From patchwork Wed Apr 10 15:29:50 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Victor Do Nascimento X-Patchwork-Id: 88303 Return-Path: X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 651F2384641A for ; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:31:34 +0000 (GMT) X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 810363846013 for ; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:30:14 +0000 (GMT) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.2 810363846013 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Filter: OpenARC Filter v1.0.0 810363846013 Authentication-Results:; arc=pass smtp.remote-ip= ARC-Seal: i=3; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1712763020; cv=pass; b=f1vSDPwM6GC04ckm9NAIgWXWhjkPflDcGzUioZoh6IpukvXW/o3hx9xRelz45lPEU0yLcvM0AaTYT5WoP93QMeeva+iTl6MFYaYlk9EK2zAqZJFAkYUI6Lwec/Oj7xbGa3tvIUqCcz24i+Ky8pgQS83kYNCFUJvKtWOV6cFp1fo= ARC-Message-Signature: i=3; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1712763020; c=relaxed/simple; bh=pbl6uxLM+vBhqC1ClVzY7/lLhwA9sesPB0iPtHtjxyY=; h=DKIM-Signature:DKIM-Signature:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID: MIME-Version; b=Mo1K7gN3z0hKLdREBpBKRzEaUviQBsDRyoRkqDkDg9PjF6IZKrDzxRSGcCDAOXrClFL2mR/wsm+Xz4Gbiw3JX950eDYfwuuu1M6AAUZ+35DSi1xP5P+NN0HfkDMjMXaY1elOJfKnPkG8WyURDnT+M6dDZU37sSE4MbwND16ZDIQ= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=3; ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=pass; b=UoFPQ3ZUg0msgsftvvLElO0ftJRUTqS6Ra2kCKCuiQq7k9TQz+ihtCpGkNX6hDwSqezK+UWZI+6uqhU528cGXpU/pDUuDFueQeOW4JDn4Lcqju4vpr/ijTdL0qeJMUm/rRMABbxdrDPx6zp1VCd1n0QCssdjPL5g7oDiap4/5uGtEp59VGGGkmiFx0Y/tHI6M3zjbxrSg2hixNp6CSBI3agHqOWgXkjREkeWZf2WgmQvCFvcxS9GdXYxjGPby1hFqvbyoOgU1d2KTsFwdPwLxxiHIzme2RkLDZwhsU2beFfLWybUs2tSchURGxbbSFkrrLeE52mJfdZbLM5GmvDIyQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=P/78Q+Mpejo7Lz5cTkGdFoJ9OWRXBDtapFvNdscDrrs=; b=S7Nvp4vqd3WKa5CNxAGZls6eq5V8sum09pf515RrrMVwiSCygHvxOoFDnNQwNuYmvXknpRhaPUD0clw287FmAVNre0sOAAwyE8yJwAL/RyBFAY8HVkPr5YTVncKBYeOnihw96CfC3zVXD2XO3C2d6B6gRalKrm09ZmxlzHny6+vwTV9PpHbR0KSLo/yTCN/CWPCTtZUPRO6z17ktKW3CUzbAo7FYNm8HcDDb7lm9ZOvf2l9ZH0r9HBFQToX/Dqkw82nvsDYD0UXRaWf7r3fBhpNftz5zhSMQ+B8Q1dUB3yB3y8HjvNVh3hdh4u6BQGZMVgbxU7dL3EZLe2I3XR3rdw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2; 1; spf=pass (sender ip is; dmarc=pass (p=none sp=none pct=100) action=none; dkim=pass (signature was verified); arc=pass (0 oda=1 ltdi=1 spf=[1, 1,] dmarc=[1, 1,]) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-armh-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=P/78Q+Mpejo7Lz5cTkGdFoJ9OWRXBDtapFvNdscDrrs=; b=ngmD2yWxNfqlhy4FiuJ19sjsQBTIVAL/c0TJjYnbxf83Rn22eqin1Wh19a4lZEH4XpJ+yQkff852I5LxBaCqqbMOdA5dGNjwo7/TePUPIErBx5TwGu0RB/yYhgUYhFO7IlE5AAgT161QN5FxNgj30WJSphoiTOcf1wQj5fTJMR8= Received: from AM0PR10CA0119.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:208:e6::36) by (2603:10a6:20b:297::24) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7409.53; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:30:05 +0000 Received: from (2603:10a6:208:e6:cafe::c9) by (2603:10a6:208:e6::36) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7409.46 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:30:05 +0000 X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=pass (signature was verified);dmarc=pass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; pr=C Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_3, cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7452.22 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:30:05 +0000 Received: ("Tessian outbound e26069fc76b9:v300"); Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:30:04 +0000 X-CheckRecipientChecked: true X-CR-MTA-CID: 40cd6da200f1279f X-CR-MTA-TID: 64aa7808 Received: from a07b018d071e.1 by id 94199249-0F93-4A45-A824-9EE7192A8981.1; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:58 +0000 Received: from by with ESMTPS id a07b018d071e.1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384); Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:58 +0000 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=PcvNL/1F/+75MUwwM5vd704HtgAyZSu2XiIMHVFTQldJ30HYfGW/61RsGbd6lUPv5J7/rbJQl9zIGrI93LJEhN7sYarUL1zDmI5r8lz+sp2pF1WjMFBOHFjJY+E9gSQpqJ4BIa+6OiXal3UkRkXGfkJ2omkTYtFJe7W+8lzGlNCmbIYuy4fd7fgA/BCV5pGkRl19ybmfDJ1i0ROP1TWmEagb4+T++UlhYNcPJLb+sqmCdP+1lHf6s96JmHVjwkPDiq0Bhi7SUNebLrroyf/fTTQNBqTy8ypsrdmAJEJIaV0syuii6Qq7HcKbBHLHEpyfnibuy/dZNKqaEjW9A8Np0A== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=P/78Q+Mpejo7Lz5cTkGdFoJ9OWRXBDtapFvNdscDrrs=; b=gYnhMtktNyAH74T0n8gqBc64pQeqqcnf17xLSed0m8RUbrm/SkOl7FvbqMJEooq2RcnpK5nEkDNNrL5JfbyWJkFGXBbSgIfqQbmp5NiGKhuEuNxnHBQDz7rXUkfHpEj2P+eDihcJYagCGOYqgNKixv68h12rdK35DGm8uP7JrX1Kai7QvV+MYpl0lebxJlOytN9WZvC9Wep5df/AmHm6aTTnGRWqUCbLWX0WptqZEKxutVKvz5dg2xWfTB62moON6eHLI3qGFu2+GXN4GetiyvpXodh9Ws5JgRVVC7v2Mu3Q5+iOcQd6BoXzCStB2FPMZpwdI/fgT9daspOg59+O8Q== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass (sender ip is; dmarc=pass (p=none sp=none pct=100) action=none; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none (0) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-armh-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=P/78Q+Mpejo7Lz5cTkGdFoJ9OWRXBDtapFvNdscDrrs=; b=ngmD2yWxNfqlhy4FiuJ19sjsQBTIVAL/c0TJjYnbxf83Rn22eqin1Wh19a4lZEH4XpJ+yQkff852I5LxBaCqqbMOdA5dGNjwo7/TePUPIErBx5TwGu0RB/yYhgUYhFO7IlE5AAgT161QN5FxNgj30WJSphoiTOcf1wQj5fTJMR8= Received: from DB8P191CA0001.EURP191.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:10:130::11) by (2603:10a6:20b:29d::9) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7409.46; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:56 +0000 Received: from (2603:10a6:10:130:cafe::63) by (2603:10a6:10:130::11) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7472.19 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:56 +0000 X-MS-Exchange-Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=pass action=none; Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); client-ip=;; pr=C Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.20.7452.22 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:56 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) id 15.1.2507.35; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:55 +0000 Received: from ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.1.2507.35 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:29:54 +0000 From: Victor Do Nascimento To: CC: , , Victor Do Nascimento Subject: [PATCH 4/4] aarch64: fp8 convert and scale - add sme2 insn variants Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 16:29:50 +0100 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-EOPAttributedMessage: 1 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: DB1PEPF00039233:EE_|AS8PR08MB6296:EE_|AM1PEPF000252DB:EE_|AS8PR08MB5975:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 5c830ca8-1d27-4469-2cee-08dc597318c3 X-LD-Processed: f34e5979-57d9-4aaa-ad4d-b122a662184d,ExtAddr x-checkrecipientrouted: true NoDisclaimer: true X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam-Untrusted: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info-Original: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted: