[v1,06/16] Refactor ELF symbol table reading by adding a new symtab reader

Message ID 20200619214305.562-7-maennich@google.com
State Superseded
Series Refactor (k)symtab reader |

Commit Message

Matthias Männich June 19, 2020, 9:42 p.m. UTC
  Based on existing functionality, implement the reading of ELF symbol
tables as a separate component. This reduces the complexity of
abg-dwarf-reader's read_context by separating and delegating the
functionality. This also allows dedicated testing.

The new namespace symtab_reader contains a couple of new components that
work loosely coupled together. Together they allow for a consistent view
on a symbol table. With filter criteria those views can be restricted,
iterated and consistent lookup maps can be built on top of them. While
this implementation tries to address some shortcomings of the previous
model, it still provides the high level interfaces to the symbol table
contents through sorted iterating and name/address mapped access.


  While the other classes in the same namespace are merely helpers, this
  is the main implementation of symtab reading and storage.
  Symtab objects are factory created to ensure a consistent construction
  and valid invariants. Thus a symtab will be loaded by either passing
  an ELF handle (when reading from binary) or by passing a set of
  function/variable symbol maps (when reading from XML).
  When constructed they are considered const and are not writable
  anymore. As such, all public methods are const.

  The load reuses the existing implementation for loading symtab
  sections, but since the new implementation does not distinguish
  between functions and variables, the code could be simplified. The
  support for ppc64 function entry addresses has been deferred to a
  later commit.

  Linux Kernel symbol tables are now directly loaded by name when
  encountering symbols prefixed with the __ksymtab_ as per convention.
  This has been tricky in the past due to various different binary
  layouts (relocations, position relative relocations, symbol
  namespaces, CFI indirections, differences between vmlinux and kernel
  modules). Thus the new implementation is much simpler and is less
  vulnerable to future ksymtab changes. As we are also not looking up
  the Kernel symbols by addresses, we could resolve shortcomings with
  symbol aliasing: Previously a symbol and its alias were
  indistinguishable as they are having the same symbol address. We could
  not identify the one that is actually exported via ksymtab.

  One major architectural difference of this implementation is that we
  do not early discard suppressed symbols. While we keep them out of the
  vector of exported symbols, we still make them available for lookup.
  That helps addressing issues when looking up a symbol by address (e.g.
  from the ksymtab read implementation) that is suppressed. That would
  fail in the existing implementation.

  Still, we intend to only instantiate each symbol once and pass around
  shared_ptr instances to refer to it from the vector as well as from
  the lookup maps.

  For reading, there are two access paths that serve the existing
	1) lookup_symbol: either via a name or an address
	2) filtered iteration with begin(), end()

  The former is used for direct access with a clue in hand (like a name
  or an address), the latter is used for iteration (e.g. when emitting
  the XML).


  The symtab_iterator is an STL compatible iterator that is returned
  from begin() and end() of the symtab. It allows usual forward iterator
  operations and can optionally take a filter predicate to skip non
  matching elements.


  The symtab_filter serves as a predicate for the symtab_iterator by
  providing a matches(const elf_symbol_sptr&) function.  The predicate
  is built by ANDing together several conditions on attributes a symbol
  can have. The filter conditions are implemented in terms of
  std::optional<bool> members to allow a tristate: "needs to have the
  condition set", "must not have it set" and "don't care".


  This is a convenient way of building filters with a builder pattern
  and a fluent interface. Hence, filters can be expressed neatly,
  expressive and precise. When instantiated, via symtab::make_filter(),
  the filter_builder is preset with suitable defaults. The
  filter_builder is convertable to a symtab_filter by passing on the
  local filter copy and therefore serving the fluent interface.


  The filtered_symtab is a convenience zero cost abstraction that allows
  prepopulating the symtab_filter (call it a capture) such that begin()
  and end() are now accessible without the need to pass the filter
  again. Argumentless begin() and end() are a requirement for range-for
  loops and other STL based algorithms.

	* include/abg-symtab-reader.h (symtab_filter): New class.
	(symtab_filter_builder): Likewise.
	(symtab_iterator): Likewise.
	(symtab): Likewise.
	(filtered_symtab): Likewise.
	* src/abg-symtab-reader.cc (symtab_filter::matches): New.
	(symtab::make_filter): Likewise.
	(symtab::lookup_symbol): Likewise.
	(symbol_sort): Likewise.
	(symtab::load): Likewise.
	(symtab::load_): Likewise.
	* tests/test-symtab-reader.cc
	(default filter matches anything): New test case.
	(default filter built with filter_builder matches anything): Likewise.

