[COMMITTED,10/30] ada: Followup on previous change for -gnatceg

Message ID 20240801151738.400796-10-poulhies@adacore.com
State Committed
Commit 3645685ba5d6167d152cf2198ca5d44ee9b359e8
Series [COMMITTED,01/30] ada: Remove obsolete workaround |

Commit Message

Marc Poulhiès Aug. 1, 2024, 3:17 p.m. UTC
  From: Arnaud Charlet <charlet@adacore.com>


	* osint-c.ads, osint-c.adb (Create_C_File, Close_C_File,
	Delete_C_File): Put back, needed by LLVM based CCG.
	* exp_unst.adb (Unnest_Subprogram): Complete previous change by
	removing now dead code and corresponding ??? comment.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb | 195 +------------------------------------------
 gcc/ada/osint-c.adb  |  40 +++++++++
 gcc/ada/osint-c.ads  |  18 ++--
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)


diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
index 19bb8948a89..7ff1ea621bb 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_unst.adb
@@ -2190,197 +2190,10 @@  package body Exp_Unst is
          end loop;
       end Subp_Loop;
-      --  Next step, process uplevel references. This has to be done in a
-      --  separate pass, after completing the processing in Sub_Loop because we
-      --  need all the AREC declarations generated, inserted, and analyzed so
-      --  that the uplevel references can be successfully analyzed.
-      Uplev_Refs : for J in Urefs.First .. Urefs.Last loop
-         declare
-            UPJ : Uref_Entry renames Urefs.Table (J);
-         begin
-            --  Ignore type references, these are implicit references that do
-            --  not need rewriting (e.g. the appearance in a conversion).
-            --  Also ignore if no reference was specified or if the rewriting
-            --  has already been done (this can happen if the N_Identifier
-            --  occurs more than one time in the tree). Also ignore references
-            --  with GNAT-LLVM (CCG_Mode), since it will handle the processing
-            --  for up-level refs).
-            --  ??? At this stage, only GNAT LLVM uses front-end unnesting, so
-            --  consider remove the code below.
-            if No (UPJ.Ref)
-              or else not Is_Entity_Name (UPJ.Ref)
-              or else No (Entity (UPJ.Ref))
-              or else Opt.CCG_Mode
-            then
-               goto Continue;
-            end if;
-            --  Rewrite one reference
-            Rewrite_One_Ref : declare
-               Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (UPJ.Ref);
-               --  Source location for the reference
-               Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (UPJ.Ent);
-               --  The type of the referenced entity
-               Atyp : Entity_Id;
-               --  The actual subtype of the reference
-               RS_Caller : constant SI_Type := Subp_Index (UPJ.Caller);
-               --  Subp_Index for caller containing reference
-               STJR : Subp_Entry renames Subps.Table (RS_Caller);
-               --  Subp_Entry for subprogram containing reference
-               RS_Callee : constant SI_Type := Subp_Index (UPJ.Callee);
-               --  Subp_Index for subprogram containing referenced entity
-               STJE : Subp_Entry renames Subps.Table (RS_Callee);
-               --  Subp_Entry for subprogram containing referenced entity
-               Pfx  : Node_Id;
-               Comp : Entity_Id;
-               SI   : SI_Type;
-            begin
-               Atyp := Etype (UPJ.Ref);
-               if Ekind (Atyp) /= E_Record_Subtype then
-                  Atyp := Get_Actual_Subtype (UPJ.Ref);
-               end if;
-               --  Ignore if no ARECnF entity for enclosing subprogram which
-               --  probably happens as a result of not properly treating
-               --  instance bodies. To be examined ???
-               --  If this test is omitted, then the compilation of freeze.adb
-               --  and inline.adb fail in unnesting mode.
-               if No (STJR.ARECnF) then
-                  goto Continue;
-               end if;
-               --  If this is a reference to a global constant, use its value
-               --  rather than create a reference. It is more efficient and
-               --  furthermore indispensable if the context requires a
-               --  constant, such as a branch of a case statement.
-               if Ekind (UPJ.Ent) = E_Constant
-                 and then Is_True_Constant (UPJ.Ent)
-                 and then Present (Constant_Value (UPJ.Ent))
-                 and then Is_Static_Expression (Constant_Value (UPJ.Ent))
-               then
-                  Rewrite (UPJ.Ref, New_Copy_Tree (Constant_Value (UPJ.Ent)));
-                  goto Continue;
-               end if;
-               --  Push the current scope, so that the pointer type Tnn, and
-               --  any subsidiary entities resulting from the analysis of the
-               --  rewritten reference, go in the right entity chain.
-               Push_Scope (STJR.Ent);
-               --  Now we need to rewrite the reference. We have a reference
-               --  from level STJR.Lev to level STJE.Lev. The general form of
-               --  the rewritten reference for entity X is:
-               --    Typ'Deref (ARECaF.ARECbU.ARECcU.ARECdU....ARECmU.X)
-               --  where a,b,c,d .. m =
-               --    STJR.Lev - 1,  STJR.Lev - 2, .. STJE.Lev
-               pragma Assert (STJR.Lev > STJE.Lev);
-               --  Compute the prefix of X. Here are examples to make things
-               --  clear (with parens to show groupings, the prefix is
-               --  everything except the .X at the end).
-               --   level 2 to level 1
-               --     AREC1F.X
-               --   level 3 to level 1
-               --     (AREC2F.AREC1U).X
-               --   level 4 to level 1
-               --     ((AREC3F.AREC2U).AREC1U).X
-               --   level 6 to level 2
-               --     (((AREC5F.AREC4U).AREC3U).AREC2U).X
-               --  In the above, ARECnF and ARECnU are pointers, so there are
-               --  explicit dereferences required for these occurrences.
-               Pfx :=
-                 Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
-                   Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (STJR.ARECnF, Loc));