CIP:; CTRY:IE; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:InfoDomainNonexistent; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(376005)(36860700004)(82310400014)(1800799015); 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CTRY:IE; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:CAL; SFV:NSPM;;; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(376005)(82310400014)(36860700004)(1800799015); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Apr 2024 15:30:05.0698 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 5c830ca8-1d27-4469-2cee-08dc597318c3 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: f34e5979-57d9-4aaa-ad4d-b122a662184d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalAttributedTenantConnectingIp: TenantId=f34e5979-57d9-4aaa-ad4d-b122a662184d; Ip=[]; Helo=[] X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: HybridOnPrem X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AS8PR08MB5975 X-Spam-Status: No, score=-11.7 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00, DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, FORGED_SPF_HELO, GIT_PATCH_0, KAM_ASCII_DIVIDERS, KAM_DMARC_NONE, KAM_LOTSOFHASH, RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2, SPF_HELO_PASS, SPF_NONE, TXREP, UNPARSEABLE_RELAY autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.6 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.30 Precedence: list List-Id: Binutils mailing list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: From: Victor Do Nascimento Add the SME2 variant of the FP8 convert and scale instructions, enabled at assembly-time using the `+sme2+fp8' architectural extension flag. More specifically, support is added for the following instructions: Multi-vector floating-point convert from FP8 to BFloat16 (in-order): ----------------------------------------------- - bf1cvt { .H-.H }, .B - bf2cvt { .H-.H }, .B Multi-vector floating-point convert from FP8 to deinterleaved BFloat16: ----------------------------------------------- - bf1cvtl { .H-.H }, .B - bf2cvtl { .H-.H }, .B Multi-vector floating-point convert from BFloat16 to packed FP8 format: ------------------------------------------------- - bfcvt .B, { .H-.H } Multi-vector floating-point convert from FP8 to half-precision (in-order): ----------------------------------------------- - f1cvt { .H-.H }, .B - f2cvt { .H-.H }, .B Multi-vector floating-point convert from FP8 to deinterleaved half-precision: ----------------------------------------------- - f1cvtl { .H-.H }, .B - f2cvtl { .H-.H }, .B Multi-vector floating-point convert from half-precision to packed FP8 format: ------------------------------------------------------- fcvt_2h Multi-vector floating-point convert from single-precision to packed FP8 format: --------------------------------------------------------- fcvt_4s Multi-vector floating-point convert from single-precision to interleaved FP8 format: --------------------------------------------------------- - fcvtn .B, { .S-.S } Multi-vector floating-point adjust exponent by vector: ------------------------------------------------------ - fscale { .H-.H }, { .H-.H }, .H - fscale { .S-.S }, { .S-.S }, .S - fscale { .D-.D }, { .D-.D }, .D Multi-vector floating-point adjust exponent: -------------------------------------------- - fscale { .H-.H }, { .H-.H }, { .H - .H } - fscale { .S-.S }, { .S-.S }, { .S - .S } - fscale { .D-.D }, { .D-.D }, { .D - .D } --- gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-24-invalid.l | 4 +- gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.d | 2 + gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.l | 273 ++++++++++++ gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.s | 106 +++++ gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.d | 128 ++++++ gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.s | 112 +++++ opcodes/aarch64-dis-2.c | 448 ++++++++++++++------ opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h | 16 + 8 files changed, 951 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-) create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.d create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.l create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.s create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.d create mode 100644 gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.s diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-24-invalid.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-24-invalid.l index c44a582979d..82dd0fb1308 100644 --- a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-24-invalid.l +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-24-invalid.l @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: bfcvtn z0\.h, {z0\.s-z3\.s} [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z0\.s,{z0\.h-z3\.h}' [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: did you mean this\? -[^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: bfcvt z0\.h, {z0\.s-z3\.s} +[^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: bfcvt z0\.b, {z0\.h-z3\.h} [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z0\.s,{z0\.h-z1\.h}' [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: did you mean this\? -[^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: fcvt z0\.h, {z0\.s-z1\.s} +[^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: fcvt z0\.b, {z0\.h-z1\.h} [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z0\.s,{z0\.s-z1\.s}' [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: did you mean this\? [^ :]+:[0-9]+: Info: fcvt z0\.h, {z0\.s-z1\.s} diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.d new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..79f139c2353 --- /dev/null +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.d @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#as: -march=armv8.5-a+fp8+sme2 -mno-verbose-error +#error_output: sme2-fp8-fail.l \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.l b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.l new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f25fd60b1bd --- /dev/null +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.l @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +[^:]+: Assembler messages: +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvt {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `bf1cvt {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:19: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvt {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `bf2cvt {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:20: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf1cvtl {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `bf1cvtl {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:21: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `bf2cvtl {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `bf2cvtl {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:22: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvt {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `f1cvt {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:23: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvt {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `f2cvt {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:24: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `f1cvtl {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `f1cvtl {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:25: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:7: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:8: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.s' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:9: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h},z2.d' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:11: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.b-z1.b},z2.b' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:13: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.s-z1.s},z2.b' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:14: Error: operand mismatch -- `f2cvtl {z0.d-z1.d},z2.b' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:16: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `f2cvtl {z1.h-z2.h},z2.b' +[^:]+:26: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:31: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.h,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:32: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.s,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:33: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.d,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:35: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.b,{z0.b-z1.b}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:37: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.b,{z0.s-z1.s}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:38: Error: operand mismatch -- `bfcvt z2.b,{z0.d-z1.d}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:40: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `bfcvt z2.b,{z1.h-z2.h}' +[^:]+:43: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:31: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z2.h,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:32: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z2.s,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:33: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z2.d,{z0.h-z1.h}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:35: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z2.b,{z0.b-z1.b}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:37: Error: expected a list of 4 registers at operand 2 -- `fcvt z2.b,{z0.s-z1.s}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:38: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z2.b,{z0.d-z1.d}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:40: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvt z2.b,{z1.h-z2.h}' +[^:]+:44: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:49: Error: expected a list of 2 registers at operand 2 -- `fcvtn z4.h,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:50: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvtn z4.s,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:51: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvtn z4.d,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:53: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z0.b-z3.b}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:54: Error: expected a list of 2 registers at operand 2 -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z0.h-z3.h}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:56: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z0.d-z3.d}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:58: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z1.s-z4.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:59: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z2.s-z5.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:60: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvtn z4.b,{z3.s-z6.s}' +[^:]+:63: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:49: Error: expected a list of 2 registers at operand 2 -- `fcvt z4.h,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:50: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z4.s,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:51: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z4.d,{z0.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:53: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z4.b,{z0.b-z3.b}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:54: Error: expected a list of 2 registers at operand 2 -- `fcvt z4.b,{z0.h-z3.h}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:56: Error: operand mismatch -- `fcvt z4.b,{z0.d-z3.d}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:58: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvt z4.b,{z1.s-z4.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:59: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvt z4.b,{z2.s-z5.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:60: Error: start register out of range at operand 2 -- `fcvt z4.b,{z3.s-z6.s}' +[^:]+:64: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:69: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.h-z1.h},{z2.h-z3.h},z2.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:71: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.h-z2.h},{z1.h-z2.h},z3.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:74: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.h-z3.h},{z1.h-z4.h},z4.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:76: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.h-z4.h},{z1.h-z4.h},z4.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:77: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.h-z5.h},{z2.h-z5.h},z4.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:78: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.h-z6.h},{z3.h-z6.h},z4.h' +[^:]+:81: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:69: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.s-z1.s},{z2.s-z3.s},z2.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:71: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.s-z2.s},{z1.s-z2.s},z3.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:74: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.s-z3.s},{z1.s-z4.s},z4.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:76: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.s-z4.s},{z1.s-z4.s},z4.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:77: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.s-z5.s},{z2.s-z5.s},z4.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:78: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.s-z6.s},{z3.s-z6.s},z4.s' +[^:]+:82: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:69: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.d-z1.d},{z2.d-z3.d},z2.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:71: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.d-z2.d},{z1.d-z2.d},z3.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:74: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.d-z3.d},{z1.d-z4.d},z4.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:76: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.d-z4.d},{z1.d-z4.d},z4.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:77: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.d-z5.d},{z2.d-z5.d},z4.