[COMMITTED,02/30] ada: Improve preprocessor error handling.
Commit Message
From: Steve Baird <baird@adacore.com>
In some cases, gnatprep would correctly emit an error message and then
incorrectly exit with a return code of zero, indicating success.
In some cases, a correct message about an error detected by the integrated
preprocessor would be accompanied by an incorrect message indicating that
a source file could not be found.
* gprep.adb (Process_Files.Process_One_File): When calling OS_Exit in an error
path, pass in a Status parameter of 1 instead of 0 (because 0
indicates success).
* lib-load.adb (Load_Main_Source): Do not emit a message about a missing source file
if other error messages were generated by calling Load_Source_File;
the file isn't missing - it failed preprocessing.
Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.
gcc/ada/gprep.adb | 2 +-
gcc/ada/lib-load.adb | 10 +++++++++-
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ package body GPrep is
Errutil.Finalize (Source_Type => "input");
- OS_Exit (0);
+ OS_Exit (1);
-- Otherwise, close the output file, and we are done
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ package body Lib.Load is
Is_Predefined_Renaming_File_Name (Fname);
GNAT_Name : constant Boolean :=
Is_GNAT_File_Name (Fname);
+ Saved_Error_Count : constant Nat := Total_Errors_Detected;
Version : Word := 0;
@@ -336,7 +337,14 @@ package body Lib.Load is
if Main_Source_File > No_Source_File then
Version := Source_Checksum (Main_Source_File);
- else
+ -- If we get here and Saved_Error_Count /= Total_Errors_Detected,
+ -- then an error occurred during preprocessing. In this case
+ -- we have already generated an error message during preprocessing
+ -- and we do not want to emit an incorrect "file foo.adb not found"
+ -- message here.
+ elsif Saved_Error_Count = Total_Errors_Detected then
-- To avoid emitting a source location (since there is no file),
-- we write a custom error message instead of using the machinery
-- in errout.adb.