Reviewed-by: Giuliano Procida <gprocida@google.com>
Signed-off-by: Matthias Maennich <maennich@google.com>
 include/abg-symtab-reader.h | 371 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/abg-symtab-reader.cc    | 313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test-symtab-reader.cc |  23 +++
 3 files changed, 706 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


diff --git a/include/abg-symtab-reader.h b/include/abg-symtab-reader.h
index b61e6399fe93..86335617d46a 100644
--- a/include/abg-symtab-reader.h
+++ b/include/abg-symtab-reader.h
@@ -27,12 +27,381 @@ 
 #ifndef __ABG_SYMTAB_READER_H__
 #define __ABG_SYMTAB_READER_H__
+#include <gelf.h>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include "abg-cxx-compat.h"
+#include "abg-ir.h"
 namespace abigail
 namespace symtab_reader
+class symtab_filter_builder;
+/// The symtab filter is the object passed to the symtab object in order to
+/// iterate over the symbols in the symtab while applying filters.
+/// The general idea is that it consists of a set of optionally enforced flags,
+/// such as 'functions' or 'variables'. If not set, those are not filtered for,
+/// neither inclusive nor exclusive. If set they are all ANDed together.
+class symtab_filter
+  // The symtab_filter_builder helps us to build filters efficiently, hence
+  // let's be nice and grant access to our internals.
+  friend class symtab_filter_builder;
+  // Default constructor disabling all features.
+  symtab_filter() {}
+  /// Determine whether a symbol is matching the filter criteria of this filter
+  /// object. In terms of a filter functionality, you would _not_ filter out
+  /// this symbol if it passes this (i.e. returns true).
+  ///
+  /// @param symbol The Elf symbol under test.
+  ///
+  /// @return whether the symbol matches all relevant / required criteria
+  bool
+  matches(const elf_symbol_sptr& symbol) const;
+  // The symbol is a function (FUNC)
+  abg_compat::optional<bool> functions_;
+  // The symbol is a variables (OBJECT)
+  abg_compat::optional<bool> variables_;
+  // The symbol is publicly accessible (global/weak with default/protected
+  // visibility)
+  abg_compat::optional<bool> public_symbols_;
+  // The symbols is not defined (declared)
+  abg_compat::optional<bool> undefined_symbols_;
+  // The symbol is listed in the ksymtab (for Linux Kernel binaries).
+  abg_compat::optional<bool> kernel_symbols_;
+/// Helper class to provide an attractive interface to build symtab_filters.
+/// When constructed, the helper instantiates a default symtab_filter and
+/// allows modifications to it via builder pattern / fluent interface.
+/// When assigned to a symtab_filter instance, it converts by returning the
+/// locally build symtab_filter instance.
+/// Example usage:
+///   const symtab_filter filter =
+///                symtab_filter_builder().functions().kernel_symbols();
+/// In that case we would filter for the conjunction of function symbols that
+/// also appear in the ksymtab (i.e. kernel symbols).
+class symtab_filter_builder
+  /// Enable inclusive / exclusive filtering for functions.
+  symtab_filter_builder&
+  functions(bool value = true)
+  { filter_.functions_ = value; return *this; }
+  /// Enable inclusive / exclusive filtering for variables.
+  symtab_filter_builder&
+  variables(bool value = true)
+  { filter_.variables_ = value; return *this; }
+  /// Enable inclusive / exclusive filtering for public symbols.
+  symtab_filter_builder&
+  public_symbols(bool value = true)
+  { filter_.public_symbols_ = value; return *this; }
+  /// Enable inclusive / exclusive filtering for undefined symbols.
+  symtab_filter_builder&
+  undefined_symbols(bool value = true)
+  { filter_.undefined_symbols_ = value; return *this; }
+  /// Enable inclusive / exclusive filtering for kernel symbols.
+  symtab_filter_builder&
+  kernel_symbols(bool value = true)
+  { filter_.kernel_symbols_ = value; return *this; }
+  /// Convert seamlessly to a symtab_filter instance.
+  ///
+  /// We could possibly validate the filter constellations here. For now, we
+  /// just return the local filter instance.