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:78: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.d-z6.d},{z3.d-z6.d},z4.d' +[^:]+:83: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:88: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.h-z1.h},{z1.h-z2.h},{z2.h-z3.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:90: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.h-z2.h},{z1.h-z2.h},{z2.h-z3.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:91: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.h-z2.h},{z1.h-z2.h},{z3.h-z4.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:94: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.h-z3.h},{z1.h-z4.h},{z4.h-z7.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:96: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.h-z4.h},{z1.h-z4.h},{z4.h-z7.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:97: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.h-z5.h},{z2.h-z5.h},{z4.h-z7.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:98: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.h-z6.h},{z3.h-z6.h},{z4.h-z7.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:99: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.h-z3.h},{z0.h-z3.h},{z5.h-z8.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:100: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.h-z3.h},{z0.h-z3.h},{z6.h-z9.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:101: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.h-z3.h},{z0.h-z3.h},{z7.h-z10.h}' +[^:]+:104: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:88: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.s-z1.s},{z1.s-z2.s},{z2.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:90: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.s-z2.s},{z1.s-z2.s},{z2.s-z3.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:91: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.s-z2.s},{z1.s-z2.s},{z3.s-z4.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:94: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.s-z3.s},{z1.s-z4.s},{z4.s-z7.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:96: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.s-z4.s},{z1.s-z4.s},{z4.s-z7.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:97: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.s-z5.s},{z2.s-z5.s},{z4.s-z7.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:98: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.s-z6.s},{z3.s-z6.s},{z4.s-z7.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:99: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.s-z3.s},{z0.s-z3.s},{z5.s-z8.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:100: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.s-z3.s},{z0.s-z3.s},{z6.s-z9.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:101: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.s-z3.s},{z0.s-z3.s},{z7.s-z10.s}' +[^:]+:105: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:88: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.d-z1.d},{z1.d-z2.d},{z2.d-z3.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:90: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.d-z2.d},{z1.d-z2.d},{z2.d-z3.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:91: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.d-z2.d},{z1.d-z2.d},{z3.d-z4.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:94: Error: operand 2 must be the same register as operand 1 -- `fscale {z0.d-z3.d},{z1.d-z4.d},{z4.d-z7.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:96: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z1.d-z4.d},{z1.d-z4.d},{z4.d-z7.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:97: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z2.d-z5.d},{z2.d-z5.d},{z4.d-z7.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:98: Error: start register out of range at operand 1 -- `fscale {z3.d-z6.d},{z3.d-z6.d},{z4.d-z7.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:99: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.d-z3.d},{z0.d-z3.d},{z5.d-z8.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:100: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.d-z3.d},{z0.d-z3.d},{z6.d-z9.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here +[^:]+:101: Error: start register out of range at operand 3 -- `fscale {z0.d-z3.d},{z0.d-z3.d},{z7.d-z10.d}' +[^:]+:106: Info: macro invoked from here diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..612710fdda8 --- /dev/null +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8-fail.s @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + /* sme-fp8-fail.s Test file for error-checking AArch64 SME 8-bit + floating-point vector instructions. */ + + .macro cvt_pat1, op + /* Check element width qualifier for source register. */ + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b /* Valid. */ + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.h + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.s + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.d + /* Check element width qualifier for destination register pair. */ + \op {z0.b-z1.b}, z2.b + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b /* Valid. */ + \op {z0.s-z1.s}, z2.b + \op {z0.d-z1.d}, z2.b + /* Check whether destination register range starts at even register. */ + \op {z1.h-z2.h}, z2.b + .endm + + cvt_pat1 bf1cvt + cvt_pat1 bf2cvt + cvt_pat1 bf1cvtl + cvt_pat1 bf2cvtl + cvt_pat1 f1cvt + cvt_pat1 f2cvt + cvt_pat1 f1cvtl + cvt_pat1 f2cvtl + + .macro cvt_pat2, op + /* Check element width qualifier for destination register. */ + \op z2.b, {z0.h-z1.h} /* Valid. */ + \op z2.h, {z0.h-z1.h} + \op z2.s, {z0.h-z1.h} + \op z2.d, {z0.h-z1.h} + /* Check element width qualifier for source register pair. */ + \op z2.b, {z0.b-z1.b} + \op z2.b, {z0.h-z1.h} /* Valid. */ + \op z2.b, {z0.s-z1.s} + \op z2.b, {z0.d-z1.d} + /* Check whether source register range starts at even register. */ + \op z2.b, {z1.h-z2.h} + .endm + + cvt_pat2 bfcvt + cvt_pat2 fcvt + + .macro cvt_pat3, op + /* Check element width qualifier for destination register. */ + \op z4.b, {z0.s-z3.s} /* Valid. */ + \op z4.h, {z0.s-z3.s} + \op z4.s, {z0.s-z3.s} + \op z4.d, {z0.s-z3.s} + /* Check element width qualifier for source register pair. */ + \op z4.b, {z0.b-z3.b} + \op z4.b, {z0.h-z3.h} + \op z4.b, {z0.s-z3.s} /* Valid. */ + \op z4.b, {z0.d-z3.d} + /* Check whether start of source register range is multiple of 4. */ + \op z4.b, {z1.s-z4.s} + \op z4.b, {z2.s-z5.s} + \op z4.b, {z3.s-z6.s} + .endm + + cvt_pat3 fcvtn + cvt_pat3 fcvt + + .macro fscale_single, w + /* pair. */ + /* Ensure the two multi-vector groups are tied. */ + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z2.\w - z3.\w }, z2.\w + /* Check first source multi-vector group starts at even register. */ + fscale { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z1.\w - z2.\w }, z3.\w + /* quad. */ + /* Ensure the two multi-vector groups are tied. */ + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z1.\w-z4.\w }, z4.\w + /* Check start of first source multi-vector group is multiple of 4. */ + fscale { z1.\w-z4.\w }, { z1.