From: Piotr Trojanek <>
Check expressions of aspects Default_Value and Default_Component_Value
for references to the annotated types just before resolving these
This patch fixes both an asymmetry in processing of those aspects and
adds a missing check in GNATprove on aspect Default_Component_Value.
* sem_ch13.adb (Check_Aspect_Too_Late): Move routine to top-level.
(Resolve_Aspect_Expressions): Check aspects Default_Value and
Default_Component_Value before resolving their expressions.
Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.
gcc/ada/sem_ch13.adb | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
@@ -160,6 +160,14 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
-- Performs the processing of an aspect at the freeze point. ASN is the
-- N_Aspect_Specification node for the aspect.
+ procedure Check_Aspect_Too_Late (N : Node_Id);
+ -- This procedure is similar to Rep_Item_Too_Late for representation
+ -- aspects that apply to type and that do not have a corresponding pragma.
+ --
+ -- Used to check in particular that the expression associated with aspect
+ -- node N for the given type (entity) of the aspect does not appear too
+ -- late according to the rules in RM 13.1(9) and 13.1(10).
procedure Check_Pool_Size_Clash (Ent : Entity_Id; SP, SS : Node_Id);
-- Called if both Storage_Pool and Storage_Size attribute definition
-- clauses (SP and SS) are present for entity Ent. Issue error message.
@@ -967,14 +975,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
-- This routine analyzes an Aspect_Default_[Component_]Value denoted by
-- the aspect specification node ASN.
- procedure Check_Aspect_Too_Late (N : Node_Id);
- -- This procedure is similar to Rep_Item_Too_Late for representation
- -- aspects that apply to type and that do not have a corresponding
- -- pragma.
- -- Used to check in particular that the expression associated with
- -- aspect node N for the given type (entity) of the aspect does not
- -- appear too late according to the rules in RM 13.1(9) and 13.1(10).
procedure Make_Pragma_From_Boolean_Aspect (ASN : Node_Id);
-- Given an aspect specification node ASN whose expression is an
-- optional Boolean, this routines creates the corresponding pragma
@@ -1000,110 +1000,6 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
Check_Aspect_Too_Late (ASN);
end Analyze_Aspect_Default_Value;
- ---------------------------
- -- Check_Aspect_Too_Late --
- ---------------------------
- procedure Check_Aspect_Too_Late (N : Node_Id) is
- Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N);
- Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
- function Find_Type_Reference
- (Typ : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Return True if a reference to type Typ is found in the expression
- -- Expr.
- -------------------------
- -- Find_Type_Reference --
- -------------------------
- function Find_Type_Reference
- (Typ : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean
- is
- function Find_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
- -- Set Found to True if N refers to Typ
- ---------------
- -- Find_Type --
- ---------------
- function Find_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
- begin
- if N = Typ
- or else (Nkind (N) in N_Identifier | N_Expanded_Name
- and then Present (Entity (N))
- and then Entity (N) = Typ)
- then
- return Abandon;
- else
- return OK;
- end if;
- end Find_Type;
- function Search_Type_Reference is new Traverse_Func (Find_Type);
- begin
- return Search_Type_Reference (Expr) = Abandon;
- end Find_Type_Reference;
- Parent_Type : Entity_Id;
- Save_In_Spec_Expression : constant Boolean := In_Spec_Expression;
- Save_Must_Not_Freeze : constant Boolean := Must_Not_Freeze (Expr);
- begin
- -- Ensure Expr is analyzed so that e.g. all types are properly
- -- resolved for Find_Type_Reference. We preanalyze this expression
- -- (to avoid expansion), handle it as a spec expression (like default
- -- expression), disable freezing and skip resolution (to not fold
- -- type self-references, e.g. T'Last).
- In_Spec_Expression := True;
- Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Expr);
- Preanalyze (Expr);
- Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Expr, Save_Must_Not_Freeze);
- In_Spec_Expression := Save_In_Spec_Expression;
- -- A self-referential aspect is illegal if it forces freezing the
- -- entity before the corresponding aspect has been analyzed.
- if Find_Type_Reference (Typ, Expr) then
- Error_Msg_NE
- ("aspect specification causes premature freezing of&", N, Typ);
- end if;
- -- For representation aspects, check for case of untagged derived
- -- type whose parent either has primitive operations (pre Ada 2022),
- -- or is a by-reference type (RM 13.1(10)).
- -- Strictly speaking the check also applies to Ada 2012 but it is
- -- really too constraining for existing code already, so relax it.
- -- ??? Confirming aspects should be allowed here.