+  operator symtab_filter() { return filter_; }
+  /// Local symtab_filter instance that we build and eventually pass on.
+  symtab_filter filter_;
+/// Base iterator for our custom iterator based on whatever the const_iterator
+/// is for a vector of symbols.
+/// As of writing this, std::vector<elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator.
+typedef elf_symbols::const_iterator base_iterator;
+/// An iterator to walk a vector of elf_symbols filtered by symtab_filter.
+/// The implementation inherits all properties from the vector's
+/// const_iterator, but intercepts where necessary to allow effective
+/// filtering. This makes it a STL compatible iterator for general purpose
+/// usage.
+class symtab_iterator : public base_iterator
+  typedef base_iterator::value_type	 value_type;
+  typedef base_iterator::reference	 reference;
+  typedef base_iterator::pointer	 pointer;
+  typedef base_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
+  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag	 iterator_category;
+  /// Construct the iterator based on a pair of underlying iterators and a
+  /// symtab_filter object. Immediately fast forward to the next element that
+  /// matches the criteria (if any).
+  symtab_iterator(base_iterator	       begin,
+		  base_iterator	       end,
+		  const symtab_filter& filter = symtab_filter())
+    : base_iterator(begin), end_(end), filter_(filter)
+  { skip_to_next(); }
+  /// Pre-increment operator to advance to the next matching element.
+  symtab_iterator&
+  operator++()
+  {
+    base_iterator::operator++();
+    skip_to_next();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Post-increment operator to advance to the next matching element.
+  symtab_iterator
+  operator++(int)
+  {
+    symtab_iterator result(*this);
+    ++(*this);
+    return result;
+  }
+  /// The end of the underlying iterator.
+  const base_iterator end_;
+  /// The symtab_filter used to determine when to advance.
+  const symtab_filter& filter_;
+  /// Skip to the next element that matches the filter criteria (if any). Hold
+  /// off when reaching the end of the underlying iterator.
+  void
+  skip_to_next()
+  {
+    while (*this != end_ && !filter_.matches(**this))
+      ++(*this);
+  }
+/// Convenience declaration of a shared_ptr<symtab>
+class symtab;
+typedef abg_compat::shared_ptr<symtab> symtab_sptr;
+/// symtab is the actual data container of the symtab_reader implementation.
+/// The symtab is instantiated either via an Elf handle (from binary) or from a
+/// set of existing symbol maps (usually when instantiated from XML). It will
+/// then discover the symtab, possibly the ksymtab (for Linux Kernel binaries)
+/// and setup the data containers and lookup maps for later perusal.
+/// The symtab is supposed to be used in a const context as all information is
+/// already computed at construction time. Symbols are stored sorted to allow
+/// deterministic reading of the entries.
+/// An example use of the symtab class is
+/// const symtab_sptr   tab    = symtab::load(elf_handle, env);
+/// const symtab_filter filter = tab->make_filter()
+///                              .public_symbols()
+///                              .functions();
+/// for (symtab::const_iterator I = tab.begin(filter), E = tab.end();
+///                             I != E; ++I)
+///   {
+///       std::cout << (*I)->get_name() << "\n";
+///   }
+/// C++11 and later allows a more brief syntax for the same:
+///   for (const auto& symbol : filtered_symtab(*tab, filter))
+///     {
+///       std::cout << symbol->get_name() << "\n";
+///     }
+/// This uses the filtered_symtab proxy object to capture the filter.
+class symtab
+  typedef abg_compat::function<bool(const elf_symbol_sptr&)> symbol_predicate;
+  /// Indicate whether any (kernel) symbols have been seen at construction.
+  ///
+  /// @return true if there are symbols detected earlier.
+  bool
+  has_symbols() const
+  { return is_kernel_binary_ ? has_ksymtab_entries_ : !symbols_.empty(); }
+  /// Obtain a suitable default filter for iterating this symtab object.
+  ///
