                   => New_Occurrence_Of (Proc_Id, Loc),
-                Parameter_Associations => Actuals);
-            Insert_Actions (Par, New_List (Decl, Call));
-            Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp_Id, Loc));
-         end;
-      end if;
-   end Rewrite_Function_Call_For_C;
    -- Set_Enclosing_Sec_Stack_Return --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
index 16d53853646..a6912f7ad48 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
@@ -3870,17 +3870,13 @@  package body Exp_Ch7 is
                   end if;
-            elsif Nkind (Decl_Or_Stmt) = N_Package_Declaration
-              and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
-            then
+            elsif Nkind (Decl_Or_Stmt) = N_Package_Declaration then
                  (Visible_Declarations (Specification (Decl_Or_Stmt)));
                  (Private_Declarations (Specification (Decl_Or_Stmt)));
-            elsif Nkind (Decl_Or_Stmt) = N_Package_Body
-              and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
-            then
+            elsif Nkind (Decl_Or_Stmt) = N_Package_Body then
                Check_Unnesting_In_Decls_Or_Stmts (Declarations (Decl_Or_Stmt));
                if Present (Statements
                     (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Decl_Or_Stmt)))
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch8.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch8.adb
index 011c1feaf33..518ce8b1cc5 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch8.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch8.adb
@@ -113,8 +113,6 @@  package body Exp_Ch8 is
       --  atomic object. Note that we are only interested in these operations
       --  if they occur as part of the name itself, subscripts are just values
       --  that are computed as part of the evaluation, so they are unimportant.
-      --  In addition, always return True for Modify_Tree_For_C since the
-      --  code generator doesn't know how to handle renamings.
       -- Evaluation_Required --
@@ -122,10 +120,7 @@  package body Exp_Ch8 is
       function Evaluation_Required (Nam : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-            return True;
-         elsif Nkind (Nam) in N_Indexed_Component | N_Slice then
+         if Nkind (Nam) in N_Indexed_Component | N_Slice then
             if Is_Packed (Etype (Prefix (Nam))) then
                return True;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.adb
index e0f0f4f48b7..64e3871ef82 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.adb
@@ -1504,52 +1504,12 @@  package body Exp_Dbug is
          Name_Len := Full_Qualify_Len;
          Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Qualify_Name (1 .. Name_Len);
-      --  Qualification needed for enumeration literals when generating C code
-      --  (to simplify their management in the backend).
-      elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-        and then Ekind (Ent) = E_Enumeration_Literal
-        and then Scope (Ultimate_Alias (Ent)) /= Standard_Standard
-      then
-         Fully_Qualify_Name (Ent);
-         Name_Len := Full_Qualify_Len;
-         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Qualify_Name (1 .. Name_Len);
       elsif Qualify_Needed (Scope (Ent)) then
          Name_Len := 0;
          Set_Entity_Name (Ent);
          Set_Has_Qualified_Name (Ent);
-         --  If a variable is hidden by a subsequent loop variable, qualify
-         --  the name of that loop variable to prevent visibility issues when
-         --  translating to C. Note that gdb probably never handled properly
-         --  this accidental hiding, given that loops are not scopes at
-         --  runtime. We also qualify a name if it hides an outer homonym,
-         --  and both are declared in blocks.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C and then Ekind (Ent) =  E_Variable then
-            if Present (Hiding_Loop_Variable (Ent)) then
-               declare
-                  Var : constant Entity_Id := Hiding_Loop_Variable (Ent);
-               begin
-                  Set_Entity_Name (Var);
-                  Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('L');
-                  Set_Chars (Var, Name_Enter);
-               end;
-            elsif Present (Homonym (Ent))
-              and then Ekind (Scope (Ent)) = E_Block
-              and then Ekind (Scope (Homonym (Ent))) = E_Block
-            then
-               Set_Entity_Name (Ent);
-               Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('B');
-               Set_Chars (Ent, Name_Enter);
-            end if;
-         end if;
       end if;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.ads b/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.ads
index 2b892c874d7..92502173639 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_dbug.ads
@@ -445,21 +445,6 @@  package Exp_Dbug is
    --  WARNING: There is a matching C declaration of this subprogram in fe.h
-   -------------------------------------
-   -- Encoding for translation into C --
-   -------------------------------------
-   --  In Modify_Tree_For_C mode we must add encodings to dismabiguate cases
-   --  where Ada block structure cannot be directly translated. These cases
-   --  are as follows:
-   --    a)  A loop variable may hide a homonym in an enclosing block
-   --    b)  A block-local variable may hide a homonym in an enclosing block
-   --  In C these constructs are not scopes and we must distinguish the names
-   --  explicitly. In the first case we create a qualified name with the suffix
-   --  'L', in the second case with a suffix 'B'.
    -- Subprograms for Handling Qualification --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_intr.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_intr.adb
index 57f681a84b6..a076eb0eeb6 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_intr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_intr.adb
@@ -754,14 +754,9 @@  package body Exp_Intr is
          Rewrite (N, Snode);
          Set_Analyzed (N);
-         --  However, we do call the expander, so that the expansion for
-         --  rotates and shift_right_arithmetic happens if Modify_Tree_For_C
-         --  is set.
          if Expander_Active then
             Expand (N);
          end if;
          --  If the context type is not the type of the operator, it is an
          --  inherited operator for a derived type. Wrap the node in a
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
index d3f31448054..19bb8948a89 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@  with Einfo;          use Einfo;
 with Einfo.Entities; use Einfo.Entities;
 with Einfo.Utils;    use Einfo.Utils;
 with Elists;         use Elists;
-with Exp_Util;       use Exp_Util;
 with Lib;            use Lib;
 with Namet;          use Namet;
 with Nlists;         use Nlists;
@@ -282,13 +281,6 @@  package body Exp_Unst is
          if E = Sub and then Present (Protected_Body_Subprogram (E)) then
             E := Protected_Body_Subprogram (E);
          end if;
-         if Ekind (E) = E_Function
-           and then Rewritten_For_C (E)
-           and then Present (Corresponding_Procedure (E))
-         then
-            E := Corresponding_Procedure (E);
-         end if;
       end if;
       pragma Assert (Subps_Index (E) /= Uint_0);
@@ -786,16 +778,6 @@  package body Exp_Unst is
                if Caller = Callee then
-               --  Callee may be a function that returns an array, and that has
-               --  been rewritten as a procedure. If caller is that procedure,
-               --  nothing to do either.