\w-z4.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z2.\w-z5.\w }, { z2.\w-z5.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z3.\w-z6.\w }, { z3.\w-z6.\w }, z4.\w + .endm + + fscale_single h + fscale_single s + fscale_single d + + .macro fscale_multi, w + /* pair. */ + /* Ensure the two multi-vector groups are tied. */ + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z2.\w-z3.\w } + /* Check multi-vector groups start at even register. */ + fscale { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z2.\w-z3.\w } + fscale { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z1.\w - z2.\w }, { z3.\w-z4.\w } + /* quad. */ + /* Ensure the two multi-vector groups are tied. */ + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z1.\w-z4.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + /* Check the start of multi-vector group ranges is multiple of 4. */ + fscale { z1.\w-z4.\w }, { z1.\w-z4.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + fscale { z2.\w-z5.\w }, { z2.\w-z5.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + fscale { z3.\w-z6.\w }, { z3.\w-z6.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z5.\w-z8.\w } + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z6.\w-z9.\w } + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z7.\w-z10.\w } + .endm + + fscale_multi h + fscale_multi s + fscale_multi d diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.d b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.d new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8d952d4b8ad --- /dev/null +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.d @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +#as: -march=armv8.5-a+fp8+sme2 +#objdump: -dr + +.*: file format .* + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +0+ <.*>: +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e040 bf1cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e080 bf1cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e042 bf1cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e082 bf1cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e3dc bf1cvt {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e040 bf2cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e080 bf2cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e042 bf2cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e082 bf2cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e3dc bf2cvt {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e041 bf1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e081 bf1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e043 bf1cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e083 bf1cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c166e3dd bf1cvtl {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e041 bf2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e081 bf2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e043 bf2cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e083 bf2cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e6e3dd bf2cvtl {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e040 f1cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e080 f1cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e042 f1cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e082 f1cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e3dc f1cvt {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e040 f2cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e080 f2cvt {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e042 f2cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e082 f2cvt {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e3dc f2cvt {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e041 f1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e081 f1cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e043 f1cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e083 f1cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c126e3dd f1cvtl {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e041 f2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e081 f2cvtl {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e043 f2cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e083 f2cvtl {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a6e3dd f2cvtl {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164e002 bfcvt z2.b, {z0.h-z1.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164e004 bfcvt z4.b, {z0.h-z1.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164e042 bfcvt z2.b, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164e044 bfcvt z4.b, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164e39e bfcvt z30.b, {z28.h-z29.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c124e002 fcvt z2.b, {z0.h-z1.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c124e004 fcvt z4.b, {z0.h-z1.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c124e042 fcvt z2.b, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c124e044 fcvt z4.b, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c124e39e fcvt z30.b, {z28.h-z29.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e024 fcvtn z4.b, {z0.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e028 fcvtn z8.b, {z0.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e0a4 fcvtn z4.b, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e0a8 fcvtn z8.b, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e33c fcvtn z28.b, {z24.s-z27.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e004 fcvt z4.b, {z0.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e008 fcvt z8.b, {z0.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e084 fcvt z4.b, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e088 fcvt z8.b, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c134e31c fcvt z28.b, {z24.s-z27.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c162a180 fscale {z0.h-z1.h}, {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c162a182 fscale {z2.h-z3.h}, {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164a180 fscale {z0.h-z1.h}, {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164a182 fscale {z2.h-z3.h}, {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c16fa198 fscale {z24.h-z25.h}, {z24.h-z25.h}, z15.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164a980 fscale {z0.h-z3.h}, {z0.h-z3.h}, z4.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164a984 fscale {z4.h-z7.h}, {z4.h-z7.h}, z4.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c168a980 fscale {z0.h-z3.h}, {z0.h-z3.h}, z8.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c168a984 fscale {z4.h-z7.h}, {z4.h-z7.h}, z8.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c16fa998 fscale {z24.h-z27.h}, {z24.h-z27.h}, z15.h +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a2a180 fscale {z0.s-z1.s}, {z0.s-z1.s}, z2.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a2a182 fscale {z2.s-z3.s}, {z2.s-z3.s}, z2.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4a180 fscale {z0.s-z1.s}, {z0.s-z1.s}, z4.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4a182 fscale {z2.s-z3.s}, {z2.s-z3.s}, z4.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1afa198 fscale {z24.s-z25.s}, {z24.s-z25.s}, z15.