+  /// The symtab_filter_build obtained is populated with some sensible default
+  /// settings, such as public_symbols(true) and kernel_symbols(true) if the
+  /// binary has been identified as Linux Kernel binary.
+  ///
+  /// @return a symtab_filter_builder with sensible populated defaults
+  symtab_filter_builder
+  make_filter() const;
+  /// The (only) iterator type we offer is a const_iterator implemented by the
+  /// symtab_iterator.
+  typedef symtab_iterator const_iterator;
+  /// Obtain an iterator to the beginning of the symtab according to the filter
+  /// criteria. Whenever this iterator advances, it skips elements that do not
+  /// match the filter criteria.
+  ///
+  /// @param filter the symtab_filter to match symbols against
+  ///
+  /// @return a filtering const_iterator of the underlying type
+  const_iterator
+  begin(const symtab_filter& filter) const
+  { return symtab_iterator(symbols_.begin(), symbols_.end(), filter); }
+  /// Obtain an iterator to the end of the symtab.
+  ///
+  /// @return an end iterator
+  const_iterator
+  end() const
+  { return symtab_iterator(symbols_.end(), symbols_.end()); }
+  /// Get a vector of symbols that are associated with a certain name
+  ///
+  /// @param name the name the symbols need to match
+  ///
+  /// @return a vector of symbols, empty if no matching symbols have been found
+  const elf_symbols&
+  lookup_symbol(const std::string& name) const;
+  /// Lookup a symbol by its address
+  ///
+  /// @param symbol_addr the starting address of the symbol
+  ///
+  /// @return a symbol if found, else an empty sptr
+  const elf_symbol_sptr&
+  lookup_symbol(GElf_Addr symbol_addr) const;
+  /// Construct a symtab object and instantiate from an ELF handle. Also pass
+  /// in an ir::environment handle to interact with the context we are living
+  /// in. If specified, the symbol_predicate will be respected when creating
+  /// the full vector of symbols.
+  static symtab_sptr
+  load(Elf*		elf_handle,
+       ir::environment* env,
+       symbol_predicate is_suppressed = NULL);
+  /// Construct a symtab object from existing name->symbol lookup maps.
+  /// They were possibly read from a different representation (XML maybe).
+  static symtab_sptr
+  load(string_elf_symbols_map_sptr function_symbol_map,
+       string_elf_symbols_map_sptr variables_symbol_map);
+  /// Default constructor. Private to enforce creation by factory methods.
+  symtab();
+  /// The vector of symbols we discovered.
+  elf_symbols symbols_;
+  /// Whether this is a Linux Kernel binary
+  bool is_kernel_binary_;
+  /// Whether this kernel_binary has ksymtab entries
+  ///
+  /// A kernel module might not have a ksymtab if it does not export any
+  /// symbols. In order to quickly decide whether the symbol table is empty, we
+  /// remember whether we ever saw ksymtab entries.
+  bool has_ksymtab_entries_;
+  /// Lookup map name->symbol(s)
+  typedef abg_compat::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<elf_symbol_sptr> >
+		       name_symbol_map_type;
+  name_symbol_map_type name_symbol_map_;
+  /// Lookup map name->symbol
+  typedef abg_compat::unordered_map<GElf_Addr, elf_symbol_sptr>
+		       addr_symbol_map_type;
+  addr_symbol_map_type addr_symbol_map_;
+  /// Load the symtab representation from an Elf binary presented to us by an
+  /// Elf* handle.
+  ///
+  /// This method iterates over the entries of .symtab and collects all
+  /// interesting symbols (functions and variables).
+  ///
+  /// In case of a Linux Kernel binary, it also collects information about the
+  /// symbols exported via EXPORT_SYMBOL in the Kernel that would then end up
+  /// having a corresponding __ksymtab entry.
+  ///
+  /// Symbols that are suppressed will be omitted from the symbols_ vector, but
+  /// still be discoverable through the name->symbol and addr->symbol lookup
+  /// maps.
+  bool
+  load_(Elf* elf_handle, ir::environment* env, symbol_predicate is_suppressed);
+  /// Load the symtab representation from a function/variable lookup map pair.
+  ///
+  /// This method assumes the lookup maps are correct and sets up the data