-               elsif Ekind (Callee) = E_Function
-                 and then Rewritten_For_C (Callee)
-                 and then Corresponding_Procedure (Callee) = Caller
-               then
-                  return;
                elsif Ekind (Callee) in E_Entry | E_Entry_Family then
                end if;
@@ -2223,13 +2205,15 @@  package body Exp_Unst is
             --  Also ignore if no reference was specified or if the rewriting
             --  has already been done (this can happen if the N_Identifier
             --  occurs more than one time in the tree). Also ignore references
-            --  when not generating C code (in particular for the case of LLVM,
-            --  since GNAT-LLVM will handle the processing for up-level refs).
+            --  with GNAT-LLVM (CCG_Mode), since it will handle the processing
+            --  for up-level refs).
+            --  ??? At this stage, only GNAT LLVM uses front-end unnesting, so
+            --  consider remove the code below.
             if No (UPJ.Ref)
               or else not Is_Entity_Name (UPJ.Ref)
               or else No (Entity (UPJ.Ref))
-              or else not Opt.Generate_C_Code
+              or else Opt.CCG_Mode
                goto Continue;
             end if;
@@ -2390,17 +2374,6 @@  package body Exp_Unst is
                --  expect any exceptions)
                Analyze_And_Resolve (UPJ.Ref, Typ, Suppress => All_Checks);
-               --  Generate an extra temporary to facilitate the C backend
-               --  processing this dereference
-               if Opt.Modify_Tree_For_C
-                 and then Nkind (Parent (UPJ.Ref)) in
-                            N_Type_Conversion | N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion
-               then
-                  Force_Evaluation (UPJ.Ref, Mode => Strict);
-               end if;
             end Rewrite_One_Ref;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_util.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_util.adb
index fcb62a64e70..de096ea752a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_util.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_util.adb
@@ -4061,91 +4061,6 @@  package body Exp_Util is
       Restore_Ghost_Region (Saved_GM, Saved_IGR);
    end Build_Invariant_Procedure_Declaration;
-   --------------------------
-   -- Build_Procedure_Form --
-   --------------------------
-   procedure Build_Procedure_Form (N : Node_Id) is
-      Loc  : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-      Subp : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
-      Func_Formal  : Entity_Id;
-      Proc_Formals : List_Id;
-      Proc_Decl    : Node_Id;
-   begin
-      --  No action needed if this transformation was already done, or in case
-      --  of subprogram renaming declarations.
-      if Nkind (Specification (N)) = N_Procedure_Specification
-        or else Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
-      then
-         return;
-      end if;
-      --  Ditto when dealing with an expression function, where both the
-      --  original expression and the generated declaration end up being
-      --  expanded here.
-      if Rewritten_For_C (Subp) then
-         return;
-      end if;
-      Proc_Formals := New_List;
-      --  Create a list of formal parameters with the same types as the
-      --  function.
-      Func_Formal := First_Formal (Subp);
-      while Present (Func_Formal) loop
-         Append_To (Proc_Formals,
-           Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-             Defining_Identifier =>
-               Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Func_Formal)),
-             Parameter_Type      =>
-               New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Func_Formal), Loc)));
-         Next_Formal (Func_Formal);
-      end loop;
-      --  Add an extra out parameter to carry the function result
-      Append_To (Proc_Formals,
-        Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
-          Defining_Identifier =>
-            Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_UP_RESULT),
-          Out_Present         => True,
-          Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Subp), Loc)));
-      --  The new procedure declaration is inserted before the function
-      --  declaration. The processing in Build_Procedure_Body_Form relies on
-      --  this order. Note that we insert before because in the case of a
-      --  function body with no separate spec, we do not want to insert the
-      --  new spec after the body which will later get rewritten.
-      Proc_Decl :=
-        Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc,
-          Specification =>
-            Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
-              Defining_Unit_Name       =>
-                Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Subp)),
-              Parameter_Specifications => Proc_Formals));
-      Insert_Before_And_Analyze (Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp), Proc_Decl);
-      --  Entity of procedure must remain invisible so that it does not
-      --  overload subsequent references to the original function.
-      Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (Defining_Entity (Proc_Decl), False);
-      --  Mark the function as having a procedure form and link the function
-      --  and its internally built procedure.
-      Set_Rewritten_For_C (Subp);
-      Set_Corresponding_Procedure (Subp, Defining_Entity (Proc_Decl));
-      Set_Corresponding_Function (Defining_Entity (Proc_Decl), Subp);
-   end Build_Procedure_Form;
    -- Build_Runtime_Call --
@@ -12451,16 +12366,6 @@  package body Exp_Util is
         and then Side_Effect_Free (Exp, Name_Req, Variable_Ref)
-      --  Generating C code we cannot remove side effect of function returning
-      --  class-wide types since there is no secondary stack (required to use
-      --  'reference).
-      elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-        and then Nkind (Exp) = N_Function_Call
-        and then Is_Class_Wide_Type (Etype (Exp))
-      then
-         return;
       end if;
       --  The remaining processing is done with all checks suppressed
@@ -12603,30 +12508,7 @@  package body Exp_Util is
         and then Etype (Expression (Exp)) /= Universal_Integer
          Remove_Side_Effects (Expression (Exp), Name_Req, Variable_Ref);
-         --  Generating C code the type conversion of an access to constrained
-         --  array type into an access to unconstrained array type involves
-         --  initializing a fat pointer and the expression must be free of
-         --  side effects to safely compute its bounds.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Is_Access_Type (Etype (Exp))
-           and then Is_Array_Type (Designated_Type (Etype (Exp)))
-           and then not Is_Constrained (Designated_Type (Etype (Exp)))
-         then
-            Def_Id := Build_Temporary (Loc, 'R', Exp);
-            Set_Etype (Def_Id, Exp_Type);
-            Res := New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc);
-            Insert_Action (Exp,
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Def_Id,
-                Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Exp_Type, Loc),
-                Constant_Present    => True,
-                Expression          => Relocate_Node (Exp)));
-         else
-            goto Leave;
-         end if;
+         goto Leave;
       --  If this is an unchecked conversion that Gigi can't handle, make
       --  a copy or a use a renaming to capture the value.
@@ -12712,30 +12594,6 @@  package body Exp_Util is
       --  Otherwise we generate a reference to the expression
-         --  When generating C code we cannot consider side-effect-free object
-         --  declarations that have discriminants and are initialized by means
-         --  of a function call since on this target there is no secondary
-         --  stack to store the return value and the expander may generate an
-         --  extra call to the function to compute the discriminant value. In
-         --  addition, for targets that have secondary stack, the expansion of
-         --  functions with side effects involves the generation of an access
-         --  type to capture the return value stored in the secondary stack;
-         --  by contrast when generating C code such expansion generates an
-         --  internal object declaration (no access type involved) which must
-         --  be identified here to avoid entering into a never-ending loop
-         --  generating internal object declarations.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Nkind (Parent (Exp)) = N_Object_Declaration
-           and then
-             (Nkind (Exp) /= N_Function_Call
-                or else not Has_Discriminants (Exp_Type)
-                or else Is_Internal_Name
-                          (Chars (Defining_Identifier (Parent (Exp)))))
-         then
-            goto Leave;
-         end if;
          --  Special processing for function calls that return a limited type.