- if Is_Representation_Aspect (Get_Aspect_Id (N))
- and then Is_Derived_Type (Typ)
- and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ)
- then
- Parent_Type := Etype (Base_Type (Typ));
- if Ada_Version <= Ada_2012
- and then Has_Primitive_Operations (Parent_Type)
- then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("|representation aspect not permitted before Ada 2022: " &
- "use -gnat2022!", N);
- Error_Msg_NE
- ("\parent type & has primitive operations!", N, Parent_Type);
- elsif Is_By_Reference_Type (Parent_Type) then
- No_Type_Rep_Item (N);
- Error_Msg_NE
- ("\parent type & is a by-reference type!", N, Parent_Type);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Check_Aspect_Too_Late;
-- Make_Pragma_From_Boolean_Aspect --
@@ -11637,6 +11533,110 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
end if;
end Check_Aspect_At_Freeze_Point;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Check_Aspect_Too_Late --
+ ---------------------------
+ procedure Check_Aspect_Too_Late (N : Node_Id) is
+ Typ : constant Entity_Id := Entity (N);
+ Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
+ function Find_Type_Reference
+ (Typ : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Return True if a reference to type Typ is found in the expression
+ -- Expr.
+ -------------------------
+ -- Find_Type_Reference --
+ -------------------------
+ function Find_Type_Reference
+ (Typ : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean
+ is
+ function Find_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+ -- Set Found to True if N refers to Typ
+ ---------------
+ -- Find_Type --
+ ---------------
+ function Find_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+ begin
+ if N = Typ
+ or else (Nkind (N) in N_Identifier | N_Expanded_Name
+ and then Present (Entity (N))
+ and then Entity (N) = Typ)
+ then
+ return Abandon;
+ else
+ return OK;
+ end if;
+ end Find_Type;
+ function Search_Type_Reference is new Traverse_Func (Find_Type);
+ begin
+ return Search_Type_Reference (Expr) = Abandon;
+ end Find_Type_Reference;
+ Parent_Type : Entity_Id;
+ Save_In_Spec_Expression : constant Boolean := In_Spec_Expression;
+ Save_Must_Not_Freeze : constant Boolean := Must_Not_Freeze (Expr);
+ begin
+ -- Ensure Expr is analyzed so that e.g. all types are properly
+ -- resolved for Find_Type_Reference. We preanalyze this expression
+ -- (to avoid expansion), handle it as a spec expression (like default
+ -- expression), disable freezing and skip resolution (to not fold
+ -- type self-references, e.g. T'Last).
+ In_Spec_Expression := True;
+ Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Expr);
+ Preanalyze (Expr);
+ Set_Must_Not_Freeze (Expr, Save_Must_Not_Freeze);
+ In_Spec_Expression := Save_In_Spec_Expression;
+ -- A self-referential aspect is illegal if it forces freezing the
+ -- entity before the corresponding aspect has been analyzed.
+ if Find_Type_Reference (Typ, Expr) then
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("aspect specification causes premature freezing of&", N, Typ);
+ end if;
+ -- For representation aspects, check for case of untagged derived
+ -- type whose parent either has primitive operations (pre Ada 2022),
+ -- or is a by-reference type (RM 13.1(10)).
+ -- Strictly speaking the check also applies to Ada 2012 but it is
+ -- really too constraining for existing code already, so relax it.
+ -- ??? Confirming aspects should be allowed here.
+ if Is_Representation_Aspect (Get_Aspect_Id (N))
+ and then Is_Derived_Type (Typ)
+ and then not Is_Tagged_Type (Typ)
+ then
+ Parent_Type := Etype (Base_Type (Typ));
+ if Ada_Version <= Ada_2012
+ and then Has_Primitive_Operations (Parent_Type)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("|representation aspect not permitted before Ada 2022: " &
+ "use -gnat2022!", N);
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("\parent type & has primitive operations!", N, Parent_Type);
+ elsif Is_By_Reference_Type (Parent_Type) then
+ No_Type_Rep_Item (N);
+ Error_Msg_NE
+ ("\parent type & is a by-reference type!", N, Parent_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Aspect_Too_Late;
-- Check_Constant_Address_Clause --
@@ -16064,8 +16064,13 @@ package body Sem_Ch13 is
-- before the actual freeze point.
when Aspect_Default_Value =>
+ Check_Aspect_Too_Late (ASN);
Preanalyze_Spec_Expression (Expr, E);
+ when Aspect_Default_Component_Value =>
+ Check_Aspect_Too_Late (ASN);
+ Preanalyze_Spec_Expression (Expr, Component_Type (E));
when Aspect_CPU
| Aspect_Interrupt_Priority
| Aspect_Priority