+  /// vector as well as the name->symbol lookup map. The addr->symbol lookup
+  /// map cannot be set up in this case.
+  bool
+  load_(string_elf_symbols_map_sptr function_symbol_map,
+       string_elf_symbols_map_sptr variables_symbol_map);
+/// Helper class to allow range-for loops on symtabs for C++11 and later code.
+/// It serves as a proxy for the symtab iterator and provides a begin() method
+/// without arguments, as required for range-for loops (and possibly other
+/// iterator based transformations).
+/// Example usage:
+///   for (const auto& symbol : filtered_symtab(tab, filter))
+///     {
+///       std::cout << symbol->get_name() << "\n";
+///     }
+class filtered_symtab
+  const symtab&	      tab_;
+  const symtab_filter filter_;
+  /// Construct the proxy object keeping references to the underlying symtab
+  /// and the filter object.
+  filtered_symtab(const symtab& tab, const symtab_filter& filter)
+    : tab_(tab), filter_(filter) { }
+  /// Pass through symtab.begin(), but also pass on the filter.
+  symtab::const_iterator
+  begin() const
+  { return tab_.begin(filter_); }
+  /// Pass through symtab.end().
+  symtab::const_iterator
+  end() const
+  { return tab_.end(); }
 } // end namespace symtab_reader
 } // end namespace abigail
diff --git a/src/abg-symtab-reader.cc b/src/abg-symtab-reader.cc
index 1f934d3a7609..c98b9174490c 100644
--- a/src/abg-symtab-reader.cc
+++ b/src/abg-symtab-reader.cc
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ 
 // -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
 // Copyright (C) 2020 Google, Inc.
 // This file is part of the GNU Application Binary Interface Generic
@@ -24,7 +25,18 @@ 
 /// This contains the definition of the symtab reader
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "abg-cxx-compat.h"
+#include "abg-elf-helpers.h"
+#include "abg-fwd.h"
+#include "abg-internal.h"
+#include "abg-tools-utils.h"
 #include "abg-symtab-reader.h"
 namespace abigail
@@ -32,5 +44,306 @@  namespace abigail
 namespace symtab_reader
+/// symtab_filter implementations
+symtab_filter::matches(const elf_symbol_sptr& symbol) const
+  if (functions_ && *functions_ != symbol->is_function())
+    return false;
+  if (variables_ && *variables_ != symbol->is_variable())
+    return false;
+  if (public_symbols_ && *public_symbols_ != symbol->is_public())
+    return false;
+  if (undefined_symbols_ && *undefined_symbols_ == symbol->is_defined())
+    return false;
+  if (kernel_symbols_ && *kernel_symbols_ != symbol->is_in_ksymtab())
+    return false;
+  return true;
+/// symtab implementations
+symtab::make_filter() const
+  symtab_filter_builder builder;
+  builder.public_symbols();
+  if (is_kernel_binary_)
+    builder.kernel_symbols();
+  return builder;
+const elf_symbols&
+symtab::lookup_symbol(const std::string& name) const
+  static const elf_symbols empty_result;
+  const name_symbol_map_type::const_iterator it = name_symbol_map_.find(name);
+  if (it != name_symbol_map_.end())
+    {
+      return it->second;
+    }
+  return empty_result;
+const elf_symbol_sptr&
+symtab::lookup_symbol(GElf_Addr symbol_addr) const
+  static const elf_symbol_sptr empty_result;
+  const addr_symbol_map_type::const_iterator it =
+      addr_symbol_map_.find(symbol_addr);
+  if (it != addr_symbol_map_.end())
+    {
+      return it->second;
+    }
+  return empty_result;
+/// A symbol sorting functor.
+static struct
+  bool
+  operator()(const elf_symbol_sptr& left, const elf_symbol_sptr& right)
+  { return left->get_id_string() < right->get_id_string(); }
+} symbol_sort;
+symtab::load(Elf*	      elf_handle,
+	     ir::environment* env,
+	     symbol_predicate is_suppressed)
+  ABG_ASSERT(elf_handle);
+  ABG_ASSERT(env);
+  symtab_sptr result(new symtab);
+  if (!result->load_(elf_handle, env, is_suppressed))
+    return symtab_sptr();
+  return result;
+symtab::load(string_elf_symbols_map_sptr function_symbol_map,
+	     string_elf_symbols_map_sptr variables_symbol_map)
+  symtab_sptr result(new symtab);
+  if (!result->load_(function_symbol_map, variables_symbol_map))
+    return symtab_sptr();
+  return result;