          --  We need to build a declaration that will enable build-in-place
          --  expansion of the call. This is not done if the context is already
@@ -12774,10 +12632,8 @@  package body Exp_Util is
          --  the secondary stack. Since SPARK (and why) cannot process access
          --  types, use a different approach which ignores the secondary stack
          --  and "copies" the returned object.
-         --  When generating C code, no need for a 'reference since the
-         --  secondary stack is not supported.
-         if GNATprove_Mode or Modify_Tree_For_C then
+         if GNATprove_Mode then
             Res := New_Occurrence_Of (Def_Id, Loc);
             Ref_Type := Exp_Type;
@@ -12812,10 +12668,10 @@  package body Exp_Util is
             E := Relocate_Node (E);
-            --  Do not generate a 'reference in SPARK mode or C generation
-            --  since the access type is not created in the first place.
+            --  Do not generate a 'reference in SPARK mode since the access
+            --  type is not created in the first place.
-            if GNATprove_Mode or Modify_Tree_For_C then
+            if GNATprove_Mode then
                New_Exp := E;
             --  Otherwise generate reference, marking the value as non-null
@@ -12875,39 +12731,12 @@  package body Exp_Util is
             Set_Analyzed (E, False);
          end if;
-         --  Generating C code of object declarations that have discriminants
-         --  and are initialized by means of a function call we propagate the
-         --  discriminants of the parent type to the internally built object.
-         --  This is needed to avoid generating an extra call to the called
-         --  function.
-         --  For example, if we generate here the following declaration, it
-         --  will be expanded later adding an extra call to evaluate the value
-         --  of the discriminant (needed to compute the size of the object).
-         --
-         --     type Rec (D : Integer) is ...
-         --     Obj : constant Rec := SomeFunc;
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Nkind (Parent (Exp)) = N_Object_Declaration
-           and then Has_Discriminants (Exp_Type)
-           and then Nkind (Exp) = N_Function_Call
-         then
-            Insert_Action (Exp,
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Def_Id,
-                Object_Definition   => New_Copy_Tree
-                                         (Object_Definition (Parent (Exp))),
-                Constant_Present    => True,
-                Expression          => New_Exp));
-         else
-            Insert_Action (Exp,
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Def_Id,
-                Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Ref_Type, Loc),
-                Constant_Present    => True,
-                Expression          => New_Exp));
-         end if;
+         Insert_Action (Exp,
+           Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+             Defining_Identifier => Def_Id,
+             Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Ref_Type, Loc),
+             Constant_Present    => True,
+             Expression          => New_Exp));
       end if;
       --  Preserve the Assignment_OK flag in all copies, since at least one
@@ -14306,19 +14135,6 @@  package body Exp_Util is
         and then Is_Class_Wide_Type (Typ)
          return True;
-      --  Generating C the type conversion of an access to constrained array
-      --  type into an access to unconstrained array type involves initializing
-      --  a fat pointer and the expression cannot be assumed to be free of side
-      --  effects since it must referenced several times to compute its bounds.
-      elsif Modify_Tree_For_C
-        and then Nkind (N) = N_Type_Conversion
-        and then Is_Access_Type (Typ)
-        and then Is_Array_Type (Designated_Type (Typ))
-        and then not Is_Constrained (Designated_Type (Typ))
-      then
-         return False;
       end if;
       --  For other than entity names and compile time known values,
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_util.ads b/gcc/ada/exp_util.ads
index 96d896a0b98..c772d411bcf 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_util.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_util.ads
@@ -318,10 +318,6 @@  package Exp_Util is
    --  type Typ at runtime. Flag Partial_Invariant should be set when building
    --  the invariant procedure for a private type.
-   procedure Build_Procedure_Form (N : Node_Id);
-   --  Create a procedure declaration which emulates the behavior of a function
-   --  that returns an array type, for C-compatible generation.
    function Build_Runtime_Call (Loc : Source_Ptr; RE : RE_Id) return Node_Id;
    --  Build an N_Procedure_Call_Statement calling the given runtime entity.
    --  The call has no parameters. The first argument provides the location
diff --git a/gcc/ada/freeze.adb b/gcc/ada/freeze.adb
index 7cf7e847677..9c533722985 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/freeze.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/freeze.adb
@@ -10314,18 +10314,6 @@  package body Freeze is
          Check_Overriding_Indicator (E, Empty, Is_Primitive (E));
       end if;
-      Retype := Get_Fullest_View (Etype (E));
-      if Transform_Function_Array
-        and then Nkind (Parent (E)) = N_Function_Specification
-        and then Is_Array_Type (Retype)
-        and then Is_Constrained (Retype)
-        and then not Is_Unchecked_Conversion_Instance (E)
-        and then not Rewritten_For_C (E)
-      then
-         Build_Procedure_Form (Unit_Declaration_Node (E));
-      end if;
    end Freeze_Subprogram;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gen_il-fields.ads b/gcc/ada/gen_il-fields.ads
index ef37bb20f53..a3e85ac6531 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gen_il-fields.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/gen_il-fields.ads
@@ -473,8 +473,6 @@  package Gen_IL.Fields is
-      Corresponding_Function,
-      Corresponding_Procedure,
@@ -881,7 +879,6 @@  package Gen_IL.Fields is
-      Rewritten_For_C,
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb b/gcc/ada/gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb
index bdc81202645..80b5925ebb8 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/gen_il-gen-gen_entities.adb
@@ -997,7 +997,6 @@  begin -- Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities
        (Sm (Anonymous_Collections, Elist_Id),
         Sm (Corresponding_Equality, Node_Id,
             Pre => "not Comes_From_Source (N) and then Chars (N) = Name_Op_Ne"),
-        Sm (Corresponding_Procedure, Node_Id),
         Sm (DT_Position, Uint,
             Pre_Get => "Present (DTC_Entity (N))"),
         Sm (DTC_Entity, Node_Id),
@@ -1025,7 +1024,6 @@  begin -- Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities
         Sm (Protected_Subprogram, Node_Id),
         Sm (Protection_Object, Node_Id),
         Sm (Related_Expression, Node_Id),
-        Sm (Rewritten_For_C, Flag),
         Sm (Thunk_Entity, Node_Id,
             Pre => "Is_Thunk (N)"),
         Sm (Wrapped_Entity, Node_Id,
@@ -1045,7 +1043,6 @@  begin -- Gen_IL.Gen.Gen_Entities
        --  body that acts as its own declaration.