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4a980 fscale {z0.s-z3.s}, {z0.s-z3.s}, z4.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4a984 fscale {z4.s-z7.s}, {z4.s-z7.s}, z4.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a8a980 fscale {z0.s-z3.s}, {z0.s-z3.s}, z8.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a8a984 fscale {z4.s-z7.s}, {z4.s-z7.s}, z8.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1afa998 fscale {z24.s-z27.s}, {z24.s-z27.s}, z15.s +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e2a180 fscale {z0.d-z1.d}, {z0.d-z1.d}, z2.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e2a182 fscale {z2.d-z3.d}, {z2.d-z3.d}, z2.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4a180 fscale {z0.d-z1.d}, {z0.d-z1.d}, z4.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4a182 fscale {z2.d-z3.d}, {z2.d-z3.d}, z4.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1efa198 fscale {z24.d-z25.d}, {z24.d-z25.d}, z15.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4a980 fscale {z0.d-z3.d}, {z0.d-z3.d}, z4.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4a984 fscale {z4.d-z7.d}, {z4.d-z7.d}, z4.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e8a980 fscale {z0.d-z3.d}, {z0.d-z3.d}, z8.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e8a984 fscale {z4.d-z7.d}, {z4.d-z7.d}, z8.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1efa998 fscale {z24.d-z27.d}, {z24.d-z27.d}, z15.d +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c162b180 fscale {z0.h-z1.h}, {z0.h-z1.h}, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c162b182 fscale {z2.h-z3.h}, {z2.h-z3.h}, {z2.h-z3.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164b180 fscale {z0.h-z1.h}, {z0.h-z1.h}, {z4.h-z5.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164b182 fscale {z2.h-z3.h}, {z2.h-z3.h}, {z4.h-z5.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c176b194 fscale {z20.h-z21.h}, {z20.h-z21.h}, {z22.h-z23.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164b980 fscale {z0.h-z3.h}, {z0.h-z3.h}, {z4.h-z7.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c164b984 fscale {z4.h-z7.h}, {z4.h-z7.h}, {z4.h-z7.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c168b980 fscale {z0.h-z3.h}, {z0.h-z3.h}, {z8.h-z11.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c168b984 fscale {z4.h-z7.h}, {z4.h-z7.h}, {z8.h-z11.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c178b994 fscale {z20.h-z23.h}, {z20.h-z23.h}, {z24.h-z27.h} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a2b180 fscale {z0.s-z1.s}, {z0.s-z1.s}, {z2.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a2b182 fscale {z2.s-z3.s}, {z2.s-z3.s}, {z2.s-z3.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4b180 fscale {z0.s-z1.s}, {z0.s-z1.s}, {z4.s-z5.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4b182 fscale {z2.s-z3.s}, {z2.s-z3.s}, {z4.s-z5.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1b6b194 fscale {z20.s-z21.s}, {z20.s-z21.s}, {z22.s-z23.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4b980 fscale {z0.s-z3.s}, {z0.s-z3.s}, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a4b984 fscale {z4.s-z7.s}, {z4.s-z7.s}, {z4.s-z7.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a8b980 fscale {z0.s-z3.s}, {z0.s-z3.s}, {z8.s-z11.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1a8b984 fscale {z4.s-z7.s}, {z4.s-z7.s}, {z8.s-z11.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1b8b994 fscale {z20.s-z23.s}, {z20.s-z23.s}, {z24.s-z27.s} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e2b180 fscale {z0.d-z1.d}, {z0.d-z1.d}, {z2.d-z3.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e2b182 fscale {z2.d-z3.d}, {z2.d-z3.d}, {z2.d-z3.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4b180 fscale {z0.d-z1.d}, {z0.d-z1.d}, {z4.d-z5.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4b182 fscale {z2.d-z3.d}, {z2.d-z3.d}, {z4.d-z5.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1f6b194 fscale {z20.d-z21.d}, {z20.d-z21.d}, {z22.d-z23.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4b980 fscale {z0.d-z3.d}, {z0.d-z3.d}, {z4.d-z7.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e4b984 fscale {z4.d-z7.d}, {z4.d-z7.d}, {z4.d-z7.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e8b980 fscale {z0.d-z3.d}, {z0.d-z3.d}, {z8.d-z11.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1e8b984 fscale {z4.d-z7.d}, {z4.d-z7.d}, {z8.d-z11.d} +[ ]*[0-9a-f]+: c1f8b994 fscale {z20.d-z23.d}, {z20.d-z23.d}, {z24.d-z27.d} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.s b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ca2a4b4d20a --- /dev/null +++ b/gas/testsuite/gas/aarch64/sme2-fp8.s @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ + /* sme-fp8.s Test file for AArch64 SME 8-bit floating-point + vector instructions. */ + + .macro cvt_pat1, op + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z2.b + \op {z0.h-z1.h}, z4.b + \op {z2.h-z3.h}, z2.b + \op {z2.h-z3.h}, z4.b + \op {z28.h-z29.h}, z30.b + .endm + + /* Multi-vector floating-point convert from 8-bit floating-point. */ + + /* To BFloat16 (in-order) 2^-UInt(FPMR.LSCALE{2}[5:0]). */ + cvt_pat1 bf1cvt + cvt_pat1 bf2cvt + + /* To deinterleaved BFloat16 (in-order) 2^-UInt(FPMR.LSCALE{2}[5:0]). */ + cvt_pat1 bf1cvtl + cvt_pat1 bf2cvtl + + /* To half-precision (in-order) 2^-UInt(FPMR.LSCALE{2}[3:0]). */ + cvt_pat1 f1cvt + cvt_pat1 f2cvt + + /* To deinterleaved half-precision 2^-UInt(FPMR.LSCALE{2}[3:0]). */ + cvt_pat1 f1cvtl + cvt_pat1 f2cvtl + + .macro cvt_pat2, op + \op z2.b, {z0.h-z1.h} + \op z4.b, {z0.h-z1.h} + \op z2.b, {z2.h-z3.h} + \op z4.b, {z2.h-z3.h} + \op z30.b, {z28.h-z29.h} + .endm + + /* Multi-vector floating-point convert to packed 8-bit floating-point + format. */ + + /* From BFloat16 with 2^SInt(FPMR.NSCALE) scaling. */ + cvt_pat2 bfcvt + + /* From half-precision with 2^SInt(FPMR.NSCALE[4:0]) scaling. */ + cvt_pat2 fcvt + + .macro cvt_pat3, op + \op z4.b, {z0.s-z3.s} + \op z8.b, {z0.s-z3.s} + \op z4.b, {z4.s-z7.s} + \op z8.b, {z4.s-z7.s} + \op z28.b, {z24.s-z27.s} + .endm + + /* Multi-vector floating-point convert from single-precision to + {interleaved|packed} 8-bit floating-point format with + 2^SInt(FPMR.NSCALE) scaling. */ + + cvt_pat3 fcvtn /* interleaved. */ + cvt_pat3 fcvt /* packed. */ + + .macro fscale_single, w + /* pair. */ + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z0.\w - z1.\w }, z2.\w + fscale { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z2.\w - z3.\w }, z2.\w + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z0.\w - z1.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z2.\w - z3.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z24.\w-z25.\w }, { z24.\w-z25.\w }, z15.\w + /* quad. */ + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w }, z4.\w + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, z8.\w + fscale { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w }, z8.\w + fscale { z24.\w-z27.\w }, { z24.\w-z27.\w }, z15.\w + .endm + + /* Multi-vector floating-point adjust exponent by vector. + + Multiply floating-point elements of the 2 or 4 first source vecs by + 2.0^SInt(vals in the corresponding elements of 2nd source vector) + and destructively place results in corresponding elements of 2 or 4 + first source vectors. */ + + fscale_single h + fscale_single s + fscale_single d + + .macro fscale_multi, w + /* pair. */ + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z2.