+symtab::symtab() : is_kernel_binary_(false), has_ksymtab_entries_(false) {}
+symtab::load_(Elf*	       elf_handle,
+	      ir::environment* env,
+	      symbol_predicate is_suppressed)
+  Elf_Scn* symtab_section = elf_helpers::find_symbol_table_section(elf_handle);
+  if (!symtab_section)
+    {
+      std::cerr << "No symbol table found: Skipping symtab load.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+  GElf_Shdr symtab_sheader;
+  gelf_getshdr(symtab_section, &symtab_sheader);
+  // check for bogus section header
+  if (symtab_sheader.sh_entsize == 0)
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Invalid symtab header found: Skipping symtab load.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+  const size_t number_syms =
+      symtab_sheader.sh_size / symtab_sheader.sh_entsize;
+  Elf_Data* symtab = elf_getdata(symtab_section, 0);
+  if (!symtab)
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Could not load elf symtab: Skipping symtab load.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+  const bool is_kernel = elf_helpers::is_linux_kernel(elf_handle);
+  abg_compat::unordered_set<std::string> exported_kernel_symbols;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < number_syms; ++i)
+    {
+      GElf_Sym *sym, sym_mem;
+      sym = gelf_getsym(symtab, i, &sym_mem);
+      if (!sym)
+	{
+	  std::cerr << "Could not load symbol with index " << i
+		    << ": Skipping symtab load.\n";
+	  return false;
+	}
+      const char* name_str =
+	  elf_strptr(elf_handle, symtab_sheader.sh_link, sym->st_name);
+      // no name, no game
+      if (!name_str)
+	continue;
+      // Handle ksymtab entries. Every symbol entry that starts with __ksymtab_
+      // indicates that the symbol in question is exported through ksymtab. We
+      // do not know whether this is ksymtab_gpl or ksymtab, but that is good
+      // enough for now.
+      //
+      // We could follow up with this entry:
+      //
+      // symbol_value -> ksymtab_entry in either ksymtab_gpl or ksymtab
+      //              -> addr/name/namespace (in case of PREL32: offset)
+      //
+      // That way we could also detect ksymtab<>ksymtab_gpl changes or changes
+      // of the symbol namespace.
+      //
+      // As of now this lookup is fragile, as occasionally ksymtabs are empty
+      // (seen so far for kernel modules and LTO builds). Hence we stick to the
+      // fairly safe assumption that ksymtab exported entries are having an
+      // appearence as __ksymtab_<symbol> in the symtab.
+      const std::string name = name_str;
+      if (is_kernel && name.rfind("__ksymtab_", 0) == 0)
+	{
+	  ABG_ASSERT(exported_kernel_symbols.insert(name.substr(10)).second);
+	  continue;
+	}
+      // filter out uninteresting entries and only keep functions/variables for
+      // now. The rest might be interesting in the future though.
+      const int sym_type = GELF_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info);
+      if (!(sym_type == STT_FUNC
+	    || sym_type == STT_GNU_IFUNC
+	    // If the symbol is for an OBJECT, the index of the
+	    // section it refers to cannot be absolute.
+	    // Otherwise that OBJECT is not a variable.
+	    || (sym_type == STT_OBJECT && sym->st_shndx != SHN_ABS)
+	    || sym_type == STT_TLS))
+	continue;
+      const bool sym_is_defined = sym->st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF;
+      // this occurs in relocatable files.
+      const bool sym_is_common = sym->st_shndx == SHN_COMMON;
+      elf_symbol::version ver;
+      elf_helpers::get_version_for_symbol(elf_handle, i, sym_is_defined, ver);
+      const elf_symbol_sptr& symbol_sptr = elf_symbol::create(
+	  env, i, sym->st_size, name,
+	  elf_helpers::stt_to_elf_symbol_type(GELF_ST_TYPE(sym->st_info)),
+	  elf_helpers::stb_to_elf_symbol_binding(GELF_ST_BIND(sym->st_info)),
+	  sym_is_defined, sym_is_common, ver,
+	  elf_helpers::stv_to_elf_symbol_visibility(
+	      GELF_ST_VISIBILITY(sym->st_other)),
+	  false); // TODO: is_linux_strings_cstr
+      // We do not take suppressed symbols into our symbol vector to avoid
+      // accidental leakage. But we ensure supressed symbols are otherwise set