        (Sm (Anonymous_Collections, Elist_Id),
         Sm (Associated_Node_For_Itype, Node_Id),
-        Sm (Corresponding_Function, Node_Id),
         Sm (DT_Position, Uint,
             Pre_Get => "Present (DTC_Entity (N))"),
         Sm (DTC_Entity, Node_Id),
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat1drv.adb b/gcc/ada/gnat1drv.adb
index 9743dfd4c4c..6b6fbf3a174 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gnat1drv.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnat1drv.adb
@@ -164,11 +164,10 @@  procedure Gnat1drv is
          Unnest_Subprogram_Mode := True;
       end if;
-      --  -gnatd.u enables special C expansion mode
+      --  Force pseudo code generation with -gnatceg
-      if Debug_Flag_Dot_U then
-         Modify_Tree_For_C := True;
-         Transform_Function_Array := True;
+      if Generate_C_Header then
+         Operating_Mode := Generate_Code;
       end if;
       --  -gnatd_A disables generation of ALI files
@@ -177,29 +176,6 @@  procedure Gnat1drv is
          Disable_ALI_File := True;
       end if;
-      --  Set all flags required when generating C code
-      if Generate_C_Code then
-         CCG_Mode := True;
-         Modify_Tree_For_C := True;
-         Transform_Function_Array := True;
-         Unnest_Subprogram_Mode := True;
-         Building_Static_Dispatch_Tables := False;
-         Minimize_Expression_With_Actions := True;
-         Expand_Nonbinary_Modular_Ops := True;
-         Back_End_Return_Slot := False;
-         --  Set operating mode to Generate_Code to benefit from full front-end
-         --  expansion (e.g. generics).
-         Operating_Mode := Generate_Code;
-         --  Suppress alignment checks since we do not have access to alignment
-         --  info on the target.
-         Suppress_Options.Suppress (Alignment_Check) := False;
-      end if;
       --  -gnatd.E sets Error_To_Warning mode, causing selected error messages
       --  to be treated as warnings instead of errors.
@@ -238,16 +214,9 @@  procedure Gnat1drv is
          Debug_Flag_Dot_PP := True;
-         --  Turn off C tree generation, not compatible with CodePeer mode. We
-         --  do not expect this to happen in normal use, since both modes are
-         --  enabled by special tools, but it is useful to turn off these flags
-         --  this way when we are doing CodePeer tests on existing test suites
-         --  that may have -gnateg set, to avoid the need for special casing.
+         --  Turn off front-end unnesting to be safe
-         Modify_Tree_For_C        := False;
-         Transform_Function_Array := False;
-         Generate_C_Code          := False;
-         Unnest_Subprogram_Mode   := False;
+         Unnest_Subprogram_Mode := False;
          --  Turn off inlining, confuses CodePeer output and gains nothing
@@ -457,16 +426,9 @@  procedure Gnat1drv is
          CodePeer_Mode := False;
          Generate_SCIL := False;
-         --  Turn off C tree generation, not compatible with GNATprove mode. We
-         --  do not expect this to happen in normal use, since both modes are
-         --  enabled by special tools, but it is useful to turn off these flags
-         --  this way when we are doing GNATprove tests on existing test suites
-         --  that may have -gnateg set, to avoid the need for special casing.
+         --  Turn off front-end unnesting to be safe
-         Modify_Tree_For_C        := False;
-         Transform_Function_Array := False;
-         Generate_C_Code          := False;
-         Unnest_Subprogram_Mode   := False;
+         Unnest_Subprogram_Mode := False;
          --  Turn off inlining, which would confuse formal verification output
          --  and gain nothing.
@@ -726,29 +688,14 @@  procedure Gnat1drv is
          end if;
       end if;
-      --  Treat -gnatn as equivalent to -gnatN for non-GCC targets
-      if Inline_Active and not Front_End_Inlining then
-         --  We really should have a tag for this, what if we added a new
-         --  back end some day, it would not be true for this test, but it
-         --  would be non-GCC, so this is a bit troublesome ???
-         Front_End_Inlining := Generate_C_Code;
-      end if;
       --  Set back-end inlining indication
       Back_End_Inlining :=
-        --  No back-end inlining available on C generation
-        not Generate_C_Code
         --  No back-end inlining in GNATprove mode, since it just confuses
         --  the formal verification process.
-        and then not GNATprove_Mode
+        not GNATprove_Mode
         --  No back-end inlining if front-end inlining explicitly enabled.
         --  Done to minimize the output differences to customers still using
@@ -1234,8 +1181,7 @@  begin
       --  Ditto for old C files before regenerating new ones
-      if Generate_C_Code then
-         Delete_C_File;
+      if Generate_C_Header then
       end if;
@@ -1340,20 +1286,10 @@  begin
       elsif CodePeer_Mode then
          Back_End_Mode := Generate_Object;
-      --  Differentiate use of -gnatceg to generate a C header from an Ada spec
-      --  to the CCG case (standard.h found) where C code generation should
-      --  only be performed on full units.
-      elsif Generate_C_Code then
-         Name_Len := 10;
-         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "standard.h";
+      --  Force pseudo code generation with -gnatceg
-         if Find_File (Name_Find, Osint.Source, Full_Name => True) = No_File
-         then
-            Back_End_Mode := Generate_Object;
-         else
-            Back_End_Mode := Skip;
-         end if;
+      elsif Generate_C_Header then
+         Back_End_Mode := Generate_Object;
       --  It is not an error to analyze in GNATprove mode a spec which requires
       --  a body, when the body is not available. During frame condition
diff --git a/gcc/ada/inline.adb b/gcc/ada/inline.adb
index 785ad147755..519e26ecec8 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/inline.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/inline.adb
@@ -3363,20 +3363,11 @@  package body Inline is
       Targ1 : Node_Id := Empty;
       --  A separate target used when the return type is unconstrained
-      procedure Declare_Postconditions_Result;
-      --  When generating C code, declare _Result, which may be used in the
-      --  inlined _Postconditions procedure to verify the return value.
       procedure Make_Exit_Label;
       --  Build declaration for exit label to be used in Return statements,
       --  sets Exit_Lab (the label node) and Lab_Decl (corresponding implicit
       --  declaration). Does nothing if Exit_Lab already set.