\w-z3.\w } + fscale { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z2.\w-z3.\w } + fscale { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z0.\w - z1.\w }, { z4.\w-z5.\w } + fscale { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z2.\w - z3.\w }, { z4.\w-z5.\w } + fscale { z20.\w-z21.\w }, { z20.\w-z21.\w }, { z22.\w-z23.\w } + /* quad. */ + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + fscale { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w } + fscale { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z0.\w-z3.\w }, { z8.\w-z11.\w } + fscale { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z4.\w-z7.\w }, { z8.\w-z11.\w } + fscale { z20.\w-z23.\w }, { z20.\w-z23.\w }, { z24.\w-z27.\w } + .endm + + /* Multi-vector floating-point adjust exponent. + + Multiply floating-point elements of the 2 or 4 first source vecs by + 2.0^SInt(vals in the corresponding elements of the 2 or 4 2nd source + vectors) and destructively place results in corresponding elements + of 2 or 4 first source vectors. */ + + fscale_multi h + fscale_multi s + fscale_multi d diff --git a/opcodes/aarch64-dis-2.c b/opcodes/aarch64-dis-2.c index 36d474403e2..46f4e2ff1fa 100644 --- a/opcodes/aarch64-dis-2.c +++ b/opcodes/aarch64-dis-2.c @@ -4465,33 +4465,44 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) { if (((word >> 5) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) - { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx101000x0xx0xxxx0 - smax. */ - return 2710; - } - else + if (((word >> 7) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 9) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx10100001xx0xxxx0 - fmax. */ - return 2545; + x1000001xx1xxxxx101000x00x0xxxx0 + smax. */ + return 2710; } else { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx10100011xx0xxxx0 - add. */ - return 2499; + if (((word >> 9) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx101000010x0xxxx0 + fmax. */ + return 2545; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx101000110x0xxxx0 + add. */ + return 2499; + } } } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx101000xx1x0xxxx0 + fscale. */ + return 3370; + } } else { @@ -4581,9 +4592,9 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) { if (((word >> 16) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 5) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 17) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 17) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 5) & 0x1) == 0) { if (((word >> 18) & 0x1) == 0) { @@ -4627,46 +4638,35 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) } } else - { - if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) - { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx10x100111000xxxx0xxxxx - frinta. */ - return 2589; - } - else - { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx11x100111000xxxx0xxxxx - frinta. */ - return 2590; - } - } - } - else - { - if (((word >> 18) & 0x1) == 0) { if (((word >> 19) & 0x1) == 0) { if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx100010111000xxxx0xxxxx - scvtf. */ - return 2694; + if (((word >> 22) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001x0100100111000xxxx0xxxxx + fcvt. */ + return 3367; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001x1100100111000xxxx0xxxxx + bfcvt. */ + return 3362; + } } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx110010111000xxxx0xxxxx - scvtf. */ - return 2695; + x1000001xx110100111000xxxx0xxxxx + fcvt. */ + return 3368; } } else @@ -4675,79 +4675,222 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx101010111000xxxx0xxxxx - frintm. */ - return 2591; + x1000001xx101100111000xxxx0xxxxx + frinta. */ + return 2589; } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx111010111000xxxx0xxxxx - frintm. */ - return 2592; + x1000001xx111100111000xxxx0xxxxx + frinta. */ + return 2590; } } } - else + } + else + { + if (((word >> 18) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 1) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 22) & 0x1) == 0) { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xx110111000xxxx0xxx0x - zip. */ - return 2959; + x1000001x01xx000111000xxxx1xxxxx + fcvtn. */ + return 2534; } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xx110111000xxxx0xxx1x - uzp. */ - return 2946; + x1000001x11xx000111000xxxx1xxxxx + bfcvtn. */ + return 2502; } } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xx100111000xxxx1xxxxx + fcvtn. */ + return 3369; + } } } else { - if (((word >> 17) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 0) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 22) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 18) & 0x1) == 0) { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001x01xxx00111000xxxx1xxxxx - fcvtn. */ - return 2534; + if (((word >> 5) & 0x1) == 0) + { + if (((word >> 19) & 0x1) == 0) + { + if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx100010111000xxxx0xxxx0 + scvtf. */ + return 2694; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx110010111000xxxx0xxxx0 + scvtf. */ + return 2695; + } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx101010111000xxxx0xxxx0 + frintm. */ + return 2591; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx111010111000xxxx0xxxx0 + frintm. */ + return 2592; + } + } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx10x010111000xxxx1xxxx0 + ucvtf. */ + return 2859; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx11x010111000xxxx1xxxx0 + ucvtf. */ + return 2860; + } + } } else { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001x11xxx00111000xxxx1xxxxx - bfcvtn. */ - return 2502; + if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) + { + if (((word >> 22) & 0x1) == 0) + { + if (((word >> 23) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x10000010010x110111000xxxxxxxxx0 + f1cvt. */ + return 3363; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x10000011010x110111000xxxxxxxxx0 + f2cvt. */ + return 3364; + } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 23) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x10000010110x110111000xxxxxxxxx0 + bf1cvt. */ + return 3358; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x10000011110x110111000xxxxxxxxx0 + bf2cvt. */ + return 3359; + } + } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 1) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx11x110111000xxxxxxxx00 + zip. */ + return 2959; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx11x110111000xxxxxxxx10 + uzp. */ + return 2946; + } + } } } else { - if (((word >> 20) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 22) & 0x1) == 0) { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx10xx10111000xxxx1xxxxx - ucvtf. */ - return 2859; + if (((word >> 23) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001001xxx10111000xxxxxxxxx1 + f1cvtl. */ + return 3365; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001101xxx10111000xxxxxxxxx1 + f2cvtl. */ + return 3366; + } } else { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx11xx10111000xxxx1xxxxx - ucvtf. */ - return 2860; + if (((word >> 23) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001011xxx10111000xxxxxxxxx1 + bf1cvtl. */ + return 3360; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001111xxx10111000xxxxxxxxx1 + bf2cvtl. */ + return 3361; + } } } } @@ -4990,21 +5133,32 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) { if (((word >> 6) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 7) & 0x1) == 0) { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1100x0x00xxxx0 - smax. */ - return 2712; + if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1100x0000xxxx0 + smax. */ + return 2712; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1100x1000xxxx0 + fmax. */ + return 2547; + } } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1100x1x00xxxx0 - fmax. */ - return 2547; + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1100xx100xxxx0 + fscale. */ + return 3372; } } else @@ -5120,53 +5274,75 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) { if (((word >> 6) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 7) & 0x1) == 0) { - if (((word >> 12) & 0x1) == 0) - { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1010x0x00xxxx0 - smax. */ - return 2711; - } - else - { - /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 - 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1110x0x00xxxx0 - smax. */ - return 2713; - } - } - else - { - if (((word >> 9) & 0x1) == 0) + if (((word >> 8) & 0x1) == 0) { if (((word >> 12) & 0x1) == 0) { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x101001x00xxxx0 - fmax. */ - return 2546; + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1010x0000xxxx0 + smax. */ + return 2711; } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x111001x00xxxx0 - fmax. */ - return 2548; + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1110x0000xxxx0 + smax. */ + return 2713; + } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 9) & 0x1) == 0) + { + if (((word >> 12) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x101001000xxxx0 + fmax. */ + return 2546; + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x111001000xxxx0 + fmax. */ + return 2548; + } + } + else + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1x1011000xxxx0 + add. */ + return 2500; } } + } + else + { + if (((word >> 12) & 0x1) == 0) + { + /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 + 10987654321098765432109876543210 + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1010xx100xxxx0 + fscale. */ + return 3371; + } else { /* 33222222222211111111110000000000 10987654321098765432109876543210 - x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1x1011x00xxxx0 - add. */ - return 2500; + x1000001xx1xxxxx1x1110xx100xxxx0 + fscale. */ + return 3373; } } } @@ -10334,7 +10510,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 x0x11010000xxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxx addpt. */ - return 3358; + return 3374; } else { @@ -10342,7 +10518,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 x1x11010000xxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxx subpt. */ - return 3359; + return 3375; } } } @@ -11260,7 +11436,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 xxxx1011x11xxxxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx maddpt. */ - return 3360; + return 3376; } else { @@ -11268,7 +11444,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 xxxx1011x11xxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx msubpt. */ - return 3361; + return 3377; } } } @@ -11353,7 +11529,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 000001x0xx000100000xxxxxxxxxxxxx addpt. */ - return 3362; + return 3378; } else { @@ -11460,7 +11636,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 000001x0xx000101000xxxxxxxxxxxxx subpt. */ - return 3364; + return 3380; } else { @@ -11665,7 +11841,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 000001x0xx1xxxxx000010xxxxxxxxxx addpt. */ - return 3363; + return 3379; } else { @@ -11706,7 +11882,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 000001x0xx1xxxxx000011xxxxxxxxxx subpt. */ - return 3365; + return 3381; } else { @@ -13364,7 +13540,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 010001x0xx0xxxxx110100xxxxxxxxxx mlapt. */ - return 3367; + return 3383; } } else @@ -13394,7 +13570,7 @@ aarch64_opcode_lookup_1 (uint32_t word) 10987654321098765432109876543210 010001x0xx0xxxxx110110xxxxxxxxxx madpt. */ - return 3366; + return 3382; } } } diff --git a/opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h b/opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h index 464d9313a37..43153f41d6b 100644 --- a/opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h +++ b/opcodes/aarch64-tbl.h @@ -6520,6 +6520,22 @@ const struct aarch64_opcode aarch64_opcode_table[] = FP8_SVE2_INSN ("fcvtn", 0x650a3000, 0xfffffc20, sve_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx2), OP_SVE_BH, 0, 0), FP8_SVE2_INSN ("fcvtnb", 0x650a3400, 0xfffffc20, sve_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx2), OP_SVE_BS, 0, 0), FP8_SVE2_INSN ("fcvtnt", 0x650a3c00, 0xfffffc20, sve_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx2), OP_SVE_BS, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("bf1cvt", 0xc166e000, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("bf2cvt", 0xc1e6e000, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("bf1cvtl", 0xc166e001, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("bf2cvtl", 0xc1e6e001, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("bfcvt", 0xc164e000, 0xfffffc20, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx2), OP_SVE_BH, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("f1cvt", 0xc126e000, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("f2cvt", 0xc1a6e000, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("f1cvtl", 0xc126e001, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("f2cvtl", 0xc1a6e001, 0xfffffc01, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SME_Zdnx2, SVE_Zn), OP_SVE_HB, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fcvt", 0xc124e000, 0xfffffc20, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx2), OP_SVE_BH, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fcvt", 0xc134e000, 0xfffffc60, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx4), OP_SVE_BS, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fcvtn", 0xc134e020, 0xfffffc60, sme_misc, 0, OP2 (SVE_Zd, SME_Znx4), OP_SVE_BS, 0, 0), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fscale", 0xc120a180, 0xff30ffe1, sme_size_22_hsd, 0, OP3 (SME_Zdnx2, SME_Zdnx2, SME_Zm), OP_SVE_VVV_HSD, 0, 1), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fscale", 0xc120a980, 0xff30ffe3, sme_size_22_hsd, 0, OP3 (SME_Zdnx4, SME_Zdnx4, SME_Zm), OP_SVE_VVV_HSD, 0, 1), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fscale", 0xc120b180, 0xff21ffe1, sme_size_22_hsd, 0, OP3 (SME_Zdnx2, SME_Zdnx2, SME_Zmx2), OP_SVE_VVV_HSD, 0, 1), + FP8_SME2_INSN ("fscale", 0xc120b980, 0xff23ffe3, sme_size_22_hsd, 0, OP3 (SME_Zdnx4, SME_Zdnx4, SME_Zmx4), OP_SVE_VVV_HSD, 0, 1), /* Checked Pointer Arithmetic Instructions. */ CPA_INSN ("addpt", 0x9a002000, 0xffe0e000, aarch64_misc, OP3 (Rd_SP, Rn_SP, Rm_LSL), QL_I3SAMEX),