+      // up for lookup.
+      if (!(is_suppressed && is_suppressed(symbol_sptr)))
+	// add to the symbol vector
+	symbols_.push_back(symbol_sptr);
+      else
+	symbol_sptr->set_is_suppressed(true);
+      // add to the name->symbol lookup
+      name_symbol_map_[name].push_back(symbol_sptr);
+      // add to the addr->symbol lookup
+      if (symbol_sptr->is_common_symbol())
+	{
+	  const name_symbol_map_type::iterator it =
+	      name_symbol_map_.find(name);
+	  ABG_ASSERT(it != name_symbol_map_.end());
+	  const elf_symbols& common_sym_instances = it->second;
+	  ABG_ASSERT(!common_sym_instances.empty());
+	  if (common_sym_instances.size() > 1)
+	    {
+	      elf_symbol_sptr main_common_sym = common_sym_instances[0];
+	      ABG_ASSERT(main_common_sym->get_name() == name);
+	      ABG_ASSERT(main_common_sym->is_common_symbol());
+	      ABG_ASSERT(symbol_sptr.get() != main_common_sym.get());
+	      main_common_sym->add_common_instance(symbol_sptr);
+	    }
+	}
+      else if (symbol_sptr->is_defined())
+	{
+	  const GElf_Addr symbol_value =
+	      elf_helpers::maybe_adjust_et_rel_sym_addr_to_abs_addr(elf_handle,
+								    sym);
+	  const std::pair<addr_symbol_map_type::const_iterator, bool> result =
+	      addr_symbol_map_.insert(
+		  std::make_pair(symbol_value, symbol_sptr));
+	  if (!result.second)
+	    result.first->second->get_main_symbol()->add_alias(symbol_sptr);
+	}
+    }
+  is_kernel_binary_ = elf_helpers::is_linux_kernel(elf_handle);
+  // Now apply the ksymtab_exported attribute to the symbols we collected.
+  for (abg_compat::unordered_set<std::string>::const_iterator
+	   it = exported_kernel_symbols.begin(),
+	   en = exported_kernel_symbols.end();
+       it != en; ++it)
+    {
+      const name_symbol_map_type::const_iterator r =
+	  name_symbol_map_.find(*it);
+      if (r == name_symbol_map_.end())
+	continue;
+      for (elf_symbols::const_iterator sym_it = r->second.begin(),
+				       sym_end = r->second.end();
+	   sym_it != sym_end; ++sym_it)
+	{
+	  if ((*sym_it)->is_public())
+	    (*sym_it)->set_is_in_ksymtab(true);
+	}
+      has_ksymtab_entries_ = true;
+    }
+  // sort the symbols for deterministic output
+  std::sort(symbols_.begin(), symbols_.end(), symbol_sort);
+  return true;
+symtab::load_(string_elf_symbols_map_sptr function_symbol_map,
+	     string_elf_symbols_map_sptr variables_symbol_map)
+  if (function_symbol_map)
+    for (string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator
+	     it = function_symbol_map->begin(),
+	     end = function_symbol_map->end();
+	 it != end; ++it)
+      {
+	symbols_.insert(symbols_.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
+	ABG_ASSERT(name_symbol_map_.insert(*it).second);
+      }
+  if (variables_symbol_map)
+    for (string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator
+	     it = variables_symbol_map->begin(),
+	     end = variables_symbol_map->end();
+	 it != end; ++it)
+      {
+	symbols_.insert(symbols_.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
+	ABG_ASSERT(name_symbol_map_.insert(*it).second);
+      }
+  // sort the symbols for deterministic output
+  std::sort(symbols_.begin(), symbols_.end(), symbol_sort);
+  return true;
 } // end namespace symtab_reader
 } // end namespace abigail
diff --git a/tests/test-symtab-reader.cc b/tests/test-symtab-reader.cc
index c2e30d661017..383166c88875 100644
--- a/tests/test-symtab-reader.cc
+++ b/tests/test-symtab-reader.cc
@@ -28,3 +28,26 @@ 
 #include "abg-symtab-reader.h"
+namespace abigail
+using symtab_reader::symtab_filter;
+using symtab_reader::symtab_filter_builder;
+TEST_CASE("default symtab_filter matches anything",
+	  "[symtab_reader, symtab_filter]")
+  const symtab_filter	  filter;
+  const elf_symbol_sptr symbol; // not initialized!
+  CHECK(filter.matches(symbol));
+TEST_CASE("default symtab_filter built with filter_builder matches anything",
+	  "[symtab_reader, symtab_filter, symtab_filter_builder]")
+  const symtab_filter filter = symtab_filter_builder();
+  const elf_symbol_sptr symbol; // not initialized!
+  CHECK(filter.matches(symbol));
+} // namespace abigail