-      procedure Make_Loop_Labels_Unique (HSS : Node_Id);
-      --  When compiling for CCG and performing front-end inlining, replace
-      --  loop names and references to them so that they do not conflict with
-      --  homographs in the current subprogram.
       function Process_Formals (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
       --  Replace occurrence of a formal with the corresponding actual, or the
       --  thunk generated for it. Replace a return statement with an assignment
@@ -3411,45 +3402,6 @@  package body Inline is
       --  If procedure body has no local variables, inline body without
       --  creating block, otherwise rewrite call with block.
-      -----------------------------------
-      -- Declare_Postconditions_Result --
-      -----------------------------------
-      procedure Declare_Postconditions_Result is
-         Enclosing_Subp : constant Entity_Id := Scope (Subp);
-      begin
-         pragma Assert
-           (Modify_Tree_For_C
-             and then Is_Subprogram (Enclosing_Subp)
-             and then Present (Wrapped_Statements (Enclosing_Subp)));
-         if Ekind (Enclosing_Subp) = E_Function then
-            if Nkind (First (Parameter_Associations (N))) in
-                 N_Numeric_Or_String_Literal
-            then
-               Append_To (Declarations (Blk),
-                 Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                   Defining_Identifier =>
-                     Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uResult),
-                   Constant_Present    => True,
-                   Object_Definition   =>
-                     New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Enclosing_Subp), Loc),
-                   Expression          =>
-                     New_Copy_Tree (First (Parameter_Associations (N)))));
-            else
-               Append_To (Declarations (Blk),
-                 Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc,
-                   Defining_Identifier =>
-                     Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uResult),
-                   Subtype_Mark        =>
-                     New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Enclosing_Subp), Loc),
-                   Name                =>
-                     New_Copy_Tree (First (Parameter_Associations (N)))));
-            end if;
-         end if;
-      end Declare_Postconditions_Result;
       -- Make_Exit_Label --
@@ -3468,61 +3420,6 @@  package body Inline is
          end if;
       end Make_Exit_Label;
-      -----------------------------
-      -- Make_Loop_Labels_Unique --
-      -----------------------------
-      procedure Make_Loop_Labels_Unique (HSS : Node_Id) is
-         function Process_Loop (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-         ------------------
-         -- Process_Loop --
-         ------------------
-         function Process_Loop (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
-            Id : Entity_Id;
-         begin
-            if Nkind (N) = N_Loop_Statement
-              and then Present (Identifier (N))
-            then
-               --  Create new external name for loop and update the
-               --  corresponding entity.
-               Id := Entity (Identifier (N));
-               Set_Chars (Id, New_External_Name (Chars (Id), 'L', -1));
-               Set_Chars (Identifier (N), Chars (Id));
-            elsif Nkind (N) = N_Exit_Statement
-              and then Present (Name (N))
-            then
-               --  The exit statement must name an enclosing loop, whose name
-               --  has already been updated.
-               Set_Chars (Name (N), Chars (Entity (Name (N))));
-            end if;
-            return OK;
-         end Process_Loop;
-         procedure Update_Loop_Names is new Traverse_Proc (Process_Loop);
-         --  Local variables
-         Stmt : Node_Id;
-      --  Start of processing for Make_Loop_Labels_Unique
-      begin
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C then
-            Stmt := First (Statements (HSS));
-            while Present (Stmt) loop
-               Update_Loop_Names (Stmt);
-               Next (Stmt);
-            end loop;
-         end if;
-      end Make_Loop_Labels_Unique;
       -- Process_Formals --
@@ -3811,8 +3708,6 @@  package body Inline is
          Fst : constant Node_Id := First (Statements (HSS));
-         Make_Loop_Labels_Unique (HSS);
          --  Optimize simple case: function body is a single return statement,
          --  which has been expanded into an assignment.
@@ -3899,8 +3794,6 @@  package body Inline is
          HSS : constant Node_Id := Handled_Statement_Sequence (Blk);
-         Make_Loop_Labels_Unique (HSS);
          --  If there is a transient scope for N, this will be the scope of the
          --  actions for N, and the statements in Blk need to be within this
          --  scope. For example, they need to have visibility on the constant
@@ -4005,16 +3898,6 @@  package body Inline is
                Set_Declarations (Blk, New_List);
             end if;
-            --  When generating C code, declare _Result, which may be used to
-            --  verify the return value.
-            if Modify_Tree_For_C
-              and then Nkind (N) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
-              and then Chars (Name (N)) = Name_uWrapped_Statements
-            then
-               Declare_Postconditions_Result;
-            end if;
             --  For the unconstrained case, capture the name of the local
             --  variable that holds the result. This must be the first
             --  declaration in the block, because its bounds cannot depend
diff --git a/gcc/ada/opt.ads b/gcc/ada/opt.ads
index 71d031a69dc..cc3723e1daa 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/opt.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/opt.ads
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@  package Opt is
    --  GNAT
    --  True if generating assembly instead of an object file, via the -S switch
-   Generate_C_Code : Boolean := False;
+   Generate_C_Header : Boolean := False;
+   --  GNAT
    --  If True, the Cprint circuitry to generate C code output is activated.
-   --  Set True by use of -gnateg or -gnatd.V for GNAT, and -G for GNATBIND.
+   --  Set True by use of -gnateg for GNAT.
    Generate_CodePeer_Messages : Boolean := False;
    --  GNAT
@@ -1054,19 +1054,6 @@  package Opt is
    --  GNATMAKE
    --  Set to True if minimal recompilation mode requested
-   Minimize_Expression_With_Actions : Boolean := False;
-   --  GNAT
-   --  If True, minimize the use of N_Expression_With_Actions node.
-   --  This can be used in particular on some back-ends where this node is
-   --  difficult to support.
-   Modify_Tree_For_C : Boolean := False;
-   --  GNAT
-   --  If this switch is set True (currently it is set only by -gnatd.V), then
-   --  certain meaning-preserving transformations are applied to the tree to
-   --  make it easier to interface with back ends that implement C semantics.
-   --  There is a section in Sinfo which describes the transformations made.
    Multiple_Unit_Index : Nat := 0;
    --  GNAT
    --  This is set non-zero if the current unit is being compiled in multiple
@@ -1538,12 +1525,6 @@  package Opt is
    --  Tolerate time stamp and other consistency errors. If this flag is set to
    --  True (-t), then inconsistencies result in warnings rather than errors.
-   Transform_Function_Array : Boolean := False;
-   --  GNAT
-   --  If this switch is set True, then functions returning constrained arrays
-   --  are transformed into a procedure with an out parameter, and all calls
-   --  are updated accordingly.