-               SI := RS_Caller;
-               for L in STJE.Lev .. STJR.Lev - 2 loop
-                  SI := Enclosing_Subp (SI);
-                  Pfx :=
-                    Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
-                      Prefix =>
-                        Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
-                          Prefix        => Pfx,
-                          Selector_Name =>
-                            New_Occurrence_Of (Subps.Table (SI).ARECnU, Loc)));
-               end loop;
-               --  Get activation record component (must exist)
-               Comp := Activation_Record_Component (UPJ.Ent);
-               pragma Assert (Present (Comp));
-               --  Do the replacement. If the component type is an access type,
-               --  this is an uplevel reference for an entity that requires a
-               --  fat pointer, so dereference the component.
-               if Is_Access_Type (Etype (Comp)) then
-                  Rewrite (UPJ.Ref,
-                    Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
-                      Prefix =>
-                        Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
-                          Prefix        => Pfx,
-                          Selector_Name =>
-                            New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc))));
-               else
-                  Rewrite (UPJ.Ref,
-                    Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
-                      Prefix         => New_Occurrence_Of (Atyp, Loc),
-                      Attribute_Name => Name_Deref,
-                      Expressions    => New_List (
-                        Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
-                          Prefix        => Pfx,
-                          Selector_Name =>
-                            New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc)))));
-               end if;
-               --  Analyze and resolve the new expression. We do not need to
-               --  establish the relevant scope stack entries here, because we
-               --  have already set all the correct entity references, so no
-               --  name resolution is needed. We have already set the current
-               --  scope, so that any new entities created will be in the right
-               --  scope.
-               --  We analyze with all checks suppressed (since we do not
-               --  expect any exceptions)
-               Analyze_And_Resolve (UPJ.Ref, Typ, Suppress => All_Checks);
-               Pop_Scope;
-            end Rewrite_One_Ref;
-         end;
-      <<Continue>>
-         null;
-      end loop Uplev_Refs;
+      --  Note: we used to process uplevel references, in particular for the
+      --  old CCG (cprint.adb). With GNAT LLVM, processing of uplevel
+      --  references needs to be done directly there which is more reliable, so
+      --  we no longer need to do it here.
       --  Finally, loop through all calls adding extra actual for the
       --  activation record where it is required.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb b/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
index 0fef274217a..08abbae9464 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/osint-c.adb
@@ -44,6 +44,23 @@  package body Osint.C is
    --  output file and Suffix is the desired suffix (dg/rep/xxx for debug/
    --  repinfo/list file where xxx is specified extension.
+   ------------------
+   -- Close_C_File --
+   ------------------
+   procedure Close_C_File is
+      Status : Boolean;
+   begin
+      Close (Output_FD, Status);
+      if not Status then
+         Fail
+           ("error while closing file "
+            & Get_Name_String (Output_File_Name));
+      end if;
+   end Close_C_File;
    -- Close_Debug_File --
@@ -173,6 +190,18 @@  package body Osint.C is
       return Result;
    end Create_Auxiliary_File;
+   -------------------
+   -- Create_C_File --
+   -------------------
+   procedure Create_C_File is
+      Dummy : Boolean;
+   begin
+      Set_File_Name ("c");
+      Delete_File (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), Dummy);
+      Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
+   end Create_C_File;
    -- Create_Debug_File --
@@ -265,6 +294,17 @@  package body Osint.C is
       end if;
    end Debug_File_Eol_Length;
+   -------------------
+   -- Delete_C_File --
+   -------------------
+   procedure Delete_C_File is
+      Dummy : Boolean;
+   begin
+      Set_File_Name ("c");
+      Delete_File (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), Dummy);
+   end Delete_C_File;
    -- Delete_H_File --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads b/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
index bde37c72723..583d9e4b433 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/osint-c.ads
@@ -160,22 +160,26 @@  package Osint.C is
    --  These routines are used by the compiler when the C translation option
-   --  is activated to write *.h files to the current object directory.
-   --  Note that the files are written via the Output package routines, using
-   --  Output_FD.
+   --  is activated to write *.c or *.h files to the current object directory.
+   --  Each routine exists in a C and an H form for the two kinds of files.
+   --  Only one of these files can be written at a time. Note that the files
+   --  are written via the Output package routines, using Output_FD.
+   procedure Create_C_File;
    procedure Create_H_File;
-   --  Creates the *.h file for the source file which is currently being
+   --  Creates the *.c/*.h file for the source file which is currently being
    --  compiled (i.e. the file which was most recently returned by
    --  Next_Main_Source).
+   procedure Close_C_File;
    procedure Close_H_File;
-   --  Closes the file created by Create_H file, flushing any buffers, etc.
+   --  Closes the file created by Create_C/H file, flushing any buffers, etc.
    --  from writes by Write_C_File and Write_H_File;
+   procedure Delete_C_File;
    procedure Delete_H_File;
-   --  Deletes the .h file corresponding to the source file which is currently
-   --  being compiled.
+   --  Deletes the .c/.h file corresponding to the source file which is
+   --  currently being compiled.
    -- List File Output --