    Treat_Categorization_Errors_As_Warnings : Boolean := False;
    --  Normally categorization errors are true illegalities. If this switch
    --  is set, then such errors result in warning messages rather than error
diff --git a/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb b/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
index 08abbae9464..0fef274217a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
@@ -44,23 +44,6 @@  package body Osint.C is
    --  output file and Suffix is the desired suffix (dg/rep/xxx for debug/
    --  repinfo/list file where xxx is specified extension.
-   ------------------
-   -- Close_C_File --
-   ------------------
-   procedure Close_C_File is
-      Status : Boolean;
-   begin
-      Close (Output_FD, Status);
-      if not Status then
-         Fail
-           ("error while closing file "
-            & Get_Name_String (Output_File_Name));
-      end if;
-   end Close_C_File;
    -- Close_Debug_File --
@@ -190,18 +173,6 @@  package body Osint.C is
       return Result;
    end Create_Auxiliary_File;
-   -------------------
-   -- Create_C_File --
-   -------------------
-   procedure Create_C_File is
-      Dummy : Boolean;
-   begin
-      Set_File_Name ("c");
-      Delete_File (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), Dummy);
-      Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
-   end Create_C_File;
    -- Create_Debug_File --
@@ -294,17 +265,6 @@  package body Osint.C is
       end if;
    end Debug_File_Eol_Length;
-   -------------------
-   -- Delete_C_File --
-   -------------------
-   procedure Delete_C_File is
-      Dummy : Boolean;
-   begin
-      Set_File_Name ("c");
-      Delete_File (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), Dummy);
-   end Delete_C_File;
    -- Delete_H_File --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads b/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
index 6f8fbb851fd..bde37c72723 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
@@ -160,26 +160,22 @@  package Osint.C is
    --  These routines are used by the compiler when the C translation option
-   --  is activated to write *.c or *.h files to the current object directory.
-   --  Each routine exists in a C and an H form for the two kinds of files.
-   --  Only one of these files can be written at a time. Note that the files
-   --  are written via the Output package routines, using Output_FD.
+   --  is activated to write *.h files to the current object directory.
+   --  Note that the files are written via the Output package routines, using
+   --  Output_FD.
-   procedure Create_C_File;
    procedure Create_H_File;
-   --  Creates the *.c or *.h file for the source file which is currently
-   --  being compiled (i.e. the file which was most recently returned by
+   --  Creates the *.h file for the source file which is currently being
+   --  compiled (i.e. the file which was most recently returned by
    --  Next_Main_Source).
-   procedure Close_C_File;
    procedure Close_H_File;
-   --  Closes the file created by Create_C_File or Create_H file, flushing any
-   --  buffers etc. from writes by Write_C_File and Write_H_File;
+   --  Closes the file created by Create_H file, flushing any buffers, etc.
+   --  from writes by Write_C_File and Write_H_File;
-   procedure Delete_C_File;
    procedure Delete_H_File;
-   --  Deletes the .c or .h file corresponding to the source file which is
-   --  currently being compiled.
+   --  Deletes the .h file corresponding to the source file which is currently
+   --  being compiled.
    -- List File Output --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_attr.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_attr.adb
index 0b0adac1126..d742e1075c0 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_attr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_attr.adb
@@ -1509,25 +1509,15 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          --  appear on a subprogram renaming, when the renamed entity is an
          --  attribute reference.
-         --  Generating C code the internally built nested _postcondition
-         --  subprograms are inlined; after expanded, inlined aspects are
-         --  located in the internal block generated by the frontend.
-         if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Block_Statement
-           and then Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then In_Inlined_Body
-         then
-            null;
-         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) not in N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
-                                      | N_Entry_Declaration
-                                      | N_Expression_Function
-                                      | N_Full_Type_Declaration
-                                      | N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
-                                      | N_Subprogram_Body
-                                      | N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
-                                      | N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                                      | N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+         if Nkind (Subp_Decl) not in N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
+                                   | N_Entry_Declaration
+                                   | N_Expression_Function
+                                   | N_Full_Type_Declaration
+                                   | N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+                                   | N_Subprogram_Body
+                                   | N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+                                   | N_Subprogram_Declaration
+                                   | N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
          end if;
@@ -1536,26 +1526,6 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          Legal   := True;
          Spec_Id := Unique_Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
-         --  When generating C code, nested _postcondition subprograms are
-         --  inlined by the front end to avoid problems (when unnested) with
-         --  referenced itypes. Handle that here, since as part of inlining the
-         --  expander nests subprogram within a dummy procedure named _parent
-         --  (see Build_Postconditions_Procedure and Build_Body_To_Inline).
-         --  Hence, in this context, the spec_id of _postconditions is the
-         --  enclosing scope.
-         if Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then Chars (Spec_Id) = Name_uParent
-           and then Chars (Scope (Spec_Id)) = Name_uWrapped_Statements
-         then
-            --  This situation occurs only when analyzing the body-to-inline
-            pragma Assert (Inside_A_Generic);
-            Spec_Id := Scope (Spec_Id);
-            pragma Assert (Is_Inlined (Spec_Id));
-         end if;
       end Analyze_Attribute_Old_Result;
@@ -5530,16 +5500,7 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          --  the case, then the aspect or pragma is illegal. Return as analysis
          --  cannot be carried out.
-         --  The exception to this rule is when generating C since in this case
-         --  postconditions are inlined.
-         if No (Spec_Id)
-           and then Modify_Tree_For_C
-           and then In_Inlined_Body
-         then
-            Spec_Id := Entity (P);
-         elsif not Legal then
+         if not Legal then
          end if;
@@ -5987,10 +5948,6 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          --  Local variables
-         In_Inlined_C_Postcondition : constant Boolean :=
-                                        Modify_Tree_For_C
-                                          and then In_Inlined_Body;
          Legal   : Boolean;
          Pref_Id : Entity_Id;
          Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
@@ -6021,13 +5978,7 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          --  the case, then the aspect or pragma is illegal. Return as analysis
          --  cannot be carried out.
-         --  The exception to this rule is when generating C since in this case
-         --  postconditions are inlined.
-         if No (Spec_Id) and then In_Inlined_C_Postcondition then
-            Spec_Id := Entity (P);
-         elsif not Legal then
+         if not Legal then
             Error_Attr ("prefix of % attribute must be a function", P);
          end if;
@@ -6037,11 +5988,7 @@  package body Sem_Attr is
          --  Instead, rewrite the attribute as a reference to formal parameter
          --  _Result of the _Wrapped_Statements procedure.
-         if Chars (Spec_Id) = Name_uWrapped_Statements
-           or else
-             (In_Inlined_C_Postcondition
-               and then Nkind (Parent (Spec_Id)) = N_Block_Statement)
-         then
+         if Chars (Spec_Id) = Name_uWrapped_Statements then
             Rewrite (N, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uResult));
             --  The type of formal parameter _Result is that of the function
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
index 127b521e0a5..8714efe1461 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch12.adb
@@ -8965,9 +8965,7 @@  package body Sem_Ch12 is
          --  are inlined by the front end, and the front-end inlining machinery
          --  relies on this routine to perform inlining.
-         elsif From_Aspect_Specification (N)
-           and then not Modify_Tree_For_C
-         then
+         elsif From_Aspect_Specification (N) then
             New_N := Make_Null_Statement (Sloc (N));
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
index c0943f97341..8787a904e9f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
@@ -4551,11 +4551,7 @@  package body Sem_Ch3 is
             --  If the aggregate is limited it will be built in place, and its
             --  expansion is deferred until the object declaration is expanded.
-            --  This is also required when generating C code to ensure that an
-            --  object with an alignment or address clause can be initialized
-            --  by means of component by component assignments.
-            if Is_Limited_Type (T) or else Modify_Tree_For_C then
+            if Is_Limited_Type (T) then
                Set_Expansion_Delayed (E);
             end if;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
index 4e1d1bc7ed7..2281ef9ce71 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
@@ -4709,13 +4709,6 @@  package body Sem_Ch4 is
          if Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract
            and then not Is_Internal_Name (Chars (Loop_Id))
-           --  Generating C, this check causes spurious warnings on inlined
-           --  postconditions; we can safely disable it because this check
-           --  was previously performed when analyzing the internally built
-           --  postconditions procedure.
-           and then not (Modify_Tree_For_C and In_Inlined_Body)
             if not Referenced (Loop_Id, Cond) then
                Error_Msg_N ("?.t?unused variable &", Loop_Id);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
index 43aa2e636fa..9b85d65862b 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch6.adb
@@ -2686,22 +2686,6 @@  package body Sem_Ch6 is
          Analyze (Subp_Decl);
-         --  Propagate the attributes Rewritten_For_C and Corresponding_Proc to
-         --  the body since the expander may generate calls using that entity.
-         --  Required to ensure that Expand_Call rewrites calls to this
-         --  function by calls to the built procedure.
-         if Transform_Function_Array
-           and then Nkind (Body_Spec) = N_Function_Specification
-           and then
-             Rewritten_For_C (Defining_Entity (Specification (Subp_Decl)))
-         then
-            Set_Rewritten_For_C (Defining_Entity (Body_Spec));
-            Set_Corresponding_Procedure (Defining_Entity (Body_Spec),
-              Corresponding_Procedure
-                (Defining_Entity (Specification (Subp_Decl))));
-         end if;
          --  Analyze any relocated source pragmas or pragmas created for aspect
          --  specifications.
@@ -3740,18 +3724,6 @@  package body Sem_Ch6 is
                  and then not Inside_A_Generic
-               --  If this is a function that returns a constrained array, and
-               --  Transform_Function_Array is set, create subprogram
-               --  declaration to simplify e.g. subsequent C generation.
-               elsif No (Spec_Id)
-                 and then Transform_Function_Array
-                 and then Nkind (Body_Spec) = N_Function_Specification
-                 and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Body_Id))
-                 and then Is_Constrained (Etype (Body_Id))
-               then
-                  Build_Subprogram_Declaration;
                end if;
             end if;
@@ -3830,60 +3802,6 @@  package body Sem_Ch6 is
          Spec_Id := Build_Internal_Protected_Declaration (N);
       end if;
-      --  If Transform_Function_Array is set and this is a function returning a
-      --  constrained array type for which we must create a procedure with an
-      --  extra out parameter, build and analyze the body now. The procedure
-      --  declaration has already been created. We reuse the source body of the
-      --  function, because in an instance it may contain global references
-      --  that cannot be reanalyzed. The source function itself is not used any
-      --  further, so we mark it as having a completion. If the subprogram is a
-      --  stub the transformation is done later, when the proper body is
-      --  analyzed.
-      if Expander_Active
-        and then Transform_Function_Array
-        and then Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
-      then
-         declare
-            S         : constant Entity_Id :=
-                          (if Present (Spec_Id)
-                           then Spec_Id
-                           else Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (N)));
-            Proc_Body : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            if Ekind (S) = E_Function and then Rewritten_For_C (S) then
-               Set_Has_Completion (S);
-               Proc_Body := Build_Procedure_Body_Form (S, N);
-               if Present (Spec_Id) then
-                  Rewrite (N, Proc_Body);
-                  Analyze (N);
-                  --  The entity for the created procedure must remain
-                  --  invisible, so it does not participate in resolution of
-                  --  subsequent references to the function.
-                  Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (Corresponding_Spec (N), False);
-               --  If we do not have a separate spec for N, build one and
-               --  insert the new body right after.
-               else
-                  Rewrite (N,
-                    Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc,
-                      Specification => Relocate_Node (Specification (N))));
-                  Analyze (N);
-                  Insert_After_And_Analyze (N, Proc_Body);
-                  Set_Is_Immediately_Visible
-                    (Corresponding_Spec (Proc_Body), False);
-               end if;
-               goto Leave;
-            end if;
-         end;
-      end if;
       --  If a separate spec is present, then deal with freezing issues
       if Present (Spec_Id) then
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb
index cebef2ca44f..a030d6b06f1 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_elab.adb
@@ -10881,20 +10881,7 @@  package body Sem_Elab is
          Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
-         --  The elaboration target denotes an internal function that returns a
-         --  constrained array type in a SPARK-to-C compilation. In this case
-         --  the function receives a corresponding procedure which has an out
-         --  parameter. The proper body for ABE checks and diagnostics is that
-         --  of the procedure.
-         if Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Function
-           and then Rewritten_For_C (Spec_Id)
-         then
-            Spec_Id := Corresponding_Procedure (Spec_Id);
-         end if;
+         Spec_Id  := Subp_Id;
          Rec.Kind := Subprogram_Target;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
index 72bba1f97af..19e52260661 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_res.adb
@@ -11479,10 +11479,10 @@  package body Sem_Res is
       --  Ensure all actions associated with the left operand (e.g.
       --  finalization of transient objects) are fully evaluated locally within
       --  an expression with actions. This is particularly helpful for coverage
-      --  analysis. However this should not happen in generics or if option
-      --  Minimize_Expression_With_Actions is set.
+      --  analysis at the object level. However this should not happen in
+      --  generics.
-      if Expander_Active and not Minimize_Expression_With_Actions then
+      if Expander_Active then
             Reloc_L : constant Node_Id := Relocate_Node (L);
@@ -12514,23 +12514,6 @@  package body Sem_Res is
          Set_Do_Range_Check (Operand);
       end if;
-      --  Generating C code a type conversion of an access to constrained
-      --  array type to access to unconstrained array type involves building
-      --  a fat pointer which in general cannot be generated on the fly. We
-      --  remove side effects in order to store the result of the conversion
-      --  into a temporary.
-      if Modify_Tree_For_C
-        and then Nkind (N) = N_Type_Conversion
-        and then Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Object_Declaration
-        and then Is_Access_Type (Etype (N))
-        and then Is_Array_Type (Designated_Type (Etype (N)))
-        and then not Is_Constrained (Designated_Type (Etype (N)))
-        and then Is_Constrained (Designated_Type (Etype (Expression (N))))
-      then
-         Remove_Side_Effects (N);
-      end if;
    end Resolve_Type_Conversion;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sinfo.ads b/gcc/ada/sinfo.ads
index 3696ca4f7b4..768bcc0de82 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sinfo.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/sinfo.ads
@@ -727,46 +727,6 @@  package Sinfo is
    --    refers to a node or is posted on its source location, and has the
    --    effect of inhibiting further messages involving this same node.
-   -----------------------
-   -- Modify_Tree_For_C --
-   -----------------------
-   --  If the flag Opt.Modify_Tree_For_C is set True, then the tree is modified
-   --  in ways that help match the semantics better with C, easing the task of
-   --  interfacing to C code generators (other than GCC, where the work is done
-   --  in gigi, and there is no point in changing that), and also making life
-   --  easier for Cprint in generating C source code.
-   --  The current modifications implemented are as follows:
-   --    N_Op_Rotate_Left, N_Op_Rotate_Right, N_Shift_Right_Arithmetic nodes
-   --    are eliminated from the tree (since these operations do not exist in
-   --    C), and the operations are rewritten in terms of logical shifts and
-   --    other logical operations that do exist in C. See Exp_Ch4 expansion
-   --    routines for these operators for details of the transformations made.
-   --    The right operand of N_Op_Shift_Right and N_Op_Shift_Left is always
-   --    less than the word size (since other values are not well-defined in
-   --    C). This is done using an explicit test if necessary.
-   --    Min and Max attributes are expanded into equivalent if expressions,
-   --    dealing properly with side effect issues.
-   --    Mod for signed integer types is expanded into equivalent expressions
-   --    using Rem (which is % in C) and other C-available operators.
-   --    Functions returning bounded arrays are transformed into procedures
-   --    with an extra out parameter, and the calls updated accordingly.
-   --    Aggregates are only kept unexpanded for object declarations, otherwise
-   --    they are systematically expanded into loops (for arrays) and
-   --    individual assignments (for records).
-   --    Unconstrained array types are handled by means of fat pointers.
-   --    Postconditions are inlined by the frontend since their body may have
-   --    references to itypes defined in the enclosing subprogram.
    -- Description of Semantic Fields --
@@ -4020,9 +3980,6 @@  package Sinfo is
       --  Must_Be_Byte_Aligned
       --  plus fields for expression
-      --  Note: in Modify_Tree_For_C mode, Max and Min attributes are expanded
-      --  into equivalent if expressions, properly taking care of side effects.
       -- 4.1.4  Attribute Designator --
@@ -4630,11 +4587,6 @@  package Sinfo is
       --  and we are running in ELIMINATED mode, the operator node will be
       --  changed to be a call to the appropriate routine in System.Bignums.
-      --  Note: In Modify_Tree_For_C mode, we do not generate an N_Op_Mod node
-      --  for signed integer types (since there is no equivalent operator in
-      --  C). Instead we rewrite such an operation in terms of REM (which is
-      --  % in C) and other C-available operators.
       -- 4.5.7  Conditional Expressions --
@@ -7798,12 +7750,6 @@  package Sinfo is
       --  plus fields for expression
       --  Shift_Count_OK
-      --  Note: N_Op_Rotate_Left, N_Op_Rotate_Right, N_Shift_Right_Arithmetic
-      --  never appear in the expanded tree if Modify_Tree_For_C mode is set.
-      --  Note: For N_Op_Shift_Left and N_Op_Shift_Right, the right operand is
-      --  always less than the word size if Modify_Tree_For_C mode is set.
    -- Obsolescent Features --
@@ -8113,9 +8059,6 @@  package Sinfo is
       --  the expression of the node is fully analyzed and expanded, at which
       --  point it is safe to remove it, since no more actions can be inserted.
-      --  Note: In Modify_Tree_For_C, we never generate any declarations in
-      --  the action list, which can contain only non-declarative statements.
       -- Free Statement --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/snames.ads-tmpl b/gcc/ada/snames.ads-tmpl
index 5be3044158e..eb4eca0cf7d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/snames.ads-tmpl
+++ b/gcc/ada/snames.ads-tmpl
@@ -1376,9 +1376,8 @@  package Snames is
    --  Other miscellaneous names used in front end
    --  Note that the UP_ prefix means use the rest of the name in uppercase,
-   --  e.g. Name_UP_RESULT corresponds to the name "RESULT".
+   --  e.g. Name_UP_RESULT maps to "RESULT".
-   Name_UP_RESULT                        : constant Name_Id := N + $;
    Name_Synchronous_Task_Control         : constant Name_Id := N + $;
    --  Names used to implement iterators over predefined containers
diff --git a/gcc/ada/switch-b.adb b/gcc/ada/switch-b.adb
index 2de516dba56..7cc0b8f0e3d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/switch-b.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/switch-b.adb
@@ -362,12 +362,6 @@  package body Switch.B is
                Debugger_Level := 2;
             end if;
-         --  Processing for G switch
-         when 'G' =>
-            Ptr := Ptr + 1;
-            Generate_C_Code := True;
          --  Processing for h switch
          when 'h' =>
diff --git a/gcc/ada/switch-c.adb b/gcc/ada/switch-c.adb
index 25cb6f20da6..9b5dde7c8d8 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/switch-c.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/switch-c.adb
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@  package body Switch.C is
                      Ptr := Ptr + 1;
                      Check_Float_Overflow := not Machine_Overflows_On_Target;
-                  --  -gnateg (generate C code)
+                  --  -gnateg (generate C header)
                   when 'g' =>
                      --  Special check, -gnateg must occur after -gnatc
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@  package body Switch.C is
                           ("gnateg requires previous occurrence of -gnatc");
                      end if;
-                     Generate_C_Code := True;
+                     Generate_C_Header := True;
                      Ptr := Ptr + 1;
                   --  -gnateG (save preprocessor output)